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rev 8961 : [mq]: diff-shenandoah.patch

1501   develop(bool, TraceClearedExceptions, false,                              \
1502           "Print when an exception is forcibly cleared")                    \
1503                                                                             \
1504   product(bool, TraceClassResolution, false,                                \
1505           "Trace all constant pool resolutions (for debugging)")            \
1506                                                                             \
1507   product(bool, TraceBiasedLocking, false,                                  \
1508           "Trace biased locking in JVM")                                    \
1509                                                                             \
1510   product(bool, TraceMonitorInflation, false,                               \
1511           "Trace monitor inflation in JVM")                                 \
1512                                                                             \
1513   /* gc */                                                                  \
1514                                                                             \
1515   product(bool, UseSerialGC, false,                                         \
1516           "Use the Serial garbage collector")                               \
1517                                                                             \
1518   product(bool, UseG1GC, false,                                             \
1519           "Use the Garbage-First garbage collector")                        \
1520                                                                             \

1521   product(bool, UseParallelGC, false,                                       \
1522           "Use the Parallel Scavenge garbage collector")                    \
1523                                                                             \
1524   product(bool, UseParallelOldGC, false,                                    \
1525           "Use the Parallel Old garbage collector")                         \
1526                                                                             \
1527   product(uintx, HeapMaximumCompactionInterval, 20,                         \
1528           "How often should we maximally compact the heap (not allowing "   \
1529           "any dead space)")                                                \
1530                                                                             \
1531   product(uintx, HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount, 3,                        \
1532           "The collection count for the first maximum compaction")          \
1533                                                                             \
1534   product(bool, UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC, true,                       \
1535           "Use maximum compaction in the Parallel Old garbage collector "   \
1536           "for a system GC")                                                \
1537                                                                             \
1538   product(uintx, ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean, 50,                        \
1539           "The mean used by the parallel compact dead wood "                \
1540           "limiter (a number between 0-100)")                               \

1501   develop(bool, TraceClearedExceptions, false,                              \
1502           "Print when an exception is forcibly cleared")                    \
1503                                                                             \
1504   product(bool, TraceClassResolution, false,                                \
1505           "Trace all constant pool resolutions (for debugging)")            \
1506                                                                             \
1507   product(bool, TraceBiasedLocking, false,                                  \
1508           "Trace biased locking in JVM")                                    \
1509                                                                             \
1510   product(bool, TraceMonitorInflation, false,                               \
1511           "Trace monitor inflation in JVM")                                 \
1512                                                                             \
1513   /* gc */                                                                  \
1514                                                                             \
1515   product(bool, UseSerialGC, false,                                         \
1516           "Use the Serial garbage collector")                               \
1517                                                                             \
1518   product(bool, UseG1GC, false,                                             \
1519           "Use the Garbage-First garbage collector")                        \
1520                                                                             \
1521   product(bool, UseShenandoahGC, false,                                     \
1522           "Use the Shenandoah garbage collector")                           \
1523                                                                             \
1524   product(uintx, ShenandoahHeapRegionSize, 0,                               \
1525           "Size of the Shenandoah regions.")                                \
1526                                                                             \
1527   develop(bool, ShenandoahDumpHeapBeforeConcurrentMark, false,              \
1528           "Dump the ShenanodahHeap Before Each ConcurrentMark")             \
1529                                                                             \
1530   develop(bool, ShenandoahDumpHeapAfterConcurrentMark, false,               \
1531           "Dump the ShenanodahHeap After Each Concurrent Mark")             \
1532                                                                             \
1533   product(bool, ShenandoahTraceFullGC, false,                               \
1534           "Trace Shenandoah full GC")                                       \
1535                                                                             \
1536   product(bool, ShenandoahTracePhases, false,                               \
1537           "Trace Shenandoah GC phases")                                     \
1538                                                                             \
1539   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceJNICritical, false,                          \
1540           "Trace Shenandoah stalls for JNI critical regions")               \
1541                                                                             \
1542   product(bool, ShenandoahTraceHumongous, false,                            \
1543           "Trace Shenandoah humongous objects")                             \
1544                                                                             \
1545   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceAllocations, false,                          \
1546           "Trace Shenandoah Allocations")                                   \
1547                                                                             \
1548   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceBrooksPointers, false,                       \
1549           "Trace Brooks Pointer updates")                                   \
1550                                                                             \
1551   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceEvacuations, false,                          \
1552           "Trace Shenandoah Evacuations")                                   \
1553                                                                             \
1554   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyWritesToFromSpace, false,                   \
1555           "Use Memory Protection to signal illegal writes to from space")   \
1556                                                                             \
1557   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyReadsToFromSpace, false,                    \
1558           "Use Memory Protection to signal illegal reads to from space")    \
1559                                                                             \
1560   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceConcurrentMarking, false,                    \
1561           "Trace Concurrent Marking")                                       \
1562                                                                             \
1563   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceUpdates, false,                              \
1564           "Trace Shenandoah Updates")                                       \
1565                                                                             \
1566   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceTLabs, false,                                \
1567           "Trace TLabs in Shenandoah Heap")                                 \
1568                                                                             \
1569   product(bool, ShenandoahProcessReferences, true,                          \
1570           "Enable processing of (soft/weak/..) references in Shenandoah")   \
1571                                                                             \
1572   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceWeakReferences, false,                       \
1573           "Trace Weak Reference Processing in Shenandoah Heap")             \
1574                                                                             \
1575   product(bool, ShenandoahGCVerbose, false,                                 \
1576           "Verbose information about the Shenandoah garbage collector")     \
1577                                                                             \
1578   product(bool, ShenandoahLogConfig, false,                                 \
1579           "Log information about Shenandoah's configuration settings")      \
1580                                                                             \
1581   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerify, false,                                    \
1582           "Verify the  Shenandoah garbage collector")                       \
1583                                                                             \
1584   product(bool, ShenandoahParallelRootScan, true,                           \
1585           "Turn on/off parallel root scanning in Shenandoah")               \
1586                                                                             \
1587   product(bool, ShenandoahConcurrentEvacuation, true,                       \
1588           "Turn on/off concurrent evacuation in Shenandoah")                \
1589                                                                             \
1590   product(bool, ShenandoahConcurrentMarking, true,                          \
1591           "Turn on/off concurrent marking in Shenandoah")                   \
1592                                                                             \
1593   product(bool, ShenandoahUpdateRefsEarly,false,                            \
1594           "Turn on/off early updating of references in Shenandoah")         \
1595                                                                             \
1596   product(bool, ShenandoahConcurrentUpdateRefs, true,                       \
1597           "Turn on/off concurrent reference updating in Shenandoah")        \
1598                                                                             \
1599   product(bool, ShenandoahWriteBarrier, true,                               \
1600           "Turn on/off write barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
1601                                                                             \
1602   product(bool, ShenandoahReadBarrier, true,                                \
1603           "Turn on/off read barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
1604                                                                             \
1605   product(ccstr, ShenandoahGCHeuristics, "dynamic",                         \
1606           "The heuristics to use in Shenandoah GC; possible values: "       \
1607           "statusquo, aggressive, halfway, lazy, dynamic")                  \
1608                                                                             \
1609   product(uintx, ShenandoahGarbageThreshold, 60,                            \
1610           "Sets the percentage of garbage a region need to contain before " \
1611           "it can be marked for collection. Applies to "                    \
1612           "Shenandoah GC dynamic Heuristic mode only (ignored otherwise)")  \
1613                                                                             \
1614   product(uintx, ShenandoahFreeThreshold, 25,                               \
1615           "Set the percentage of heap free in relation to the total "       \
1616           "capacity before a region can enter the concurrent marking "      \
1617           "phase. Applies to Shenandoah GC dynamic Heuristic mode only "    \
1618           "(ignored otherwise)")                                            \
1619                                                                             \
1620   product(uintx, ShenandoahInitialFreeThreshold, 50,                        \
1621           "Set the percentage of heap free in relation to the total "       \
1622           "capacity before a region can enter the concurrent marking "      \
1623           "phase. Applies to Shenandoah GC dynamic Heuristic mode only "    \
1624           "(ignored otherwise)")                                            \
1625                                                                             \
1626   product(uintx, ShenandoahAllocationThreshold, 0,                          \
1627           "Set the number of bytes allocated since last GC cycle before"    \
1628           "a region can enter the concurrent marking "                      \
1629           "phase. Applies to Shenandoah GC dynamic Heuristic mode only "    \
1630           "(ignored otherwise)")                                            \
1631                                                                             \
1632   product(uintx, ShenandoahTargetHeapOccupancy, 80,                         \
1633           "Sets the target maximum percentage occupance of the heap we"     \
1634           "would like to maintain."                                         \
1635           "Shenandoah GC newadaptive Heuristic mode only.")                 \
1636                                                                             \
1637   product(bool, ShenandoahPrintCollectionSet, false,                        \
1638           "Print the collection set before each GC phase")                  \
1639                                                                             \
1640   product(bool, UseParallelGC, false,                                   \
1641           "Use the Parallel Scavenge garbage collector")                    \
1642                                                                             \
1643   product(bool, UseParallelOldGC, false,                                    \
1644           "Use the Parallel Old garbage collector")                         \
1645                                                                             \
1646   product(uintx, HeapMaximumCompactionInterval, 20,                         \
1647           "How often should we maximally compact the heap (not allowing "   \
1648           "any dead space)")                                                \
1649                                                                             \
1650   product(uintx, HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount, 3,                        \
1651           "The collection count for the first maximum compaction")          \
1652                                                                             \
1653   product(bool, UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC, true,                       \
1654           "Use maximum compaction in the Parallel Old garbage collector "   \
1655           "for a system GC")                                                \
1656                                                                             \
1657   product(uintx, ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean, 50,                        \
1658           "The mean used by the parallel compact dead wood "                \
1659           "limiter (a number between 0-100)")                               \

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