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rev 11463 : Backport Traversal GC

  22  */
  27 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 /**
  30  * This provides the following in JVMStat:
  31  *
  32  * constants:
  33  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.timestamp    the timestamp for this sample
  34  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.max_regions  maximum number of regions
  35  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.region_size  size per region, in kilobytes
  36  *
  37  * variables:
  38  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.status       current GC status:
  39  *     - bit 0 set when marking in progress
  40  *     - bit 1 set when evacuation in progress
  41  *     - bit 2 set when update refs in progress

  42  *
  43  * one variable counter per region, with $max_regions (see above) counters:
  44  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.region.$i.data
  45  * where $ is the region number from 0 <= i < $max_regions
  46  *
  47  * .data is in the following format:
  48  * - bits 0-6    used memory in percent
  49  * - bits 7-13   live memory in percent
  50  * - bits 14-20  tlab allocated memory in percent
  51  * - bits 21-27  gclab allocated memory in percent
  52  * - bits 28-34  shared allocated memory in percent
  53  * - bits 35-41  <reserved>
  54  * - bits 42-50  <reserved>
  55  * - bits 51-57  <reserved>
  56  *      - bits describe the state as recorded in ShenandoahHeapRegion
  57  */
  58 class ShenandoahHeapRegionCounters : public CHeapObj<mtGC>  {
  59 private:
  60   static const jlong PERCENT_MASK = 0x7f;
  61   static const jlong STATUS_MASK  = 0x3f;

  22  */
  27 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 /**
  30  * This provides the following in JVMStat:
  31  *
  32  * constants:
  33  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.timestamp    the timestamp for this sample
  34  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.max_regions  maximum number of regions
  35  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.region_size  size per region, in kilobytes
  36  *
  37  * variables:
  38  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.status       current GC status:
  39  *     - bit 0 set when marking in progress
  40  *     - bit 1 set when evacuation in progress
  41  *     - bit 2 set when update refs in progress
  42  *     - bit 3 set when traversal in progress
  43  *
  44  * one variable counter per region, with $max_regions (see above) counters:
  45  * - sun.gc.shenandoah.regions.region.$i.data
  46  * where $ is the region number from 0 <= i < $max_regions
  47  *
  48  * .data is in the following format:
  49  * - bits 0-6    used memory in percent
  50  * - bits 7-13   live memory in percent
  51  * - bits 14-20  tlab allocated memory in percent
  52  * - bits 21-27  gclab allocated memory in percent
  53  * - bits 28-34  shared allocated memory in percent
  54  * - bits 35-41  <reserved>
  55  * - bits 42-50  <reserved>
  56  * - bits 51-57  <reserved>
  57  *      - bits describe the state as recorded in ShenandoahHeapRegion
  58  */
  59 class ShenandoahHeapRegionCounters : public CHeapObj<mtGC>  {
  60 private:
  61   static const jlong PERCENT_MASK = 0x7f;
  62   static const jlong STATUS_MASK  = 0x3f;

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