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 487                                    (timeout < 1000) ? 1000 : timeout);   // DWORD Timeout
 488     }
 490     if (dwRetVal == 0) { // if the call failed
 491         TCHAR *buf;
 492         DWORD err = WSAGetLastError();
 493         switch (err) {
 494             case ERROR_NO_NETWORK:
 495             case ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE:
 496             case ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE:
 497             case ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE:
 498             case ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE:
 499             case ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED:
 500             case ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS:
 501             case ERROR_HOST_DOWN:
 502             case WSAEHOSTUNREACH:   /* Host Unreachable */
 503             case WSAENETUNREACH:    /* Network Unreachable */
 504             case WSAENETDOWN:       /* Network is down */
 505             case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT:   /* Protocol Family unsupported */
 506             case IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT:

 507                 break;
 508             default:
 510                         NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
 511                         (LPTSTR)&buf, 0, NULL);
 512                 NET_ThrowNew(env, err, buf);
 513                 LocalFree(buf);
 514                 break;
 515         }
 516     } else {
 517         PICMP_ECHO_REPLY pEchoReply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)ReplyBuffer;
 519         // This is to take into account the undocumented minimum
 520         // timeout mentioned in the IcmpSendEcho call above.
 521         // We perform an extra check to make sure that our
 522         // roundtrip time was less than our desired timeout
 523         // for cases where that timeout is < 1000ms.
 524         if (pEchoReply->Status == IP_SUCCESS
 525                 && (int)pEchoReply->RoundTripTime <= timeout)
 526         {

 487                                    (timeout < 1000) ? 1000 : timeout);   // DWORD Timeout
 488     }
 490     if (dwRetVal == 0) { // if the call failed
 491         TCHAR *buf;
 492         DWORD err = WSAGetLastError();
 493         switch (err) {
 494             case ERROR_NO_NETWORK:
 495             case ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE:
 496             case ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE:
 497             case ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE:
 498             case ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE:
 499             case ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED:
 500             case ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS:
 501             case ERROR_HOST_DOWN:
 502             case WSAEHOSTUNREACH:   /* Host Unreachable */
 503             case WSAENETUNREACH:    /* Network Unreachable */
 504             case WSAENETDOWN:       /* Network is down */
 505             case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT:   /* Protocol Family unsupported */
 506             case IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT:
 507             case ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME:
 508             case ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME:
 509                 break;
 510             default:
 512                         NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
 513                         (LPTSTR)&buf, 0, NULL);
 514                 NET_ThrowNew(env, err, buf);
 515                 LocalFree(buf);
 516                 break;
 517         }
 518     } else {
 519         PICMP_ECHO_REPLY pEchoReply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)ReplyBuffer;
 521         // This is to take into account the undocumented minimum
 522         // timeout mentioned in the IcmpSendEcho call above.
 523         // We perform an extra check to make sure that our
 524         // roundtrip time was less than our desired timeout
 525         // for cases where that timeout is < 1000ms.
 526         if (pEchoReply->Status == IP_SUCCESS
 527                 && (int)pEchoReply->RoundTripTime <= timeout)
 528         {