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rev 3688 : 7054512: Compress class pointers after perm gen removal
Summary: support of compress class pointers in the compilers.

1392   // Update current stubs pointer and restore insts_end.
1393   __ end_a_stub();
1394 }
1396 // size of call stub, compiled java to interpretor
1397 uint size_java_to_interp()
1398 {
1399   return 15;  // movq (1+1+8); jmp (1+4)
1400 }
1402 // relocation entries for call stub, compiled java to interpretor
1403 uint reloc_java_to_interp()
1404 {
1405   return 4; // 3 in emit_java_to_interp + 1 in Java_Static_Call
1406 }
1408 //=============================================================================
1409 #ifndef PRODUCT
1410 void MachUEPNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_, outputStream* st) const
1411 {
1412   if (UseCompressedOops) {
1413     st->print_cr("movl    rscratch1, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t# compressed klass");
1414     if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0) {
1415       st->print_cr("\tdecode_heap_oop_not_null rscratch1, rscratch1");
1416     }
1417     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, rscratch1\t # Inline cache check");
1418   } else {
1419     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t"
1420                  "# Inline cache check");
1421   }
1422   st->print_cr("\tjne     SharedRuntime::_ic_miss_stub");
1423   st->print_cr("\tnop\t# nops to align entry point");
1424 }
1425 #endif
1427 void MachUEPNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
1428 {
1429   MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
1430   uint insts_size = cbuf.insts_size();
1431   if (UseCompressedOops) {
1432     masm.load_klass(rscratch1, j_rarg0);
1433     masm.cmpptr(rax, rscratch1);
1434   } else {
1435     masm.cmpptr(rax, Address(j_rarg0, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
1436   }
1438   masm.jump_cc(Assembler::notEqual, RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
1440   /* WARNING these NOPs are critical so that verified entry point is properly
1441      4 bytes aligned for patching by NativeJump::patch_verified_entry() */
1442   int nops_cnt = 4 - ((cbuf.insts_size() - insts_size) & 0x3);
1443   if (OptoBreakpoint) {
1444     // Leave space for int3
1445     nops_cnt -= 1;
1446   }
1447   nops_cnt &= 0x3; // Do not add nops if code is aligned.
1448   if (nops_cnt > 0)
1449     masm.nop(nops_cnt);
1450 }

1559 // No additional cost for CMOVL.
1560 const int Matcher::long_cmove_cost() { return 0; }
1562 // No CMOVF/CMOVD with SSE2
1563 const int Matcher::float_cmove_cost() { return ConditionalMoveLimit; }
1565 // Should the Matcher clone shifts on addressing modes, expecting them
1566 // to be subsumed into complex addressing expressions or compute them
1567 // into registers?  True for Intel but false for most RISCs
1568 const bool Matcher::clone_shift_expressions = true;
1570 // Do we need to mask the count passed to shift instructions or does
1571 // the cpu only look at the lower 5/6 bits anyway?
1572 const bool Matcher::need_masked_shift_count = false;
1574 bool Matcher::narrow_oop_use_complex_address() {
1575   assert(UseCompressedOops, "only for compressed oops code");
1576   return (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes <= 3);
1577 }

1579 // Is it better to copy float constants, or load them directly from
1580 // memory?  Intel can load a float constant from a direct address,
1581 // requiring no extra registers.  Most RISCs will have to materialize
1582 // an address into a register first, so they would do better to copy
1583 // the constant from stack.
1584 const bool Matcher::rematerialize_float_constants = true; // XXX
1586 // If CPU can load and store mis-aligned doubles directly then no
1587 // fixup is needed.  Else we split the double into 2 integer pieces
1588 // and move it piece-by-piece.  Only happens when passing doubles into
1589 // C code as the Java calling convention forces doubles to be aligned.
1590 const bool Matcher::misaligned_doubles_ok = true;
1592 // No-op on amd64
1593 void Matcher::pd_implicit_null_fixup(MachNode *node, uint idx) {}
1595 // Advertise here if the CPU requires explicit rounding operations to
1596 // implement the UseStrictFP mode.
1597 const bool Matcher::strict_fp_requires_explicit_rounding = true;

3122 // NULL Pointer Immediate
3123 operand immP0()
3124 %{
3125   predicate(n->get_ptr() == 0);
3126   match(ConP);
3128   op_cost(5);
3129   format %{ %}
3130   interface(CONST_INTER);
3131 %}
3133 // Pointer Immediate
3134 operand immN() %{
3135   match(ConN);
3137   op_cost(10);
3138   format %{ %}
3139   interface(CONST_INTER);
3140 %}

3142 // NULL Pointer Immediate
3143 operand immN0() %{
3144   predicate(n->get_narrowcon() == 0);
3145   match(ConN);
3147   op_cost(5);
3148   format %{ %}
3149   interface(CONST_INTER);
3150 %}
3152 operand immP31()
3153 %{
3154   predicate(n->as_Type()->type()->reloc() == relocInfo::none
3155             && (n->get_ptr() >> 31) == 0);
3156   match(ConP);
3158   op_cost(5);
3159   format %{ %}
3160   interface(CONST_INTER);
3161 %}

4021   %}
4022 %}
4024 // Indirect Memory Times Scale Plus Positive Index Register Plus Offset Operand
4025 operand indPosIndexScaleOffsetNarrow(rRegN reg, immL32 off, rRegI idx, immI2 scale)
4026 %{
4027   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4028   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_shift() == 0 && n->in(2)->in(3)->in(1)->as_Type()->type()->is_long()->_lo >= 0);
4029   match(AddP (AddP (DecodeN reg) (LShiftL (ConvI2L idx) scale)) off);
4031   op_cost(10);
4032   format %{"[$reg + $off + $idx << $scale]" %}
4033   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4034     base($reg);
4035     index($idx);
4036     scale($scale);
4037     disp($off);
4038   %}
4039 %}

4042 //----------Special Memory Operands--------------------------------------------
4043 // Stack Slot Operand - This operand is used for loading and storing temporary
4044 //                      values on the stack where a match requires a value to
4045 //                      flow through memory.
4046 operand stackSlotP(sRegP reg)
4047 %{
4048   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(stack_slots));
4049   // No match rule because this operand is only generated in matching
4051   format %{ "[$reg]" %}
4052   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4053     base(0x4);   // RSP
4054     index(0x4);  // No Index
4055     scale(0x0);  // No Scale
4056     disp($reg);  // Stack Offset
4057   %}
4058 %}
4060 operand stackSlotI(sRegI reg)

4192     less(0x2, "b");
4193     greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
4194     less_equal(0x6, "be");
4195     greater(0x7, "nbe");
4196   %}
4197 %}
4200 //----------OPERAND CLASSES----------------------------------------------------
4201 // Operand Classes are groups of operands that are used as to simplify
4202 // instruction definitions by not requiring the AD writer to specify separate
4203 // instructions for every form of operand when the instruction accepts
4204 // multiple operand types with the same basic encoding and format.  The classic
4205 // case of this is memory operands.
4207 opclass memory(indirect, indOffset8, indOffset32, indIndexOffset, indIndex,
4208                indIndexScale, indIndexScaleOffset, indPosIndexScaleOffset,
4209                indCompressedOopOffset,
4210                indirectNarrow, indOffset8Narrow, indOffset32Narrow,
4211                indIndexOffsetNarrow, indIndexNarrow, indIndexScaleNarrow,
4212                indIndexScaleOffsetNarrow, indPosIndexScaleOffsetNarrow);

4214 //----------PIPELINE-----------------------------------------------------------
4215 // Rules which define the behavior of the target architectures pipeline.
4216 pipeline %{
4218 //----------ATTRIBUTES---------------------------------------------------------
4219 attributes %{
4220   variable_size_instructions;        // Fixed size instructions
4221   max_instructions_per_bundle = 3;   // Up to 3 instructions per bundle
4222   instruction_unit_size = 1;         // An instruction is 1 bytes long
4223   instruction_fetch_unit_size = 16;  // The processor fetches one line
4224   instruction_fetch_units = 1;       // of 16 bytes
4226   // List of nop instructions
4227   nops( MachNop );
4228 %}
4230 //----------RESOURCES----------------------------------------------------------
4231 // Resources are the functional units available to the machine

5452   %}
5453   ins_pipe(ialu_reg);
5454 %}
5456 instruct loadConN(rRegN dst, immN src) %{
5457   match(Set dst src);
5459   ins_cost(125);
5460   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
5461   ins_encode %{
5462     address con = (address)$src$$constant;
5463     if (con == NULL) {
5464       ShouldNotReachHere();
5465     } else {
5466       __ set_narrow_oop($dst$$Register, (jobject)$src$$constant);
5467     }
5468   %}
5469   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_fat); // XXX
5470 %}

5472 instruct loadConF0(regF dst, immF0 src)
5473 %{
5474   match(Set dst src);
5475   ins_cost(100);
5477   format %{ "xorps   $dst, $dst\t# float 0.0" %}
5478   ins_encode %{
5479     __ xorps($dst$$XMMRegister, $dst$$XMMRegister);
5480   %}
5481   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
5482 %}
5484 // Use the same format since predicate() can not be used here.
5485 instruct loadConD(regD dst, immD con) %{
5486   match(Set dst con);
5487   ins_cost(125);
5488   format %{ "movsd   $dst, [$constantaddress]\t# load from constant table: double=$con" %}
5489   ins_encode %{
5490     __ movdbl($dst$$XMMRegister, $constantaddress($con));
5491   %}

5721   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# long" %}
5722   opcode(0x89);
5723   ins_encode(REX_reg_mem_wide(src, mem), OpcP, reg_mem(src, mem));
5724   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg); // XXX
5725 %}
5727 // Store Pointer
5728 instruct storeP(memory mem, any_RegP src)
5729 %{
5730   match(Set mem (StoreP mem src));
5732   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5733   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# ptr" %}
5734   opcode(0x89);
5735   ins_encode(REX_reg_mem_wide(src, mem), OpcP, reg_mem(src, mem));
5736   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5737 %}
5739 instruct storeImmP0(memory mem, immP0 zero)
5740 %{
5741   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5742   match(Set mem (StoreP mem zero));
5744   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5745   format %{ "movq    $mem, R12\t# ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5746   ins_encode %{
5747     __ movq($mem$$Address, r12);
5748   %}
5749   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5750 %}
5752 // Store NULL Pointer, mark word, or other simple pointer constant.
5753 instruct storeImmP(memory mem, immP31 src)
5754 %{
5755   match(Set mem (StoreP mem src));
5757   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5758   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# ptr" %}
5759   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
5760   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32(src));
5761   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5762 %}
5764 // Store Compressed Pointer
5765 instruct storeN(memory mem, rRegN src)
5766 %{
5767   match(Set mem (StoreN mem src));
5769   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5770   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
5771   ins_encode %{
5772     __ movl($mem$$Address, $src$$Register);
5773   %}
5774   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5775 %}

5777 instruct storeImmN0(memory mem, immN0 zero)
5778 %{
5779   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL);
5780   match(Set mem (StoreN mem zero));
5782   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5783   format %{ "movl    $mem, R12\t# compressed ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5784   ins_encode %{
5785     __ movl($mem$$Address, r12);
5786   %}
5787   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5788 %}
5790 instruct storeImmN(memory mem, immN src)
5791 %{
5792   match(Set mem (StoreN mem src));
5794   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5795   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
5796   ins_encode %{
5797     address con = (address)$src$$constant;
5798     if (con == NULL) {
5799       __ movl($mem$$Address, (int32_t)0);
5800     } else {
5801       __ set_narrow_oop($mem$$Address, (jobject)$src$$constant);
5802     }
5803   %}
5804   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5805 %}

5807 // Store Integer Immediate
5808 instruct storeImmI0(memory mem, immI0 zero)
5809 %{
5810   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5811   match(Set mem (StoreI mem zero));
5813   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5814   format %{ "movl    $mem, R12\t# int (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5815   ins_encode %{
5816     __ movl($mem$$Address, r12);
5817   %}
5818   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5819 %}
5821 instruct storeImmI(memory mem, immI src)
5822 %{
5823   match(Set mem (StoreI mem src));
5825   ins_cost(150);
5826   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# int" %}
5827   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
5828   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32(src));
5829   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5830 %}
5832 // Store Long Immediate
5833 instruct storeImmL0(memory mem, immL0 zero)
5834 %{
5835   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5836   match(Set mem (StoreL mem zero));
5838   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5839   format %{ "movq    $mem, R12\t# long (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5840   ins_encode %{
5841     __ movq($mem$$Address, r12);
5842   %}
5843   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5844 %}
5846 instruct storeImmL(memory mem, immL32 src)
5847 %{
5848   match(Set mem (StoreL mem src));
5850   ins_cost(150);
5851   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# long" %}
5852   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
5853   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32(src));
5854   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5855 %}
5857 // Store Short/Char Immediate
5858 instruct storeImmC0(memory mem, immI0 zero)
5859 %{
5860   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5861   match(Set mem (StoreC mem zero));
5863   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5864   format %{ "movw    $mem, R12\t# short/char (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5865   ins_encode %{
5866     __ movw($mem$$Address, r12);
5867   %}
5868   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5869 %}
5871 instruct storeImmI16(memory mem, immI16 src)
5872 %{
5873   predicate(UseStoreImmI16);
5874   match(Set mem (StoreC mem src));
5876   ins_cost(150);
5877   format %{ "movw    $mem, $src\t# short/char" %}
5878   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 Same as 32 store immediate with prefix */
5879   ins_encode(SizePrefix, REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem),Con16(src));
5880   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5881 %}
5883 // Store Byte Immediate
5884 instruct storeImmB0(memory mem, immI0 zero)
5885 %{
5886   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5887   match(Set mem (StoreB mem zero));
5889   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5890   format %{ "movb    $mem, R12\t# short/char (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5891   ins_encode %{
5892     __ movb($mem$$Address, r12);
5893   %}
5894   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5895 %}
5897 instruct storeImmB(memory mem, immI8 src)
5898 %{
5899   match(Set mem (StoreB mem src));
5901   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5902   format %{ "movb    $mem, $src\t# byte" %}
5903   opcode(0xC6); /* C6 /0 */
5904   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con8or32(src));
5905   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5906 %}
5908 // Store CMS card-mark Immediate
5909 instruct storeImmCM0_reg(memory mem, immI0 zero)
5910 %{
5911   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5912   match(Set mem (StoreCM mem zero));
5914   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5915   format %{ "movb    $mem, R12\t# CMS card-mark byte 0 (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5916   ins_encode %{
5917     __ movb($mem$$Address, r12);
5918   %}
5919   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5920 %}
5922 instruct storeImmCM0(memory mem, immI0 src)
5923 %{
5924   match(Set mem (StoreCM mem src));
5926   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5927   format %{ "movb    $mem, $src\t# CMS card-mark byte 0" %}
5928   opcode(0xC6); /* C6 /0 */
5929   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con8or32(src));
5930   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5931 %}
5933 // Store Float
5934 instruct storeF(memory mem, regF src)
5935 %{
5936   match(Set mem (StoreF mem src));
5938   ins_cost(95); // XXX
5939   format %{ "movss   $mem, $src\t# float" %}
5940   ins_encode %{
5941     __ movflt($mem$$Address, $src$$XMMRegister);
5942   %}
5943   ins_pipe(pipe_slow); // XXX
5944 %}
5946 // Store immediate Float value (it is faster than store from XMM register)
5947 instruct storeF0(memory mem, immF0 zero)
5948 %{
5949   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
5950   match(Set mem (StoreF mem zero));
5952   ins_cost(25); // XXX
5953   format %{ "movl    $mem, R12\t# float 0. (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5954   ins_encode %{
5955     __ movl($mem$$Address, r12);
5956   %}
5957   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5958 %}
5960 instruct storeF_imm(memory mem, immF src)
5961 %{
5962   match(Set mem (StoreF mem src));
5964   ins_cost(50);
5965   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# float" %}
5966   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
5967   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32F_as_bits(src));
5968   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5969 %}

5979     __ movdbl($mem$$Address, $src$$XMMRegister);
5980   %}
5981   ins_pipe(pipe_slow); // XXX
5982 %}
5984 // Store immediate double 0.0 (it is faster than store from XMM register)
5985 instruct storeD0_imm(memory mem, immD0 src)
5986 %{
5987   predicate(!UseCompressedOops || (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL));
5988   match(Set mem (StoreD mem src));
5990   ins_cost(50);
5991   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# double 0." %}
5992   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
5993   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32F_as_bits(src));
5994   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5995 %}
5997 instruct storeD0(memory mem, immD0 zero)
5998 %{
5999   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
6000   match(Set mem (StoreD mem zero));
6002   ins_cost(25); // XXX
6003   format %{ "movq    $mem, R12\t# double 0. (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6004   ins_encode %{
6005     __ movq($mem$$Address, r12);
6006   %}
6007   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6008 %}
6010 instruct storeSSI(stackSlotI dst, rRegI src)
6011 %{
6012   match(Set dst src);
6014   ins_cost(100);
6015   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# int stk" %}
6016   opcode(0x89);
6017   ins_encode(REX_reg_mem(src, dst), OpcP, reg_mem(src, dst));
6018   ins_pipe( ialu_mem_reg );
6019 %}

6465 %}
6467 instruct decodeHeapOop_not_null(rRegP dst, rRegN src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
6468   predicate(n->bottom_type()->is_ptr()->ptr() == TypePtr::NotNull ||
6469             n->bottom_type()->is_ptr()->ptr() == TypePtr::Constant);
6470   match(Set dst (DecodeN src));
6471   effect(KILL cr);
6472   format %{ "decode_heap_oop_not_null $dst,$src" %}
6473   ins_encode %{
6474     Register s = $src$$Register;
6475     Register d = $dst$$Register;
6476     if (s != d) {
6477       __ decode_heap_oop_not_null(d, s);
6478     } else {
6479       __ decode_heap_oop_not_null(d);
6480     }
6481   %}
6482   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_long);
6483 %}

6486 //----------Conditional Move---------------------------------------------------
6487 // Jump
6488 // dummy instruction for generating temp registers
6489 instruct jumpXtnd_offset(rRegL switch_val, immI2 shift, rRegI dest) %{
6490   match(Jump (LShiftL switch_val shift));
6491   ins_cost(350);
6492   predicate(false);
6493   effect(TEMP dest);
6495   format %{ "leaq    $dest, [$constantaddress]\n\t"
6496             "jmp     [$dest + $switch_val << $shift]\n\t" %}
6497   ins_encode %{
6498     // We could use jump(ArrayAddress) except that the macro assembler needs to use r10
6499     // to do that and the compiler is using that register as one it can allocate.
6500     // So we build it all by hand.
6501     // Address index(noreg, switch_reg, (Address::ScaleFactor)$shift$$constant);
6502     // ArrayAddress dispatch(table, index);
6503     Address dispatch($dest$$Register, $switch_val$$Register, (Address::ScaleFactor) $shift$$constant);
6504     __ lea($dest$$Register, $constantaddress);

10435   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10436 %}
10438 // This will generate a signed flags result. This should be OK since
10439 // any compare to a zero should be eq/neq.
10440 instruct testP_mem(rFlagsReg cr, memory op, immP0 zero)
10441 %{
10442   predicate(!UseCompressedOops || (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL));
10443   match(Set cr (CmpP (LoadP op) zero));
10445   ins_cost(500); // XXX
10446   format %{ "testq   $op, 0xffffffffffffffff\t# ptr" %}
10447   opcode(0xF7); /* Opcode F7 /0 */
10448   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(op),
10449              OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, op), Con_d32(0xFFFFFFFF));
10450   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10451 %}
10453 instruct testP_mem_reg0(rFlagsReg cr, memory mem, immP0 zero)
10454 %{
10455   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL));
10456   match(Set cr (CmpP (LoadP mem) zero));
10458   format %{ "cmpq    R12, $mem\t# ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
10459   ins_encode %{
10460     __ cmpq(r12, $mem$$Address);
10461   %}
10462   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10463 %}
10465 instruct compN_rReg(rFlagsRegU cr, rRegN op1, rRegN op2)
10466 %{
10467   match(Set cr (CmpN op1 op2));
10469   format %{ "cmpl    $op1, $op2\t# compressed ptr" %}
10470   ins_encode %{ __ cmpl($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); %}
10471   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_reg);
10472 %}
10474 instruct compN_rReg_mem(rFlagsRegU cr, rRegN src, memory mem)
10475 %{

10486   match(Set cr (CmpN op1 op2));
10488   format %{ "cmpl    $op1, $op2\t# compressed ptr" %}
10489   ins_encode %{
10490     __ cmp_narrow_oop($op1$$Register, (jobject)$op2$$constant);
10491   %}
10492   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10493 %}
10495 instruct compN_mem_imm(rFlagsRegU cr, memory mem, immN src)
10496 %{
10497   match(Set cr (CmpN src (LoadN mem)));
10499   format %{ "cmpl    $mem, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
10500   ins_encode %{
10501     __ cmp_narrow_oop($mem$$Address, (jobject)$src$$constant);
10502   %}
10503   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10504 %}

10506 instruct testN_reg(rFlagsReg cr, rRegN src, immN0 zero) %{
10507   match(Set cr (CmpN src zero));
10509   format %{ "testl   $src, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
10510   ins_encode %{ __ testl($src$$Register, $src$$Register); %}
10511   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10512 %}
10514 instruct testN_mem(rFlagsReg cr, memory mem, immN0 zero)
10515 %{
10516   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL);
10517   match(Set cr (CmpN (LoadN mem) zero));
10519   ins_cost(500); // XXX
10520   format %{ "testl   $mem, 0xffffffff\t# compressed ptr" %}
10521   ins_encode %{
10522     __ cmpl($mem$$Address, (int)0xFFFFFFFF);
10523   %}
10524   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10525 %}
10527 instruct testN_mem_reg0(rFlagsReg cr, memory mem, immN0 zero)
10528 %{
10529   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL);
10530   match(Set cr (CmpN (LoadN mem) zero));
10532   format %{ "cmpl    R12, $mem\t# compressed ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
10533   ins_encode %{
10534     __ cmpl(r12, $mem$$Address);
10535   %}
10536   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10537 %}
10539 // Yanked all unsigned pointer compare operations.
10540 // Pointer compares are done with CmpP which is already unsigned.
10542 instruct compL_rReg(rFlagsReg cr, rRegL op1, rRegL op2)
10543 %{
10544   match(Set cr (CmpL op1 op2));
10546   format %{ "cmpq    $op1, $op2" %}
10547   opcode(0x3B);  /* Opcode 3B /r */
10548   ins_encode(REX_reg_reg_wide(op1, op2), OpcP, reg_reg(op1, op2));
10549   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_reg);

1392   // Update current stubs pointer and restore insts_end.
1393   __ end_a_stub();
1394 }
1396 // size of call stub, compiled java to interpretor
1397 uint size_java_to_interp()
1398 {
1399   return 15;  // movq (1+1+8); jmp (1+4)
1400 }
1402 // relocation entries for call stub, compiled java to interpretor
1403 uint reloc_java_to_interp()
1404 {
1405   return 4; // 3 in emit_java_to_interp + 1 in Java_Static_Call
1406 }
1408 //=============================================================================
1409 #ifndef PRODUCT
1410 void MachUEPNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_, outputStream* st) const
1411 {
1412   if (UseCompressedKlassPointers) {
1413     st->print_cr("movl    rscratch1, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t# compressed klass");
1414     if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
1415       st->print_cr("\tdecode_klass_not_null rscratch1, rscratch1");
1416     }
1417     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, rscratch1\t # Inline cache check");
1418   } else {
1419     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t"
1420                  "# Inline cache check");
1421   }
1422   st->print_cr("\tjne     SharedRuntime::_ic_miss_stub");
1423   st->print_cr("\tnop\t# nops to align entry point");
1424 }
1425 #endif
1427 void MachUEPNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
1428 {
1429   MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
1430   uint insts_size = cbuf.insts_size();
1431   if (UseCompressedKlassPointers) {
1432     masm.load_klass(rscratch1, j_rarg0);
1433     masm.cmpptr(rax, rscratch1);
1434   } else {
1435     masm.cmpptr(rax, Address(j_rarg0, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
1436   }
1438   masm.jump_cc(Assembler::notEqual, RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
1440   /* WARNING these NOPs are critical so that verified entry point is properly
1441      4 bytes aligned for patching by NativeJump::patch_verified_entry() */
1442   int nops_cnt = 4 - ((cbuf.insts_size() - insts_size) & 0x3);
1443   if (OptoBreakpoint) {
1444     // Leave space for int3
1445     nops_cnt -= 1;
1446   }
1447   nops_cnt &= 0x3; // Do not add nops if code is aligned.
1448   if (nops_cnt > 0)
1449     masm.nop(nops_cnt);
1450 }

1559 // No additional cost for CMOVL.
1560 const int Matcher::long_cmove_cost() { return 0; }
1562 // No CMOVF/CMOVD with SSE2
1563 const int Matcher::float_cmove_cost() { return ConditionalMoveLimit; }
1565 // Should the Matcher clone shifts on addressing modes, expecting them
1566 // to be subsumed into complex addressing expressions or compute them
1567 // into registers?  True for Intel but false for most RISCs
1568 const bool Matcher::clone_shift_expressions = true;
1570 // Do we need to mask the count passed to shift instructions or does
1571 // the cpu only look at the lower 5/6 bits anyway?
1572 const bool Matcher::need_masked_shift_count = false;
1574 bool Matcher::narrow_oop_use_complex_address() {
1575   assert(UseCompressedOops, "only for compressed oops code");
1576   return (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes <= 3);
1577 }
1579 bool Matcher::narrow_klass_use_complex_address() {
1580   assert(UseCompressedKlassPointers, "only for compressed klass code");
1581   return (LogKlassAlignmentInBytes <= 3);
1582 }
1584 // Is it better to copy float constants, or load them directly from
1585 // memory?  Intel can load a float constant from a direct address,
1586 // requiring no extra registers.  Most RISCs will have to materialize
1587 // an address into a register first, so they would do better to copy
1588 // the constant from stack.
1589 const bool Matcher::rematerialize_float_constants = true; // XXX
1591 // If CPU can load and store mis-aligned doubles directly then no
1592 // fixup is needed.  Else we split the double into 2 integer pieces
1593 // and move it piece-by-piece.  Only happens when passing doubles into
1594 // C code as the Java calling convention forces doubles to be aligned.
1595 const bool Matcher::misaligned_doubles_ok = true;
1597 // No-op on amd64
1598 void Matcher::pd_implicit_null_fixup(MachNode *node, uint idx) {}
1600 // Advertise here if the CPU requires explicit rounding operations to
1601 // implement the UseStrictFP mode.
1602 const bool Matcher::strict_fp_requires_explicit_rounding = true;

3127 // NULL Pointer Immediate
3128 operand immP0()
3129 %{
3130   predicate(n->get_ptr() == 0);
3131   match(ConP);
3133   op_cost(5);
3134   format %{ %}
3135   interface(CONST_INTER);
3136 %}
3138 // Pointer Immediate
3139 operand immN() %{
3140   match(ConN);
3142   op_cost(10);
3143   format %{ %}
3144   interface(CONST_INTER);
3145 %}
3147 operand immNKlass() %{
3148   match(ConNKlass);
3150   op_cost(10);
3151   format %{ %}
3152   interface(CONST_INTER);
3153 %}
3155 // NULL Pointer Immediate
3156 operand immN0() %{
3157   predicate(n->get_narrowcon() == 0);
3158   match(ConN);
3160   op_cost(5);
3161   format %{ %}
3162   interface(CONST_INTER);
3163 %}
3165 operand immP31()
3166 %{
3167   predicate(n->as_Type()->type()->reloc() == relocInfo::none
3168             && (n->get_ptr() >> 31) == 0);
3169   match(ConP);
3171   op_cost(5);
3172   format %{ %}
3173   interface(CONST_INTER);
3174 %}

4034   %}
4035 %}
4037 // Indirect Memory Times Scale Plus Positive Index Register Plus Offset Operand
4038 operand indPosIndexScaleOffsetNarrow(rRegN reg, immL32 off, rRegI idx, immI2 scale)
4039 %{
4040   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4041   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_shift() == 0 && n->in(2)->in(3)->in(1)->as_Type()->type()->is_long()->_lo >= 0);
4042   match(AddP (AddP (DecodeN reg) (LShiftL (ConvI2L idx) scale)) off);
4044   op_cost(10);
4045   format %{"[$reg + $off + $idx << $scale]" %}
4046   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4047     base($reg);
4048     index($idx);
4049     scale($scale);
4050     disp($off);
4051   %}
4052 %}
4054 operand indirectNarrowKlass(rRegN reg)
4055 %{
4056   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4057   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4058   match(DecodeNKlass reg);
4060   format %{ "[$reg]" %}
4061   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4062     base($reg);
4063     index(0x4);
4064     scale(0x0);
4065     disp(0x0);
4066   %}
4067 %}
4069 operand indOffset8NarrowKlass(rRegN reg, immL8 off)
4070 %{
4071   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4072   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4073   match(AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) off);
4075   format %{ "[$reg + $off (8-bit)]" %}
4076   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4077     base($reg);
4078     index(0x4);
4079     scale(0x0);
4080     disp($off);
4081   %}
4082 %}
4084 operand indOffset32NarrowKlass(rRegN reg, immL32 off)
4085 %{
4086   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4087   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4088   match(AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) off);
4090   format %{ "[$reg + $off (32-bit)]" %}
4091   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4092     base($reg);
4093     index(0x4);
4094     scale(0x0);
4095     disp($off);
4096   %}
4097 %}
4099 operand indIndexOffsetNarrowKlass(rRegN reg, rRegL lreg, immL32 off)
4100 %{
4101   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4102   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4103   match(AddP (AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) lreg) off);
4105   op_cost(10);
4106   format %{"[$reg + $off + $lreg]" %}
4107   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4108     base($reg);
4109     index($lreg);
4110     scale(0x0);
4111     disp($off);
4112   %}
4113 %}
4115 operand indIndexNarrowKlass(rRegN reg, rRegL lreg)
4116 %{
4117   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4118   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4119   match(AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) lreg);
4121   op_cost(10);
4122   format %{"[$reg + $lreg]" %}
4123   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4124     base($reg);
4125     index($lreg);
4126     scale(0x0);
4127     disp(0x0);
4128   %}
4129 %}
4131 operand indIndexScaleNarrowKlass(rRegN reg, rRegL lreg, immI2 scale)
4132 %{
4133   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4134   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4135   match(AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) (LShiftL lreg scale));
4137   op_cost(10);
4138   format %{"[$reg + $lreg << $scale]" %}
4139   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4140     base($reg);
4141     index($lreg);
4142     scale($scale);
4143     disp(0x0);
4144   %}
4145 %}
4147 operand indIndexScaleOffsetNarrowKlass(rRegN reg, immL32 off, rRegL lreg, immI2 scale)
4148 %{
4149   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0);
4150   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4151   match(AddP (AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) (LShiftL lreg scale)) off);
4153   op_cost(10);
4154   format %{"[$reg + $off + $lreg << $scale]" %}
4155   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4156     base($reg);
4157     index($lreg);
4158     scale($scale);
4159     disp($off);
4160   %}
4161 %}
4163 operand indCompressedKlassOffset(rRegN reg, immL32 off) %{
4164   predicate(UseCompressedKlassPointers && (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == Address::times_8));
4165   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4166   match(AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) off);
4168   op_cost(10);
4169   format %{"[R12 + $reg << 3 + $off] (compressed klass addressing)" %}
4170   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4171     base(0xc); // R12
4172     index($reg);
4173     scale(0x3);
4174     disp($off);
4175   %}
4176 %}
4178 operand indPosIndexScaleOffsetNarrowKlass(rRegN reg, immL32 off, rRegI idx, immI2 scale)
4179 %{
4180   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(ptr_reg));
4181   predicate(Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0 && n->in(2)->in(3)->in(1)->as_Type()->type()->is_long()->_lo >= 0);
4182   match(AddP (AddP (DecodeNKlass reg) (LShiftL (ConvI2L idx) scale)) off);
4184   op_cost(10);
4185   format %{"[$reg + $off + $idx << $scale]" %}
4186   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4187     base($reg);
4188     index($idx);
4189     scale($scale);
4190     disp($off);
4191   %}
4192 %}
4194 //----------Special Memory Operands--------------------------------------------
4195 // Stack Slot Operand - This operand is used for loading and storing temporary
4196 //                      values on the stack where a match requires a value to
4197 //                      flow through memory.
4198 operand stackSlotP(sRegP reg)
4199 %{
4200   constraint(ALLOC_IN_RC(stack_slots));
4201   // No match rule because this operand is only generated in matching
4203   format %{ "[$reg]" %}
4204   interface(MEMORY_INTER) %{
4205     base(0x4);   // RSP
4206     index(0x4);  // No Index
4207     scale(0x0);  // No Scale
4208     disp($reg);  // Stack Offset
4209   %}
4210 %}
4212 operand stackSlotI(sRegI reg)

4344     less(0x2, "b");
4345     greater_equal(0x3, "nb");
4346     less_equal(0x6, "be");
4347     greater(0x7, "nbe");
4348   %}
4349 %}
4352 //----------OPERAND CLASSES----------------------------------------------------
4353 // Operand Classes are groups of operands that are used as to simplify
4354 // instruction definitions by not requiring the AD writer to specify separate
4355 // instructions for every form of operand when the instruction accepts
4356 // multiple operand types with the same basic encoding and format.  The classic
4357 // case of this is memory operands.
4359 opclass memory(indirect, indOffset8, indOffset32, indIndexOffset, indIndex,
4360                indIndexScale, indIndexScaleOffset, indPosIndexScaleOffset,
4361                indCompressedOopOffset,
4362                indirectNarrow, indOffset8Narrow, indOffset32Narrow,
4363                indIndexOffsetNarrow, indIndexNarrow, indIndexScaleNarrow,
4364                indIndexScaleOffsetNarrow, indPosIndexScaleOffsetNarrow,
4365                indCompressedKlassOffset,
4366                indirectNarrowKlass, indOffset8NarrowKlass, indOffset32NarrowKlass,
4367                indIndexOffsetNarrowKlass, indIndexNarrowKlass, indIndexScaleNarrowKlass,
4368                indIndexScaleOffsetNarrowKlass, indPosIndexScaleOffsetNarrowKlass);
4370 //----------PIPELINE-----------------------------------------------------------
4371 // Rules which define the behavior of the target architectures pipeline.
4372 pipeline %{
4374 //----------ATTRIBUTES---------------------------------------------------------
4375 attributes %{
4376   variable_size_instructions;        // Fixed size instructions
4377   max_instructions_per_bundle = 3;   // Up to 3 instructions per bundle
4378   instruction_unit_size = 1;         // An instruction is 1 bytes long
4379   instruction_fetch_unit_size = 16;  // The processor fetches one line
4380   instruction_fetch_units = 1;       // of 16 bytes
4382   // List of nop instructions
4383   nops( MachNop );
4384 %}
4386 //----------RESOURCES----------------------------------------------------------
4387 // Resources are the functional units available to the machine

5608   %}
5609   ins_pipe(ialu_reg);
5610 %}
5612 instruct loadConN(rRegN dst, immN src) %{
5613   match(Set dst src);
5615   ins_cost(125);
5616   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
5617   ins_encode %{
5618     address con = (address)$src$$constant;
5619     if (con == NULL) {
5620       ShouldNotReachHere();
5621     } else {
5622       __ set_narrow_oop($dst$$Register, (jobject)$src$$constant);
5623     }
5624   %}
5625   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_fat); // XXX
5626 %}
5628 instruct loadConNKlass(rRegN dst, immNKlass src) %{
5629   match(Set dst src);
5631   ins_cost(125);
5632   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# compressed klass ptr" %}
5633   ins_encode %{
5634     address con = (address)$src$$constant;
5635     if (con == NULL) {
5636       ShouldNotReachHere();
5637     } else {
5638       __ set_narrow_klass($dst$$Register, (Klass*)$src$$constant);
5639     }
5640   %}
5641   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_fat); // XXX
5642 %}
5644 instruct loadConF0(regF dst, immF0 src)
5645 %{
5646   match(Set dst src);
5647   ins_cost(100);
5649   format %{ "xorps   $dst, $dst\t# float 0.0" %}
5650   ins_encode %{
5651     __ xorps($dst$$XMMRegister, $dst$$XMMRegister);
5652   %}
5653   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
5654 %}
5656 // Use the same format since predicate() can not be used here.
5657 instruct loadConD(regD dst, immD con) %{
5658   match(Set dst con);
5659   ins_cost(125);
5660   format %{ "movsd   $dst, [$constantaddress]\t# load from constant table: double=$con" %}
5661   ins_encode %{
5662     __ movdbl($dst$$XMMRegister, $constantaddress($con));
5663   %}

5893   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# long" %}
5894   opcode(0x89);
5895   ins_encode(REX_reg_mem_wide(src, mem), OpcP, reg_mem(src, mem));
5896   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg); // XXX
5897 %}
5899 // Store Pointer
5900 instruct storeP(memory mem, any_RegP src)
5901 %{
5902   match(Set mem (StoreP mem src));
5904   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5905   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# ptr" %}
5906   opcode(0x89);
5907   ins_encode(REX_reg_mem_wide(src, mem), OpcP, reg_mem(src, mem));
5908   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5909 %}
5911 instruct storeImmP0(memory mem, immP0 zero)
5912 %{
5913   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
5914   match(Set mem (StoreP mem zero));
5916   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5917   format %{ "movq    $mem, R12\t# ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5918   ins_encode %{
5919     __ movq($mem$$Address, r12);
5920   %}
5921   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5922 %}
5924 // Store NULL Pointer, mark word, or other simple pointer constant.
5925 instruct storeImmP(memory mem, immP31 src)
5926 %{
5927   match(Set mem (StoreP mem src));
5929   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5930   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# ptr" %}
5931   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
5932   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32(src));
5933   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5934 %}
5936 // Store Compressed Pointer
5937 instruct storeN(memory mem, rRegN src)
5938 %{
5939   match(Set mem (StoreN mem src));
5941   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5942   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
5943   ins_encode %{
5944     __ movl($mem$$Address, $src$$Register);
5945   %}
5946   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5947 %}
5949 instruct storeNKlass(memory mem, rRegN src)
5950 %{
5951   match(Set mem (StoreNKlass mem src));
5953   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5954   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# compressed klass ptr" %}
5955   ins_encode %{
5956     __ movl($mem$$Address, $src$$Register);
5957   %}
5958   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5959 %}
5961 instruct storeImmN0(memory mem, immN0 zero)
5962 %{
5963   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL && Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL);
5964   match(Set mem (StoreN mem zero));
5966   ins_cost(125); // XXX
5967   format %{ "movl    $mem, R12\t# compressed ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
5968   ins_encode %{
5969     __ movl($mem$$Address, r12);
5970   %}
5971   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
5972 %}
5974 instruct storeImmN(memory mem, immN src)
5975 %{
5976   match(Set mem (StoreN mem src));
5978   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5979   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
5980   ins_encode %{
5981     address con = (address)$src$$constant;
5982     if (con == NULL) {
5983       __ movl($mem$$Address, (int32_t)0);
5984     } else {
5985       __ set_narrow_oop($mem$$Address, (jobject)$src$$constant);
5986     }
5987   %}
5988   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
5989 %}
5991 instruct storeImmNKlass(memory mem, immNKlass src)
5992 %{
5993   match(Set mem (StoreNKlass mem src));
5995   ins_cost(150); // XXX
5996   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# compressed klass ptr" %}
5997   ins_encode %{
5998     __ set_narrow_klass($mem$$Address, (Klass*)$src$$constant);
5999   %}
6000   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6001 %}
6003 // Store Integer Immediate
6004 instruct storeImmI0(memory mem, immI0 zero)
6005 %{
6006   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6007   match(Set mem (StoreI mem zero));
6009   ins_cost(125); // XXX
6010   format %{ "movl    $mem, R12\t# int (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6011   ins_encode %{
6012     __ movl($mem$$Address, r12);
6013   %}
6014   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6015 %}
6017 instruct storeImmI(memory mem, immI src)
6018 %{
6019   match(Set mem (StoreI mem src));
6021   ins_cost(150);
6022   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# int" %}
6023   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
6024   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32(src));
6025   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6026 %}
6028 // Store Long Immediate
6029 instruct storeImmL0(memory mem, immL0 zero)
6030 %{
6031   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6032   match(Set mem (StoreL mem zero));
6034   ins_cost(125); // XXX
6035   format %{ "movq    $mem, R12\t# long (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6036   ins_encode %{
6037     __ movq($mem$$Address, r12);
6038   %}
6039   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6040 %}
6042 instruct storeImmL(memory mem, immL32 src)
6043 %{
6044   match(Set mem (StoreL mem src));
6046   ins_cost(150);
6047   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# long" %}
6048   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
6049   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32(src));
6050   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6051 %}
6053 // Store Short/Char Immediate
6054 instruct storeImmC0(memory mem, immI0 zero)
6055 %{
6056   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6057   match(Set mem (StoreC mem zero));
6059   ins_cost(125); // XXX
6060   format %{ "movw    $mem, R12\t# short/char (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6061   ins_encode %{
6062     __ movw($mem$$Address, r12);
6063   %}
6064   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6065 %}
6067 instruct storeImmI16(memory mem, immI16 src)
6068 %{
6069   predicate(UseStoreImmI16);
6070   match(Set mem (StoreC mem src));
6072   ins_cost(150);
6073   format %{ "movw    $mem, $src\t# short/char" %}
6074   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 Same as 32 store immediate with prefix */
6075   ins_encode(SizePrefix, REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem),Con16(src));
6076   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6077 %}
6079 // Store Byte Immediate
6080 instruct storeImmB0(memory mem, immI0 zero)
6081 %{
6082   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6083   match(Set mem (StoreB mem zero));
6085   ins_cost(125); // XXX
6086   format %{ "movb    $mem, R12\t# short/char (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6087   ins_encode %{
6088     __ movb($mem$$Address, r12);
6089   %}
6090   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6091 %}
6093 instruct storeImmB(memory mem, immI8 src)
6094 %{
6095   match(Set mem (StoreB mem src));
6097   ins_cost(150); // XXX
6098   format %{ "movb    $mem, $src\t# byte" %}
6099   opcode(0xC6); /* C6 /0 */
6100   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con8or32(src));
6101   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6102 %}
6104 // Store CMS card-mark Immediate
6105 instruct storeImmCM0_reg(memory mem, immI0 zero)
6106 %{
6107   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6108   match(Set mem (StoreCM mem zero));
6110   ins_cost(125); // XXX
6111   format %{ "movb    $mem, R12\t# CMS card-mark byte 0 (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6112   ins_encode %{
6113     __ movb($mem$$Address, r12);
6114   %}
6115   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6116 %}
6118 instruct storeImmCM0(memory mem, immI0 src)
6119 %{
6120   match(Set mem (StoreCM mem src));
6122   ins_cost(150); // XXX
6123   format %{ "movb    $mem, $src\t# CMS card-mark byte 0" %}
6124   opcode(0xC6); /* C6 /0 */
6125   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con8or32(src));
6126   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6127 %}
6129 // Store Float
6130 instruct storeF(memory mem, regF src)
6131 %{
6132   match(Set mem (StoreF mem src));
6134   ins_cost(95); // XXX
6135   format %{ "movss   $mem, $src\t# float" %}
6136   ins_encode %{
6137     __ movflt($mem$$Address, $src$$XMMRegister);
6138   %}
6139   ins_pipe(pipe_slow); // XXX
6140 %}
6142 // Store immediate Float value (it is faster than store from XMM register)
6143 instruct storeF0(memory mem, immF0 zero)
6144 %{
6145   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6146   match(Set mem (StoreF mem zero));
6148   ins_cost(25); // XXX
6149   format %{ "movl    $mem, R12\t# float 0. (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6150   ins_encode %{
6151     __ movl($mem$$Address, r12);
6152   %}
6153   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6154 %}
6156 instruct storeF_imm(memory mem, immF src)
6157 %{
6158   match(Set mem (StoreF mem src));
6160   ins_cost(50);
6161   format %{ "movl    $mem, $src\t# float" %}
6162   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
6163   ins_encode(REX_mem(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32F_as_bits(src));
6164   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6165 %}

6175     __ movdbl($mem$$Address, $src$$XMMRegister);
6176   %}
6177   ins_pipe(pipe_slow); // XXX
6178 %}
6180 // Store immediate double 0.0 (it is faster than store from XMM register)
6181 instruct storeD0_imm(memory mem, immD0 src)
6182 %{
6183   predicate(!UseCompressedOops || (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL));
6184   match(Set mem (StoreD mem src));
6186   ins_cost(50);
6187   format %{ "movq    $mem, $src\t# double 0." %}
6188   opcode(0xC7); /* C7 /0 */
6189   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(mem), OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, mem), Con32F_as_bits(src));
6190   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_imm);
6191 %}
6193 instruct storeD0(memory mem, immD0 zero)
6194 %{
6195   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
6196   match(Set mem (StoreD mem zero));
6198   ins_cost(25); // XXX
6199   format %{ "movq    $mem, R12\t# double 0. (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
6200   ins_encode %{
6201     __ movq($mem$$Address, r12);
6202   %}
6203   ins_pipe(ialu_mem_reg);
6204 %}
6206 instruct storeSSI(stackSlotI dst, rRegI src)
6207 %{
6208   match(Set dst src);
6210   ins_cost(100);
6211   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# int stk" %}
6212   opcode(0x89);
6213   ins_encode(REX_reg_mem(src, dst), OpcP, reg_mem(src, dst));
6214   ins_pipe( ialu_mem_reg );
6215 %}

6661 %}
6663 instruct decodeHeapOop_not_null(rRegP dst, rRegN src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
6664   predicate(n->bottom_type()->is_ptr()->ptr() == TypePtr::NotNull ||
6665             n->bottom_type()->is_ptr()->ptr() == TypePtr::Constant);
6666   match(Set dst (DecodeN src));
6667   effect(KILL cr);
6668   format %{ "decode_heap_oop_not_null $dst,$src" %}
6669   ins_encode %{
6670     Register s = $src$$Register;
6671     Register d = $dst$$Register;
6672     if (s != d) {
6673       __ decode_heap_oop_not_null(d, s);
6674     } else {
6675       __ decode_heap_oop_not_null(d);
6676     }
6677   %}
6678   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_long);
6679 %}
6681 instruct encodeKlass_not_null(rRegN dst, rRegP src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
6682   match(Set dst (EncodePKlass src));
6683   effect(KILL cr);
6684   format %{ "encode_heap_oop_not_null $dst,$src" %}
6685   ins_encode %{
6686     __ encode_klass_not_null($dst$$Register, $src$$Register);
6687   %}
6688   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_long);
6689 %}
6691 instruct decodeKlass_not_null(rRegP dst, rRegN src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
6692   match(Set dst (DecodeNKlass src));
6693   effect(KILL cr);
6694   format %{ "decode_heap_oop_not_null $dst,$src" %}
6695   ins_encode %{
6696     Register s = $src$$Register;
6697     Register d = $dst$$Register;
6698     if (s != d) {
6699       __ decode_klass_not_null(d, s);
6700     } else {
6701       __ decode_klass_not_null(d);
6702     }
6703   %}
6704   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_long);
6705 %}
6708 //----------Conditional Move---------------------------------------------------
6709 // Jump
6710 // dummy instruction for generating temp registers
6711 instruct jumpXtnd_offset(rRegL switch_val, immI2 shift, rRegI dest) %{
6712   match(Jump (LShiftL switch_val shift));
6713   ins_cost(350);
6714   predicate(false);
6715   effect(TEMP dest);
6717   format %{ "leaq    $dest, [$constantaddress]\n\t"
6718             "jmp     [$dest + $switch_val << $shift]\n\t" %}
6719   ins_encode %{
6720     // We could use jump(ArrayAddress) except that the macro assembler needs to use r10
6721     // to do that and the compiler is using that register as one it can allocate.
6722     // So we build it all by hand.
6723     // Address index(noreg, switch_reg, (Address::ScaleFactor)$shift$$constant);
6724     // ArrayAddress dispatch(table, index);
6725     Address dispatch($dest$$Register, $switch_val$$Register, (Address::ScaleFactor) $shift$$constant);
6726     __ lea($dest$$Register, $constantaddress);

10657   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10658 %}
10660 // This will generate a signed flags result. This should be OK since
10661 // any compare to a zero should be eq/neq.
10662 instruct testP_mem(rFlagsReg cr, memory op, immP0 zero)
10663 %{
10664   predicate(!UseCompressedOops || (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL));
10665   match(Set cr (CmpP (LoadP op) zero));
10667   ins_cost(500); // XXX
10668   format %{ "testq   $op, 0xffffffffffffffff\t# ptr" %}
10669   opcode(0xF7); /* Opcode F7 /0 */
10670   ins_encode(REX_mem_wide(op),
10671              OpcP, RM_opc_mem(0x00, op), Con_d32(0xFFFFFFFF));
10672   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10673 %}
10675 instruct testP_mem_reg0(rFlagsReg cr, memory mem, immP0 zero)
10676 %{
10677   predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
10678   match(Set cr (CmpP (LoadP mem) zero));
10680   format %{ "cmpq    R12, $mem\t# ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
10681   ins_encode %{
10682     __ cmpq(r12, $mem$$Address);
10683   %}
10684   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10685 %}
10687 instruct compN_rReg(rFlagsRegU cr, rRegN op1, rRegN op2)
10688 %{
10689   match(Set cr (CmpN op1 op2));
10691   format %{ "cmpl    $op1, $op2\t# compressed ptr" %}
10692   ins_encode %{ __ cmpl($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register); %}
10693   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_reg);
10694 %}
10696 instruct compN_rReg_mem(rFlagsRegU cr, rRegN src, memory mem)
10697 %{

10708   match(Set cr (CmpN op1 op2));
10710   format %{ "cmpl    $op1, $op2\t# compressed ptr" %}
10711   ins_encode %{
10712     __ cmp_narrow_oop($op1$$Register, (jobject)$op2$$constant);
10713   %}
10714   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10715 %}
10717 instruct compN_mem_imm(rFlagsRegU cr, memory mem, immN src)
10718 %{
10719   match(Set cr (CmpN src (LoadN mem)));
10721   format %{ "cmpl    $mem, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
10722   ins_encode %{
10723     __ cmp_narrow_oop($mem$$Address, (jobject)$src$$constant);
10724   %}
10725   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10726 %}
10728 instruct compN_rReg_imm_klass(rFlagsRegU cr, rRegN op1, immNKlass op2) %{
10729   match(Set cr (CmpN op1 op2));
10731   format %{ "cmpl    $op1, $op2\t# compressed klass ptr" %}
10732   ins_encode %{
10733     __ cmp_narrow_klass($op1$$Register, (Klass*)$op2$$constant);
10734   %}
10735   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10736 %}
10738 instruct compN_mem_imm_klass(rFlagsRegU cr, memory mem, immNKlass src)
10739 %{
10740   match(Set cr (CmpN src (LoadNKlass mem)));
10742   format %{ "cmpl    $mem, $src\t# compressed klass ptr" %}
10743   ins_encode %{
10744     __ cmp_narrow_klass($mem$$Address, (Klass*)$src$$constant);
10745   %}
10746   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10747 %}
10749 instruct testN_reg(rFlagsReg cr, rRegN src, immN0 zero) %{
10750   match(Set cr (CmpN src zero));
10752   format %{ "testl   $src, $src\t# compressed ptr" %}
10753   ins_encode %{ __ testl($src$$Register, $src$$Register); %}
10754   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_imm);
10755 %}
10757 instruct testN_mem(rFlagsReg cr, memory mem, immN0 zero)
10758 %{
10759   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL);
10760   match(Set cr (CmpN (LoadN mem) zero));
10762   ins_cost(500); // XXX
10763   format %{ "testl   $mem, 0xffffffff\t# compressed ptr" %}
10764   ins_encode %{
10765     __ cmpl($mem$$Address, (int)0xFFFFFFFF);
10766   %}
10767   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10768 %}
10770 instruct testN_mem_reg0(rFlagsReg cr, memory mem, immN0 zero)
10771 %{
10772   predicate(Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL && (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL));
10773   match(Set cr (CmpN (LoadN mem) zero));
10775   format %{ "cmpl    R12, $mem\t# compressed ptr (R12_heapbase==0)" %}
10776   ins_encode %{
10777     __ cmpl(r12, $mem$$Address);
10778   %}
10779   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_mem);
10780 %}
10782 // Yanked all unsigned pointer compare operations.
10783 // Pointer compares are done with CmpP which is already unsigned.
10785 instruct compL_rReg(rFlagsReg cr, rRegL op1, rRegL op2)
10786 %{
10787   match(Set cr (CmpL op1 op2));
10789   format %{ "cmpq    $op1, $op2" %}
10790   opcode(0x3B);  /* Opcode 3B /r */
10791   ins_encode(REX_reg_reg_wide(op1, op2), OpcP, reg_reg(op1, op2));
10792   ins_pipe(ialu_cr_reg_reg);