
Print this page

 190   Component *comp;
 192   if (oper->num_consts(globals) == 0) return;
 193   // Iterate over the component list looking for constants
 194   oper->_components.reset();
 195   if ((comp = oper->_components.iter()) == NULL) {
 196     assert(oper->num_consts(globals) == 1, "Bad component list detected.\n");
 197     const char *type = oper->ideal_type(globals);
 198     if (!strcmp(type, "ConI")) {
 199       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 200       fprintf(fp,"  int32          _c%d;\n", i);
 201     }
 202     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConP")) {
 203       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 204       fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 205     }
 206     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConN")) {
 207       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 208       fprintf(fp,"  const TypeNarrowOop *_c%d;\n", i);
 209     }

 210     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConL")) {
 211       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 212       fprintf(fp,"  jlong          _c%d;\n", i);
 213     }
 214     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConF")) {
 215       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 216       fprintf(fp,"  jfloat         _c%d;\n", i);
 217     }
 218     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConD")) {
 219       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 220       fprintf(fp,"  jdouble        _c%d;\n", i);
 221     }
 222     else if (!strcmp(type, "Bool")) {
 223       fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
 224       fprintf(fp,"  BoolTest::mask _c%d;\n", i);
 225       fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
 226     }
 227     else {
 228       assert(0, "Non-constant operand lacks component list.");
 229     }
 230   } // end if NULL
 231   else {
 232     oper->_components.reset();
 233     while ((comp = oper->_components.iter()) != NULL) {
 234       if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConI")) {
 235         fprintf(fp,"  jint             _c%d;\n", i);
 236         i++;
 237       }
 238       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConP")) {
 239         fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 240         i++;
 241       }
 242       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConN")) {
 243         fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 244         i++;
 245       }

 246       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConL")) {
 247         fprintf(fp,"  jlong            _c%d;\n", i);
 248         i++;
 249       }
 250       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConF")) {
 251         fprintf(fp,"  jfloat           _c%d;\n", i);
 252         i++;
 253       }
 254       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConD")) {
 255         fprintf(fp,"  jdouble          _c%d;\n", i);
 256         i++;
 257       }
 258     }
 259   }
 260 }
 262 // Declare constructor.
 263 // Parameters start with condition code, then all other constants
 264 //
 265 // (0) public:

 272   fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
 273   // generate line (1)
 274   fprintf(fp,"  %sOper(", name);
 275   if( num_consts == 0 ) {
 276     fprintf(fp,") {}\n");
 277     return;
 278   }
 280   // generate parameters for constants
 281   uint i = 0;
 282   Component *comp;
 283   lst.reset();
 284   if ((comp = lst.iter()) == NULL) {
 285     assert(num_consts == 1, "Bad component list detected.\n");
 286     switch( constant_type ) {
 287     case Form::idealI : {
 288       fprintf(fp,is_ideal_bool ? "BoolTest::mask c%d" : "int32 c%d", i);
 289       break;
 290     }
 291     case Form::idealN : { fprintf(fp,"const TypeNarrowOop *c%d", i); break; }

 292     case Form::idealP : { fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i); break; }
 293     case Form::idealL : { fprintf(fp,"jlong c%d", i);   break;        }
 294     case Form::idealF : { fprintf(fp,"jfloat c%d", i);  break;        }
 295     case Form::idealD : { fprintf(fp,"jdouble c%d", i); break;        }
 296     default:
 297       assert(!is_ideal_bool, "Non-constant operand lacks component list.");
 298       break;
 299     }
 300   } // end if NULL
 301   else {
 302     lst.reset();
 303     while((comp = lst.iter()) != NULL) {
 304       if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConI")) {
 305         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 306         fprintf(fp,"int32 c%d", i);
 307         i++;
 308       }
 309       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConP")) {
 310         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 311         fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i);
 312         i++;
 313       }
 314       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConN")) {
 315         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 316         fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i);
 317         i++;
 318       }

 319       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConL")) {
 320         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 321         fprintf(fp,"jlong c%d", i);
 322         i++;
 323       }
 324       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConF")) {
 325         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 326         fprintf(fp,"jfloat c%d", i);
 327         i++;
 328       }
 329       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConD")) {
 330         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 331         fprintf(fp,"jdouble c%d", i);
 332         i++;
 333       }
 334       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "Bool")) {
 335         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 336         fprintf(fp,"BoolTest::mask c%d", i);
 337         i++;
 338       }

 363   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::le ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_less_equal_format);
 364   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::ge ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_greater_equal_format);
 365   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::lt ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_less_format);
 366   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::gt ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_greater_format);
 367 }
 369 // Output code that dumps constant values, increment "i" if type is constant
 370 static uint dump_spec_constant(FILE *fp, const char *ideal_type, uint i, OperandForm* oper) {
 371   if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConI")) {
 372     fprintf(fp,"   st->print(\"#%%d\", _c%d);\n", i);
 373     ++i;
 374   }
 375   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConP")) {
 376     fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump_on(st);\n", i);
 377     ++i;
 378   }
 379   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConN")) {
 380     fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump_on(st);\n", i);
 381     ++i;
 382   }

 383   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConL")) {
 384     fprintf(fp,"    st->print(\"#\" INT64_FORMAT, _c%d);\n", i);
 385     ++i;
 386   }
 387   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConF")) {
 388     fprintf(fp,"    st->print(\"#%%f\", _c%d);\n", i);
 389     ++i;
 390   }
 391   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConD")) {
 392     fprintf(fp,"    st->print(\"#%%f\", _c%d);\n", i);
 393     ++i;
 394   }
 395   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "Bool")) {
 396     defineCCodeDump(oper, fp,i);
 397     ++i;
 398   }
 400   return i;
 401 }

1222     // Check the interface type, and generate the correct query functions
1223     // encoding queries based upon MEMORY_INTER, REG_INTER, CONST_INTER.
1225     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           opcode() const { return %s; }\n",
1226             machOperEnum(oper->_ident));
1228     // virtual function to look up ideal return type of machine instruction
1229     //
1230     // (1)  virtual const Type    *type() const { return .....; }
1231     //
1232     if ((oper->_matrule) && (oper->_matrule->_lChild == NULL) &&
1233         (oper->_matrule->_rChild == NULL)) {
1234       unsigned int position = 0;
1235       const char  *opret, *opname, *optype;
1236       oper->_matrule->base_operand(position,_globalNames,opret,opname,optype);
1237       fprintf(fp,"  virtual const Type *type() const {");
1238       const char *type = getIdealType(optype);
1239       if( type != NULL ) {
1240         Form::DataType data_type = oper->is_base_constant(_globalNames);
1241         // Check if we are an ideal pointer type
1242         if( data_type == Form::idealP || data_type == Form::idealN ) {
1243           // Return the ideal type we already have: <TypePtr *>
1244           fprintf(fp," return _c0;");
1245         } else {
1246           // Return the appropriate bottom type
1247           fprintf(fp," return %s;", getIdealType(optype));
1248         }
1249       } else {
1250         fprintf(fp," ShouldNotCallThis(); return Type::BOTTOM;");
1251       }
1252       fprintf(fp," }\n");
1253     } else {
1254       // Check for user-defined stack slots, based upon sRegX
1255       Form::DataType data_type = oper->is_user_name_for_sReg();
1256       if( data_type != Form::none ){
1257         const char *type = NULL;
1258         switch( data_type ) {
1259         case Form::idealI: type = "TypeInt::INT";   break;
1260         case Form::idealP: type = "TypePtr::BOTTOM";break;
1261         case Form::idealF: type = "Type::FLOAT";    break;
1262         case Form::idealD: type = "Type::DOUBLE";   break;

1360         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConP")) {
1361           // Access the locally stored constant
1362           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1363           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_con();");
1364           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1365           // Generate query to determine if this pointer is an oop
1366           fprintf(fp,"  virtual relocInfo::relocType           constant_reloc() const {");
1367           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->reloc();");
1368           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1369         }
1370         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConN")) {
1371           // Access the locally stored constant
1372           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1373           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_ptrtype()->get_con();");
1374           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1375           // Generate query to determine if this pointer is an oop
1376           fprintf(fp,"  virtual relocInfo::relocType           constant_reloc() const {");
1377           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_ptrtype()->reloc();");
1378           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1379         }

1380         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConL")) {
1381           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1382           // We don't support addressing modes with > 4Gig offsets.
1383           // Truncate to int.
1384           fprintf(fp,   "  return (intptr_t)_c0;");
1385           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1386           fprintf(fp,"  virtual jlong          constantL() const {");
1387           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0;");
1388           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1389         }
1390         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConF")) {
1391           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1392           fprintf(fp,   " ShouldNotReachHere(); return 0; ");
1393           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1394           fprintf(fp,"  virtual jfloat         constantF() const {");
1395           fprintf(fp,   " return (jfloat)_c0;");
1396           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1397         }
1398         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConD")) {
1399           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");

1793     // thereby removing degrees of scheduling freedom that the optimizer
1794     // assumed would be available.)
1795     //
1796     // %%% We should handle many of these cases with an explicit ADL clause:
1797     // instruct foo() %{ ... bottom_type(TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM); ... %}
1798     if( data_type != Form::none ) {
1799       // A constant's bottom_type returns a Type containing its constant value
1801       // !!!!!
1802       // Convert all ints, floats, ... to machine-independent TypeXs
1803       // as is done for pointers
1804       //
1805       // Construct appropriate constant type containing the constant value.
1806       fprintf(fp,"  virtual const class Type *bottom_type() const{\n");
1807       switch( data_type ) {
1808       case Form::idealI:
1809         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeInt::make(opnd_array(1)->constant());\n");
1810         break;
1811       case Form::idealP:
1812       case Form::idealN:

1813         fprintf(fp,"    return  opnd_array(1)->type();\n");
1814         break;
1815       case Form::idealD:
1816         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeD::make(opnd_array(1)->constantD());\n");
1817         break;
1818       case Form::idealF:
1819         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeF::make(opnd_array(1)->constantF());\n");
1820         break;
1821       case Form::idealL:
1822         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeLong::make(opnd_array(1)->constantL());\n");
1823         break;
1824       default:
1825         assert( false, "Unimplemented()" );
1826         break;
1827       }
1828       fprintf(fp,"  };\n");
1829     }
1830 /*    else if ( instr->_matrule && instr->_matrule->_rChild &&
1831         (  strcmp("ConvF2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0
1832         || strcmp("ConvD2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0 ) ) {

 190   Component *comp;
 192   if (oper->num_consts(globals) == 0) return;
 193   // Iterate over the component list looking for constants
 194   oper->_components.reset();
 195   if ((comp = oper->_components.iter()) == NULL) {
 196     assert(oper->num_consts(globals) == 1, "Bad component list detected.\n");
 197     const char *type = oper->ideal_type(globals);
 198     if (!strcmp(type, "ConI")) {
 199       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 200       fprintf(fp,"  int32          _c%d;\n", i);
 201     }
 202     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConP")) {
 203       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 204       fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 205     }
 206     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConN")) {
 207       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 208       fprintf(fp,"  const TypeNarrowOop *_c%d;\n", i);
 209     }
 210     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConNKlass")) {
 211       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 212       fprintf(fp,"  const TypeNarrowKlass *_c%d;\n", i);
 213     }
 214     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConL")) {
 215       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 216       fprintf(fp,"  jlong          _c%d;\n", i);
 217     }
 218     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConF")) {
 219       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 220       fprintf(fp,"  jfloat         _c%d;\n", i);
 221     }
 222     else if (!strcmp(type, "ConD")) {
 223       if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 224       fprintf(fp,"  jdouble        _c%d;\n", i);
 225     }
 226     else if (!strcmp(type, "Bool")) {
 227       fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
 228       fprintf(fp,"  BoolTest::mask _c%d;\n", i);
 229       fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
 230     }
 231     else {
 232       assert(0, "Non-constant operand lacks component list.");
 233     }
 234   } // end if NULL
 235   else {
 236     oper->_components.reset();
 237     while ((comp = oper->_components.iter()) != NULL) {
 238       if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConI")) {
 239         fprintf(fp,"  jint             _c%d;\n", i);
 240         i++;
 241       }
 242       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConP")) {
 243         fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 244         i++;
 245       }
 246       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConN")) {
 247         fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 248         i++;
 249       }
 250       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConNKlass")) {
 251         fprintf(fp,"  const TypePtr *_c%d;\n", i);
 252         i++;
 253       }
 254       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConL")) {
 255         fprintf(fp,"  jlong            _c%d;\n", i);
 256         i++;
 257       }
 258       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConF")) {
 259         fprintf(fp,"  jfloat           _c%d;\n", i);
 260         i++;
 261       }
 262       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConD")) {
 263         fprintf(fp,"  jdouble          _c%d;\n", i);
 264         i++;
 265       }
 266     }
 267   }
 268 }
 270 // Declare constructor.
 271 // Parameters start with condition code, then all other constants
 272 //
 273 // (0) public:

 280   fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
 281   // generate line (1)
 282   fprintf(fp,"  %sOper(", name);
 283   if( num_consts == 0 ) {
 284     fprintf(fp,") {}\n");
 285     return;
 286   }
 288   // generate parameters for constants
 289   uint i = 0;
 290   Component *comp;
 291   lst.reset();
 292   if ((comp = lst.iter()) == NULL) {
 293     assert(num_consts == 1, "Bad component list detected.\n");
 294     switch( constant_type ) {
 295     case Form::idealI : {
 296       fprintf(fp,is_ideal_bool ? "BoolTest::mask c%d" : "int32 c%d", i);
 297       break;
 298     }
 299     case Form::idealN :      { fprintf(fp,"const TypeNarrowOop *c%d", i); break; }
 300     case Form::idealNKlass : { fprintf(fp,"const TypeNarrowKlass *c%d", i); break; }
 301     case Form::idealP :      { fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i); break; }
 302     case Form::idealL :      { fprintf(fp,"jlong c%d", i);   break;        }
 303     case Form::idealF :      { fprintf(fp,"jfloat c%d", i);  break;        }
 304     case Form::idealD :      { fprintf(fp,"jdouble c%d", i); break;        }
 305     default:
 306       assert(!is_ideal_bool, "Non-constant operand lacks component list.");
 307       break;
 308     }
 309   } // end if NULL
 310   else {
 311     lst.reset();
 312     while((comp = lst.iter()) != NULL) {
 313       if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConI")) {
 314         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 315         fprintf(fp,"int32 c%d", i);
 316         i++;
 317       }
 318       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConP")) {
 319         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 320         fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i);
 321         i++;
 322       }
 323       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConN")) {
 324         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 325         fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i);
 326         i++;
 327       }
 328       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConNKlass")) {
 329         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 330         fprintf(fp,"const TypePtr *c%d", i);
 331         i++;
 332       }
 333       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConL")) {
 334         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 335         fprintf(fp,"jlong c%d", i);
 336         i++;
 337       }
 338       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConF")) {
 339         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 340         fprintf(fp,"jfloat c%d", i);
 341         i++;
 342       }
 343       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "ConD")) {
 344         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 345         fprintf(fp,"jdouble c%d", i);
 346         i++;
 347       }
 348       else if (!strcmp(comp->base_type(globals), "Bool")) {
 349         if (i > 0) fprintf(fp,", ");
 350         fprintf(fp,"BoolTest::mask c%d", i);
 351         i++;
 352       }

 377   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::le ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_less_equal_format);
 378   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::ge ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_greater_equal_format);
 379   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::lt ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_less_format);
 380   fprintf(fp, "    else if( _c%d == BoolTest::gt ) st->print(\"%s\");\n",i,cond->_greater_format);
 381 }
 383 // Output code that dumps constant values, increment "i" if type is constant
 384 static uint dump_spec_constant(FILE *fp, const char *ideal_type, uint i, OperandForm* oper) {
 385   if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConI")) {
 386     fprintf(fp,"   st->print(\"#%%d\", _c%d);\n", i);
 387     ++i;
 388   }
 389   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConP")) {
 390     fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump_on(st);\n", i);
 391     ++i;
 392   }
 393   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConN")) {
 394     fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump_on(st);\n", i);
 395     ++i;
 396   }
 397   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConNKlass")) {
 398     fprintf(fp,"    _c%d->dump_on(st);\n", i);
 399     ++i;
 400   }
 401   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConL")) {
 402     fprintf(fp,"    st->print(\"#\" INT64_FORMAT, _c%d);\n", i);
 403     ++i;
 404   }
 405   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConF")) {
 406     fprintf(fp,"    st->print(\"#%%f\", _c%d);\n", i);
 407     ++i;
 408   }
 409   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "ConD")) {
 410     fprintf(fp,"    st->print(\"#%%f\", _c%d);\n", i);
 411     ++i;
 412   }
 413   else if (!strcmp(ideal_type, "Bool")) {
 414     defineCCodeDump(oper, fp,i);
 415     ++i;
 416   }
 418   return i;
 419 }

1240     // Check the interface type, and generate the correct query functions
1241     // encoding queries based upon MEMORY_INTER, REG_INTER, CONST_INTER.
1243     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           opcode() const { return %s; }\n",
1244             machOperEnum(oper->_ident));
1246     // virtual function to look up ideal return type of machine instruction
1247     //
1248     // (1)  virtual const Type    *type() const { return .....; }
1249     //
1250     if ((oper->_matrule) && (oper->_matrule->_lChild == NULL) &&
1251         (oper->_matrule->_rChild == NULL)) {
1252       unsigned int position = 0;
1253       const char  *opret, *opname, *optype;
1254       oper->_matrule->base_operand(position,_globalNames,opret,opname,optype);
1255       fprintf(fp,"  virtual const Type *type() const {");
1256       const char *type = getIdealType(optype);
1257       if( type != NULL ) {
1258         Form::DataType data_type = oper->is_base_constant(_globalNames);
1259         // Check if we are an ideal pointer type
1260         if( data_type == Form::idealP || data_type == Form::idealN || data_type == Form::idealNKlass ) {
1261           // Return the ideal type we already have: <TypePtr *>
1262           fprintf(fp," return _c0;");
1263         } else {
1264           // Return the appropriate bottom type
1265           fprintf(fp," return %s;", getIdealType(optype));
1266         }
1267       } else {
1268         fprintf(fp," ShouldNotCallThis(); return Type::BOTTOM;");
1269       }
1270       fprintf(fp," }\n");
1271     } else {
1272       // Check for user-defined stack slots, based upon sRegX
1273       Form::DataType data_type = oper->is_user_name_for_sReg();
1274       if( data_type != Form::none ){
1275         const char *type = NULL;
1276         switch( data_type ) {
1277         case Form::idealI: type = "TypeInt::INT";   break;
1278         case Form::idealP: type = "TypePtr::BOTTOM";break;
1279         case Form::idealF: type = "Type::FLOAT";    break;
1280         case Form::idealD: type = "Type::DOUBLE";   break;

1378         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConP")) {
1379           // Access the locally stored constant
1380           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1381           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_con();");
1382           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1383           // Generate query to determine if this pointer is an oop
1384           fprintf(fp,"  virtual relocInfo::relocType           constant_reloc() const {");
1385           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->reloc();");
1386           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1387         }
1388         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConN")) {
1389           // Access the locally stored constant
1390           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1391           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_ptrtype()->get_con();");
1392           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1393           // Generate query to determine if this pointer is an oop
1394           fprintf(fp,"  virtual relocInfo::relocType           constant_reloc() const {");
1395           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_ptrtype()->reloc();");
1396           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1397         }
1398         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConNKlass")) {
1399           // Access the locally stored constant
1400           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1401           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_ptrtype()->get_con();");
1402           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1403           // Generate query to determine if this pointer is an oop
1404           fprintf(fp,"  virtual relocInfo::relocType           constant_reloc() const {");
1405           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0->get_ptrtype()->reloc();");
1406           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1407         }
1408         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConL")) {
1409           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1410           // We don't support addressing modes with > 4Gig offsets.
1411           // Truncate to int.
1412           fprintf(fp,   "  return (intptr_t)_c0;");
1413           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1414           fprintf(fp,"  virtual jlong          constantL() const {");
1415           fprintf(fp,   " return _c0;");
1416           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1417         }
1418         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConF")) {
1419           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");
1420           fprintf(fp,   " ShouldNotReachHere(); return 0; ");
1421           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1422           fprintf(fp,"  virtual jfloat         constantF() const {");
1423           fprintf(fp,   " return (jfloat)_c0;");
1424           fprintf(fp, " }\n");
1425         }
1426         else if (!strcmp(oper->ideal_type(_globalNames), "ConD")) {
1427           fprintf(fp,"  virtual intptr_t       constant() const {");

1821     // thereby removing degrees of scheduling freedom that the optimizer
1822     // assumed would be available.)
1823     //
1824     // %%% We should handle many of these cases with an explicit ADL clause:
1825     // instruct foo() %{ ... bottom_type(TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM); ... %}
1826     if( data_type != Form::none ) {
1827       // A constant's bottom_type returns a Type containing its constant value
1829       // !!!!!
1830       // Convert all ints, floats, ... to machine-independent TypeXs
1831       // as is done for pointers
1832       //
1833       // Construct appropriate constant type containing the constant value.
1834       fprintf(fp,"  virtual const class Type *bottom_type() const{\n");
1835       switch( data_type ) {
1836       case Form::idealI:
1837         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeInt::make(opnd_array(1)->constant());\n");
1838         break;
1839       case Form::idealP:
1840       case Form::idealN:
1841       case Form::idealNKlass:
1842         fprintf(fp,"    return  opnd_array(1)->type();\n");
1843         break;
1844       case Form::idealD:
1845         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeD::make(opnd_array(1)->constantD());\n");
1846         break;
1847       case Form::idealF:
1848         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeF::make(opnd_array(1)->constantF());\n");
1849         break;
1850       case Form::idealL:
1851         fprintf(fp,"    return  TypeLong::make(opnd_array(1)->constantL());\n");
1852         break;
1853       default:
1854         assert( false, "Unimplemented()" );
1855         break;
1856       }
1857       fprintf(fp,"  };\n");
1858     }
1859 /*    else if ( instr->_matrule && instr->_matrule->_rChild &&
1860         (  strcmp("ConvF2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0
1861         || strcmp("ConvD2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0 ) ) {