
Print this page
rev 3904 : 8005071: Incremental inlining for JSR 292
Summary: post parse inlining driven by number of live nodes.

 263   const bool            _do_escape_analysis;    // Do escape analysis.
 264   ciMethod*             _method;                // The method being compiled.
 265   int                   _entry_bci;             // entry bci for osr methods.
 266   const TypeFunc*       _tf;                    // My kind of signature
 267   InlineTree*           _ilt;                   // Ditto (temporary).
 268   address               _stub_function;         // VM entry for stub being compiled, or NULL
 269   const char*           _stub_name;             // Name of stub or adapter being compiled, or NULL
 270   address               _stub_entry_point;      // Compile code entry for generated stub, or NULL
 272   // Control of this compilation.
 273   int                   _num_loop_opts;         // Number of iterations for doing loop optimiztions
 274   int                   _max_inline_size;       // Max inline size for this compilation
 275   int                   _freq_inline_size;      // Max hot method inline size for this compilation
 276   int                   _fixed_slots;           // count of frame slots not allocated by the register
 277                                                 // allocator i.e. locks, original deopt pc, etc.
 278   // For deopt
 279   int                   _orig_pc_slot;
 280   int                   _orig_pc_slot_offset_in_bytes;
 282   int                   _major_progress;        // Count of something big happening

 283   bool                  _has_loops;             // True if the method _may_ have some loops
 284   bool                  _has_split_ifs;         // True if the method _may_ have some split-if
 285   bool                  _has_unsafe_access;     // True if the method _may_ produce faults in unsafe loads or stores.
 286   bool                  _has_stringbuilder;     // True StringBuffers or StringBuilders are allocated
 287   int                   _max_vector_size;       // Maximum size of generated vectors
 288   uint                  _trap_hist[trapHistLength];  // Cumulative traps
 289   bool                  _trap_can_recompile;    // Have we emitted a recompiling trap?
 290   uint                  _decompile_count;       // Cumulative decompilation counts.
 291   bool                  _do_inlining;           // True if we intend to do inlining
 292   bool                  _do_scheduling;         // True if we intend to do scheduling
 293   bool                  _do_freq_based_layout;  // True if we intend to do frequency based block layout
 294   bool                  _do_count_invocations;  // True if we generate code to count invocations
 295   bool                  _do_method_data_update; // True if we generate code to update MethodData*s
 296   int                   _AliasLevel;            // Locally-adjusted version of AliasLevel flag.
 297   bool                  _print_assembly;        // True if we should dump assembly code for this compilation
 298 #ifndef PRODUCT
 299   bool                  _trace_opto_output;
 300   bool                  _parsed_irreducible_loop; // True if ciTypeFlow detected irreducible loops during parsing
 301 #endif

 352   // Type management
 353   Arena                 _Compile_types;         // Arena for all types
 354   Arena*                _type_arena;            // Alias for _Compile_types except in Initialize_shared()
 355   Dict*                 _type_dict;             // Intern table
 356   void*                 _type_hwm;              // Last allocation (see Type::operator new/delete)
 357   size_t                _type_last_size;        // Last allocation size (see Type::operator new/delete)
 358   ciMethod*             _last_tf_m;             // Cache for
 359   const TypeFunc*       _last_tf;               //  TypeFunc::make
 360   AliasType**           _alias_types;           // List of alias types seen so far.
 361   int                   _num_alias_types;       // Logical length of _alias_types
 362   int                   _max_alias_types;       // Physical length of _alias_types
 363   AliasCacheEntry       _alias_cache[AliasCacheSize]; // Gets aliases w/o data structure walking
 365   // Parsing, optimization
 366   PhaseGVN*             _initial_gvn;           // Results of parse-time PhaseGVN
 367   Unique_Node_List*     _for_igvn;              // Initial work-list for next round of Iterative GVN
 368   WarmCallInfo*         _warm_calls;            // Sorted work-list for heat-based inlining.
 370   GrowableArray<CallGenerator*> _late_inlines;  // List of CallGenerators to be revisited after
 371                                                 // main parsing has finished.

 373   // Inlining may not happen in parse order which would make
 374   // PrintInlining output confusing. Keep track of PrintInlining
 375   // pieces in order.
 376   class PrintInliningBuffer : public ResourceObj {
 377    private:
 378     CallGenerator* _cg;
 379     stringStream* _ss;
 381    public:
 382     PrintInliningBuffer()
 383       : _cg(NULL) { _ss = new stringStream(); }
 385     stringStream* ss() const { return _ss; }
 386     CallGenerator* cg() const { return _cg; }
 387     void set_cg(CallGenerator* cg) { _cg = cg; }
 388   };
 390   GrowableArray<PrintInliningBuffer>* _print_inlining_list;
 391   int _print_inlining;

 474   bool              do_escape_analysis() const  { return _do_escape_analysis; }
 475   bool              save_argument_registers() const { return _save_argument_registers; }
 478   // Other fixed compilation parameters.
 479   ciMethod*         method() const              { return _method; }
 480   int               entry_bci() const           { return _entry_bci; }
 481   bool              is_osr_compilation() const  { return _entry_bci != InvocationEntryBci; }
 482   bool              is_method_compilation() const { return (_method != NULL && !_method->flags().is_native()); }
 483   const TypeFunc*   tf() const                  { assert(_tf!=NULL, ""); return _tf; }
 484   void         init_tf(const TypeFunc* tf)      { assert(_tf==NULL, ""); _tf = tf; }
 485   InlineTree*       ilt() const                 { return _ilt; }
 486   address           stub_function() const       { return _stub_function; }
 487   const char*       stub_name() const           { return _stub_name; }
 488   address           stub_entry_point() const    { return _stub_entry_point; }
 490   // Control of this compilation.
 491   int               fixed_slots() const         { assert(_fixed_slots >= 0, "");         return _fixed_slots; }
 492   void          set_fixed_slots(int n)          { _fixed_slots = n; }
 493   int               major_progress() const      { return _major_progress; }

 494   void          set_major_progress()            { _major_progress++; }
 495   void        clear_major_progress()            { _major_progress = 0; }
 496   int               num_loop_opts() const       { return _num_loop_opts; }
 497   void          set_num_loop_opts(int n)        { _num_loop_opts = n; }
 498   int               max_inline_size() const     { return _max_inline_size; }
 499   void          set_freq_inline_size(int n)     { _freq_inline_size = n; }
 500   int               freq_inline_size() const    { return _freq_inline_size; }
 501   void          set_max_inline_size(int n)      { _max_inline_size = n; }
 502   bool              has_loops() const           { return _has_loops; }
 503   void          set_has_loops(bool z)           { _has_loops = z; }
 504   bool              has_split_ifs() const       { return _has_split_ifs; }
 505   void          set_has_split_ifs(bool z)       { _has_split_ifs = z; }
 506   bool              has_unsafe_access() const   { return _has_unsafe_access; }
 507   void          set_has_unsafe_access(bool z)   { _has_unsafe_access = z; }
 508   bool              has_stringbuilder() const   { return _has_stringbuilder; }
 509   void          set_has_stringbuilder(bool z)   { _has_stringbuilder = z; }
 510   int               max_vector_size() const     { return _max_vector_size; }
 511   void          set_max_vector_size(int s)      { _max_vector_size = s; }
 512   void          set_trap_count(uint r, uint c)  { assert(r < trapHistLength, "oob");        _trap_hist[r] = c; }
 513   uint              trap_count(uint r) const    { assert(r < trapHistLength, "oob"); return _trap_hist[r]; }

 712     _last_tf_m = m;
 713     _last_tf = tf;
 714   }
 716   AliasType*        alias_type(int                idx)  { assert(idx < num_alias_types(), "oob"); return _alias_types[idx]; }
 717   AliasType*        alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type, ciField* field = NULL) { return find_alias_type(adr_type, false, field); }
 718   bool         have_alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type);
 719   AliasType*        alias_type(ciField*         field);
 721   int               get_alias_index(const TypePtr* at)  { return alias_type(at)->index(); }
 722   const TypePtr*    get_adr_type(uint aidx)             { return alias_type(aidx)->adr_type(); }
 723   int               get_general_index(uint aidx)        { return alias_type(aidx)->general_index(); }
 725   // Building nodes
 726   void              rethrow_exceptions(JVMState* jvms);
 727   void              return_values(JVMState* jvms);
 728   JVMState*         build_start_state(StartNode* start, const TypeFunc* tf);
 730   // Decide how to build a call.
 731   // The profile factor is a discount to apply to this site's interp. profile.
 732   CallGenerator*    call_generator(ciMethod* call_method, int vtable_index, bool call_is_virtual, JVMState* jvms, bool allow_inline, float profile_factor, bool allow_intrinsics = true);
 733   bool should_delay_inlining(ciMethod* call_method, JVMState* jvms);
 735   // Report if there were too many traps at a current method and bci.
 736   // Report if a trap was recorded, and/or PerMethodTrapLimit was exceeded.
 737   // If there is no MDO at all, report no trap unless told to assume it.
 738   bool too_many_traps(ciMethod* method, int bci, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason);
 739   // This version, unspecific to a particular bci, asks if
 740   // PerMethodTrapLimit was exceeded for all inlined methods seen so far.
 741   bool too_many_traps(Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
 742                       // Privately used parameter for logging:
 743                       ciMethodData* logmd = NULL);
 744   // Report if there were too many recompiles at a method and bci.
 745   bool too_many_recompiles(ciMethod* method, int bci, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason);
 747   // Parsing, optimization
 748   PhaseGVN*         initial_gvn()               { return _initial_gvn; }
 749   Unique_Node_List* for_igvn()                  { return _for_igvn; }
 750   inline void       record_for_igvn(Node* n);   // Body is after class Unique_Node_List.
 751   void          set_initial_gvn(PhaseGVN *gvn)           { _initial_gvn = gvn; }
 752   void          set_for_igvn(Unique_Node_List *for_igvn) { _for_igvn = for_igvn; }
 754   // Replace n by nn using initial_gvn, calling hash_delete and
 755   // record_for_igvn as needed.
 756   void gvn_replace_by(Node* n, Node* nn);
 759   void              identify_useful_nodes(Unique_Node_List &useful);
 760   void              update_dead_node_list(Unique_Node_List &useful);
 761   void              remove_useless_nodes (Unique_Node_List &useful);
 763   WarmCallInfo*     warm_calls() const          { return _warm_calls; }
 764   void          set_warm_calls(WarmCallInfo* l) { _warm_calls = l; }
 765   WarmCallInfo* pop_warm_call();
 767   // Record this CallGenerator for inlining at the end of parsing.
 768   void              add_late_inline(CallGenerator* cg) { _late_inlines.push(cg); }

 770   void dump_inlining();

 772   // Matching, CFG layout, allocation, code generation
 773   PhaseCFG*         cfg()                       { return _cfg; }
 774   bool              select_24_bit_instr() const { return _select_24_bit_instr; }
 775   bool              in_24_bit_fp_mode() const   { return _in_24_bit_fp_mode; }
 776   bool              has_java_calls() const      { return _java_calls > 0; }
 777   int               java_calls() const          { return _java_calls; }
 778   int               inner_loops() const         { return _inner_loops; }
 779   Matcher*          matcher()                   { return _matcher; }
 780   PhaseRegAlloc*    regalloc()                  { return _regalloc; }
 781   int               frame_slots() const         { return _frame_slots; }
 782   int               frame_size_in_words() const; // frame_slots in units of the polymorphic 'words'
 783   RegMask&          FIRST_STACK_mask()          { return _FIRST_STACK_mask; }
 784   Arena*            indexSet_arena()            { return _indexSet_arena; }
 785   void*             indexSet_free_block_list()  { return _indexSet_free_block_list; }
 786   uint              node_bundling_limit()       { return _node_bundling_limit; }
 787   Bundle*           node_bundling_base()        { return _node_bundling_base; }
 788   void          set_node_bundling_limit(uint n) { _node_bundling_limit = n; }
 789   void          set_node_bundling_base(Bundle* b) { _node_bundling_base = b; }
 790   bool          starts_bundle(const Node *n) const;

 263   const bool            _do_escape_analysis;    // Do escape analysis.
 264   ciMethod*             _method;                // The method being compiled.
 265   int                   _entry_bci;             // entry bci for osr methods.
 266   const TypeFunc*       _tf;                    // My kind of signature
 267   InlineTree*           _ilt;                   // Ditto (temporary).
 268   address               _stub_function;         // VM entry for stub being compiled, or NULL
 269   const char*           _stub_name;             // Name of stub or adapter being compiled, or NULL
 270   address               _stub_entry_point;      // Compile code entry for generated stub, or NULL
 272   // Control of this compilation.
 273   int                   _num_loop_opts;         // Number of iterations for doing loop optimiztions
 274   int                   _max_inline_size;       // Max inline size for this compilation
 275   int                   _freq_inline_size;      // Max hot method inline size for this compilation
 276   int                   _fixed_slots;           // count of frame slots not allocated by the register
 277                                                 // allocator i.e. locks, original deopt pc, etc.
 278   // For deopt
 279   int                   _orig_pc_slot;
 280   int                   _orig_pc_slot_offset_in_bytes;
 282   int                   _major_progress;        // Count of something big happening
 283   bool                  _inlining_progress;     // progress doing incremental inlining?
 284   bool                  _inlining_incrementally;// Are we doing incremental inlining (post parse)
 285   bool                  _has_loops;             // True if the method _may_ have some loops
 286   bool                  _has_split_ifs;         // True if the method _may_ have some split-if
 287   bool                  _has_unsafe_access;     // True if the method _may_ produce faults in unsafe loads or stores.
 288   bool                  _has_stringbuilder;     // True StringBuffers or StringBuilders are allocated
 289   int                   _max_vector_size;       // Maximum size of generated vectors
 290   uint                  _trap_hist[trapHistLength];  // Cumulative traps
 291   bool                  _trap_can_recompile;    // Have we emitted a recompiling trap?
 292   uint                  _decompile_count;       // Cumulative decompilation counts.
 293   bool                  _do_inlining;           // True if we intend to do inlining
 294   bool                  _do_scheduling;         // True if we intend to do scheduling
 295   bool                  _do_freq_based_layout;  // True if we intend to do frequency based block layout
 296   bool                  _do_count_invocations;  // True if we generate code to count invocations
 297   bool                  _do_method_data_update; // True if we generate code to update MethodData*s
 298   int                   _AliasLevel;            // Locally-adjusted version of AliasLevel flag.
 299   bool                  _print_assembly;        // True if we should dump assembly code for this compilation
 300 #ifndef PRODUCT
 301   bool                  _trace_opto_output;
 302   bool                  _parsed_irreducible_loop; // True if ciTypeFlow detected irreducible loops during parsing
 303 #endif

 354   // Type management
 355   Arena                 _Compile_types;         // Arena for all types
 356   Arena*                _type_arena;            // Alias for _Compile_types except in Initialize_shared()
 357   Dict*                 _type_dict;             // Intern table
 358   void*                 _type_hwm;              // Last allocation (see Type::operator new/delete)
 359   size_t                _type_last_size;        // Last allocation size (see Type::operator new/delete)
 360   ciMethod*             _last_tf_m;             // Cache for
 361   const TypeFunc*       _last_tf;               //  TypeFunc::make
 362   AliasType**           _alias_types;           // List of alias types seen so far.
 363   int                   _num_alias_types;       // Logical length of _alias_types
 364   int                   _max_alias_types;       // Physical length of _alias_types
 365   AliasCacheEntry       _alias_cache[AliasCacheSize]; // Gets aliases w/o data structure walking
 367   // Parsing, optimization
 368   PhaseGVN*             _initial_gvn;           // Results of parse-time PhaseGVN
 369   Unique_Node_List*     _for_igvn;              // Initial work-list for next round of Iterative GVN
 370   WarmCallInfo*         _warm_calls;            // Sorted work-list for heat-based inlining.
 372   GrowableArray<CallGenerator*> _late_inlines;        // List of CallGenerators to be revisited after
 373                                                       // main parsing has finished.
 374   GrowableArray<CallGenerator*> _string_late_inlines; // same but for string operations
 376   int                           _late_inlines_pos;    // Where in the queue should the next late inlining candidate go (emulate depth first inlining)
 377   uint                          _number_of_mh_late_inlines; // number of method handle late inlining still pending
 380   // Inlining may not happen in parse order which would make
 381   // PrintInlining output confusing. Keep track of PrintInlining
 382   // pieces in order.
 383   class PrintInliningBuffer : public ResourceObj {
 384    private:
 385     CallGenerator* _cg;
 386     stringStream* _ss;
 388    public:
 389     PrintInliningBuffer()
 390       : _cg(NULL) { _ss = new stringStream(); }
 392     stringStream* ss() const { return _ss; }
 393     CallGenerator* cg() const { return _cg; }
 394     void set_cg(CallGenerator* cg) { _cg = cg; }
 395   };
 397   GrowableArray<PrintInliningBuffer>* _print_inlining_list;
 398   int _print_inlining;

 481   bool              do_escape_analysis() const  { return _do_escape_analysis; }
 482   bool              save_argument_registers() const { return _save_argument_registers; }
 485   // Other fixed compilation parameters.
 486   ciMethod*         method() const              { return _method; }
 487   int               entry_bci() const           { return _entry_bci; }
 488   bool              is_osr_compilation() const  { return _entry_bci != InvocationEntryBci; }
 489   bool              is_method_compilation() const { return (_method != NULL && !_method->flags().is_native()); }
 490   const TypeFunc*   tf() const                  { assert(_tf!=NULL, ""); return _tf; }
 491   void         init_tf(const TypeFunc* tf)      { assert(_tf==NULL, ""); _tf = tf; }
 492   InlineTree*       ilt() const                 { return _ilt; }
 493   address           stub_function() const       { return _stub_function; }
 494   const char*       stub_name() const           { return _stub_name; }
 495   address           stub_entry_point() const    { return _stub_entry_point; }
 497   // Control of this compilation.
 498   int               fixed_slots() const         { assert(_fixed_slots >= 0, "");         return _fixed_slots; }
 499   void          set_fixed_slots(int n)          { _fixed_slots = n; }
 500   int               major_progress() const      { return _major_progress; }
 501   void          set_inlining_progress()         { _inlining_progress = true; }
 502   void        clear_inlining_progress()         { _inlining_progress = false; }
 503   int               inlining_progress() const   { return _inlining_progress; }
 504   int               inlining_incrementally() const { return _inlining_incrementally; }
 505   void          set_inlining_incrementally()       { _inlining_incrementally = true; }
 506   void        clear_inlining_incrementally()       { _inlining_incrementally = false; }
 507   void          set_major_progress()            { _major_progress++; }
 508   void        clear_major_progress()            { _major_progress = 0; }
 509   int               num_loop_opts() const       { return _num_loop_opts; }
 510   void          set_num_loop_opts(int n)        { _num_loop_opts = n; }
 511   int               max_inline_size() const     { return _max_inline_size; }
 512   void          set_freq_inline_size(int n)     { _freq_inline_size = n; }
 513   int               freq_inline_size() const    { return _freq_inline_size; }
 514   void          set_max_inline_size(int n)      { _max_inline_size = n; }
 515   bool              has_loops() const           { return _has_loops; }
 516   void          set_has_loops(bool z)           { _has_loops = z; }
 517   bool              has_split_ifs() const       { return _has_split_ifs; }
 518   void          set_has_split_ifs(bool z)       { _has_split_ifs = z; }
 519   bool              has_unsafe_access() const   { return _has_unsafe_access; }
 520   void          set_has_unsafe_access(bool z)   { _has_unsafe_access = z; }
 521   bool              has_stringbuilder() const   { return _has_stringbuilder; }
 522   void          set_has_stringbuilder(bool z)   { _has_stringbuilder = z; }
 523   int               max_vector_size() const     { return _max_vector_size; }
 524   void          set_max_vector_size(int s)      { _max_vector_size = s; }
 525   void          set_trap_count(uint r, uint c)  { assert(r < trapHistLength, "oob");        _trap_hist[r] = c; }
 526   uint              trap_count(uint r) const    { assert(r < trapHistLength, "oob"); return _trap_hist[r]; }

 725     _last_tf_m = m;
 726     _last_tf = tf;
 727   }
 729   AliasType*        alias_type(int                idx)  { assert(idx < num_alias_types(), "oob"); return _alias_types[idx]; }
 730   AliasType*        alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type, ciField* field = NULL) { return find_alias_type(adr_type, false, field); }
 731   bool         have_alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type);
 732   AliasType*        alias_type(ciField*         field);
 734   int               get_alias_index(const TypePtr* at)  { return alias_type(at)->index(); }
 735   const TypePtr*    get_adr_type(uint aidx)             { return alias_type(aidx)->adr_type(); }
 736   int               get_general_index(uint aidx)        { return alias_type(aidx)->general_index(); }
 738   // Building nodes
 739   void              rethrow_exceptions(JVMState* jvms);
 740   void              return_values(JVMState* jvms);
 741   JVMState*         build_start_state(StartNode* start, const TypeFunc* tf);
 743   // Decide how to build a call.
 744   // The profile factor is a discount to apply to this site's interp. profile.
 745   CallGenerator*    call_generator(ciMethod* call_method, int vtable_index, bool call_is_virtual, JVMState* jvms, bool allow_inline, float profile_factor, bool allow_intrinsics = true, bool delayed_forbidden = false);
 746   bool should_delay_inlining(ciMethod* call_method, JVMState* jvms);
 748   // Report if there were too many traps at a current method and bci.
 749   // Report if a trap was recorded, and/or PerMethodTrapLimit was exceeded.
 750   // If there is no MDO at all, report no trap unless told to assume it.
 751   bool too_many_traps(ciMethod* method, int bci, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason);
 752   // This version, unspecific to a particular bci, asks if
 753   // PerMethodTrapLimit was exceeded for all inlined methods seen so far.
 754   bool too_many_traps(Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
 755                       // Privately used parameter for logging:
 756                       ciMethodData* logmd = NULL);
 757   // Report if there were too many recompiles at a method and bci.
 758   bool too_many_recompiles(ciMethod* method, int bci, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason);
 760   // Parsing, optimization
 761   PhaseGVN*         initial_gvn()               { return _initial_gvn; }
 762   Unique_Node_List* for_igvn()                  { return _for_igvn; }
 763   inline void       record_for_igvn(Node* n);   // Body is after class Unique_Node_List.
 764   void          set_initial_gvn(PhaseGVN *gvn)           { _initial_gvn = gvn; }
 765   void          set_for_igvn(Unique_Node_List *for_igvn) { _for_igvn = for_igvn; }
 767   // Replace n by nn using initial_gvn, calling hash_delete and
 768   // record_for_igvn as needed.
 769   void gvn_replace_by(Node* n, Node* nn);
 772   void              identify_useful_nodes(Unique_Node_List &useful);
 773   void              update_dead_node_list(Unique_Node_List &useful);
 774   void              remove_useless_nodes (Unique_Node_List &useful);
 776   WarmCallInfo*     warm_calls() const          { return _warm_calls; }
 777   void          set_warm_calls(WarmCallInfo* l) { _warm_calls = l; }
 778   WarmCallInfo* pop_warm_call();
 780   // Record this CallGenerator for inlining at the end of parsing.
 781   void              add_late_inline(CallGenerator* cg)        { 
 782     _late_inlines.insert_before(_late_inlines_pos, cg);
 783     _late_inlines_pos++;
 784   }
 786   void              prepend_late_inline(CallGenerator* cg)    { 
 787     _late_inlines.insert_before(0, cg);
 788   }
 790   void              add_string_late_inline(CallGenerator* cg) { 
 791     _string_late_inlines.push(cg); 
 792   }
 794   void remove_useless_late_inlines(Unique_Node_List &useful, bool string);
 796   void dump_inlining();
 798   bool over_inlining_cutoff() const { 
 799     if (!inlining_incrementally()) {
 800       return unique() > (uint)NodeCountInliningCutoff; 
 801     } else {
 802       return live_nodes() > (uint)LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff;
 803     }
 804   }
 806   void inc_number_of_mh_late_inlines() { _number_of_mh_late_inlines++; }
 807   void dec_number_of_mh_late_inlines() { assert(_number_of_mh_late_inlines > 0, "_number_of_mh_late_inlines < 0 !"); _number_of_mh_late_inlines--; }
 808   bool has_mh_late_inlines() const     { return _number_of_mh_late_inlines > 0; }
 810   void incremental_inline_one(PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
 811   void incremental_inline(PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
 812   void string_inline(bool parse_time);
 814   // Matching, CFG layout, allocation, code generation
 815   PhaseCFG*         cfg()                       { return _cfg; }
 816   bool              select_24_bit_instr() const { return _select_24_bit_instr; }
 817   bool              in_24_bit_fp_mode() const   { return _in_24_bit_fp_mode; }
 818   bool              has_java_calls() const      { return _java_calls > 0; }
 819   int               java_calls() const          { return _java_calls; }
 820   int               inner_loops() const         { return _inner_loops; }
 821   Matcher*          matcher()                   { return _matcher; }
 822   PhaseRegAlloc*    regalloc()                  { return _regalloc; }
 823   int               frame_slots() const         { return _frame_slots; }
 824   int               frame_size_in_words() const; // frame_slots in units of the polymorphic 'words'
 825   RegMask&          FIRST_STACK_mask()          { return _FIRST_STACK_mask; }
 826   Arena*            indexSet_arena()            { return _indexSet_arena; }
 827   void*             indexSet_free_block_list()  { return _indexSet_free_block_list; }
 828   uint              node_bundling_limit()       { return _node_bundling_limit; }
 829   Bundle*           node_bundling_base()        { return _node_bundling_base; }
 830   void          set_node_bundling_limit(uint n) { _node_bundling_limit = n; }
 831   void          set_node_bundling_base(Bundle* b) { _node_bundling_base = b; }
 832   bool          starts_bundle(const Node *n) const;