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rev 5349 : 8023657: New type profiling points: arguments to call
Summary: x86 interpreter and c1 type profiling for arguments at calls

2554       offset = md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, BranchData::not_taken_offset());
2555     } else {
2556       assert(data->is_JumpData(), "need JumpData for branches");
2557       offset = md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, JumpData::taken_offset());
2558     }
2559     LIR_Opr md_reg = new_register(T_METADATA);
2560     __ metadata2reg(md->constant_encoding(), md_reg);
2562     increment_counter(new LIR_Address(md_reg, offset,
2563                                       NOT_LP64(T_INT) LP64_ONLY(T_LONG)), DataLayout::counter_increment);
2564   }
2566   // emit phi-instruction move after safepoint since this simplifies
2567   // describing the state as the safepoint.
2568   move_to_phi(x->state());
2570   __ jump(x->default_sux());
2571 }

2574 void LIRGenerator::do_Base(Base* x) {
2575   __ std_entry(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr);
2576   // Emit moves from physical registers / stack slots to virtual registers
2577   CallingConvention* args = compilation()->frame_map()->incoming_arguments();
2578   IRScope* irScope = compilation()->hir()->top_scope();
2579   int java_index = 0;
2580   for (int i = 0; i < args->length(); i++) {
2581     LIR_Opr src = args->at(i);
2582     assert(!src->is_illegal(), "check");
2583     BasicType t = src->type();
2585     // Types which are smaller than int are passed as int, so
2586     // correct the type which passed.
2587     switch (t) {
2588     case T_BYTE:
2589     case T_BOOLEAN:
2590     case T_SHORT:
2591     case T_CHAR:
2592       t = T_INT;
2593       break;

2987     if (os::is_MP()) __ membar_release();
2988     break;
2989   case vmIntrinsics::_fullFence :
2990     if (os::is_MP()) __ membar();
2991     break;
2993   case vmIntrinsics::_Reference_get:
2994     do_Reference_get(x);
2995     break;
2997   case vmIntrinsics::_updateCRC32:
2998   case vmIntrinsics::_updateBytesCRC32:
2999   case vmIntrinsics::_updateByteBufferCRC32:
3000     do_update_CRC32(x);
3001     break;
3003   default: ShouldNotReachHere(); break;
3004   }
3005 }

3007 void LIRGenerator::do_ProfileCall(ProfileCall* x) {
3008   // Need recv in a temporary register so it interferes with the other temporaries
3009   LIR_Opr recv = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr;
3010   LIR_Opr mdo = new_register(T_OBJECT);
3011   // tmp is used to hold the counters on SPARC
3012   LIR_Opr tmp = new_pointer_register();

3013   if (x->recv() != NULL) {
3014     LIRItem value(x->recv(), this);
3015     value.load_item();
3016     recv = new_register(T_OBJECT);
3017     __ move(value.result(), recv);
3018   }
3019   __ profile_call(x->method(), x->bci_of_invoke(), x->callee(), mdo, recv, tmp, x->known_holder());
3020 }
3022 void LIRGenerator::do_ProfileInvoke(ProfileInvoke* x) {
3023   // We can safely ignore accessors here, since c2 will inline them anyway,
3024   // accessors are also always mature.
3025   if (!x->inlinee()->is_accessor()) {
3026     CodeEmitInfo* info = state_for(x, x->state(), true);
3027     // Notify the runtime very infrequently only to take care of counter overflows
3028     increment_event_counter_impl(info, x->inlinee(), (1 << Tier23InlineeNotifyFreqLog) - 1, InvocationEntryBci, false, true);
3029   }
3030 }
3032 void LIRGenerator::increment_event_counter(CodeEmitInfo* info, int bci, bool backedge) {

2554       offset = md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, BranchData::not_taken_offset());
2555     } else {
2556       assert(data->is_JumpData(), "need JumpData for branches");
2557       offset = md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, JumpData::taken_offset());
2558     }
2559     LIR_Opr md_reg = new_register(T_METADATA);
2560     __ metadata2reg(md->constant_encoding(), md_reg);
2562     increment_counter(new LIR_Address(md_reg, offset,
2563                                       NOT_LP64(T_INT) LP64_ONLY(T_LONG)), DataLayout::counter_increment);
2564   }
2566   // emit phi-instruction move after safepoint since this simplifies
2567   // describing the state as the safepoint.
2568   move_to_phi(x->state());
2570   __ jump(x->default_sux());
2571 }
2574 ciKlass* LIRGenerator::profile_arg_type(ciMethodData* md, int md_base_offset, int md_offset, intptr_t profiled_k, Value arg, LIR_Opr& mdp, bool not_null, ciKlass* signature_k) {
2575   ciKlass* result = NULL;
2576   bool do_null = !not_null && !TypeEntries::was_null_seen(profiled_k);
2577   bool do_update = !TypeEntries::is_type_unknown(profiled_k);
2578   // known not to be null or null bit already set and already set to
2579   // unknown: nothing we can do to improve profiling
2580   if (!do_null && !do_update) {
2581     return result;
2582   }
2584   ciKlass* exact_klass = NULL;
2585   Compilation* comp = Compilation::current();
2586   if (do_update) {
2587     // try to find exact type, using CHA if possible, so that loading
2588     // the klass from the object can be avoided
2589     ciType* type = arg->exact_type();
2590     if (type == NULL) {
2591       type = arg->declared_type();
2592       type = comp->cha_exact_type(type);
2593     }
2594     assert(type == NULL || type->is_klass(), "type should be class");
2595     exact_klass = (type != NULL && type->is_loaded()) ? (ciKlass*)type : NULL;
2597     do_update = exact_klass == NULL || ciTypeEntries::valid_ciklass(profiled_k) != exact_klass;
2598   }
2600   if (!do_null && !do_update) {
2601     return result;
2602   }      
2604   ciKlass* exact_signature_k = NULL;
2605   if (do_update) {
2606     // Is the type from the signature exact (the only one possible)?
2607     exact_signature_k = signature_k->exact_klass();
2608     if (exact_signature_k == NULL) {
2609       exact_signature_k = comp->cha_exact_type(signature_k);
2610     } else {
2611       result = exact_signature_k;
2612       do_update = false;
2613       // Known statically. No need to emit any code: prevent
2614       // LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type() from emitting useless code
2615       profiled_k = ciTypeEntries::with_status(result, profiled_k);
2616     }
2617     if (exact_signature_k != NULL && exact_klass != exact_signature_k) {
2618       assert(exact_klass == NULL, "arg and signature disagree?");
2619       // sometimes the type of the signature is better than the best type
2620       // the compiler has
2621       exact_klass = exact_signature_k;
2622       do_update = exact_klass == NULL || ciTypeEntries::valid_ciklass(profiled_k) != exact_klass;
2623     }
2624   }
2626   if (!do_null && !do_update) {
2627     return result;
2628   }      
2630   if (mdp == LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr) {
2631     mdp = new_register(T_METADATA);
2632     __ metadata2reg(md->constant_encoding(), mdp);
2633     if (md_base_offset != 0) {
2634       LIR_Address* base_type_address = new LIR_Address(mdp, md_base_offset, T_ADDRESS);
2635       mdp = new_pointer_register();
2636       __ leal(LIR_OprFact::address(base_type_address), mdp);
2637     }
2638   }
2639   LIRItem value(arg, this);
2640   value.load_item();
2641   __ profile_type(new LIR_Address(mdp, md_offset, T_METADATA),
2642                   value.result(), exact_klass, profiled_k, new_pointer_register(), not_null, exact_signature_k != NULL); 
2643   return result;
2644 }
2646 void LIRGenerator::do_Base(Base* x) {
2647   __ std_entry(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr);
2648   // Emit moves from physical registers / stack slots to virtual registers
2649   CallingConvention* args = compilation()->frame_map()->incoming_arguments();
2650   IRScope* irScope = compilation()->hir()->top_scope();
2651   int java_index = 0;
2652   for (int i = 0; i < args->length(); i++) {
2653     LIR_Opr src = args->at(i);
2654     assert(!src->is_illegal(), "check");
2655     BasicType t = src->type();
2657     // Types which are smaller than int are passed as int, so
2658     // correct the type which passed.
2659     switch (t) {
2660     case T_BYTE:
2661     case T_BOOLEAN:
2662     case T_SHORT:
2663     case T_CHAR:
2664       t = T_INT;
2665       break;

3059     if (os::is_MP()) __ membar_release();
3060     break;
3061   case vmIntrinsics::_fullFence :
3062     if (os::is_MP()) __ membar();
3063     break;
3065   case vmIntrinsics::_Reference_get:
3066     do_Reference_get(x);
3067     break;
3069   case vmIntrinsics::_updateCRC32:
3070   case vmIntrinsics::_updateBytesCRC32:
3071   case vmIntrinsics::_updateByteBufferCRC32:
3072     do_update_CRC32(x);
3073     break;
3075   default: ShouldNotReachHere(); break;
3076   }
3077 }
3079 void LIRGenerator::profile_arguments(ProfileCall* x) {
3080   if (MethodData::profile_arguments()) {
3081     int bci = x->bci_of_invoke();
3082     ciMethodData* md = x->method()->method_data_or_null();
3083     ciProfileData* data = md->bci_to_data(bci);
3084     if (data->is_CallTypeData() || data->is_VirtualCallTypeData()) {
3085       ByteSize extra = data->is_CallTypeData() ? CallTypeData::args_data_offset() : VirtualCallTypeData::args_data_offset();
3086       int base_offset = md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, extra);
3087       LIR_Opr mdp = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr;
3088       ciTypeStackSlotEntries* args = data->is_CallTypeData() ? ((ciCallTypeData*)data)->args() : ((ciVirtualCallTypeData*)data)->args();
3090       Bytecodes::Code bc = x->method()->java_code_at_bci(bci);
3091       int start = 0;
3092       int stop = args->number_of_arguments();
3093       if (x->nb_profiled_args() < stop) {
3094         // if called through method handle invoke, some arguments may have been popped
3095         stop = x->nb_profiled_args();
3096       }
3097       ciSignature* sig = x->callee()->signature();
3098       // method handle call to virtual method
3099       bool has_receiver = x->inlined() && !x->callee()->is_static() && !Bytecodes::has_receiver(bc);
3100       ciSignatureStream sig_stream(sig, has_receiver ? x->callee()->holder() : NULL);
3101       for (int i = 0; i < stop; i++) {
3102         int off = in_bytes(TypeStackSlotEntries::type_offset(i)) - in_bytes(TypeStackSlotEntries::args_data_offset());
3103         ciKlass* exact = profile_arg_type(md, base_offset, off,
3104                                           args->type(i), x->profiled_arg_at(i+start), mdp,
3105                                           !x->arg_needs_null_check(i+start), sig_stream.next_klass());
3106         if (exact != NULL) {
3107           md->set_argument_type(bci, i, exact);
3108         }
3109       }
3110     }
3111   }
3112 }
3114 void LIRGenerator::do_ProfileCall(ProfileCall* x) {
3115   // Need recv in a temporary register so it interferes with the other temporaries
3116   LIR_Opr recv = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr;
3117   LIR_Opr mdo = new_register(T_OBJECT);
3118   // tmp is used to hold the counters on SPARC
3119   LIR_Opr tmp = new_pointer_register();
3121   if (x->nb_profiled_args() > 0) {
3122     profile_arguments(x);
3123   }
3125   if (x->recv() != NULL) {
3126     LIRItem value(x->recv(), this);
3127     value.load_item();
3128     recv = new_register(T_OBJECT);
3129     __ move(value.result(), recv);
3130   }
3131   __ profile_call(x->method(), x->bci_of_invoke(), x->callee(), mdo, recv, tmp, x->known_holder());
3132 }
3134 void LIRGenerator::do_ProfileInvoke(ProfileInvoke* x) {
3135   // We can safely ignore accessors here, since c2 will inline them anyway,
3136   // accessors are also always mature.
3137   if (!x->inlinee()->is_accessor()) {
3138     CodeEmitInfo* info = state_for(x, x->state(), true);
3139     // Notify the runtime very infrequently only to take care of counter overflows
3140     increment_event_counter_impl(info, x->inlinee(), (1 << Tier23InlineeNotifyFreqLog) - 1, InvocationEntryBci, false, true);
3141   }
3142 }
3144 void LIRGenerator::increment_event_counter(CodeEmitInfo* info, int bci, bool backedge) {

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