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rev 7494 : 8066103: C2's range check smearing allows out of bound array accesses
Summary: range check smearing uncorrectly adjust first range check in a list of range checks to cover all of them

 803     flip = 1-flip;
 804   } else {
 805     // Check for Phi(1,0)
 806     if( phi1_t != TypeInt::ONE  ) return NULL;
 807     if( phi2_t != TypeInt::ZERO ) return NULL;
 808   }
 809   if( true_path == 2 ) {
 810     flip = 1-flip;
 811   }
 813   Node* new_bol = (flip ? phase->transform( bol2->negate(phase) ) : bol2);
 814   assert(new_bol != iff->in(1), "must make progress");
 815   iff->set_req(1, new_bol);
 816   // Intervening diamond probably goes dead
 817   phase->C->set_major_progress();
 818   return iff;
 819 }
 821 static IfNode* idealize_test(PhaseGVN* phase, IfNode* iff);

 823 //------------------------------Ideal------------------------------------------
 824 // Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.  Strip out
 825 // control copies
 826 Node *IfNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
 827   if (remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape))  return this;
 828   // No Def-Use info?
 829   if (!can_reshape)  return NULL;
 830   PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
 832   // Don't bother trying to transform a dead if
 833   if (in(0)->is_top())  return NULL;
 834   // Don't bother trying to transform an if with a dead test
 835   if (in(1)->is_top())  return NULL;
 836   // Another variation of a dead test
 837   if (in(1)->is_Con())  return NULL;
 838   // Another variation of a dead if
 839   if (outcnt() < 2)  return NULL;
 841   // Canonicalize the test.
 842   Node* idt_if = idealize_test(phase, this);

 845   // Try to split the IF
 846   Node *s = split_if(this, igvn);
 847   if (s != NULL)  return s;
 849   // Check for people making a useless boolean: things like
 850   // if( (x < y ? true : false) ) { ... }
 851   // Replace with if( x < y ) { ... }
 852   Node *bol2 = remove_useless_bool(this, phase);
 853   if( bol2 ) return bol2;
 855   // Setup to scan up the CFG looking for a dominating test
 856   Node *dom = in(0);
 857   Node *prev_dom = this;
 859   // Check for range-check vs other kinds of tests
 860   Node *index1, *range1;
 861   jint offset1;
 862   int flip1 = is_range_check(range1, index1, offset1);
 863   if( flip1 ) {
 864     Node *first_prev_dom = NULL;
 866     // Try to remove extra range checks.  All 'up_one_dom' gives up at merges
 867     // so all checks we inspect post-dominate the top-most check we find.
 868     // If we are going to fail the current check and we reach the top check
 869     // then we are guaranteed to fail, so just start interpreting there.
 870     // We 'expand' the top 2 range checks to include all post-dominating
 871     // checks.
 873     // The top 2 range checks seen
 874     Node *prev_chk1 = NULL;
 875     Node *prev_chk2 = NULL;

 876     // Low and high offsets seen so far
 877     jint off_lo = offset1;
 878     jint off_hi = offset1;
 880     // Scan for the top 2 checks and collect range of offsets
 881     for( int dist = 0; dist < 999; dist++ ) { // Range-Check scan limit
 882       if( dom->Opcode() == Op_If &&  // Not same opcode?
 883           prev_dom->in(0) == dom ) { // One path of test does dominate?
 884         if( dom == this ) return NULL; // dead loop
 885         // See if this is a range check
 886         Node *index2, *range2;
 887         jint offset2;
 888         int flip2 = dom->as_If()->is_range_check(range2, index2, offset2);
 889         // See if this is a _matching_ range check, checking against
 890         // the same array bounds.
 891         if( flip2 == flip1 && range2 == range1 && index2 == index1 &&
 892             dom->outcnt() == 2 ) {
 893           // Gather expanded bounds
 894           off_lo = MIN2(off_lo,offset2);
 895           off_hi = MAX2(off_hi,offset2);
 896           // Record top 2 range checks
 897           prev_chk2 = prev_chk1;
 898           prev_chk1 = prev_dom;
 899           // If we match the test exactly, then the top test covers
 900           // both our lower and upper bounds.
 901           if( dom->in(1) == in(1) )
 902             prev_chk2 = prev_chk1;
 903         }
 904       }
 905       prev_dom = dom;
 906       dom = up_one_dom( dom );
 907       if( !dom ) break;
 908     }
 911     // Attempt to widen the dominating range check to cover some later
 912     // ones.  Since range checks "fail" by uncommon-trapping to the
 913     // interpreter, widening a check can make us speculative enter the
 914     // interpreter.  If we see range-check deopt's, do not widen!
 915     if (!phase->C->allow_range_check_smearing())  return NULL;
 917     // Constant indices only need to check the upper bound.
 918     // Non-constance indices must check both low and high.
 919     if( index1 ) {
 920       // Didn't find 2 prior covering checks, so cannot remove anything.
 921       if( !prev_chk2 ) return NULL;
 922       // 'Widen' the offsets of the 1st and 2nd covering check
 923       adjust_check( prev_chk1, range1, index1, flip1, off_lo, igvn );
 924       // Do not call adjust_check twice on the same projection
 925       // as the first call may have transformed the BoolNode to a ConI
 926       if( prev_chk1 != prev_chk2 ) {
 927         adjust_check( prev_chk2, range1, index1, flip1, off_hi, igvn );

 928       }
 929       // Test is now covered by prior checks, dominate it out
 930       prev_dom = prev_chk2;
 931     } else {
 932       // Didn't find prior covering check, so cannot remove anything.
 933       if( !prev_chk1 ) return NULL;

 934       // 'Widen' the offset of the 1st and only covering check
 935       adjust_check( prev_chk1, range1, index1, flip1, off_hi, igvn );
 936       // Test is now covered by prior checks, dominate it out
 937       prev_dom = prev_chk1;
 938     }
 941   } else {                      // Scan for an equivalent test
 943     Node *cmp;
 944     int dist = 0;               // Cutoff limit for search
 945     int op = Opcode();
 946     if( op == Op_If &&
 947         (cmp=in(1)->in(1))->Opcode() == Op_CmpP ) {
 948       if( cmp->in(2) != NULL && // make sure cmp is not already dead
 949           cmp->in(2)->bottom_type() == TypePtr::NULL_PTR ) {
 950         dist = 64;              // Limit for null-pointer scans
 951       } else {
 952         dist = 4;               // Do not bother for random pointer tests
 953       }
 954     } else {
 955       dist = 4;                 // Limit for random junky scans
 956     }

 803     flip = 1-flip;
 804   } else {
 805     // Check for Phi(1,0)
 806     if( phi1_t != TypeInt::ONE  ) return NULL;
 807     if( phi2_t != TypeInt::ZERO ) return NULL;
 808   }
 809   if( true_path == 2 ) {
 810     flip = 1-flip;
 811   }
 813   Node* new_bol = (flip ? phase->transform( bol2->negate(phase) ) : bol2);
 814   assert(new_bol != iff->in(1), "must make progress");
 815   iff->set_req(1, new_bol);
 816   // Intervening diamond probably goes dead
 817   phase->C->set_major_progress();
 818   return iff;
 819 }
 821 static IfNode* idealize_test(PhaseGVN* phase, IfNode* iff);
 823 struct RangeCheck {
 824   Node* ctl;
 825   jint off;
 826 };
 828 //------------------------------Ideal------------------------------------------
 829 // Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.  Strip out
 830 // control copies
 831 Node *IfNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
 832   if (remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape))  return this;
 833   // No Def-Use info?
 834   if (!can_reshape)  return NULL;
 835   PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
 837   // Don't bother trying to transform a dead if
 838   if (in(0)->is_top())  return NULL;
 839   // Don't bother trying to transform an if with a dead test
 840   if (in(1)->is_top())  return NULL;
 841   // Another variation of a dead test
 842   if (in(1)->is_Con())  return NULL;
 843   // Another variation of a dead if
 844   if (outcnt() < 2)  return NULL;
 846   // Canonicalize the test.
 847   Node* idt_if = idealize_test(phase, this);

 850   // Try to split the IF
 851   Node *s = split_if(this, igvn);
 852   if (s != NULL)  return s;
 854   // Check for people making a useless boolean: things like
 855   // if( (x < y ? true : false) ) { ... }
 856   // Replace with if( x < y ) { ... }
 857   Node *bol2 = remove_useless_bool(this, phase);
 858   if( bol2 ) return bol2;
 860   // Setup to scan up the CFG looking for a dominating test
 861   Node *dom = in(0);
 862   Node *prev_dom = this;
 864   // Check for range-check vs other kinds of tests
 865   Node *index1, *range1;
 866   jint offset1;
 867   int flip1 = is_range_check(range1, index1, offset1);
 868   if( flip1 ) {

 869     // Try to remove extra range checks.  All 'up_one_dom' gives up at merges
 870     // so all checks we inspect post-dominate the top-most check we find.
 871     // If we are going to fail the current check and we reach the top check
 872     // then we are guaranteed to fail, so just start interpreting there.
 873     // We 'expand' the top 3 range checks to include all post-dominating
 874     // checks.
 876     // The top 3 range checks seen
 877     struct RangeCheck prev_checks[3];
 878     int nb_checks = 0;
 880     // Low and high offsets seen so far
 881     jint off_lo = offset1;
 882     jint off_hi = offset1;
 884     // Scan for the top 2 checks and collect range of offsets
 885     for (int dist = 0; dist < 999; dist++) { // Range-Check scan limit
 886       if (dom->Opcode() == Op_If &&  // Not same opcode?
 887           prev_dom->in(0) == dom) { // One path of test does dominate?
 888         if (dom == this) return NULL; // dead loop
 889         // See if this is a range check
 890         Node *index2, *range2;
 891         jint offset2;
 892         int flip2 = dom->as_If()->is_range_check(range2, index2, offset2);
 893         // See if this is a _matching_ range check, checking against
 894         // the same array bounds.
 895         if (flip2 == flip1 && range2 == range1 && index2 == index1 &&
 896             dom->outcnt() == 2) {
 897           // Gather expanded bounds
 898           off_lo = MIN2(off_lo,offset2);
 899           off_hi = MAX2(off_hi,offset2);
 900           // Record top 3 range checks
 901           prev_checks[nb_checks%3].ctl = prev_dom;
 902           prev_checks[nb_checks%3].off = offset2;
 903           nb_checks++;

 904         }
 905       }
 906       prev_dom = dom;
 907       dom = up_one_dom(dom);
 908       if (!dom) break;
 909     }
 912     // Attempt to widen the dominating range check to cover some later
 913     // ones.  Since range checks "fail" by uncommon-trapping to the
 914     // interpreter, widening a check can make us speculative enter the
 915     // interpreter.  If we see range-check deopt's, do not widen!
 916     if (!phase->C->allow_range_check_smearing())  return NULL;
 918     // Constant indices only need to check the upper bound.
 919     // Non-constant indices must check both low and high.
 920     int chk0 = (nb_checks - 1) % 3;
 921     if (index1) {
 922       if (nb_checks == 0) {
 923         return NULL;
 924       } else {
 925         struct RangeCheck rc0 = prev_checks[chk0];
 926         if (nb_checks == 1) {
 927           if (rc0.ctl->in(0)->in(1) == in(1)) {
 928             // If we match the test exactly, then the top test covers
 929             // both our lower and upper bounds. Valid only if there's
 930             // a single dominating range check: for all we know this
 931             // range check was widened and accesses that depend on it
 932             // also depend on the previous range checks to be correct.
 933             adjust_check(rc0.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_lo, igvn);
 934             prev_dom = rc0.ctl;
 935           } else {
 936             return NULL;
 937           }
 938         } else {
 939           // If the top range check's constant is the min or max of
 940           // all constants we widen the next one to cover the whole
 941           // range of constants.
 942           int chk1 = (nb_checks - 2) % 3;
 943           struct RangeCheck rc1 = prev_checks[chk1];
 944           if ( == off_lo) {
 945             adjust_check(rc1.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_hi, igvn);
 946             prev_dom = rc1.ctl;
 947           } else if ( == off_hi) {
 948             adjust_check(rc1.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_lo, igvn);
 949             prev_dom = rc1.ctl;
 950           } else {
 951             // If the top test's constant is not the min or max of all
 952             // constants, we need 3 range checks. We must leave the
 953             // top test unchanged because widening it would allow the
 954             // accesses it protects to successfully read/write out of
 955             // bounds.
 956             if (nb_checks == 2) {
 957               return NULL;
 958             }
 959             int chk2 = (nb_checks - 3) % 3;
 960             struct RangeCheck rc2 = prev_checks[chk2];
 961             // The top range check a+i covers interval: -a <= i < length-a
 962             // The second range check b+i covers interval: -b <= i < length-b
 963             if ( <= {
 964               // if b <= a, we change the second range check to:
 965               // -min_of_all_constants <= i < length-min_of_all_constants
 966               // Together top and second range checks now cover:
 967               // -min_of_all_constants <= i < length-a
 968               // which is more restrictive than -b <= i < length-b:
 969               // -b <= -min_of_all_constants <= i < length-a <= length-b
 970               // The third check is then changed to:
 971               // -max_of_all_constants <= i < length-max_of_all_constants
 972               // so 2nd and 3rd checks restrict allowed values of i to:
 973               // -min_of_all_constants <= i < length-max_of_all_constants
 974               adjust_check(rc1.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_lo, igvn);
 975               adjust_check(rc2.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_hi, igvn);
 976             } else {
 977               // if b > a, we change the second range check to:
 978               // -max_of_all_constants <= i < length-max_of_all_constants
 979               // Together top and second range checks now cover:
 980               // -a <= i < length-max_of_all_constants
 981               // which is more restrictive than -b <= i < length-b:
 982               // -b < -a <= i < length-max_of_all_constants <= length-b
 983               // The third check is then changed to:
 984               // -max_of_all_constants <= i < length-max_of_all_constants
 985               // so 2nd and 3rd checks restrict allowed values of i to:
 986               // -min_of_all_constants <= i < length-max_of_all_constants
 987               adjust_check(rc1.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_hi, igvn);
 988               adjust_check(rc2.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_lo, igvn);
 989             }
 990             prev_dom = rc2.ctl;
 991           }
 992         }
 993       }

 994     } else {
 995       // Didn't find prior covering check, so cannot remove anything.
 996       if (nb_checks == 0) return NULL;
 997       struct RangeCheck rc0 = prev_checks[chk0];
 998       // 'Widen' the offset of the 1st and only covering check
 999       adjust_check(rc0.ctl, range1, index1, flip1, off_hi, igvn);
1000       // Test is now covered by prior checks, dominate it out
1001       prev_dom = rc0.ctl;
1002     }
1005   } else {                      // Scan for an equivalent test
1007     Node *cmp;
1008     int dist = 0;               // Cutoff limit for search
1009     int op = Opcode();
1010     if( op == Op_If &&
1011         (cmp=in(1)->in(1))->Opcode() == Op_CmpP ) {
1012       if( cmp->in(2) != NULL && // make sure cmp is not already dead
1013           cmp->in(2)->bottom_type() == TypePtr::NULL_PTR ) {
1014         dist = 64;              // Limit for null-pointer scans
1015       } else {
1016         dist = 4;               // Do not bother for random pointer tests
1017       }
1018     } else {
1019       dist = 4;                 // Limit for random junky scans
1020     }

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