/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.ci; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*; public class ciMethodData extends ciMetadata implements MethodDataInterface { static { VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() { public void update(Observable o, Object data) { initialize(VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase()); } }); } private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException { Type type = db.lookupType("ciMethodData"); origField = type.getAddressField("_orig"); currentMileageField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_current_mileage"), 0); argReturnedField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_arg_returned"), 0); argStackField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_arg_stack"), 0); argLocalField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_arg_local"), 0); eflagsField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_eflags"), 0); hintDiField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_hint_di"), 0); currentMileageField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_current_mileage"), 0); dataField = type.getAddressField("_data"); extraDataSizeField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_extra_data_size"), 0); dataSizeField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_data_size"), 0); stateField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_state"), 0); Type typeMethodData = db.lookupType("MethodData"); sizeofMethodDataOopDesc = (int)typeMethodData.getSize(); parametersTypeDataDi = new CIntField(typeMethodData.getCIntegerField("_parameters_type_data_di"), 0); } private static AddressField origField; private static CIntField currentMileageField; private static CIntField argReturnedField; private static CIntField argStackField; private static CIntField argLocalField; private static CIntField eflagsField; private static CIntField hintDiField; private static AddressField dataField; private static CIntField extraDataSizeField; private static CIntField dataSizeField; private static CIntField stateField; private static int sizeofMethodDataOopDesc; private static CIntField parametersTypeDataDi; public ciMethodData(Address addr) { super(addr); } public ciKlass getKlassAtAddress(Address addr) { return (ciKlass)ciObjectFactory.getMetadata(addr); } public ciMethod getMethodAtAddress(Address addr) { return (ciMethod)ciObjectFactory.getMetadata(addr); } public void printKlassValueOn(ciKlass klass, PrintStream st) { klass.printValueOn(st); } public void printMethodValueOn(ciMethod method, PrintStream st) { method.printValueOn(st); } private byte[] fetchDataAt(Address base, long size) { byte[] result = new byte[(int)size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result[i] = base.getJByteAt(i); } return result; } public byte[] orig() { // fetch the orig MethodData data between header and dataSize Address base = getAddress().addOffsetTo(origField.getOffset()); byte[] result = new byte[MethodData.sizeofMethodDataOopDesc]; for (int i = 0; i < MethodData.sizeofMethodDataOopDesc; i++) { result[i] = base.getJByteAt(i); } return result; } public long[] data() { // Read the data as an array of intptr_t elements Address base = dataField.getValue(getAddress()); int elements = dataSize() / MethodData.cellSize; long[] result = new long[elements]; for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) { Address value = base.getAddressAt(i * MethodData.cellSize); if (value != null) { result[i] = value.minus(null); } } return result; } int dataSize() { return (int)dataSizeField.getValue(getAddress()); } int extraDataSize() { return (int)extraDataSizeField.getValue(getAddress()); } int state() { return (int)stateField.getValue(getAddress()); } int currentMileage() { return (int)currentMileageField.getValue(getAddress()); } boolean outOfBounds(int dataIndex) { return dataIndex >= dataSize(); } ParametersTypeData parametersTypeData() { Address base = getAddress().addOffsetTo(origField.getOffset()); int di = (int)parametersTypeDataDi.getValue(base); if (di == -1 || di == -2) { return null; } DataLayout dataLayout = new DataLayout(dataField.getValue(getAddress()), di); return new ParametersTypeData(this, dataLayout); } ProfileData dataAt(int dataIndex) { if (outOfBounds(dataIndex)) { return null; } DataLayout dataLayout = new DataLayout(dataField.getValue(getAddress()), dataIndex); switch (dataLayout.tag()) { case DataLayout.noTag: default: throw new InternalError(); case DataLayout.bitDataTag: return new BitData(dataLayout); case DataLayout.counterDataTag: return new CounterData(dataLayout); case DataLayout.jumpDataTag: return new JumpData(dataLayout); case DataLayout.receiverTypeDataTag: return new ReceiverTypeData(this, dataLayout); case DataLayout.virtualCallDataTag: return new VirtualCallData(this, dataLayout); case DataLayout.retDataTag: return new RetData(dataLayout); case DataLayout.branchDataTag: return new BranchData(dataLayout); case DataLayout.multiBranchDataTag: return new MultiBranchData(dataLayout); case DataLayout.callTypeDataTag: return new CallTypeData(this, dataLayout); case DataLayout.virtualCallTypeDataTag: return new VirtualCallTypeData(this, dataLayout); case DataLayout.parametersTypeDataTag: return new ParametersTypeData(this, dataLayout); } } int dpToDi(int dp) { return dp; } int firstDi() { return 0; } ProfileData firstData() { return dataAt(firstDi()); } ProfileData nextData(ProfileData current) { int currentIndex = dpToDi(current.dp()); int nextIndex = currentIndex + current.sizeInBytes(); return dataAt(nextIndex); } boolean isValid(ProfileData current) { return current != null; } DataLayout limitDataPosition() { return new DataLayout(dataField.getValue(getAddress()), dataSize()); } DataLayout extraDataBase() { return limitDataPosition(); } DataLayout extraDataLimit() { return new DataLayout(dataField.getValue(getAddress()), dataSize() + extraDataSize()); } DataLayout nextExtra(DataLayout dataLayout) { return new DataLayout(dataField.getValue(getAddress()), dataLayout.dp() + DataLayout.computeSizeInBytes(MethodData.extraNbCells(dataLayout))); } public void printDataOn(PrintStream st) { if (parametersTypeData() != null) { parametersTypeData().printDataOn(st); } ProfileData data = firstData(); for ( ; isValid(data); data = nextData(data)) { st.print(dpToDi(data.dp())); st.print(" "); // st->fillTo(6); data.printDataOn(st); } st.println("--- Extra data:"); DataLayout dp = extraDataBase(); DataLayout end = extraDataLimit(); for (;; dp = nextExtra(dp)) { switch(dp.tag()) { case DataLayout.noTag: continue; case DataLayout.bitDataTag: data = new BitData(dp); break; case DataLayout.speculativeTrapDataTag: data = new SpeculativeTrapData(this, dp); break; case DataLayout.argInfoDataTag: data = new ArgInfoData(dp); dp = end; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section. break; default: throw new InternalError("unexpected tag " + dp.tag()); } st.print(dpToDi(data.dp())); st.print(" "); data.printDataOn(st); if (dp == end) return; } } int dumpReplayDataTypeHelper(PrintStream out, int round, int count, int index, ProfileData pdata, ciKlass k) { if (k != null) { if (round == 0) count++; else out.print(" " + ((pdata.dp() + pdata.cellOffset(index)) / MethodData.cellSize) + " " + k.name()); } return count; } int dumpReplayDataReceiverTypeHelper(PrintStream out, int round, int count, ReceiverTypeData vdata) { for (int i = 0; i < vdata.rowLimit(); i++) { ciKlass k = vdata.receiver(i); count = dumpReplayDataTypeHelper(out, round, count, vdata.receiverCellIndex(i), vdata, k); } return count; } int dumpReplayDataCallTypeHelper(PrintStream out, int round, int count, CallTypeDataInterface callTypeData) { if (callTypeData.hasArguments()) { for (int i = 0; i < callTypeData.numberOfArguments(); i++) { count = dumpReplayDataTypeHelper(out, round, count, callTypeData.argumentTypeIndex(i), (ProfileData)callTypeData, callTypeData.argumentType(i)); } } if (callTypeData.hasReturn()) { count = dumpReplayDataTypeHelper(out, round, count, callTypeData.returnTypeIndex(), (ProfileData)callTypeData, callTypeData.returnType()); } return count; } int dumpReplayDataExtraDataHelper(PrintStream out, int round, int count) { DataLayout dp = extraDataBase(); DataLayout end = extraDataLimit(); for (;dp != end; dp = nextExtra(dp)) { switch(dp.tag()) { case DataLayout.noTag: case DataLayout.argInfoDataTag: return count; case DataLayout.bitDataTag: break; case DataLayout.speculativeTrapDataTag: { SpeculativeTrapData data = new SpeculativeTrapData(this, dp); ciMethod m = data.method(); if (m != null) { if (round == 0) { count++; } else { out.print(" " + (dpToDi(data.dp() + data.cellOffset(SpeculativeTrapData.methodIndex())) / MethodData.cellSize) + " " + m.nameAsAscii()); } } break; } default: throw new InternalError("bad tag " + dp.tag()); } } return count; } public void dumpReplayData(PrintStream out) { MethodData mdo = (MethodData)getMetadata(); Method method = mdo.getMethod(); out.print("ciMethodData " + method.nameAsAscii() + " " + state() + " " + currentMileage()); byte[] orig = orig(); out.print(" orig " + orig.length); for (int i = 0; i < orig.length; i++) { out.print(" " + (orig[i] & 0xff)); } long[] data = data(); out.print(" data " + data.length); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { out.print(" 0x" + Long.toHexString(data[i])); } int count = 0; ParametersTypeData parameters = parametersTypeData(); for (int round = 0; round < 2; round++) { if (round == 1) out.print(" oops " + count); ProfileData pdata = firstData(); for ( ; isValid(pdata); pdata = nextData(pdata)) { if (pdata instanceof ReceiverTypeData) { count = dumpReplayDataReceiverTypeHelper(out, round, count, (ReceiverTypeData)pdata); } if (pdata instanceof CallTypeDataInterface) { count = dumpReplayDataCallTypeHelper(out, round, count, (CallTypeDataInterface)pdata); } } if (parameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.numberOfParameters(); i++) { count = dumpReplayDataTypeHelper(out, round, count, ParametersTypeData.typeIndex(i), parameters, parameters.type(i)); } } } count = 0; for (int round = 0; round < 2; round++) { if (round == 1) out.print(" methods " + count); count = dumpReplayDataExtraDataHelper(out, round, count); } out.println(); } }