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2711                                                     MethodHandles.invoker(myvalue2_mt));
2713             MethodHandle test102_count = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 100);
2714             ValueType<?> test102_VT = ValueType.forClass(ValueCapableClass2.class);
2715             MethodHandle test102_init = test102_VT.defaultValueConstant();
2716             MethodHandle test102_getfield = test102_VT.findGetter(lookup, "u", long.class);
2717             MethodHandle test102_add = lookup.findStatic(Long.class, "sum", MethodType.methodType(long.class, long.class, long.class));
2718             MethodHandle test102_body = MethodHandles.collectArguments(ValueCapableClass2.FACTORY,
2719                                                                       0,
2720                                                                       MethodHandles.dropArguments(MethodHandles.collectArguments(MethodHandles.insertArguments(test102_add,
2721                                                                                                                                                                0,
2722                                                                                                                                                                1L),
2723                                                                                                                                  0,
2724                                                                                                                                  test102_getfield),
2725                                                                                                   1,
2726                                                                                                   int.class));
2727             test102_mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(test102_getfield,
2728                                                        0,
2729                                                        MethodHandles.countedLoop(test102_count, test102_init, test102_body));

2731         } catch (NoSuchMethodException|IllegalAccessException|NoSuchFieldException e) {
2732             e.printStackTrace();
2733             throw new RuntimeException("method handle lookup fails");
2734         }
2735     }
2737     // Return of target1 and target2 merged in a Lambda Form as an
2738     // __Value. Shouldn't cause any allocation
2739     final MyValue3 test99_vt1 = MyValue3.create();
2740     @ForceInline
2741     MyValue3 test99_target1() {
2742         return test99_vt1;
2743     }
2745     final MyValue3 test99_vt2 = MyValue3.create();
2746     @ForceInline
2747     MyValue3 test99_target2() {
2748         return test99_vt2;
2749     }

2753     boolean test99_test() {
2754         return test99_bool;
2755     }
2757     static final MethodHandle test99_mh;
2759     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + ALLOCA + STORE)
2760     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff)
2761     MyValue3 test99() throws Throwable {
2762         return (MyValue3)test99_mh.invokeExact(this);
2763     }
2765     @DontCompile
2766     public void test99_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2767         test99_bool = !test99_bool;
2768         MyValue3 vt = test99();
2769         vt.verify(test99_bool ? test99_vt1 : test99_vt2);
2770     }
2772     // Similar as above but with the method handle for target1 not
2773     // constant. Shouldn't cause any allocation but does currently.
2774     @ForceInline
2775     static MyValue2 test100_target1() {
2776         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true);
2777     }
2779     @ForceInline
2780     static MyValue2 test100_target2() {
2781         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+1, false);
2782     }
2784     static boolean test100_bool = true;
2785     @ForceInline
2786     static boolean test100_test() {
2787         return test100_bool;
2788     }
2790     static final MethodHandle test100_mh;
2791     static MethodHandle test100_mh1;
2793     @Test

2794     long test100() throws Throwable {
2795         return ((MyValue2)test100_mh.invokeExact(test100_mh1)).hash();
2796     }
2798     @DontCompile
2799     public void test100_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2800         test100_bool = !test100_bool;
2801         long hash = test100();
2802         Asserts.assertEQ(hash, MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+(test100_bool ? 0 : 1), test100_bool).hash());
2803     }
2805     // Same as above but with the method handle for target2 not
2806     // constant. Shouldn't cause any allocation but does currently.
2807     @ForceInline
2808     static MyValue2 test101_target1() {
2809         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true);
2810     }
2812     @ForceInline
2813     static MyValue2 test101_target2() {
2814         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+1, false);
2815     }
2817     static boolean test101_bool = true;
2818     @ForceInline
2819     static boolean test101_test() {
2820         return test101_bool;
2821     }
2823     static final MethodHandle test101_mh;
2824     static MethodHandle test101_mh2;
2826     @Test

2827     long test101() throws Throwable {
2828         return ((MyValue2)test101_mh.invokeExact(test101_mh2)).hash();
2829     }
2831     @DontCompile
2832     public void test101_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2833         test101_bool = !test101_bool;
2834         long hash = test101();
2835         Asserts.assertEQ(hash, MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+(test101_bool ? 0 : 1), test101_bool).hash());
2836     }
2838     // Simple reduction with intermediate result merged in a Lambda
2839     // Form as an __Value. Shouldn't cause any allocations. The entire
2840     // loop should go away as the result is a constant.
2841     static final MethodHandle test102_mh;
2843     @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + LOOP)
2844     long test102() throws Throwable {
2845         return (long)test102_mh.invokeExact();
2846     }
2848     @DontCompile
2849     public void test102_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2850         long v = test102();
2851         Asserts.assertEQ(v, 100L);
2852     }

2853     // ========== Test infrastructure ==========
2855     private static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
2856     private static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1;
2857     private static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2;
2858     private static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4;
2859     private static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8;
2860     private static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10;
2861     private static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20;
2862     static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn;
2863     private static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs");
2864     private static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueArrayFlatten");
2865     private static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
2866     private static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY = -1;
2867     private static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION = 4;
2868     private static final Hashtable<String, Method> tests = new Hashtable<String, Method>();
2869     private static final int WARMUP = 251;
2870     private static boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
2871     private static boolean PRINT_IDEAL  = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal");
2872     private static boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();

2711                                                     MethodHandles.invoker(myvalue2_mt));
2713             MethodHandle test102_count = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 100);
2714             ValueType<?> test102_VT = ValueType.forClass(ValueCapableClass2.class);
2715             MethodHandle test102_init = test102_VT.defaultValueConstant();
2716             MethodHandle test102_getfield = test102_VT.findGetter(lookup, "u", long.class);
2717             MethodHandle test102_add = lookup.findStatic(Long.class, "sum", MethodType.methodType(long.class, long.class, long.class));
2718             MethodHandle test102_body = MethodHandles.collectArguments(ValueCapableClass2.FACTORY,
2719                                                                       0,
2720                                                                       MethodHandles.dropArguments(MethodHandles.collectArguments(MethodHandles.insertArguments(test102_add,
2721                                                                                                                                                                0,
2722                                                                                                                                                                1L),
2723                                                                                                                                  0,
2724                                                                                                                                  test102_getfield),
2725                                                                                                   1,
2726                                                                                                   int.class));
2727             test102_mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(test102_getfield,
2728                                                        0,
2729                                                        MethodHandles.countedLoop(test102_count, test102_init, test102_body));
2731             MethodType test103_mt = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("()Qcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue3;", ValueTypeTestBench.class.getClassLoader());
2732             MethodHandle test103_mh1 = lookup.findVirtual(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test103_target1", test103_mt);
2733             MethodHandle test103_mh2 = lookup.findVirtual(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test103_target2", test103_mt);
2734             MethodHandle test103_mh3 = lookup.findVirtual(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test103_target3", test103_mt);
2735             MethodType test103_mt2 = MethodType.methodType(boolean.class);
2736             MethodHandle test103_mh_test1 = lookup.findVirtual(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test103_test1", test103_mt2);
2737             MethodHandle test103_mh_test2 = lookup.findVirtual(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test103_test2", test103_mt2);
2738             test103_mh = MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test103_mh_test1,
2739                                                     test103_mh1,
2740                                                     MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test103_mh_test2, test103_mh2, test103_mh3));
2742             MethodType test104_mt = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("()Qcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue2;", ValueTypeTestBench.class.getClassLoader());
2743             MethodHandle test104_mh1 = lookup.findStatic(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test104_target1", test104_mt);
2744             test104_mh2 = lookup.findStatic(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test104_target2", test104_mt);
2745             test104_mh3 = lookup.findStatic(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test104_target3", test104_mt);
2746             MethodType test104_mt2 = MethodType.methodType(boolean.class);
2747             MethodType test104_mt3 = MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("()Qcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue2;", ValueTypeTestBench.class.getClassLoader());
2748             MethodHandle test104_mh_test1 = lookup.findStatic(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test104_test1", test104_mt2);
2749             MethodHandle test104_mh_test2 = lookup.findStatic(ValueTypeTestBench.class, "test104_test2", test104_mt2);
2750             test104_mh = MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test104_mh_test1,
2751                                                     MethodHandles.dropArguments(test104_mh1, 0, MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class),
2752                                                     MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test104_mh_test2, 
2753                                                                                 MethodHandles.dropArguments(MethodHandles.invoker(test104_mt3), 1, MethodHandle.class),
2754                                                                                 MethodHandles.dropArguments(MethodHandles.invoker(test104_mt3), 0, MethodHandle.class))
2755                                                     );
2756         } catch (NoSuchMethodException|IllegalAccessException|NoSuchFieldException e) {
2757             e.printStackTrace();
2758             throw new RuntimeException("method handle lookup fails");
2759         }
2760     }
2762     // Return of target1 and target2 merged in a Lambda Form as an
2763     // __Value. Shouldn't cause any allocation
2764     final MyValue3 test99_vt1 = MyValue3.create();
2765     @ForceInline
2766     MyValue3 test99_target1() {
2767         return test99_vt1;
2768     }
2770     final MyValue3 test99_vt2 = MyValue3.create();
2771     @ForceInline
2772     MyValue3 test99_target2() {
2773         return test99_vt2;
2774     }

2778     boolean test99_test() {
2779         return test99_bool;
2780     }
2782     static final MethodHandle test99_mh;
2784     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + ALLOCA + STORE)
2785     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff)
2786     MyValue3 test99() throws Throwable {
2787         return (MyValue3)test99_mh.invokeExact(this);
2788     }
2790     @DontCompile
2791     public void test99_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2792         test99_bool = !test99_bool;
2793         MyValue3 vt = test99();
2794         vt.verify(test99_bool ? test99_vt1 : test99_vt2);
2795     }
2797     // Similar as above but with the method handle for target1 not
2798     // constant. Shouldn't cause any allocation.
2799     @ForceInline
2800     static MyValue2 test100_target1() {
2801         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true);
2802     }
2804     @ForceInline
2805     static MyValue2 test100_target2() {
2806         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+1, false);
2807     }
2809     static boolean test100_bool = true;
2810     @ForceInline
2811     static boolean test100_test() {
2812         return test100_bool;
2813     }
2815     static final MethodHandle test100_mh;
2816     static MethodHandle test100_mh1;
2818     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + ALLOCA + STORE)
2819     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff)
2820     long test100() throws Throwable {
2821         return ((MyValue2)test100_mh.invokeExact(test100_mh1)).hash();
2822     }
2824     @DontCompile
2825     public void test100_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2826         test100_bool = !test100_bool;
2827         long hash = test100();
2828         Asserts.assertEQ(hash, MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+(test100_bool ? 0 : 1), test100_bool).hash());
2829     }
2831     // Same as above but with the method handle for target2 not
2832     // constant. Shouldn't cause any allocation.
2833     @ForceInline
2834     static MyValue2 test101_target1() {
2835         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true);
2836     }
2838     @ForceInline
2839     static MyValue2 test101_target2() {
2840         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+1, false);
2841     }
2843     static boolean test101_bool = true;
2844     @ForceInline
2845     static boolean test101_test() {
2846         return test101_bool;
2847     }
2849     static final MethodHandle test101_mh;
2850     static MethodHandle test101_mh2;
2852     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + ALLOCA + STORE)
2853     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff)
2854     long test101() throws Throwable {
2855         return ((MyValue2)test101_mh.invokeExact(test101_mh2)).hash();
2856     }
2858     @DontCompile
2859     public void test101_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2860         test101_bool = !test101_bool;
2861         long hash = test101();
2862         Asserts.assertEQ(hash, MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+(test101_bool ? 0 : 1), test101_bool).hash());
2863     }
2865     // Simple reduction with intermediate result merged in a Lambda
2866     // Form as an __Value. Shouldn't cause any allocations. The entire
2867     // loop should go away as the result is a constant.
2868     static final MethodHandle test102_mh;
2870     @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + LOOP)
2871     long test102() throws Throwable {
2872         return (long)test102_mh.invokeExact();
2873     }
2875     @DontCompile
2876     public void test102_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2877         long v = test102();
2878         Asserts.assertEQ(v, 100L);
2879     }
2881     // Return of target1, target2 and target3 merged in Lambda Forms
2882     // as an __Value. Shouldn't cause any allocation
2883     final MyValue3 test103_vt1 = MyValue3.create();
2884     @ForceInline
2885     MyValue3 test103_target1() {
2886         return test103_vt1;
2887     }
2889     final MyValue3 test103_vt2 = MyValue3.create();
2890     @ForceInline
2891     MyValue3 test103_target2() {
2892         return test103_vt2;
2893     }
2895     final MyValue3 test103_vt3 = MyValue3.create();
2896     @ForceInline
2897     MyValue3 test103_target3() {
2898         return test103_vt3;
2899     }
2901     boolean test103_bool1 = true;
2902     @ForceInline
2903     boolean test103_test1() {
2904         return test103_bool1;
2905     }
2907     boolean test103_bool2 = true;
2908     @ForceInline
2909     boolean test103_test2() {
2910         return test103_bool2;
2911     }
2913     static final MethodHandle test103_mh;
2915     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + ALLOCA + STORE)
2916     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff)
2917     MyValue3 test103() throws Throwable {
2918         return (MyValue3)test103_mh.invokeExact(this);
2919     }
2921     static int test103_i = 0;
2922     @DontCompile
2923     public void test103_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2924         test103_i++;
2925         test103_bool1 = (test103_i % 2) == 0;
2926         test103_bool2 = (test103_i % 3) == 0;
2927         MyValue3 vt = test103();
2928         vt.verify(test103_bool1 ? test103_vt1 : (test103_bool2 ? test103_vt2 : test103_vt3));
2929     }
2931     // Same as above but with non constant target2 and target3
2932     @ForceInline
2933     static MyValue2 test104_target1() {
2934         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true);
2935     }
2937     @ForceInline
2938     static MyValue2 test104_target2() {
2939         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+1, false);
2940     }
2942     @ForceInline
2943     static MyValue2 test104_target3() {
2944         return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+2, true);
2945     }
2947     static boolean test104_bool1 = true;
2948     @ForceInline
2949     static boolean test104_test1() {
2950         return test104_bool1;
2951     }
2953     static boolean test104_bool2 = true;
2954     @ForceInline
2955     static boolean test104_test2() {
2956         return test104_bool2;
2957     }
2959     static final MethodHandle test104_mh;
2960     static MethodHandle test104_mh2;
2961     static MethodHandle test104_mh3;
2963     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + ALLOCA + STORE)
2964     @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff)
2965     long test104() throws Throwable {
2966         return ((MyValue2)test104_mh.invokeExact(test104_mh2, test104_mh3)).hash();
2967     }
2969     static int test104_i = 0;
2970     @DontCompile
2971     public void test104_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable {
2972         test104_i++;
2973         test104_bool1 = (test104_i % 2) == 0;
2974         test104_bool2 = (test104_i % 3) == 0;
2975         long hash = test104();
2976         int i = rI+(test104_bool1 ? 0 : (test104_bool2 ? 1 : 2));
2977         boolean b = test104_bool1 ? true : (test104_bool2 ? false : true);
2978         Asserts.assertEQ(hash, MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(i, b).hash());
2979     }
2981     // ========== Test infrastructure ==========
2983     private static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
2984     private static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1;
2985     private static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2;
2986     private static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4;
2987     private static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8;
2988     private static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10;
2989     private static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20;
2990     static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn;
2991     private static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs");
2992     private static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueArrayFlatten");
2993     private static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
2994     private static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY = -1;
2995     private static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION = 4;
2996     private static final Hashtable<String, Method> tests = new Hashtable<String, Method>();
2997     private static final int WARMUP = 251;
2998     private static boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
2999     private static boolean PRINT_IDEAL  = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal");
3000     private static boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();

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