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rev 50306 : imported patch loom-fibers

*** 23,47 **** * questions. */ package sun.nio.fs; import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe; /** * Factory for native buffers. */ class NativeBuffers { ! private NativeBuffers() { } private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); private static final int TEMP_BUF_POOL_SIZE = 3; private static ThreadLocal<NativeBuffer[]> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<NativeBuffer[]>(); /** * Allocates a native buffer, of at least the given size, from the heap. */ static NativeBuffer allocNativeBuffer(int size) { // Make a new one of at least 2k --- 23,51 ---- * questions. */ package sun.nio.fs; + import jdk.internal.misc.JavaLangAccess; + import jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecrets; import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe; /** * Factory for native buffers. */ class NativeBuffers { ! private static JavaLangAccess JLA = SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess(); private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); private static final int TEMP_BUF_POOL_SIZE = 3; private static ThreadLocal<NativeBuffer[]> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<NativeBuffer[]>(); + private NativeBuffers() { } + /** * Allocates a native buffer, of at least the given size, from the heap. */ static NativeBuffer allocNativeBuffer(int size) { // Make a new one of at least 2k
*** 53,63 **** * Returns a native buffer, of at least the given size, from the thread * local cache. */ static NativeBuffer getNativeBufferFromCache(int size) { // return from cache if possible ! NativeBuffer[] buffers = threadLocal.get(); if (buffers != null) { for (int i=0; i<TEMP_BUF_POOL_SIZE; i++) { NativeBuffer buffer = buffers[i]; if (buffer != null && buffer.size() >= size) { buffers[i] = null; --- 57,67 ---- * Returns a native buffer, of at least the given size, from the thread * local cache. */ static NativeBuffer getNativeBufferFromCache(int size) { // return from cache if possible ! NativeBuffer[] buffers = JLA.getKernelThreadLocal(threadLocal); if (buffers != null) { for (int i=0; i<TEMP_BUF_POOL_SIZE; i++) { NativeBuffer buffer = buffers[i]; if (buffer != null && buffer.size() >= size) { buffers[i] = null;
*** 87,97 **** * Releases the given buffer. If there is space in the thread local cache * then the buffer goes into the cache; otherwise the memory is deallocated. */ static void releaseNativeBuffer(NativeBuffer buffer) { // create cache if it doesn't exist ! NativeBuffer[] buffers = threadLocal.get(); if (buffers == null) { buffers = new NativeBuffer[TEMP_BUF_POOL_SIZE]; buffers[0] = buffer; threadLocal.set(buffers); return; --- 91,101 ---- * Releases the given buffer. If there is space in the thread local cache * then the buffer goes into the cache; otherwise the memory is deallocated. */ static void releaseNativeBuffer(NativeBuffer buffer) { // create cache if it doesn't exist ! NativeBuffer[] buffers = JLA.getKernelThreadLocal(threadLocal); if (buffers == null) { buffers = new NativeBuffer[TEMP_BUF_POOL_SIZE]; buffers[0] = buffer; threadLocal.set(buffers); return;
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