/* * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package java.lang.invoke; import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper; import sun.security.action.GetIntegerAction; import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*; import static java.lang.invoke.ValueBootstrapMethods.MethodHandleBuilder.*; /** * Bootstrap methods for value types */ public final class ValueBootstrapMethods { private ValueBootstrapMethods() {} private static final boolean VERBOSE = GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperty("value.bsm.debug") != null; /** * Makes a bootstrap method for the named operation for the given Class. * * @apiNote {@code c} parameter for testing purpose. This method will be removed. * * @param caller A lookup context * @param name The name of the method to implement. * @param type The expected signature of the {@code CallSite} * @param c Class * @return a CallSite whose target can be used to perform the named operation */ public static CallSite makeBootstrapMethod(MethodHandles.Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, Class c) { MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = caller; if (caller.lookupClass() != c) { lookup = new MethodHandles.Lookup(c); } return makeBootstrapMethod(lookup, name, type); } /** * Makes a bootstrap method for the named operation for the given Class. * * @param lookup A lookup context * @param name The name of the method to implement. * @param type The expected signature of the {@code CallSite} * @return a CallSite whose target can be used to perform the named operation */ public static CallSite makeBootstrapMethod(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type) { return new ConstantCallSite(generateTarget(lookup, name, type)); } private static MethodHandle generateTarget(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType methodType) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("generate BSM for " + lookup + "::" + name); } switch (name) { case "hashCode": return hashCodeInvoker(lookup, name, methodType); case "equals": return equalsInvoker(lookup, name, methodType); case "toString": return toStringInvoker(lookup, name, methodType); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " not valid method name"); } } static class MethodHandleBuilder { static MethodHandle[] getters(Lookup lookup) { return getters(lookup, null); } static MethodHandle[] getters(Lookup lookup, Comparator comparator) { Class type = lookup.lookupClass().asPrimaryType(); // filter static fields and synthetic fields Stream s = Arrays.stream(type.getDeclaredFields()) .filter(f -> !Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && !f.isSynthetic()) .map(f -> { try { return lookup.unreflectGetter(f); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw newLinkageError(e); } }); if (comparator != null) { s = s.sorted(comparator); } return s.toArray(MethodHandle[]::new); } static MethodHandle primitiveEquals(Class primitiveType) { int index = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(primitiveType).ordinal(); return EQUALS[index]; } static MethodHandle referenceEquals(Class type) { return EQUALS[Wrapper.OBJECT.ordinal()].asType(methodType(boolean.class, type, type)); } static MethodHandle referenceEq() { return EQUALS[Wrapper.OBJECT.ordinal()]; } static MethodHandle hashCodeForType(Class type) { if (type.isPrimitive()) { int index = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(type).ordinal(); return HASHCODE[index]; } else { return HASHCODE[Wrapper.OBJECT.ordinal()].asType(methodType(int.class, type)); } } static MethodHandle equalsForType(Class type) { if (type.isPrimitive()) { return primitiveEquals(type); } else { return OBJECTS_EQUALS.asType(methodType(boolean.class, type, type)); } } /* * Produces a MethodHandle that returns boolean if two instances * of the given interface class are substitutable. * * Two interface values are i== iff * 1. if o1 and o2 are both reference objects then o1 r== o2; or * 2. if o1 and o2 are both values then o1 v== o2 */ static MethodHandle interfaceEquals(Class type) { assert type.isInterface() || type == Object.class; MethodType mt = methodType(boolean.class, type, type); return guardWithTest(IS_SAME_VALUE_CLASS.asType(mt), VALUE_EQUALS.asType(mt), referenceEquals(type)); } /* * Produces a MethodHandle that returns boolean if two value instances * of the given value class are substitutable. */ static MethodHandle valueEquals(Class c) { assert c.isInlineClass(); Class type = c.asPrimaryType(); MethodType mt = methodType(boolean.class, type, type); MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = new MethodHandles.Lookup(type); MethodHandle[] getters = getters(lookup, TYPE_SORTER); MethodHandle instanceFalse = dropArguments(FALSE, 0, type, Object.class).asType(mt); MethodHandle accumulator = dropArguments(TRUE, 0, type, type); for (MethodHandle getter : getters) { Class ftype = getter.type().returnType(); MethodHandle eq = substitutableInvoker(ftype).asType(methodType(boolean.class, ftype, ftype)); MethodHandle thisFieldEqual = filterArguments(eq, 0, getter, getter); accumulator = guardWithTest(thisFieldEqual, accumulator, instanceFalse); } // if both arguments are null, return true; // otherwise return accumulator; MethodHandle instanceTrue = dropArguments(TRUE, 0, type, Object.class).asType(mt); return guardWithTest(IS_NULL.asType(mt), instanceTrue.asType(mt), guardWithTest(IS_SAME_VALUE_CLASS.asType(mt), accumulator, instanceFalse)); } // ------ utility methods ------ private static boolean eq(byte a, byte b) { return a == b; } private static boolean eq(short a, short b) { return a == b; } private static boolean eq(char a, char b) { return a == b; } private static boolean eq(int a, int b) { return a == b; } private static boolean eq(long a, long b) { return a == b; } private static boolean eq(float a, float b) { return Float.compare(a, b) == 0; } private static boolean eq(double a, double b) { return Double.compare(a, b) == 0; } private static boolean eq(boolean a, boolean b) { return a == b; } private static boolean eq(Object a, Object b) { return a == b; } private static boolean isNull(Object a, Object b) { // avoid acmp that will call isSubstitutable if (a != null) return false; if (b != null) return false; return true; } private static boolean isSameValueClass(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; return a.getClass().isInlineClass() && a.getClass().asNullableType() == b.getClass().asNullableType(); } private static boolean valueEq(Object a, Object b) { assert isSameValueClass(a, b); try { Class type = a.getClass(); return (boolean) valueEquals(type).invoke(type.cast(a), type.cast(b)); } catch (Error|RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new InternalError(e); } } private static String toString(Object o) { return o != null ? o.toString() : "null"; } private static MethodHandle toString(Class type) { if (type.isArray()) { Class componentType = type.getComponentType(); if (componentType.isPrimitive()) { int index = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(componentType).ordinal(); return ARRAYS_TO_STRING[index]; } else { return ARRAYS_TO_STRING[Wrapper.OBJECT.ordinal()].asType(methodType(String.class, type)); } } else { return TO_STRING.asType(methodType(String.class, type)); } } private static int hashCombiner(int accumulator, int value) { return accumulator * 31 + value; } private static int computeHashCode(MethodHandle[] hashers, int v, int i, Object o) { try { int hc = (int)hashers[i].invoke(o); return hashCombiner(v, hc); } catch (Error|RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new InternalError(e); } } private static final MethodHandle[] EQUALS = initEquals(); private static final MethodHandle[] ARRAYS_TO_STRING = initArraysToString(); private static final MethodHandle[] HASHCODE = initHashCode(); static final MethodHandle IS_SAME_VALUE_CLASS = findStatic("isSameValueClass", methodType(boolean.class, Object.class, Object.class)); static final MethodHandle VALUE_EQUALS = findStatic("valueEq", methodType(boolean.class, Object.class, Object.class)); static final MethodHandle IS_NULL = findStatic("isNull", methodType(boolean.class, Object.class, Object.class)); static final MethodHandle TO_STRING = findStatic("toString", methodType(String.class, Object.class)); static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_EQUALS = findStatic(Objects.class, "equals", methodType(boolean.class, Object.class, Object.class)); static final MethodHandle FALSE = constant(boolean.class, false); static final MethodHandle TRUE = constant(boolean.class, true); static final MethodHandle HASH_COMBINER = findStatic("hashCombiner", methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class)); static final MethodHandle COMPUTE_HASH = findStatic("computeHashCode", methodType(int.class, MethodHandle[].class, int.class, int.class, Object.class)); private static MethodHandle[] initEquals() { MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[Wrapper.COUNT]; for (Wrapper wrapper : Wrapper.values()) { if (wrapper == Wrapper.VOID) continue; Class type = wrapper.primitiveType(); mhs[wrapper.ordinal()] = findStatic("eq", methodType(boolean.class, type, type)); } return mhs; } private static MethodHandle[] initArraysToString() { MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[Wrapper.COUNT]; for (Wrapper wrapper : Wrapper.values()) { if (wrapper == Wrapper.VOID) continue; Class arrayType = wrapper.arrayType(); mhs[wrapper.ordinal()] = findStatic(Arrays.class, "toString", methodType(String.class, arrayType)); } return mhs; } private static MethodHandle[] initHashCode() { MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[Wrapper.COUNT]; for (Wrapper wrapper : Wrapper.values()) { if (wrapper == Wrapper.VOID) continue; Class cls = wrapper == Wrapper.OBJECT ? Objects.class : wrapper.wrapperType(); mhs[wrapper.ordinal()] = findStatic(cls, "hashCode", methodType(int.class, wrapper.primitiveType())); } return mhs; } private static MethodHandle findStatic(String name, MethodType methodType) { return findStatic(MethodHandleBuilder.class, name, methodType); } private static MethodHandle findStatic(Class cls, String name, MethodType methodType) { try { return IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(cls, name, methodType); } catch (NoSuchMethodException|IllegalAccessException e) { throw newLinkageError(e); } } /** * A "salt" value used for this internal hashcode implementation that * needs to vary sufficiently from one run to the next so that * the default hashcode for value types will vary between JVM runs. */ static final int SALT; static { long nt = System.nanoTime(); int value = (int)((nt >>> 32) ^ nt); SALT = GetIntegerAction.privilegedGetProperty("value.bsm.salt", value); } } /* * Produces a method handle that computes the hashcode */ private static MethodHandle hashCodeInvoker(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType mt) { Class type = lookup.lookupClass().asPrimaryType(); MethodHandle target = dropArguments(constant(int.class, SALT), 0, type); MethodHandle cls = dropArguments(constant(Class.class, type),0, type); MethodHandle classHashCode = filterReturnValue(cls, hashCodeForType(Class.class)); MethodHandle combiner = filterArguments(HASH_COMBINER, 0, target, classHashCode); // int v = SALT * 31 + type.hashCode(); MethodHandle init = permuteArguments(combiner, target.type(), 0, 0); MethodHandle[] getters = MethodHandleBuilder.getters(lookup); MethodHandle iterations = dropArguments(constant(int.class, getters.length), 0, type); MethodHandle[] hashers = new MethodHandle[getters.length]; for (int i=0; i < getters.length; i++) { MethodHandle getter = getters[i]; MethodHandle hasher = hashCodeForType(getter.type().returnType()); hashers[i] = filterReturnValue(getter, hasher); } // for (int i=0; i < getters.length; i++) { // v = computeHash(v, i, a); // } MethodHandle body = COMPUTE_HASH.bindTo(hashers) .asType(methodType(int.class, int.class, int.class, type)); return countedLoop(iterations, init, body); } /* * Produces a method handle that invokes the toString method of a value object. */ private static MethodHandle toStringInvoker(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType mt) { Class type = lookup.lookupClass().asPrimaryType(); MethodHandle[] getters = MethodHandleBuilder.getters(lookup); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("getter: " + Arrays.toString(getters)); } int length = getters.length; StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder(); Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[length]; // append the value class name format.append("[").append(type.getName()); String separator = " "; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { MethodHandle getter = getters[i]; MethodHandleInfo fieldInfo = lookup.revealDirect(getter); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("getter: " + getter + " field info: " + fieldInfo); } Class ftype = fieldInfo.getMethodType().returnType(); format.append(separator) .append(fieldInfo.getName()) .append("=\1"); getters[i]= filterReturnValue(getter, MethodHandleBuilder.toString(ftype)); parameterTypes[i] = String.class; } format.append("]"); try { MethodHandle target = StringConcatFactory.makeConcatWithConstants(lookup, "toString", methodType(String.class, parameterTypes), format.toString()).dynamicInvoker(); // apply getters target = filterArguments(target, 0, getters); // duplicate "this" argument from o::toString for each getter invocation target = permuteArguments(target, methodType(String.class, type), new int[length]); return target; } catch (StringConcatException e) { throw newLinkageError(e); } } /* * Produces a method handle that tests if two arguments are equals. */ private static MethodHandle equalsInvoker(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType mt) { Class type = lookup.lookupClass().asPrimaryType(); // MethodHandle to compare all fields of two value objects MethodHandle[] getters = MethodHandleBuilder.getters(lookup, TYPE_SORTER); MethodHandle accumulator = dropArguments(TRUE, 0, type, type); MethodHandle instanceFalse = dropArguments(FALSE, 0, type, Object.class) .asType(methodType(boolean.class, type, type)); for (MethodHandle getter : getters) { MethodHandle eq = equalsForType(getter.type().returnType()); MethodHandle thisFieldEqual = filterArguments(eq, 0, getter, getter); accumulator = guardWithTest(thisFieldEqual, accumulator, instanceFalse); } // if o1 == o2 return true; // if (o1 and o2 are same value class) return accumulator; // return false; MethodHandle instanceTrue = dropArguments(TRUE, 0, type, Object.class).asType(mt); return guardWithTest(referenceEq().asType(mt), instanceTrue.asType(mt), guardWithTest(IS_SAME_VALUE_CLASS.asType(mt), accumulator.asType(mt), dropArguments(FALSE, 0, type, Object.class))); } private static LinkageError newLinkageError(Throwable e) { return (LinkageError) new LinkageError().initCause(e); } /** * Returns {@code true} if the arguments are substitutable to each * other and {@code false} otherwise. * Substitutability means that they cannot be distinguished from * each other in any data-dependent way, meaning that it is safe to substitute * one for the other. * * * *

For example, *

{@code interface Number { ... }
     * // ordinary reference class
     * class IntNumber implements Number { ... }
     * // value class
     * value class IntValue implements Number {
     *     int i;
     *     :
     *     public static IntValue of(int i) {...}     // IntValue::of creates a new value instance
     * }
     * // value class with an Object field
     * value class RefValue {
     *     Object o;
     *     :
     * }
     * var val1 = IntValue.of(10);
     * var val2 = IntValue.of(10);                    // val1 and val2 have the same value
     * var ref1 = new IntNumber(10);                  // ref1 and ref2 are two reference instances
     * var ref2 = new IntNumber(10);
     * assertTrue(isSubstitutable(val1, val2));       // val1 and val2 are both value instances of IntValue
     * assertFalse(isSubstitutable(ref1, ref2));      // ref1 and ref2 are two reference instances that are not substitutable
     * assertTrue(isSubstitutable(ref1, ref1));       // a reference instance is substitutable with itself
     * var rval1 = RefValue.of(List.of("list"));      // rval1.o and rval2.o both contain a list of one-single element "list"
     * var rval2 = RefValue.of(List.of("list");
     * var rval3 = RefValue.of(rval1.o);
     * assertFalse(isSubstitutable(rval1, rval2));    // rval1.o and rval2.o are two different List instances and hence not substitutable
     * assertTrue(isSubstitutable(rval1, rval3 ));    // rval1.o and rval3.o are the same reference instance
     * }
* * @apiNote * This API is intended for performance evaluation of this idiom for * {@code acmp}. Hence it is not in the {@link System} class. * * @param a an object * @param b an object to be compared with {@code a} for substitutability * @return {@code true} if the arguments are substitutable to each other; * {@code false} otherwise. * @param type * @see Float#equals(Object) * @see Double#equals(Object) */ public static boolean isSubstitutable(T a, Object b) { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("substitutable " + a + " vs " + b); if (a == b) return true; if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.getClass() != b.getClass()) return false; try { Class type = a.getClass().isInlineClass() ? a.getClass().asPrimaryType() : a.getClass(); return (boolean) substitutableInvoker(type).invoke(a, b); } catch (Error|RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { if (VERBOSE) e.printStackTrace(); throw new InternalError(e); } } /** * Produces a method handle which tests if two arguments are * {@linkplain #isSubstitutable(Object, Object) substitutable}. * *
  • If {@code T} is a non-floating point primitive type, this method * returns a method handle testing the two arguments are the same value, * i.e. {@code a == b}. *
  • If {@code T} is {@code float} or {@code double}, this method * returns a method handle representing {@link Float#equals(Object)} or * {@link Double#equals(Object)} respectively. *
  • If {@code T} is a reference type that is not {@code Object} and not an * interface, this method returns a method handle testing * the two arguments are the same reference, i.e. {@code a == b}. *
  • If {@code T} is a value type, this method returns * a method handle that returns {@code true} if * for all fields {@code f} declared in {@code T}, where {@code U} is * the type of {@code f}, if {@code a.f} and {@code b.f} are substitutable * with respect to {@code U}. *
  • If {@code T} is an interface or {@code Object}, and * {@code a} and {@code b} are of the same value class {@code V}, * this method returns a method handle that returns {@code true} if * {@code a} and {@code b} are substitutable with respect to {@code V}. *
* * @param type class type * @param type * @return a method handle for substitutability test */ static MethodHandle substitutableInvoker(Class type) { if (type.isPrimitive()) return MethodHandleBuilder.primitiveEquals(type); if (type.isInterface() || type == Object.class) return MethodHandleBuilder.interfaceEquals(type); if (type.isInlineClass()) return SUBST_TEST_METHOD_HANDLES.get(type); return MethodHandleBuilder.referenceEquals(type); } // store the method handle for value types in ClassValue private static ClassValue SUBST_TEST_METHOD_HANDLES = new ClassValue<>() { @Override protected MethodHandle computeValue(Class c) { return MethodHandleBuilder.valueEquals(c); } }; private static final Comparator TYPE_SORTER = (mh1, mh2) -> { // sort the getters with the return type Class t1 = mh1.type().returnType(); Class t2 = mh2.type().returnType(); if (t1.isPrimitive()) { if (!t2.isPrimitive()) { return 1; } } else { if (t2.isPrimitive()) { return -1; } } return -1; }; }