1 /**
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  * <p>
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  * <p>
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  * <p>
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  * <p>
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /**
  27  * Provides the API for server side data source access and processing from
  28  * the Java&trade; programming language.
  29  * This package supplements the <code>java.sql</code>
  30  * package and, as of the version 1.4 release, is included in the
  31  * Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE&trade;).
  32  * It remains an essential part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
  33  * (Java EE&trade;).
  34  * <p>
  35  * The <code>javax.sql</code> package provides for the following:
  36  * <OL>
  37  * <LI>The <code>DataSource</code> interface as an alternative to the
  38  * <code>DriverManager</code> for establishing a
  39  * connection with a data source
  40  * <LI>Connection pooling and Statement pooling
  41  * <LI>Distributed transactions
  42  * <LI>Rowsets
  43  * </OL>
  44  * <p>
  45  * Applications use the <code>DataSource</code> and <code>RowSet</code>
  46  * APIs directly, but the connection pooling and distributed transaction
  47  * APIs are used internally by the middle-tier infrastructure.
  48  *
  49  * <H2>Using a <code>DataSource</code> Object to Make a Connection</H2>
  50  * <p>
  51  * The <code>javax.sql</code> package provides the preferred
  52  * way to make a connection with a data source.  The <code>DriverManager</code>
  53  * class, the original mechanism, is still valid, and code using it will
  54  * continue to run.  However, the newer <code>DataSource</code> mechanism
  55  * is preferred because it offers many advantages over the
  56  * <code>DriverManager</code> mechanism.
  57  * <p>
  58  * These are the main advantages of using a <code>DataSource</code> object to
  59  * make a connection:
  60  * <UL>
  61  *
  62  * <LI>Changes can be made to a data source's properties, which means
  63  * that it is not necessary to make changes in application code when
  64  * something about the data source or driver changes.
  65  * <LI>Connection  and Statement pooling and distributed transactions are available
  66  * through a <code>DataSource</code> object that is
  67  * implemented to work with the middle-tier infrastructure.
  68  * Connections made through the <code>DriverManager</code>
  69  * do not have connection and statement pooling or distributed transaction
  70  * capabilities.
  71  * </UL>
  72  * <p>
  73  * Driver vendors provide <code>DataSource</code> implementations. A
  74  * particular <code>DataSource</code> object represents a particular
  75  * physical data source, and each connection the <code>DataSource</code> object
  76  * creates is a connection to that physical data source.
  77  * <p>
  78  * A logical name for the data source is registered with a naming service that
  79  * uses the Java Naming and Directory Interface&trade;
  80  * (JNDI) API, usually by a system administrator or someone performing the
  81  * duties of a system administrator. An application can retrieve the
  82  * <code>DataSource</code> object it wants by doing a lookup on the logical
  83  * name that has been registered for it.  The application can then use the
  84  * <code>DataSource</code> object to create a connection to the physical data
  85  * source it represents.
  86  * <p>
  87  * A <code>DataSource</code> object can be implemented to work with the
  88  * middle tier infrastructure so that the connections it produces will be
  89  * pooled for reuse. An application that uses such a <code>DataSource</code>
  90  * implementation will automatically get a connection that participates in
  91  * connection pooling.
  92  * A <code>DataSource</code> object can also be implemented to work with the
  93  * middle tier infrastructure so that the connections it produces can be
  94  * used for distributed transactions without any special coding.
  95  *
  96  * <H2>Connection Pooling and Statement Pooling</H2>
  97  * <p>
  98  * Connections made via a <code>DataSource</code>
  99  * object that is implemented to work with a middle tier connection pool manager
 100  * will participate in connection pooling.  This can improve performance
 101  * dramatically because creating new connections is very expensive.
 102  * Connection pooling allows a connection to be used and reused,
 103  * thus cutting down substantially on the number of new connections
 104  * that need to be created.
 105  * <p>
 106  * Connection pooling is totally transparent.  It is done automatically
 107  * in the middle tier of a Java EE configuration, so from an application's
 108  * viewpoint, no change in code is required. An application simply uses
 109  * the <code>DataSource.getConnection</code> method to get the pooled
 110  * connection and uses it the same way it uses any <code>Connection</code>
 111  * object.
 112  * <p>
 113  * The classes and interfaces used for connection pooling are:
 114  * <UL>
 115  * <LI><code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>
 116  * <LI><code>PooledConnection</code>
 117  * <LI><code>ConnectionEvent</code>
 118  * <LI><code>ConnectionEventListener</code>
 119  * <LI><code>StatementEvent</code>
 120  * <LI><code>StatementEventListener</code>
 121  * </UL>
 122  * The connection pool manager, a facility in the middle tier of
 123  * a three-tier architecture, uses these classes and interfaces
 124  * behind the scenes.  When a <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code> object
 125  * is called on to create a <code>PooledConnection</code> object, the
 126  * connection pool manager will register as a <code>ConnectionEventListener</code>
 127  * object with the new <code>PooledConnection</code> object.  When the connection
 128  * is closed or there is an error, the connection pool manager (being a listener)
 129  * gets a notification that includes a <code>ConnectionEvent</code> object.
 130  * <p>
 131  * If the connection pool manager supports <code>Statement</code> pooling, for
 132  * <code>PreparedStatements</code>, which can be determined by invoking the method
 133  * <code>DatabaseMetaData.supportsStatementPooling</code>,  the
 134  * connection pool manager will register as a <code>StatementEventListener</code>
 135  * object with the new <code>PooledConnection</code> object.  When the
 136  * <code>PreparedStatement</code> is closed or there is an error, the connection
 137  * pool manager (being a listener)
 138  * gets a notification that includes a <code>StatementEvent</code> object.
 139  *
 140  * <H2>Distributed Transactions</H2>
 141  * <p>
 142  * As with pooled connections, connections made via a <code>DataSource</code>
 143  * object that is implemented to work with the middle tier infrastructure
 144  * may participate in distributed transactions.  This gives an application
 145  * the ability to involve data sources on multiple servers in a single
 146  * transaction.
 147  * <p>
 148  * The classes and interfaces used for distributed transactions are:
 149  * <UL>
 150  * <LI><code>XADataSource</code>
 151  * <LI><code>XAConnection</code>
 152  * </UL>
 153  * These interfaces are used by the transaction manager; an application does
 154  * not use them directly.
 155  * <p>
 156  * The <code>XAConnection</code> interface is derived from the
 157  * <code>PooledConnection</code> interface, so what applies to a pooled connection
 158  * also applies to a connection that is part of a distributed transaction.
 159  * A transaction manager in the middle tier handles everything transparently.
 160  * The only change in application code is that an application cannot do anything
 161  * that would interfere with the transaction manager's handling of the transaction.
 162  * Specifically, an application cannot call the methods <code>Connection.commit</code>
 163  * or <code>Connection.rollback</code>, and it cannot set the connection to be in
 164  * auto-commit mode (that is, it cannot call
 165  * <code>Connection.setAutoCommit(true)</code>).
 166  * <p>
 167  * An application does not need to do anything special to participate in a
 168  * distributed transaction.
 169  * It simply creates connections to the data sources it wants to use via
 170  * the <code>DataSource.getConnection</code> method, just as it normally does.
 171  * The transaction manager manages the transaction behind the scenes.  The
 172  * <code>XADataSource</code> interface creates <code>XAConnection</code> objects, and
 173  * each <code>XAConnection</code> object creates an <code>XAResource</code> object
 174  * that the transaction manager uses to manage the connection.
 175  *
 176  *
 177  * <H2>Rowsets</H2>
 178  * The <code>RowSet</code> interface works with various other classes and
 179  * interfaces behind the scenes. These can be grouped into three categories.
 180  * <OL>
 181  * <LI>Event Notification
 182  * <UL>
 183  * <LI><code>RowSetListener</code><br>
 184  * A <code>RowSet</code> object is a JavaBeans&trade;
 185  * component because it has properties and participates in the JavaBeans
 186  * event notification mechanism. The <code>RowSetListener</code> interface
 187  * is implemented by a component that wants to be notified about events that
 188  * occur to a particular <code>RowSet</code> object.  Such a component registers
 189  * itself as a listener with a rowset via the <code>RowSet.addRowSetListener</code>
 190  * method.
 191  * <p>
 192  * When the <code>RowSet</code> object changes one of its rows, changes all of
 193  * it rows, or moves its cursor, it also notifies each listener that is registered
 194  * with it.  The listener reacts by carrying out its implementation of the
 195  * notification method called on it.
 196  * <LI><code>RowSetEvent</code><br>
 197  * As part of its internal notification process, a <code>RowSet</code> object
 198  * creates an instance of <code>RowSetEvent</code> and passes it to the listener.
 199  * The listener can use this <code>RowSetEvent</code> object to find out which rowset
 200  * had the event.
 201  * </UL>
 202  * <LI>Metadata
 203  * <UL>
 204  * <LI><code>RowSetMetaData</code><br>
 205  * This interface, derived from the
 206  * <code>ResultSetMetaData</code> interface, provides information about
 207  * the columns in a <code>RowSet</code> object.  An application can use
 208  * <code>RowSetMetaData</code> methods to find out how many columns the
 209  * rowset contains and what kind of data each column can contain.
 210  * <p>
 211  * The <code>RowSetMetaData</code> interface provides methods for
 212  * setting the information about columns, but an application would not
 213  * normally use these methods.  When an application calls the <code>RowSet</code>
 214  * method <code>execute</code>, the <code>RowSet</code> object will contain
 215  * a new set of rows, and its <code>RowSetMetaData</code> object will have been
 216  * internally updated to contain information about the new columns.
 217  * </UL>
 218  * <LI>The Reader/Writer Facility<br>
 219  * A <code>RowSet</code> object that implements the <code>RowSetInternal</code>
 220  * interface can call on the <code>RowSetReader</code> object associated with it
 221  * to populate itself with data.  It can also call on the <code>RowSetWriter</code>
 222  * object associated with it to write any changes to its rows back to the
 223  * data source from which it originally got the rows.
 224  * A rowset that remains connected to its data source does not need to use a
 225  * reader and writer because it can simply operate on the data source directly.
 226  *
 227  * <UL>
 228  * <LI><code>RowSetInternal</code><br>
 229  * By implementing the <code>RowSetInternal</code> interface, a
 230  * <code>RowSet</code> object gets access to
 231  * its internal state and is able to call on its reader and writer. A rowset
 232  * keeps track of the values in its current rows and of the values that immediately
 233  * preceded the current ones, referred to as the <i>original</i> values.  A rowset
 234  * also keeps track of (1) the parameters that have been set for its command and
 235  * (2) the connection that was passed to it, if any.  A rowset uses the
 236  * <code>RowSetInternal</code> methods behind the scenes to get access to
 237  * this information.  An application does not normally invoke these methods directly.
 238  *
 239  * <LI><code>RowSetReader</code><br>
 240  * A disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object that has implemented the
 241  * <code>RowSetInternal</code> interface can call on its reader (the
 242  * <code>RowSetReader</code> object associated with it) to populate it with
 243  * data.  When an application calls the <code>RowSet.execute</code> method,
 244  * that method calls on the rowset's reader to do much of the work. Implementations
 245  * can vary widely, but generally a reader makes a connection to the data source,
 246  * reads data from the data source and populates the rowset with it, and closes
 247  * the connection. A reader may also update the <code>RowSetMetaData</code> object
 248  * for its rowset.  The rowset's internal state is also updated, either by the
 249  * reader or directly by the method <code>RowSet.execute</code>.
 250  *
 251  *
 252  * <LI><code>RowSetWriter</code><br>
 253  * A disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object that has implemented the
 254  * <code>RowSetInternal</code> interface can call on its writer (the
 255  * <code>RowSetWriter</code> object associated with it) to write changes
 256  * back to the underlying data source.  Implementations may vary widely, but
 257  * generally, a writer will do the following:
 258  *
 259  * <UL>
 260  * <LI>Make a connection to the data source
 261  * <LI>Check to see whether there is a conflict, that is, whether
 262  * a value that has been changed in the rowset has also been changed
 263  * in the data source
 264  * <LI>Write the new values to the data source if there is no conflict
 265  * <LI>Close the connection
 266  * </UL>
 267  *
 268  *
 269  * </UL>
 270  * </OL>
 271  * <p>
 272  * The <code>RowSet</code> interface may be implemented in any number of
 273  * ways, and anyone may write an implementation. Developers are encouraged
 274  * to use their imaginations in coming up with new ways to use rowsets.
 275  *
 276  *
 277  * <h2>Package Specification</h2>
 278  *
 279  * <ul>
 280  * <li><a href="https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=221">JDBC 4.3 Specification</a>
 281  * </ul>
 282  *
 283  * <h2>Related Documentation</h2>
 284  * <p>
 285  * The Java Series book published by Addison-Wesley Longman provides detailed
 286  * information about the classes and interfaces in the <code>javax.sql</code>
 287  * package:
 288  *
 289  * <ul>
 290  * <li><a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-142838.html">
 291  * <i>JDBC™API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition</i></a>
 292  * </ul>
 293  */
 294 package javax.sql;