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1961           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1962                                                                             \
1963   product(uintx, CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio, 5,                         \
1964           "Start sampling eden top at least before young gen "              \
1965           "occupancy reaches 1/<ratio> of the size at which "               \
1966           "we plan to schedule remark")                                     \
1967           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1968                                                                             \
1969   product(uintx, CMSSamplingGrain, 16*K,                                    \
1970           "The minimum distance between eden samples for CMS (see above)")  \
1971           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1972                                                                             \
1973   product(bool, CMSScavengeBeforeRemark, false,                             \
1974           "Attempt scavenge before the CMS remark step")                    \
1975                                                                             \
1976   develop(bool, CMSTraceSweeper, false,                                     \
1977           "Trace some actions of the CMS sweeper")                          \
1978                                                                             \
1979   product(uintx, CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold, 10,                            \
1980           "Don't drain below this size per parallel worker/thief")          \
1981           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
1982           constraint(CMSWorkQueueDrainThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)    \
1983                                                                             \
1984   manageable(intx, CMSWaitDuration, 2000,                                   \
1985           "Time in milliseconds that CMS thread waits for young GC")        \
1986                                                                             \
1987   develop(uintx, CMSCheckInterval, 1000,                                    \
1988           "Interval in milliseconds that CMS thread checks if it "          \
1989           "should start a collection cycle")                                \
1990                                                                             \
1991   product(bool, CMSYield, true,                                             \
1992           "Yield between steps of CMS")                                     \
1993                                                                             \
1994   product(size_t, CMSBitMapYieldQuantum, 10*M,                              \
1995           "Bitmap operations should process at most this many bits "        \
1996           "between yields")                                                 \
1997           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1998                                                                             \
1999   product(bool, CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, false,                           \
2000           "Dump useful information about the state of the CMS old "         \
2001           "generation upon a promotion failure")                            \

2484           "Trace processing of class paths")                                \
2485                                                                             \
2486   product_rw(bool, TraceClassLoading, false,                                \
2487           "Trace all classes loaded")                                       \
2488                                                                             \
2489   product(bool, TraceClassLoadingPreorder, false,                           \
2490           "Trace all classes loaded in order referenced (not loaded)")      \
2491                                                                             \
2492   product_rw(bool, TraceClassUnloading, false,                              \
2493           "Trace unloading of classes")                                     \
2494                                                                             \
2495   product_rw(bool, TraceLoaderConstraints, false,                           \
2496           "Trace loader constraints")                                       \
2497                                                                             \
2498   develop(bool, TraceClassLoaderData, false,                                \
2499           "Trace class loader loader_data lifetime")                        \
2500                                                                             \
2501   product(size_t, InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize,                      \
2502           NOT_LP64(2200*K) LP64_ONLY(4*M),                                  \
2503           "Initial size of the boot class loader data metaspace")           \
2504           range(BytesPerWord, max_uintx)                                    \
2505           constraint(InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSizeConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)\
2506                                                                             \
2507   product(bool, TraceYoungGenTime, false,                                   \
2508           "Trace accumulated time for young collection")                    \
2509                                                                             \
2510   product(bool, TraceOldGenTime, false,                                     \
2511           "Trace accumulated time for old collection")                      \
2512                                                                             \
2513   product(bool, PrintTenuringDistribution, false,                           \
2514           "Print tenuring age information")                                 \
2515                                                                             \
2516   product_rw(bool, PrintHeapAtGC, false,                                    \
2517           "Print heap layout before and after each GC")                     \
2518                                                                             \
2519   product_rw(bool, PrintHeapAtGCExtended, false,                            \
2520           "Print extended information about the layout of the heap "        \
2521           "when -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC is set")                                 \
2522                                                                             \
2523   product(bool, PrintHeapAtSIGBREAK, true,                                  \
2524           "Print heap layout in response to SIGBREAK")                      \

3273                                                                             \
3274   develop(intx, InlineFrequencyRatio,    20,                                \
3275           "Ratio of call site execution to caller method invocation")       \
3276                                                                             \
3277   develop_pd(intx, InlineFrequencyCount,                                    \
3278           "Count of call site execution necessary to trigger frequent "     \
3279           "inlining")                                                       \
3280                                                                             \
3281   develop(intx, InlineThrowCount,    50,                                    \
3282           "Force inlining of interpreted methods that throw this often")    \
3283                                                                             \
3284   develop(intx, InlineThrowMaxSize,   200,                                  \
3285           "Force inlining of throwing methods smaller than this")           \
3286                                                                             \
3287   develop(intx, ProfilerNodeSize,  1024,                                    \
3288           "Size in K to allocate for the Profile Nodes of each thread")     \
3289                                                                             \
3290   /* gc parameters */                                                       \
3291   product(size_t, InitialHeapSize, 0,                                       \
3292           "Initial heap size (in bytes); zero means use ergonomics")        \
3293           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3294           constraint(InitialHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)               \
3295                                                                             \
3296   product(size_t, MaxHeapSize, ScaleForWordSize(96*M),                      \
3297           "Maximum heap size (in bytes)")                                   \
3298           constraint(MaxHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                   \
3299                                                                             \
3300   product(size_t, OldSize, ScaleForWordSize(4*M),                           \
3301           "Initial tenured generation size (in bytes)")                     \
3302                                                                             \
3303   product(size_t, NewSize, ScaleForWordSize(1*M),                           \
3304           "Initial new generation size (in bytes)")                         \
3305           constraint(NewSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                       \
3306                                                                             \
3307   product(size_t, MaxNewSize, max_uintx,                                    \
3308           "Maximum new generation size (in bytes), max_uintx means set "    \
3309           "ergonomically")                                                  \
3310                                                                             \
3311   product(size_t, PretenureSizeThreshold, 0,                                \
3312           "Maximum size in bytes of objects allocated in DefNew "           \
3313           "generation; zero means no maximum")                              \

1961           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1962                                                                             \
1963   product(uintx, CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio, 5,                         \
1964           "Start sampling eden top at least before young gen "              \
1965           "occupancy reaches 1/<ratio> of the size at which "               \
1966           "we plan to schedule remark")                                     \
1967           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1968                                                                             \
1969   product(uintx, CMSSamplingGrain, 16*K,                                    \
1970           "The minimum distance between eden samples for CMS (see above)")  \
1971           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1972                                                                             \
1973   product(bool, CMSScavengeBeforeRemark, false,                             \
1974           "Attempt scavenge before the CMS remark step")                    \
1975                                                                             \
1976   develop(bool, CMSTraceSweeper, false,                                     \
1977           "Trace some actions of the CMS sweeper")                          \
1978                                                                             \
1979   product(uintx, CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold, 10,                            \
1980           "Don't drain below this size per parallel worker/thief")          \
1981           range(1, max_juint)                                               \
1982           constraint(CMSWorkQueueDrainThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)    \
1983                                                                             \
1984   manageable(intx, CMSWaitDuration, 2000,                                   \
1985           "Time in milliseconds that CMS thread waits for young GC")        \
1986                                                                             \
1987   develop(uintx, CMSCheckInterval, 1000,                                    \
1988           "Interval in milliseconds that CMS thread checks if it "          \
1989           "should start a collection cycle")                                \
1990                                                                             \
1991   product(bool, CMSYield, true,                                             \
1992           "Yield between steps of CMS")                                     \
1993                                                                             \
1994   product(size_t, CMSBitMapYieldQuantum, 10*M,                              \
1995           "Bitmap operations should process at most this many bits "        \
1996           "between yields")                                                 \
1997           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1998                                                                             \
1999   product(bool, CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, false,                           \
2000           "Dump useful information about the state of the CMS old "         \
2001           "generation upon a promotion failure")                            \

2484           "Trace processing of class paths")                                \
2485                                                                             \
2486   product_rw(bool, TraceClassLoading, false,                                \
2487           "Trace all classes loaded")                                       \
2488                                                                             \
2489   product(bool, TraceClassLoadingPreorder, false,                           \
2490           "Trace all classes loaded in order referenced (not loaded)")      \
2491                                                                             \
2492   product_rw(bool, TraceClassUnloading, false,                              \
2493           "Trace unloading of classes")                                     \
2494                                                                             \
2495   product_rw(bool, TraceLoaderConstraints, false,                           \
2496           "Trace loader constraints")                                       \
2497                                                                             \
2498   develop(bool, TraceClassLoaderData, false,                                \
2499           "Trace class loader loader_data lifetime")                        \
2500                                                                             \
2501   product(size_t, InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize,                      \
2502           NOT_LP64(2200*K) LP64_ONLY(4*M),                                  \
2503           "Initial size of the boot class loader data metaspace")           \
2504           range(30*K, max_uintx/BytesPerWord)                               \
2505           constraint(InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSizeConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)\
2506                                                                             \
2507   product(bool, TraceYoungGenTime, false,                                   \
2508           "Trace accumulated time for young collection")                    \
2509                                                                             \
2510   product(bool, TraceOldGenTime, false,                                     \
2511           "Trace accumulated time for old collection")                      \
2512                                                                             \
2513   product(bool, PrintTenuringDistribution, false,                           \
2514           "Print tenuring age information")                                 \
2515                                                                             \
2516   product_rw(bool, PrintHeapAtGC, false,                                    \
2517           "Print heap layout before and after each GC")                     \
2518                                                                             \
2519   product_rw(bool, PrintHeapAtGCExtended, false,                            \
2520           "Print extended information about the layout of the heap "        \
2521           "when -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC is set")                                 \
2522                                                                             \
2523   product(bool, PrintHeapAtSIGBREAK, true,                                  \
2524           "Print heap layout in response to SIGBREAK")                      \

3273                                                                             \
3274   develop(intx, InlineFrequencyRatio,    20,                                \
3275           "Ratio of call site execution to caller method invocation")       \
3276                                                                             \
3277   develop_pd(intx, InlineFrequencyCount,                                    \
3278           "Count of call site execution necessary to trigger frequent "     \
3279           "inlining")                                                       \
3280                                                                             \
3281   develop(intx, InlineThrowCount,    50,                                    \
3282           "Force inlining of interpreted methods that throw this often")    \
3283                                                                             \
3284   develop(intx, InlineThrowMaxSize,   200,                                  \
3285           "Force inlining of throwing methods smaller than this")           \
3286                                                                             \
3287   develop(intx, ProfilerNodeSize,  1024,                                    \
3288           "Size in K to allocate for the Profile Nodes of each thread")     \
3289                                                                             \
3290   /* gc parameters */                                                       \
3291   product(size_t, InitialHeapSize, 0,                                       \
3292           "Initial heap size (in bytes); zero means use ergonomics")        \

3293           constraint(InitialHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)               \
3294                                                                             \
3295   product(size_t, MaxHeapSize, ScaleForWordSize(96*M),                      \
3296           "Maximum heap size (in bytes)")                                   \
3297           constraint(MaxHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                   \
3298                                                                             \
3299   product(size_t, OldSize, ScaleForWordSize(4*M),                           \
3300           "Initial tenured generation size (in bytes)")                     \
3301                                                                             \
3302   product(size_t, NewSize, ScaleForWordSize(1*M),                           \
3303           "Initial new generation size (in bytes)")                         \
3304           constraint(NewSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                       \
3305                                                                             \
3306   product(size_t, MaxNewSize, max_uintx,                                    \
3307           "Maximum new generation size (in bytes), max_uintx means set "    \
3308           "ergonomically")                                                  \
3309                                                                             \
3310   product(size_t, PretenureSizeThreshold, 0,                                \
3311           "Maximum size in bytes of objects allocated in DefNew "           \
3312           "generation; zero means no maximum")                              \

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