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rev 9473 : [mq]: webrev.00

   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include <float.h>
  29 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  30 #include <float.h> // for DBL_MAX
  32 // use this for flags that are true per default in the tiered build
  33 // but false in non-tiered builds, and vice versa
  34 #ifdef TIERED
  35 #define  trueInTiered true
  36 #define falseInTiered false
  37 #else
  38 #define  trueInTiered false
  39 #define falseInTiered true
  40 #endif
  42 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
  43 # include "globals_x86.hpp"
  44 #endif
  45 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_sparc
  46 # include "globals_sparc.hpp"
  47 #endif
  48 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero

 610 //
 611 // constraint is a macro that will expand to custom function call
 612 //    for constraint checking if provided - see commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp
 613 //
 615 #define RUNTIME_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct, manageable, product_rw, lp64_product, range, constraint) \
 616                                                                             \
 617   lp64_product(bool, UseCompressedOops, false,                              \
 618           "Use 32-bit object references in 64-bit VM. "                     \
 619           "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")        \
 620                                                                             \
 621   lp64_product(bool, UseCompressedClassPointers, false,                     \
 622           "Use 32-bit class pointers in 64-bit VM. "                        \
 623           "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")        \
 624                                                                             \
 625   notproduct(bool, CheckCompressedOops, true,                               \
 626           "Generate checks in encoding/decoding code in debug VM")          \
 627                                                                             \
 628   product_pd(size_t, HeapBaseMinAddress,                                    \
 629           "OS specific low limit for heap base address")                    \

 630                                                                             \
 631   product(uintx, HeapSearchSteps, 3 PPC64_ONLY(+17),                        \
 632           "Heap allocation steps through preferred address regions to find" \
 633           " where it can allocate the heap. Number of steps to take per "   \
 634           "region.")                                                        \
 635           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
 636                                                                             \
 637   diagnostic(bool, PrintCompressedOopsMode, false,                          \
 638           "Print compressed oops base address and encoding mode")           \
 639                                                                             \
 640   lp64_product(intx, ObjectAlignmentInBytes, 8,                             \
 641           "Default object alignment in bytes, 8 is minimum")                \
 642           range(8, 256)                                                     \
 643           constraint(ObjectAlignmentInBytesConstraintFunc,AtParse)          \
 644                                                                             \
 645   product(bool, AssumeMP, false,                                            \
 646           "Instruct the VM to assume multiple processors are available")    \
 647                                                                             \
 648   /* UseMembar is theoretically a temp flag used for memory barrier      */ \
 649   /* removal testing.  It was supposed to be removed before FCS but has  */ \

 675           "Allocate large pages individually for better affinity")          \
 676                                                                             \
 677   develop(bool, LargePagesIndividualAllocationInjectError, false,           \
 678           "Fail large pages individual allocation")                         \
 679                                                                             \
 680   product(bool, UseLargePagesInMetaspace, false,                            \
 681           "Use large page memory in metaspace. "                            \
 682           "Only used if UseLargePages is enabled.")                         \
 683                                                                             \
 684   develop(bool, TracePageSizes, false,                                      \
 685           "Trace page size selection and usage")                            \
 686                                                                             \
 687   product(bool, UseNUMA, false,                                             \
 688           "Use NUMA if available")                                          \
 689                                                                             \
 690   product(bool, UseNUMAInterleaving, false,                                 \
 691           "Interleave memory across NUMA nodes if available")               \
 692                                                                             \
 693   product(size_t, NUMAInterleaveGranularity, 2*M,                           \
 694           "Granularity to use for NUMA interleaving on Windows OS")         \

 695                                                                             \
 696   product(bool, ForceNUMA, false,                                           \
 697           "Force NUMA optimizations on single-node/UMA systems")            \
 698                                                                             \
 699   product(uintx, NUMAChunkResizeWeight, 20,                                 \
 700           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
 701           "computing exponentially decaying average for "                   \
 702           "AdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing")                                        \
 703           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 704                                                                             \
 705   product(size_t, NUMASpaceResizeRate, 1*G,                                 \
 706           "Do not reallocate more than this amount per collection")         \

 707                                                                             \
 708   product(bool, UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing, true,                           \
 709           "Enable adaptive chunk sizing for NUMA")                          \
 710                                                                             \
 711   product(bool, NUMAStats, false,                                           \
 712           "Print NUMA stats in detailed heap information")                  \
 713                                                                             \
 714   product(uintx, NUMAPageScanRate, 256,                                     \
 715           "Maximum number of pages to include in the page scan procedure")  \

 716                                                                             \
 717   product_pd(bool, NeedsDeoptSuspend,                                       \
 718           "True for register window machines (sparc/ia64)")                 \
 719                                                                             \
 720   product(intx, UseSSE, 99,                                                 \
 721           "Highest supported SSE instructions set on x86/x64")              \
 722           range(0, 99)                                                      \
 723                                                                             \
 724   product(bool, UseAES, false,                                              \
 725           "Control whether AES instructions can be used on x86/x64")        \
 726                                                                             \
 727   product(bool, UseSHA, false,                                              \
 728           "Control whether SHA instructions can be used "                   \
 729           "on SPARC and on ARM")                                            \
 730                                                                             \
 731   product(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false,                                  \
 732           "Use intrinsics for GHASH versions of crypto")                    \
 733                                                                             \
 734   product(size_t, LargePageSizeInBytes, 0,                                  \
 735           "Large page size (0 to let VM choose the page size)")             \

 736                                                                             \
 737   product(size_t, LargePageHeapSizeThreshold, 128*M,                        \
 738           "Use large pages if maximum heap is at least this big")           \

 739                                                                             \
 740   product(bool, ForceTimeHighResolution, false,                             \
 741           "Using high time resolution (for Win32 only)")                    \
 742                                                                             \
 743   develop(bool, TraceItables, false,                                        \
 744           "Trace initialization and use of itables")                        \
 745                                                                             \
 746   develop(bool, TracePcPatching, false,                                     \
 747           "Trace usage of frame::patch_pc")                                 \
 748                                                                             \
 749   develop(bool, TraceJumps, false,                                          \
 750           "Trace assembly jumps in thread ring buffer")                     \
 751                                                                             \
 752   develop(bool, TraceRelocator, false,                                      \
 753           "Trace the bytecode relocator")                                   \
 754                                                                             \
 755   develop(bool, TraceLongCompiles, false,                                   \
 756           "Print out every time compilation is longer than "                \
 757           "a given threshold")                                              \
 758                                                                             \

1515   product(bool, TraceMonitorInflation, false,                               \
1516           "Trace monitor inflation in JVM")                                 \
1517                                                                             \
1518   /* gc */                                                                  \
1519                                                                             \
1520   product(bool, UseSerialGC, false,                                         \
1521           "Use the Serial garbage collector")                               \
1522                                                                             \
1523   product(bool, UseG1GC, false,                                             \
1524           "Use the Garbage-First garbage collector")                        \
1525                                                                             \
1526   product(bool, UseParallelGC, false,                                       \
1527           "Use the Parallel Scavenge garbage collector")                    \
1528                                                                             \
1529   product(bool, UseParallelOldGC, false,                                    \
1530           "Use the Parallel Old garbage collector")                         \
1531                                                                             \
1532   product(uintx, HeapMaximumCompactionInterval, 20,                         \
1533           "How often should we maximally compact the heap (not allowing "   \
1534           "any dead space)")                                                \

1535                                                                             \
1536   product(uintx, HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount, 3,                        \
1537           "The collection count for the first maximum compaction")          \

1538                                                                             \
1539   product(bool, UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC, true,                       \
1540           "Use maximum compaction in the Parallel Old garbage collector "   \
1541           "for a system GC")                                                \
1542                                                                             \
1543   product(uintx, ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean, 50,                        \
1544           "The mean used by the parallel compact dead wood "                \
1545           "limiter (a number between 0-100)")                               \
1546           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1547                                                                             \
1548   product(uintx, ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterStdDev, 80,                      \
1549           "The standard deviation used by the parallel compact dead wood "  \
1550           "limiter (a number between 0-100)")                               \
1551           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1552                                                                             \
1553   product(uint, ParallelGCThreads, 0,                                       \
1554           "Number of parallel threads parallel gc will use")                \
1555           constraint(ParallelGCThreadsConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)             \
1556                                                                             \
1557   diagnostic(bool, UseSemaphoreGCThreadsSynchronization, true,              \

1599           "A System.gc() request invokes a concurrent collection; "         \
1600           "(effective only when using concurrent collectors)")              \
1601                                                                             \
1602   product(bool, ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses, false,        \
1603           "A System.gc() request invokes a concurrent collection and "      \
1604           "also unloads classes during such a concurrent gc cycle "         \
1605           "(effective only when UseConcMarkSweepGC)")                       \
1606                                                                             \
1607   product(bool, GCLockerInvokesConcurrent, false,                           \
1608           "The exit of a JNI critical section necessitating a scavenge, "   \
1609           "also kicks off a background concurrent collection")              \
1610                                                                             \
1611   product(uintx, GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent, 5,                           \
1612           "How much the GC can expand the eden by while the GC locker "     \
1613           "is active (as a percentage)")                                    \
1614           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1615                                                                             \
1616   diagnostic(uintx, GCLockerRetryAllocationCount, 2,                        \
1617           "Number of times to retry allocations when "                      \
1618           "blocked by the GC locker")                                       \

1619                                                                             \
1620   product(bool, UseCMSBestFit, true,                                        \
1621           "Use CMS best fit allocation strategy")                           \
1622                                                                             \
1623   product(bool, UseParNewGC, false,                                         \
1624           "Use parallel threads in the new generation")                     \
1625                                                                             \
1626   product(bool, PrintTaskqueue, false,                                      \
1627           "Print taskqueue statistics for parallel collectors")             \
1628                                                                             \
1629   product(bool, PrintTerminationStats, false,                               \
1630           "Print termination statistics for parallel collectors")           \
1631                                                                             \
1632   product(uintx, ParallelGCBufferWastePct, 10,                              \
1633           "Wasted fraction of parallel allocation buffer")                  \
1634           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1635                                                                             \
1636   product(uintx, TargetPLABWastePct, 10,                                    \
1637           "Target wasted space in last buffer as percent of overall "       \
1638           "allocation")                                                     \

1653           "Scan a subset of object array and push remainder, if array is "  \
1654           "bigger than this")                                               \
1655           range(1, max_intx)                                                \
1656                                                                             \
1657   product(bool, ParGCUseLocalOverflow, false,                               \
1658           "Instead of a global overflow list, use local overflow stacks")   \
1659                                                                             \
1660   product(bool, ParGCTrimOverflow, true,                                    \
1661           "Eagerly trim the local overflow lists "                          \
1662           "(when ParGCUseLocalOverflow)")                                   \
1663                                                                             \
1664   notproduct(bool, ParGCWorkQueueOverflowALot, false,                       \
1665           "Simulate work queue overflow in ParNew")                         \
1666                                                                             \
1667   notproduct(uintx, ParGCWorkQueueOverflowInterval, 1000,                   \
1668           "An `interval' counter that determines how frequently "           \
1669           "we simulate overflow; a smaller number increases frequency")     \
1670                                                                             \
1671   product(uintx, ParGCDesiredObjsFromOverflowList, 20,                      \
1672           "The desired number of objects to claim from the overflow list")  \

1673                                                                             \
1674   diagnostic(uintx, ParGCStridesPerThread, 2,                               \
1675           "The number of strides per worker thread that we divide up the "  \
1676           "card table scanning work into")                                  \
1677           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1678           constraint(ParGCStridesPerThreadConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
1679                                                                             \
1680   diagnostic(intx, ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk, 256,                           \
1681           "The number of cards in each chunk of the parallel chunks used "  \
1682           "during card table scanning")                                     \
1683           range(1, max_intx)                                                \
1684                                                                             \
1685   product(uintx, OldPLABWeight, 50,                                         \
1686           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1687           "computing exponentially decaying average for resizing "          \
1688           "OldPLABSize")                                                    \
1689           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1690                                                                             \
1691   product(bool, ResizeOldPLAB, true,                                        \
1692           "Dynamically resize (old gen) promotion LAB's")                   \

1706           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1707           constraint(CMSOldPLABMinConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)           \
1708                                                                             \
1709   product(uintx, CMSOldPLABNumRefills, 4,                                   \
1710           "Nominal number of refills of CMS gen promotion LAB cache "       \
1711           "per worker per block size")                                      \
1712           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1713                                                                             \
1714   product(bool, CMSOldPLABResizeQuicker, false,                             \
1715           "React on-the-fly during a scavenge to a sudden "                 \
1716           "change in block demand rate")                                    \
1717                                                                             \
1718   product(uintx, CMSOldPLABToleranceFactor, 4,                              \
1719           "The tolerance of the phase-change detector for on-the-fly "      \
1720           "PLAB resizing during a scavenge")                                \
1721           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1722                                                                             \
1723   product(uintx, CMSOldPLABReactivityFactor, 2,                             \
1724           "The gain in the feedback loop for on-the-fly PLAB resizing "     \
1725           "during a scavenge")                                              \

1726                                                                             \
1727   product(bool, AlwaysPreTouch, false,                                      \
1728           "Force all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched")            \
1729                                                                             \
1730   product_pd(size_t, CMSYoungGenPerWorker,                                  \
1731           "The maximum size of young gen chosen by default per GC worker "  \
1732           "thread available")                                               \
1733           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1734                                                                             \
1735   product(uintx, CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor, 10,                            \
1736           "Percentage (0-100) used to add conservatism when computing the " \
1737           "duty cycle")                                                     \
1738           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1739                                                                             \
1740   product(uintx, CMSExpAvgFactor, 50,                                       \
1741           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1742           "computing exponential averages for CMS statistics")              \
1743           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1744                                                                             \
1745   product(uintx, CMS_FLSWeight, 75,                                         \
1746           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1747           "computing exponentially decaying averages for CMS FLS "          \
1748           "statistics")                                                     \
1749           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1750                                                                             \
1751   product(uintx, CMS_FLSPadding, 1,                                         \
1752           "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering "       \
1753           "against volatility in free list demand")                         \

1754                                                                             \
1755   product(uintx, FLSCoalescePolicy, 2,                                      \
1756           "CMS: aggressiveness level for coalescing, increasing "           \
1757           "from 0 to 4")                                                    \
1758           range(0, 4)                                                       \
1759                                                                             \
1760   product(bool, FLSAlwaysCoalesceLarge, false,                              \
1761           "CMS: larger free blocks are always available for coalescing")    \
1762                                                                             \
1763   product(double, FLSLargestBlockCoalesceProximity, 0.99,                   \
1764           "CMS: the smaller the percentage the greater the coalescing "     \
1765           "force")                                                          \
1766           range(0.0, 1.0)                                                   \
1767                                                                             \
1768   product(double, CMSSmallCoalSurplusPercent, 1.05,                         \
1769           "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of small "  \
1770           "block sizes to prevent coalescing with an adjoining block")      \
1771           range(0.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
1772                                                                             \
1773   product(double, CMSLargeCoalSurplusPercent, 0.95,                         \

1782           range(0.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
1783                                                                             \
1784   product(double, CMSLargeSplitSurplusPercent, 1.00,                        \
1785           "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of large "  \
1786           "block sizes to prevent splitting to supply demand for smaller "  \
1787           "blocks")                                                         \
1788           range(0.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
1789                                                                             \
1790   product(bool, CMSExtrapolateSweep, false,                                 \
1791           "CMS: cushion for block demand during sweep")                     \
1792                                                                             \
1793   product(uintx, CMS_SweepWeight, 75,                                       \
1794           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1795           "computing exponentially decaying average for inter-sweep "       \
1796           "duration")                                                       \
1797           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1798                                                                             \
1799   product(uintx, CMS_SweepPadding, 1,                                       \
1800           "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering "       \
1801           "against volatility in inter-sweep duration")                     \

1802                                                                             \
1803   product(uintx, CMS_SweepTimerThresholdMillis, 10,                         \
1804           "Skip block flux-rate sampling for an epoch unless inter-sweep "  \
1805           "duration exceeds this threshold in milliseconds")                \

1806                                                                             \
1807   product(bool, CMSClassUnloadingEnabled, true,                             \
1808           "Whether class unloading enabled when using CMS GC")              \
1809                                                                             \
1810   product(uintx, CMSClassUnloadingMaxInterval, 0,                           \
1811           "When CMS class unloading is enabled, the maximum CMS cycle "     \
1812           "count for which classes may not be unloaded")                    \

1813                                                                             \
1814   product(uintx, CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish, 4,                            \
1815           "Replenish an indexed free list with this number of chunks")      \
1816           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1817                                                                             \
1818   product(bool, CMSReplenishIntermediate, true,                             \
1819           "Replenish all intermediate free-list caches")                    \
1820                                                                             \
1821   product(bool, CMSSplitIndexedFreeListBlocks, true,                        \
1822           "When satisfying batched demand, split blocks from the "          \
1823           "IndexedFreeList whose size is a multiple of requested size")     \
1824                                                                             \
1825   product(bool, CMSLoopWarn, false,                                         \
1826           "Warn in case of excessive CMS looping")                          \
1827                                                                             \
1828   /* where does the range max value of (max_jint - 1) come from? */         \
1829   product(size_t, MarkStackSizeMax, NOT_LP64(4*M) LP64_ONLY(512*M),         \
1830           "Maximum size of marking stack")                                  \
1831           range(1, (max_jint - 1))                                          \
1832                                                                             \
1833   product(size_t, MarkStackSize, NOT_LP64(32*K) LP64_ONLY(4*M),             \
1834           "Size of marking stack")                                          \
1835           constraint(MarkStackSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                 \
1836                                                                             \
1837   notproduct(bool, CMSMarkStackOverflowALot, false,                         \
1838           "Simulate frequent marking stack / work queue overflow")          \
1839                                                                             \
1840   notproduct(uintx, CMSMarkStackOverflowInterval, 1000,                     \
1841           "An \"interval\" counter that determines how frequently "         \
1842           "to simulate overflow; a smaller number increases frequency")     \
1843                                                                             \
1844   product(uintx, CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops, 0,                           \
1845           "Maximum number of abortable preclean iterations, if > 0")        \

1846                                                                             \
1847   product(intx, CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime, 5000,                          \
1848           "Maximum time in abortable preclean (in milliseconds)")           \
1849           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
1850                                                                             \
1851   product(uintx, CMSAbortablePrecleanMinWorkPerIteration, 100,              \
1852           "Nominal minimum work per abortable preclean iteration")          \

1853                                                                             \
1854   manageable(intx, CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis, 100,                     \
1855           "Time that we sleep between iterations when not given "           \
1856           "enough work per iteration")                                      \
1857           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
1858                                                                             \
1859   product(size_t, CMSRescanMultiple, 32,                                    \
1860           "Size (in cards) of CMS parallel rescan task")                    \
1861           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1862                                                                             \
1863   product(size_t, CMSConcMarkMultiple, 32,                                  \
1864           "Size (in cards) of CMS concurrent MT marking task")              \
1865           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1866                                                                             \
1867   product(bool, CMSAbortSemantics, false,                                   \
1868           "Whether abort-on-overflow semantics is implemented")             \
1869                                                                             \
1870   product(bool, CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled, true,                        \
1871           "Use the parallel initial mark.")                                 \
1872                                                                             \

1920                                                                             \
1921   product(bool, CMSPrecleanSurvivors1, false,                               \
1922           "Preclean survivors during (initial) preclean phase")             \
1923                                                                             \
1924   product(bool, CMSPrecleanSurvivors2, true,                                \
1925           "Preclean survivors during abortable preclean phase")             \
1926                                                                             \
1927   product(uintx, CMSPrecleanThreshold, 1000,                                \
1928           "Do not iterate again if number of dirty cards is less than this")\
1929           range(100, max_uintx)                                             \
1930                                                                             \
1931   product(bool, CMSCleanOnEnter, true,                                      \
1932           "Clean-on-enter optimization for reducing number of dirty cards") \
1933                                                                             \
1934   product(uintx, CMSRemarkVerifyVariant, 1,                                 \
1935           "Choose variant (1,2) of verification following remark")          \
1936           range(1, 2)                                                       \
1937                                                                             \
1938   product(size_t, CMSScheduleRemarkEdenSizeThreshold, 2*M,                  \
1939           "If Eden size is below this, do not try to schedule remark")      \

1940                                                                             \
1941   product(uintx, CMSScheduleRemarkEdenPenetration, 50,                      \
1942           "The Eden occupancy percentage (0-100) at which "                 \
1943           "to try and schedule remark pause")                               \
1944           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1945                                                                             \
1946   product(uintx, CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio, 5,                         \
1947           "Start sampling eden top at least before young gen "              \
1948           "occupancy reaches 1/<ratio> of the size at which "               \
1949           "we plan to schedule remark")                                     \
1950           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1951                                                                             \
1952   product(uintx, CMSSamplingGrain, 16*K,                                    \
1953           "The minimum distance between eden samples for CMS (see above)")  \
1954           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1955                                                                             \
1956   product(bool, CMSScavengeBeforeRemark, false,                             \
1957           "Attempt scavenge before the CMS remark step")                    \
1958                                                                             \
1959   develop(bool, CMSTraceSweeper, false,                                     \
1960           "Trace some actions of the CMS sweeper")                          \
1961                                                                             \
1962   product(uintx, CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold, 10,                            \
1963           "Don't drain below this size per parallel worker/thief")          \
1964           range(1, max_juint)                                               \
1965           constraint(CMSWorkQueueDrainThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)    \
1966                                                                             \
1967   manageable(intx, CMSWaitDuration, 2000,                                   \
1968           "Time in milliseconds that CMS thread waits for young GC")        \

1969                                                                             \
1970   develop(uintx, CMSCheckInterval, 1000,                                    \
1971           "Interval in milliseconds that CMS thread checks if it "          \
1972           "should start a collection cycle")                                \
1973                                                                             \
1974   product(bool, CMSYield, true,                                             \
1975           "Yield between steps of CMS")                                     \
1976                                                                             \
1977   product(size_t, CMSBitMapYieldQuantum, 10*M,                              \
1978           "Bitmap operations should process at most this many bits "        \
1979           "between yields")                                                 \
1980           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1981                                                                             \
1982   product(bool, CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, false,                           \
1983           "Dump useful information about the state of the CMS old "         \
1984           "generation upon a promotion failure")                            \
1985                                                                             \
1986   product(bool, CMSPrintChunksInDump, false,                                \
1987           "In a dump enabled by CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, include "        \
1988           "more detailed information about the free chunks")                \

2150   product(bool, PrintTLAB, false,                                           \
2151           "Print various TLAB related information")                         \
2152                                                                             \
2153   product(bool, TLABStats, true,                                            \
2154           "Provide more detailed and expensive TLAB statistics "            \
2155           "(with PrintTLAB)")                                               \
2156                                                                             \
2157   product_pd(bool, NeverActAsServerClassMachine,                            \
2158           "Never act like a server-class machine")                          \
2159                                                                             \
2160   product(bool, AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine, false,                       \
2161           "Always act like a server-class machine")                         \
2162                                                                             \
2163   product_pd(uint64_t, MaxRAM,                                              \
2164           "Real memory size (in bytes) used to set maximum heap size")      \
2165           range(0, 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)                                      \
2166                                                                             \
2167   product(size_t, ErgoHeapSizeLimit, 0,                                     \
2168           "Maximum ergonomically set heap size (in bytes); zero means use " \
2169           "MaxRAM / MaxRAMFraction")                                        \

2170                                                                             \
2171   product(uintx, MaxRAMFraction, 4,                                         \
2172           "Maximum fraction (1/n) of real memory used for maximum heap "    \
2173           "size")                                                           \
2174           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2175                                                                             \
2176   product(uintx, MinRAMFraction, 2,                                         \
2177           "Minimum fraction (1/n) of real memory used for maximum heap "    \
2178           "size on systems with small physical memory size")                \
2179           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2180                                                                             \
2181   product(uintx, InitialRAMFraction, 64,                                    \
2182           "Fraction (1/n) of real memory used for initial heap size")       \
2183           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2184                                                                             \
2185   develop(uintx, MaxVirtMemFraction, 2,                                     \
2186           "Maximum fraction (1/n) of virtual memory used for ergonomically "\
2187           "determining maximum heap size")                                  \
2188                                                                             \
2189   product(bool, UseAutoGCSelectPolicy, false,                               \
2190           "Use automatic collection selection policy")                      \
2191                                                                             \
2192   product(uintx, AutoGCSelectPauseMillis, 5000,                             \
2193           "Automatic GC selection pause threshold in milliseconds")         \

2194                                                                             \
2195   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizePolicy, true,                                \
2196           "Use adaptive generation sizing policies")                        \
2197                                                                             \
2198   product(bool, UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy, true,                      \
2199           "Use adaptive survivor sizing policies")                          \
2200                                                                             \
2201   product(bool, UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMinorCollection, true,     \
2202           "Use adaptive young-old sizing policies at minor collections")    \
2203                                                                             \
2204   product(bool, UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection, true,     \
2205           "Use adaptive young-old sizing policies at major collections")    \
2206                                                                             \
2207   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC, false,                   \
2208           "Include statistics from System.gc() for adaptive size policy")   \
2209                                                                             \
2210   product(bool, UseAdaptiveGCBoundary, false,                               \
2211           "Allow young-old boundary to move")                               \
2212                                                                             \
2213   develop(bool, TraceAdaptiveGCBoundary, false,                             \
2214           "Trace young-old boundary moves")                                 \
2215                                                                             \
2216   develop(intx, PSAdaptiveSizePolicyResizeVirtualSpaceAlot, -1,             \
2217           "Resize the virtual spaces of the young or old generations")      \
2218           range(-1, 1)                                                      \
2219                                                                             \
2220   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy, 0,                           \
2221           "Policy for changing generation size for throughput goals")       \
2222           range(0, 1)                                                       \
2223                                                                             \
2224   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps, 20,                   \
2225           "Number of steps where heuristics is used before data is used")   \

2226                                                                             \
2227   develop(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold, 5,                       \
2228           "Number of collections before the adaptive sizing is started")    \
2229                                                                             \
2230   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval, 0,                       \
2231           "Collection interval for printing information; zero means never") \

2232                                                                             \
2233   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizePolicyFootprintGoal, true,                   \
2234           "Use adaptive minimum footprint as a goal")                       \
2235                                                                             \
2236   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight, 10,                              \
2237           "Weight given to exponential resizing, between 0 and 100")        \
2238           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2239                                                                             \
2240   product(uintx, AdaptiveTimeWeight,       25,                              \
2241           "Weight given to time in adaptive policy, between 0 and 100")     \
2242           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2243                                                                             \
2244   product(uintx, PausePadding, 1,                                           \
2245           "How much buffer to keep for pause time")                         \

2246                                                                             \
2247   product(uintx, PromotedPadding, 3,                                        \
2248           "How much buffer to keep for promotion failure")                  \

2249                                                                             \
2250   product(uintx, SurvivorPadding, 3,                                        \
2251           "How much buffer to keep for survivor overflow")                  \

2252                                                                             \
2253   product(uintx, ThresholdTolerance, 10,                                    \
2254           "Allowed collection cost difference between generations")         \
2255           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2256                                                                             \
2257   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin, 50,                \
2258           "If collection costs are within margin, reduce both by full "     \
2259           "delta")                                                          \

2260                                                                             \
2261   product(uintx, YoungGenerationSizeIncrement, 20,                          \
2262           "Adaptive size percentage change in young generation")            \
2263           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2264                                                                             \
2265   product(uintx, YoungGenerationSizeSupplement, 80,                         \
2266           "Supplement to YoungedGenerationSizeIncrement used at startup")   \
2267           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2268                                                                             \
2269   product(uintx, YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay, 8,                     \
2270           "Decay factor to YoungedGenerationSizeSupplement")                \
2271           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2272                                                                             \
2273   product(uintx, TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement, 20,                        \
2274           "Adaptive size percentage change in tenured generation")          \
2275           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2276                                                                             \
2277   product(uintx, TenuredGenerationSizeSupplement, 80,                       \
2278           "Supplement to TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement used at startup")   \
2279           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2280                                                                             \
2281   product(uintx, TenuredGenerationSizeSupplementDecay, 2,                   \
2282           "Decay factor to TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement")                 \
2283           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2284                                                                             \
2285   product(uintx, MaxGCPauseMillis, max_uintx,                               \
2286           "Adaptive size policy maximum GC pause time goal in millisecond, "\
2287           "or (G1 Only) the maximum GC time per MMU time slice")            \
2288           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2289           constraint(MaxGCPauseMillisConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)        \
2290                                                                             \
2291   product(uintx, GCPauseIntervalMillis, 0,                                  \
2292           "Time slice for MMU specification")                               \
2293           constraint(GCPauseIntervalMillisConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)   \
2294                                                                             \
2295   product(uintx, MaxGCMinorPauseMillis, max_uintx,                          \
2296           "Adaptive size policy maximum GC minor pause time goal "          \
2297           "in millisecond")                                                 \

2298                                                                             \
2299   product(uintx, GCTimeRatio, 99,                                           \
2300           "Adaptive size policy application time to GC time ratio")         \

2301                                                                             \
2302   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor, 4,                       \
2303           "Adaptive size scale down factor for shrinking")                  \
2304           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2305                                                                             \
2306   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost, true,                      \
2307           "Adaptive size decays the major cost for long major intervals")   \
2308                                                                             \
2309   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale, 10,                     \
2310           "Time scale over which major costs decay")                        \

2311                                                                             \
2312   product(uintx, MinSurvivorRatio, 3,                                       \
2313           "Minimum ratio of young generation/survivor space size")          \
2314           range(3, max_uintx)                                               \
2315                                                                             \
2316   product(uintx, InitialSurvivorRatio, 8,                                   \
2317           "Initial ratio of young generation/survivor space size")          \

2318                                                                             \
2319   product(size_t, BaseFootPrintEstimate, 256*M,                             \
2320           "Estimate of footprint other than Java Heap")                     \

2321                                                                             \
2322   product(bool, UseGCOverheadLimit, true,                                   \
2323           "Use policy to limit of proportion of time spent in GC "          \
2324           "before an OutOfMemory error is thrown")                          \
2325                                                                             \
2326   product(uintx, GCTimeLimit, 98,                                           \
2327           "Limit of the proportion of time spent in GC before "             \
2328           "an OutOfMemoryError is thrown (used with GCHeapFreeLimit)")      \
2329           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2330                                                                             \
2331   product(uintx, GCHeapFreeLimit, 2,                                        \
2332           "Minimum percentage of free space after a full GC before an "     \
2333           "OutOfMemoryError is thrown (used with GCTimeLimit)")             \
2334           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2335                                                                             \
2336   develop(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyGCTimeLimitThreshold, 5,                 \
2337           "Number of consecutive collections before gc time limit fires")   \
2338           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2339                                                                             \
2340   product(bool, PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy, false,                             \
2341           "Print information about AdaptiveSizePolicy")                     \
2342                                                                             \
2343   product(intx, PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes, -1,                            \
2344           "How far ahead to prefetch destination area (<= 0 means off)")    \

2345                                                                             \
2346   product(intx, PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes, -1,                            \
2347           "How far ahead to prefetch scan area (<= 0 means off)")           \

2348                                                                             \
2349   product(intx, PrefetchFieldsAhead, -1,                                    \
2350           "How many fields ahead to prefetch in oop scan (<= 0 means off)") \

2351                                                                             \
2352   diagnostic(bool, VerifySilently, false,                                   \
2353           "Do not print the verification progress")                         \
2354                                                                             \
2355   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringStartup, false,                              \
2356           "Verify memory system before executing any Java code "            \
2357           "during VM initialization")                                       \
2358                                                                             \
2359   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeExit, trueInDebug,                           \
2360           "Verify system before exiting")                                   \
2361                                                                             \
2362   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeGC, false,                                   \
2363           "Verify memory system before GC")                                 \
2364                                                                             \
2365   diagnostic(bool, VerifyAfterGC, false,                                    \
2366           "Verify memory system after GC")                                  \
2367                                                                             \
2368   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringGC, false,                                   \
2369           "Verify memory system during GC (between phases)")                \
2370                                                                             \

2378   product(bool, UseCondCardMark, false,                                     \
2379           "Check for already marked card before updating card table")       \
2380                                                                             \
2381   diagnostic(bool, VerifyRememberedSets, false,                             \
2382           "Verify GC remembered sets")                                      \
2383                                                                             \
2384   diagnostic(bool, VerifyObjectStartArray, true,                            \
2385           "Verify GC object start array if verify before/after")            \
2386                                                                             \
2387   product(bool, DisableExplicitGC, false,                                   \
2388           "Ignore calls to System.gc()")                                    \
2389                                                                             \
2390   notproduct(bool, CheckMemoryInitialization, false,                        \
2391           "Check memory initialization")                                    \
2392                                                                             \
2393   diagnostic(bool, BindCMSThreadToCPU, false,                               \
2394           "Bind CMS Thread to CPU if possible")                             \
2395                                                                             \
2396   diagnostic(uintx, CPUForCMSThread, 0,                                     \
2397           "When BindCMSThreadToCPU is true, the CPU to bind CMS thread to") \

2398                                                                             \
2399   product(bool, BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs, false,                             \
2400           "Bind GCTaskThreads to CPUs if possible")                         \
2401                                                                             \
2402   product(bool, UseGCTaskAffinity, false,                                   \
2403           "Use worker affinity when asking for GCTasks")                    \
2404                                                                             \
2405   product(uintx, ProcessDistributionStride, 4,                              \
2406           "Stride through processors when distributing processes")          \

2407                                                                             \
2408   product(uintx, CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount, 10,                         \
2409           "Number of times the coordinator GC thread will sleep while "     \
2410           "yielding before giving up and resuming GC")                      \

2411                                                                             \
2412   product(uintx, CMSYieldSleepCount, 0,                                     \
2413           "Number of times a GC thread (minus the coordinator) "            \
2414           "will sleep while yielding before giving up and resuming GC")     \

2415                                                                             \
2416   /* gc tracing */                                                          \
2417   manageable(bool, PrintGC, false,                                          \
2418           "Print message at garbage collection")                            \
2419                                                                             \
2420   manageable(bool, PrintGCDetails, false,                                   \
2421           "Print more details at garbage collection")                       \
2422                                                                             \
2423   manageable(bool, PrintGCDateStamps, false,                                \
2424           "Print date stamps at garbage collection")                        \
2425                                                                             \
2426   manageable(bool, PrintGCTimeStamps, false,                                \
2427           "Print timestamps at garbage collection")                         \
2428                                                                             \
2429   manageable(bool, PrintGCID, true,                                         \
2430           "Print an identifier for each garbage collection")                \
2431                                                                             \
2432   product(bool, PrintGCTaskTimeStamps, false,                               \
2433           "Print timestamps for individual gc worker thread tasks")         \
2434                                                                             \

2543           "Suppress workaround for libthread GP fault")                     \
2544                                                                             \
2545   product(bool, PrintJNIGCStalls, false,                                    \
2546           "Print diagnostic message when GC is stalled "                    \
2547           "by JNI critical section")                                        \
2548                                                                             \
2549   experimental(double, ObjectCountCutOffPercent, 0.5,                       \
2550           "The percentage of the used heap that the instances of a class "  \
2551           "must occupy for the class to generate a trace event")            \
2552           range(0.0, 100.0)                                                 \
2553                                                                             \
2554   /* GC log rotation setting */                                             \
2555                                                                             \
2556   product(bool, UseGCLogFileRotation, false,                                \
2557           "Rotate gclog files (for long running applications). It requires "\
2558           "-Xloggc:<filename>")                                             \
2559                                                                             \
2560   product(uintx, NumberOfGCLogFiles, 0,                                     \
2561           "Number of gclog files in rotation "                              \
2562           "(default: 0, no rotation)")                                      \

2563                                                                             \
2564   product(size_t, GCLogFileSize, 8*K,                                       \
2565           "GC log file size, requires UseGCLogFileRotation. "               \
2566           "Set to 0 to only trigger rotation via jcmd")                     \

2567                                                                             \
2568   /* JVMTI heap profiling */                                                \
2569                                                                             \
2570   diagnostic(bool, TraceJVMTIObjectTagging, false,                          \
2571           "Trace JVMTI object tagging calls")                               \
2572                                                                             \
2573   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeIteration, false,                            \
2574           "Verify memory system before JVMTI iteration")                    \
2575                                                                             \
2576   /* compiler interface */                                                  \
2577                                                                             \
2578   develop(bool, CIPrintCompilerName, false,                                 \
2579           "when CIPrint is active, print the name of the active compiler")  \
2580                                                                             \
2581   diagnostic(bool, CIPrintCompileQueue, false,                              \
2582           "display the contents of the compile queue whenever a "           \
2583           "compilation is enqueued")                                        \
2584                                                                             \
2585   develop(bool, CIPrintRequests, false,                                     \
2586           "display every request for compilation")                          \

3314                                                                             \
3315   develop(intx, InlineThrowMaxSize,   200,                                  \
3316           "Force inlining of throwing methods smaller than this")           \
3317           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
3318                                                                             \
3319   develop(intx, ProfilerNodeSize,  1024,                                    \
3320           "Size in K to allocate for the Profile Nodes of each thread")     \
3321           range(0, 1024)                                                    \
3322                                                                             \
3323   /* gc parameters */                                                       \
3324   product(size_t, InitialHeapSize, 0,                                       \
3325           "Initial heap size (in bytes); zero means use ergonomics")        \
3326           constraint(InitialHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)               \
3327                                                                             \
3328   product(size_t, MaxHeapSize, ScaleForWordSize(96*M),                      \
3329           "Maximum heap size (in bytes)")                                   \
3330           constraint(MaxHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                   \
3331                                                                             \
3332   product(size_t, OldSize, ScaleForWordSize(4*M),                           \
3333           "Initial tenured generation size (in bytes)")                     \

3334                                                                             \
3335   product(size_t, NewSize, ScaleForWordSize(1*M),                           \
3336           "Initial new generation size (in bytes)")                         \
3337           constraint(NewSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                       \
3338                                                                             \
3339   product(size_t, MaxNewSize, max_uintx,                                    \
3340           "Maximum new generation size (in bytes), max_uintx means set "    \
3341           "ergonomically")                                                  \

3342                                                                             \
3343   product(size_t, PretenureSizeThreshold, 0,                                \
3344           "Maximum size in bytes of objects allocated in DefNew "           \
3345           "generation; zero means no maximum")                              \

3346                                                                             \
3347   product(size_t, MinTLABSize, 2*K,                                         \
3348           "Minimum allowed TLAB size (in bytes)")                           \
3349           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
3350           constraint(MinTLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)             \
3351                                                                             \
3352   product(size_t, TLABSize, 0,                                              \
3353           "Starting TLAB size (in bytes); zero means set ergonomically")    \
3354           constraint(TLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)                \
3355                                                                             \
3356   product(size_t, YoungPLABSize, 4096,                                      \
3357           "Size of young gen promotion LAB's (in HeapWords)")               \
3358           constraint(YoungPLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)           \
3359                                                                             \
3360   product(size_t, OldPLABSize, 1024,                                        \
3361           "Size of old gen promotion LAB's (in HeapWords), or Number "      \
3362           "of blocks to attempt to claim when refilling CMS LAB's")         \
3363           constraint(OldPLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)             \
3364                                                                             \
3365   product(uintx, TLABAllocationWeight, 35,                                  \
3366           "Allocation averaging weight")                                    \
3367           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3368                                                                             \
3369   /* Limit the lower bound of this flag to 1 as it is used  */              \
3370   /* in a division expression.                              */              \
3371   product(uintx, TLABWasteTargetPercent, 1,                                 \
3372           "Percentage of Eden that can be wasted")                          \
3373           range(1, 100)                                                     \
3374                                                                             \
3375   product(uintx, TLABRefillWasteFraction,    64,                            \
3376           "Maximum TLAB waste at a refill (internal fragmentation)")        \
3377           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
3378                                                                             \
3379   product(uintx, TLABWasteIncrement,    4,                                  \
3380           "Increment allowed waste at slow allocation")                     \

3381                                                                             \
3382   product(uintx, SurvivorRatio, 8,                                          \
3383           "Ratio of eden/survivor space size")                              \
3384           range(1, max_uintx-2)                                             \
3385           constraint(SurvivorRatioConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)           \
3386                                                                             \
3387   product(uintx, NewRatio, 2,                                               \
3388           "Ratio of old/new generation sizes")                              \
3389           range(0, max_uintx-1)                                             \
3390                                                                             \
3391   product_pd(size_t, NewSizeThreadIncrease,                                 \
3392           "Additional size added to desired new generation size per "       \
3393           "non-daemon thread (in bytes)")                                   \

3394                                                                             \
3395   product_pd(size_t, MetaspaceSize,                                         \
3396           "Initial size of Metaspaces (in bytes)")                          \
3397           constraint(MetaspaceSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                 \
3398                                                                             \
3399   product(size_t, MaxMetaspaceSize, max_uintx,                              \
3400           "Maximum size of Metaspaces (in bytes)")                          \
3401           constraint(MaxMetaspaceSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)              \
3402                                                                             \
3403   product(size_t, CompressedClassSpaceSize, 1*G,                            \
3404           "Maximum size of class area in Metaspace when compressed "        \
3405           "class pointers are used")                                        \
3406           range(1*M, 3*G)                                                   \
3407                                                                             \
3408   manageable(uintx, MinHeapFreeRatio, 40,                                   \
3409           "The minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion."\
3410           " For most GCs this applies to the old generation. In G1 and"     \
3411           " ParallelGC it applies to the whole heap.")                      \
3412           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3413           constraint(MinHeapFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)              \
3414                                                                             \
3415   manageable(uintx, MaxHeapFreeRatio, 70,                                   \
3416           "The maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking."\
3417           " For most GCs this applies to the old generation. In G1 and"     \
3418           " ParallelGC it applies to the whole heap.")                      \
3419           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3420           constraint(MaxHeapFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)              \
3421                                                                             \
3422   product(intx, SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB, 1000,                              \
3423           "Number of milliseconds per MB of free space in the heap")        \
3424           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
3425           constraint(SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMBConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit) \
3426                                                                             \
3427   product(size_t, MinHeapDeltaBytes, ScaleForWordSize(128*K),               \
3428           "The minimum change in heap space due to GC (in bytes)")          \

3429                                                                             \
3430   product(size_t, MinMetaspaceExpansion, ScaleForWordSize(256*K),           \
3431           "The minimum expansion of Metaspace (in bytes)")                  \

3432                                                                             \
3433   product(uintx, MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio,    70,                              \
3434           "The maximum percentage of Metaspace free after GC to avoid "     \
3435           "shrinking")                                                      \
3436           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3437           constraint(MaxMetaspaceFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
3438                                                                             \
3439   product(uintx, MinMetaspaceFreeRatio,    40,                              \
3440           "The minimum percentage of Metaspace free after GC to avoid "     \
3441           "expansion")                                                      \
3442           range(0, 99)                                                      \
3443           constraint(MinMetaspaceFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
3444                                                                             \
3445   product(size_t, MaxMetaspaceExpansion, ScaleForWordSize(4*M),             \
3446           "The maximum expansion of Metaspace without full GC (in bytes)")  \

3447                                                                             \
3448   product(uintx, QueuedAllocationWarningCount, 0,                           \
3449           "Number of times an allocation that queues behind a GC "          \
3450           "will retry before printing a warning")                           \

3451                                                                             \
3452   diagnostic(uintx, VerifyGCStartAt,   0,                                   \
3453           "GC invoke count where +VerifyBefore/AfterGC kicks in")           \

3454                                                                             \
3455   diagnostic(intx, VerifyGCLevel,     0,                                    \
3456           "Generation level at which to start +VerifyBefore/AfterGC")       \
3457           range(0, 1)                                                       \
3458                                                                             \
3459   product(uintx, MaxTenuringThreshold,    15,                               \
3460           "Maximum value for tenuring threshold")                           \
3461           range(0, markOopDesc::max_age + 1)                                \
3462           constraint(MaxTenuringThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)          \
3463                                                                             \
3464   product(uintx, InitialTenuringThreshold,    7,                            \
3465           "Initial value for tenuring threshold")                           \
3466           range(0, markOopDesc::max_age + 1)                                \
3467           constraint(InitialTenuringThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)      \
3468                                                                             \
3469   product(uintx, TargetSurvivorRatio,    50,                                \
3470           "Desired percentage of survivor space used after scavenge")       \
3471           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3472                                                                             \
3473   product(uintx, MarkSweepDeadRatio,     5,                                 \
3474           "Percentage (0-100) of the old gen allowed as dead wood. "        \
3475           "Serial mark sweep treats this as both the minimum and maximum "  \
3476           "value. "                                                         \
3477           "CMS uses this value only if it falls back to mark sweep. "       \
3478           "Par compact uses a variable scale based on the density of the "  \
3479           "generation and treats this as the maximum value when the heap "  \
3480           "is either completely full or completely empty.  Par compact "    \
3481           "also has a smaller default value; see arguments.cpp.")           \
3482           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3483                                                                             \
3484   product(uintx, MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount,     4,                        \
3485           "How often should we fully compact the heap (ignoring the dead "  \
3486           "space parameters)")                                              \
3487           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
3488                                                                             \
3489   product(intx, PrintCMSStatistics, 0,                                      \
3490           "Statistics for CMS")                                             \

3491                                                                             \
3492   product(bool, PrintCMSInitiationStatistics, false,                        \
3493           "Statistics for initiating a CMS collection")                     \
3494                                                                             \
3495   product(intx, PrintFLSStatistics, 0,                                      \
3496           "Statistics for CMS' FreeListSpace")                              \

3497                                                                             \
3498   product(intx, PrintFLSCensus, 0,                                          \
3499           "Census for CMS' FreeListSpace")                                  \

3500                                                                             \
3501   develop(uintx, GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, 0,                          \
3502           "Delay between expansion and allocation (in milliseconds)")       \
3503                                                                             \
3504   develop(uintx, GCWorkerDelayMillis, 0,                                    \
3505           "Delay in scheduling GC workers (in milliseconds)")               \
3506                                                                             \
3507   product(intx, DeferThrSuspendLoopCount,     4000,                         \
3508           "(Unstable) Number of times to iterate in safepoint loop "        \
3509           "before blocking VM threads ")                                    \
3510           range(-1, max_jint-1)                                             \
3511                                                                             \
3512   product(intx, DeferPollingPageLoopCount,     -1,                          \
3513           "(Unsafe,Unstable) Number of iterations in safepoint loop "       \
3514           "before changing safepoint polling page to RO ")                  \
3515           range(-1, max_jint-1)                                             \
3516                                                                             \
3517   product(intx, SafepointSpinBeforeYield, 2000, "(Unstable)")               \
3518           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
3519                                                                             \
3520   product(bool, PSChunkLargeArrays, true,                                   \
3521           "Process large arrays in chunks")                                 \
3522                                                                             \
3523   product(uintx, GCDrainStackTargetSize, 64,                                \
3524           "Number of entries we will try to leave on the stack "            \
3525           "during parallel gc")                                             \

3526                                                                             \
3527   /* stack parameters */                                                    \
3528   product_pd(intx, StackYellowPages,                                        \
3529           "Number of yellow zone (recoverable overflows) pages")            \
3531                                                                             \
3532   product_pd(intx, StackRedPages,                                           \
3533           "Number of red zone (unrecoverable overflows) pages")             \
3534           range(MIN_STACK_RED_PAGES, (DEFAULT_STACK_RED_PAGES+2))           \
3535                                                                             \
3536   /* greater stack shadow pages can't generate instruction to bang stack */ \
3537   product_pd(intx, StackShadowPages,                                        \
3538           "Number of shadow zone (for overflow checking) pages "            \
3539           "this should exceed the depth of the VM and native call stack")   \
3541                                                                             \
3542   product_pd(intx, ThreadStackSize,                                         \
3543           "Thread Stack Size (in Kbytes)")                                  \
3544           range(0, max_intx-os::vm_page_size())                             \
3545                                                                             \

   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */

  28 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  29 #include <float.h> // for DBL_MAX
  31 // use this for flags that are true per default in the tiered build
  32 // but false in non-tiered builds, and vice versa
  33 #ifdef TIERED
  34 #define  trueInTiered true
  35 #define falseInTiered false
  36 #else
  37 #define  trueInTiered false
  38 #define falseInTiered true
  39 #endif
  41 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
  42 # include "globals_x86.hpp"
  43 #endif
  44 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_sparc
  45 # include "globals_sparc.hpp"
  46 #endif
  47 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero

 609 //
 610 // constraint is a macro that will expand to custom function call
 611 //    for constraint checking if provided - see commandLineFlagConstraintList.hpp
 612 //
 614 #define RUNTIME_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct, manageable, product_rw, lp64_product, range, constraint) \
 615                                                                             \
 616   lp64_product(bool, UseCompressedOops, false,                              \
 617           "Use 32-bit object references in 64-bit VM. "                     \
 618           "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")        \
 619                                                                             \
 620   lp64_product(bool, UseCompressedClassPointers, false,                     \
 621           "Use 32-bit class pointers in 64-bit VM. "                        \
 622           "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")        \
 623                                                                             \
 624   notproduct(bool, CheckCompressedOops, true,                               \
 625           "Generate checks in encoding/decoding code in debug VM")          \
 626                                                                             \
 627   product_pd(size_t, HeapBaseMinAddress,                                    \
 628           "OS specific low limit for heap base address")                    \
 629           constraint(HeapBaseMinAddressConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)            \
 630                                                                             \
 631   product(uintx, HeapSearchSteps, 3 PPC64_ONLY(+17),                        \
 632           "Heap allocation steps through preferred address regions to find" \
 633           " where it can allocate the heap. Number of steps to take per "   \
 634           "region.")                                                        \
 635           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
 636                                                                             \
 637   diagnostic(bool, PrintCompressedOopsMode, false,                          \
 638           "Print compressed oops base address and encoding mode")           \
 639                                                                             \
 640   lp64_product(intx, ObjectAlignmentInBytes, 8,                             \
 641           "Default object alignment in bytes, 8 is minimum")                \
 642           range(8, 256)                                                     \
 643           constraint(ObjectAlignmentInBytesConstraintFunc,AtParse)          \
 644                                                                             \
 645   product(bool, AssumeMP, false,                                            \
 646           "Instruct the VM to assume multiple processors are available")    \
 647                                                                             \
 648   /* UseMembar is theoretically a temp flag used for memory barrier      */ \
 649   /* removal testing.  It was supposed to be removed before FCS but has  */ \

 675           "Allocate large pages individually for better affinity")          \
 676                                                                             \
 677   develop(bool, LargePagesIndividualAllocationInjectError, false,           \
 678           "Fail large pages individual allocation")                         \
 679                                                                             \
 680   product(bool, UseLargePagesInMetaspace, false,                            \
 681           "Use large page memory in metaspace. "                            \
 682           "Only used if UseLargePages is enabled.")                         \
 683                                                                             \
 684   develop(bool, TracePageSizes, false,                                      \
 685           "Trace page size selection and usage")                            \
 686                                                                             \
 687   product(bool, UseNUMA, false,                                             \
 688           "Use NUMA if available")                                          \
 689                                                                             \
 690   product(bool, UseNUMAInterleaving, false,                                 \
 691           "Interleave memory across NUMA nodes if available")               \
 692                                                                             \
 693   product(size_t, NUMAInterleaveGranularity, 2*M,                           \
 694           "Granularity to use for NUMA interleaving on Windows OS")         \
 695           range(os::vm_allocation_granularity(), max_uintx)                 \
 696           constraint(NUMAInterleaveGranularityConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)     \
 697                                                                             \
 698   product(bool, ForceNUMA, false,                                           \
 699           "Force NUMA optimizations on single-node/UMA systems")            \
 700                                                                             \
 701   product(uintx, NUMAChunkResizeWeight, 20,                                 \
 702           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
 703           "computing exponentially decaying average for "                   \
 704           "AdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing")                                        \
 705           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 706                                                                             \
 707   product(size_t, NUMASpaceResizeRate, 1*G,                                 \
 708           "Do not reallocate more than this amount per collection")         \
 709           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 710                                                                             \
 711   product(bool, UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing, true,                           \
 712           "Enable adaptive chunk sizing for NUMA")                          \
 713                                                                             \
 714   product(bool, NUMAStats, false,                                           \
 715           "Print NUMA stats in detailed heap information")                  \
 716                                                                             \
 717   product(uintx, NUMAPageScanRate, 256,                                     \
 718           "Maximum number of pages to include in the page scan procedure")  \
 719           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 720                                                                             \
 721   product_pd(bool, NeedsDeoptSuspend,                                       \
 722           "True for register window machines (sparc/ia64)")                 \
 723                                                                             \
 724   product(intx, UseSSE, 99,                                                 \
 725           "Highest supported SSE instructions set on x86/x64")              \
 726           range(0, 99)                                                      \
 727                                                                             \
 728   product(bool, UseAES, false,                                              \
 729           "Control whether AES instructions can be used on x86/x64")        \
 730                                                                             \
 731   product(bool, UseSHA, false,                                              \
 732           "Control whether SHA instructions can be used "                   \
 733           "on SPARC and on ARM")                                            \
 734                                                                             \
 735   product(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false,                                  \
 736           "Use intrinsics for GHASH versions of crypto")                    \
 737                                                                             \
 738   product(size_t, LargePageSizeInBytes, 0,                                  \
 739           "Large page size (0 to let VM choose the page size)")             \
 740           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 741                                                                             \
 742   product(size_t, LargePageHeapSizeThreshold, 128*M,                        \
 743           "Use large pages if maximum heap is at least this big")           \
 744           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 745                                                                             \
 746   product(bool, ForceTimeHighResolution, false,                             \
 747           "Using high time resolution (for Win32 only)")                    \
 748                                                                             \
 749   develop(bool, TraceItables, false,                                        \
 750           "Trace initialization and use of itables")                        \
 751                                                                             \
 752   develop(bool, TracePcPatching, false,                                     \
 753           "Trace usage of frame::patch_pc")                                 \
 754                                                                             \
 755   develop(bool, TraceJumps, false,                                          \
 756           "Trace assembly jumps in thread ring buffer")                     \
 757                                                                             \
 758   develop(bool, TraceRelocator, false,                                      \
 759           "Trace the bytecode relocator")                                   \
 760                                                                             \
 761   develop(bool, TraceLongCompiles, false,                                   \
 762           "Print out every time compilation is longer than "                \
 763           "a given threshold")                                              \
 764                                                                             \

1521   product(bool, TraceMonitorInflation, false,                               \
1522           "Trace monitor inflation in JVM")                                 \
1523                                                                             \
1524   /* gc */                                                                  \
1525                                                                             \
1526   product(bool, UseSerialGC, false,                                         \
1527           "Use the Serial garbage collector")                               \
1528                                                                             \
1529   product(bool, UseG1GC, false,                                             \
1530           "Use the Garbage-First garbage collector")                        \
1531                                                                             \
1532   product(bool, UseParallelGC, false,                                       \
1533           "Use the Parallel Scavenge garbage collector")                    \
1534                                                                             \
1535   product(bool, UseParallelOldGC, false,                                    \
1536           "Use the Parallel Old garbage collector")                         \
1537                                                                             \
1538   product(uintx, HeapMaximumCompactionInterval, 20,                         \
1539           "How often should we maximally compact the heap (not allowing "   \
1540           "any dead space)")                                                \
1541           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1542                                                                             \
1543   product(uintx, HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount, 3,                        \
1544           "The collection count for the first maximum compaction")          \
1545           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1546                                                                             \
1547   product(bool, UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC, true,                       \
1548           "Use maximum compaction in the Parallel Old garbage collector "   \
1549           "for a system GC")                                                \
1550                                                                             \
1551   product(uintx, ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean, 50,                        \
1552           "The mean used by the parallel compact dead wood "                \
1553           "limiter (a number between 0-100)")                               \
1554           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1555                                                                             \
1556   product(uintx, ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterStdDev, 80,                      \
1557           "The standard deviation used by the parallel compact dead wood "  \
1558           "limiter (a number between 0-100)")                               \
1559           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1560                                                                             \
1561   product(uint, ParallelGCThreads, 0,                                       \
1562           "Number of parallel threads parallel gc will use")                \
1563           constraint(ParallelGCThreadsConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)             \
1564                                                                             \
1565   diagnostic(bool, UseSemaphoreGCThreadsSynchronization, true,              \

1607           "A System.gc() request invokes a concurrent collection; "         \
1608           "(effective only when using concurrent collectors)")              \
1609                                                                             \
1610   product(bool, ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses, false,        \
1611           "A System.gc() request invokes a concurrent collection and "      \
1612           "also unloads classes during such a concurrent gc cycle "         \
1613           "(effective only when UseConcMarkSweepGC)")                       \
1614                                                                             \
1615   product(bool, GCLockerInvokesConcurrent, false,                           \
1616           "The exit of a JNI critical section necessitating a scavenge, "   \
1617           "also kicks off a background concurrent collection")              \
1618                                                                             \
1619   product(uintx, GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent, 5,                           \
1620           "How much the GC can expand the eden by while the GC locker "     \
1621           "is active (as a percentage)")                                    \
1622           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1623                                                                             \
1624   diagnostic(uintx, GCLockerRetryAllocationCount, 2,                        \
1625           "Number of times to retry allocations when "                      \
1626           "blocked by the GC locker")                                       \
1627           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1628                                                                             \
1629   product(bool, UseCMSBestFit, true,                                        \
1630           "Use CMS best fit allocation strategy")                           \
1631                                                                             \
1632   product(bool, UseParNewGC, false,                                         \
1633           "Use parallel threads in the new generation")                     \
1634                                                                             \
1635   product(bool, PrintTaskqueue, false,                                      \
1636           "Print taskqueue statistics for parallel collectors")             \
1637                                                                             \
1638   product(bool, PrintTerminationStats, false,                               \
1639           "Print termination statistics for parallel collectors")           \
1640                                                                             \
1641   product(uintx, ParallelGCBufferWastePct, 10,                              \
1642           "Wasted fraction of parallel allocation buffer")                  \
1643           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1644                                                                             \
1645   product(uintx, TargetPLABWastePct, 10,                                    \
1646           "Target wasted space in last buffer as percent of overall "       \
1647           "allocation")                                                     \

1662           "Scan a subset of object array and push remainder, if array is "  \
1663           "bigger than this")                                               \
1664           range(1, max_intx)                                                \
1665                                                                             \
1666   product(bool, ParGCUseLocalOverflow, false,                               \
1667           "Instead of a global overflow list, use local overflow stacks")   \
1668                                                                             \
1669   product(bool, ParGCTrimOverflow, true,                                    \
1670           "Eagerly trim the local overflow lists "                          \
1671           "(when ParGCUseLocalOverflow)")                                   \
1672                                                                             \
1673   notproduct(bool, ParGCWorkQueueOverflowALot, false,                       \
1674           "Simulate work queue overflow in ParNew")                         \
1675                                                                             \
1676   notproduct(uintx, ParGCWorkQueueOverflowInterval, 1000,                   \
1677           "An `interval' counter that determines how frequently "           \
1678           "we simulate overflow; a smaller number increases frequency")     \
1679                                                                             \
1680   product(uintx, ParGCDesiredObjsFromOverflowList, 20,                      \
1681           "The desired number of objects to claim from the overflow list")  \
1682           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1683                                                                             \
1684   diagnostic(uintx, ParGCStridesPerThread, 2,                               \
1685           "The number of strides per worker thread that we divide up the "  \
1686           "card table scanning work into")                                  \
1687           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1688           constraint(ParGCStridesPerThreadConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
1689                                                                             \
1690   diagnostic(intx, ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk, 256,                           \
1691           "The number of cards in each chunk of the parallel chunks used "  \
1692           "during card table scanning")                                     \
1693           range(1, max_intx)                                                \
1694                                                                             \
1695   product(uintx, OldPLABWeight, 50,                                         \
1696           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1697           "computing exponentially decaying average for resizing "          \
1698           "OldPLABSize")                                                    \
1699           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1700                                                                             \
1701   product(bool, ResizeOldPLAB, true,                                        \
1702           "Dynamically resize (old gen) promotion LAB's")                   \

1716           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1717           constraint(CMSOldPLABMinConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)           \
1718                                                                             \
1719   product(uintx, CMSOldPLABNumRefills, 4,                                   \
1720           "Nominal number of refills of CMS gen promotion LAB cache "       \
1721           "per worker per block size")                                      \
1722           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1723                                                                             \
1724   product(bool, CMSOldPLABResizeQuicker, false,                             \
1725           "React on-the-fly during a scavenge to a sudden "                 \
1726           "change in block demand rate")                                    \
1727                                                                             \
1728   product(uintx, CMSOldPLABToleranceFactor, 4,                              \
1729           "The tolerance of the phase-change detector for on-the-fly "      \
1730           "PLAB resizing during a scavenge")                                \
1731           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1732                                                                             \
1733   product(uintx, CMSOldPLABReactivityFactor, 2,                             \
1734           "The gain in the feedback loop for on-the-fly PLAB resizing "     \
1735           "during a scavenge")                                              \
1736           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1737                                                                             \
1738   product(bool, AlwaysPreTouch, false,                                      \
1739           "Force all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched")            \
1740                                                                             \
1741   product_pd(size_t, CMSYoungGenPerWorker,                                  \
1742           "The maximum size of young gen chosen by default per GC worker "  \
1743           "thread available")                                               \
1744           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1745                                                                             \
1746   product(uintx, CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor, 10,                            \
1747           "Percentage (0-100) used to add conservatism when computing the " \
1748           "duty cycle")                                                     \
1749           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1750                                                                             \
1751   product(uintx, CMSExpAvgFactor, 50,                                       \
1752           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1753           "computing exponential averages for CMS statistics")              \
1754           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1755                                                                             \
1756   product(uintx, CMS_FLSWeight, 75,                                         \
1757           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1758           "computing exponentially decaying averages for CMS FLS "          \
1759           "statistics")                                                     \
1760           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1761                                                                             \
1762   product(uintx, CMS_FLSPadding, 1,                                         \
1763           "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering "       \
1764           "against volatility in free list demand")                         \
1765           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
1766                                                                             \
1767   product(uintx, FLSCoalescePolicy, 2,                                      \
1768           "CMS: aggressiveness level for coalescing, increasing "           \
1769           "from 0 to 4")                                                    \
1770           range(0, 4)                                                       \
1771                                                                             \
1772   product(bool, FLSAlwaysCoalesceLarge, false,                              \
1773           "CMS: larger free blocks are always available for coalescing")    \
1774                                                                             \
1775   product(double, FLSLargestBlockCoalesceProximity, 0.99,                   \
1776           "CMS: the smaller the percentage the greater the coalescing "     \
1777           "force")                                                          \
1778           range(0.0, 1.0)                                                   \
1779                                                                             \
1780   product(double, CMSSmallCoalSurplusPercent, 1.05,                         \
1781           "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of small "  \
1782           "block sizes to prevent coalescing with an adjoining block")      \
1783           range(0.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
1784                                                                             \
1785   product(double, CMSLargeCoalSurplusPercent, 0.95,                         \

1794           range(0.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
1795                                                                             \
1796   product(double, CMSLargeSplitSurplusPercent, 1.00,                        \
1797           "CMS: the factor by which to inflate estimated demand of large "  \
1798           "block sizes to prevent splitting to supply demand for smaller "  \
1799           "blocks")                                                         \
1800           range(0.0, DBL_MAX)                                               \
1801                                                                             \
1802   product(bool, CMSExtrapolateSweep, false,                                 \
1803           "CMS: cushion for block demand during sweep")                     \
1804                                                                             \
1805   product(uintx, CMS_SweepWeight, 75,                                       \
1806           "Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when "      \
1807           "computing exponentially decaying average for inter-sweep "       \
1808           "duration")                                                       \
1809           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1810                                                                             \
1811   product(uintx, CMS_SweepPadding, 1,                                       \
1812           "The multiple of deviation from mean to use for buffering "       \
1813           "against volatility in inter-sweep duration")                     \
1814           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
1815                                                                             \
1816   product(uintx, CMS_SweepTimerThresholdMillis, 10,                         \
1817           "Skip block flux-rate sampling for an epoch unless inter-sweep "  \
1818           "duration exceeds this threshold in milliseconds")                \
1819           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1820                                                                             \
1821   product(bool, CMSClassUnloadingEnabled, true,                             \
1822           "Whether class unloading enabled when using CMS GC")              \
1823                                                                             \
1824   product(uintx, CMSClassUnloadingMaxInterval, 0,                           \
1825           "When CMS class unloading is enabled, the maximum CMS cycle "     \
1826           "count for which classes may not be unloaded")                    \
1827           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1828                                                                             \
1829   product(uintx, CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish, 4,                            \
1830           "Replenish an indexed free list with this number of chunks")      \
1831           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1832                                                                             \
1833   product(bool, CMSReplenishIntermediate, true,                             \
1834           "Replenish all intermediate free-list caches")                    \
1835                                                                             \
1836   product(bool, CMSSplitIndexedFreeListBlocks, true,                        \
1837           "When satisfying batched demand, split blocks from the "          \
1838           "IndexedFreeList whose size is a multiple of requested size")     \
1839                                                                             \
1840   product(bool, CMSLoopWarn, false,                                         \
1841           "Warn in case of excessive CMS looping")                          \
1842                                                                             \
1843   /* where does the range max value of (max_jint - 1) come from? */         \
1844   product(size_t, MarkStackSizeMax, NOT_LP64(4*M) LP64_ONLY(512*M),         \
1845           "Maximum size of marking stack")                                  \
1846           range(1, (max_jint - 1))                                          \
1847                                                                             \
1848   product(size_t, MarkStackSize, NOT_LP64(32*K) LP64_ONLY(4*M),             \
1849           "Size of marking stack")                                          \
1850           constraint(MarkStackSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                 \
1851                                                                             \
1852   notproduct(bool, CMSMarkStackOverflowALot, false,                         \
1853           "Simulate frequent marking stack / work queue overflow")          \
1854                                                                             \
1855   notproduct(uintx, CMSMarkStackOverflowInterval, 1000,                     \
1856           "An \"interval\" counter that determines how frequently "         \
1857           "to simulate overflow; a smaller number increases frequency")     \
1858                                                                             \
1859   product(uintx, CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops, 0,                           \
1860           "Maximum number of abortable preclean iterations, if > 0")        \
1861           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1862                                                                             \
1863   product(intx, CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime, 5000,                          \
1864           "Maximum time in abortable preclean (in milliseconds)")           \
1865           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
1866                                                                             \
1867   product(uintx, CMSAbortablePrecleanMinWorkPerIteration, 100,              \
1868           "Nominal minimum work per abortable preclean iteration")          \
1869           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1870                                                                             \
1871   manageable(intx, CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis, 100,                     \
1872           "Time that we sleep between iterations when not given "           \
1873           "enough work per iteration")                                      \
1874           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
1875                                                                             \
1876   product(size_t, CMSRescanMultiple, 32,                                    \
1877           "Size (in cards) of CMS parallel rescan task")                    \
1878           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1879                                                                             \
1880   product(size_t, CMSConcMarkMultiple, 32,                                  \
1881           "Size (in cards) of CMS concurrent MT marking task")              \
1882           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1883                                                                             \
1884   product(bool, CMSAbortSemantics, false,                                   \
1885           "Whether abort-on-overflow semantics is implemented")             \
1886                                                                             \
1887   product(bool, CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled, true,                        \
1888           "Use the parallel initial mark.")                                 \
1889                                                                             \

1937                                                                             \
1938   product(bool, CMSPrecleanSurvivors1, false,                               \
1939           "Preclean survivors during (initial) preclean phase")             \
1940                                                                             \
1941   product(bool, CMSPrecleanSurvivors2, true,                                \
1942           "Preclean survivors during abortable preclean phase")             \
1943                                                                             \
1944   product(uintx, CMSPrecleanThreshold, 1000,                                \
1945           "Do not iterate again if number of dirty cards is less than this")\
1946           range(100, max_uintx)                                             \
1947                                                                             \
1948   product(bool, CMSCleanOnEnter, true,                                      \
1949           "Clean-on-enter optimization for reducing number of dirty cards") \
1950                                                                             \
1951   product(uintx, CMSRemarkVerifyVariant, 1,                                 \
1952           "Choose variant (1,2) of verification following remark")          \
1953           range(1, 2)                                                       \
1954                                                                             \
1955   product(size_t, CMSScheduleRemarkEdenSizeThreshold, 2*M,                  \
1956           "If Eden size is below this, do not try to schedule remark")      \
1957           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
1958                                                                             \
1959   product(uintx, CMSScheduleRemarkEdenPenetration, 50,                      \
1960           "The Eden occupancy percentage (0-100) at which "                 \
1961           "to try and schedule remark pause")                               \
1962           range(0, 100)                                                     \
1963                                                                             \
1964   product(uintx, CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio, 5,                         \
1965           "Start sampling eden top at least before young gen "              \
1966           "occupancy reaches 1/<ratio> of the size at which "               \
1967           "we plan to schedule remark")                                     \
1968           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1969                                                                             \
1970   product(uintx, CMSSamplingGrain, 16*K,                                    \
1971           "The minimum distance between eden samples for CMS (see above)")  \
1972           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
1973                                                                             \
1974   product(bool, CMSScavengeBeforeRemark, false,                             \
1975           "Attempt scavenge before the CMS remark step")                    \
1976                                                                             \
1977   develop(bool, CMSTraceSweeper, false,                                     \
1978           "Trace some actions of the CMS sweeper")                          \
1979                                                                             \
1980   product(uintx, CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold, 10,                            \
1981           "Don't drain below this size per parallel worker/thief")          \
1982           range(1, max_juint)                                               \
1983           constraint(CMSWorkQueueDrainThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)    \
1984                                                                             \
1985   manageable(intx, CMSWaitDuration, 2000,                                   \
1986           "Time in milliseconds that CMS thread waits for young GC")        \
1987           range(min_jint, max_jint)                                         \
1988                                                                             \
1989   develop(uintx, CMSCheckInterval, 1000,                                    \
1990           "Interval in milliseconds that CMS thread checks if it "          \
1991           "should start a collection cycle")                                \
1992                                                                             \
1993   product(bool, CMSYield, true,                                             \
1994           "Yield between steps of CMS")                                     \
1995                                                                             \
1996   product(size_t, CMSBitMapYieldQuantum, 10*M,                              \
1997           "Bitmap operations should process at most this many bits "        \
1998           "between yields")                                                 \
1999           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2000                                                                             \
2001   product(bool, CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, false,                           \
2002           "Dump useful information about the state of the CMS old "         \
2003           "generation upon a promotion failure")                            \
2004                                                                             \
2005   product(bool, CMSPrintChunksInDump, false,                                \
2006           "In a dump enabled by CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, include "        \
2007           "more detailed information about the free chunks")                \

2169   product(bool, PrintTLAB, false,                                           \
2170           "Print various TLAB related information")                         \
2171                                                                             \
2172   product(bool, TLABStats, true,                                            \
2173           "Provide more detailed and expensive TLAB statistics "            \
2174           "(with PrintTLAB)")                                               \
2175                                                                             \
2176   product_pd(bool, NeverActAsServerClassMachine,                            \
2177           "Never act like a server-class machine")                          \
2178                                                                             \
2179   product(bool, AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine, false,                       \
2180           "Always act like a server-class machine")                         \
2181                                                                             \
2182   product_pd(uint64_t, MaxRAM,                                              \
2183           "Real memory size (in bytes) used to set maximum heap size")      \
2184           range(0, 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)                                      \
2185                                                                             \
2186   product(size_t, ErgoHeapSizeLimit, 0,                                     \
2187           "Maximum ergonomically set heap size (in bytes); zero means use " \
2188           "MaxRAM / MaxRAMFraction")                                        \
2189           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2190                                                                             \
2191   product(uintx, MaxRAMFraction, 4,                                         \
2192           "Maximum fraction (1/n) of real memory used for maximum heap "    \
2193           "size")                                                           \
2194           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2195                                                                             \
2196   product(uintx, MinRAMFraction, 2,                                         \
2197           "Minimum fraction (1/n) of real memory used for maximum heap "    \
2198           "size on systems with small physical memory size")                \
2199           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2200                                                                             \
2201   product(uintx, InitialRAMFraction, 64,                                    \
2202           "Fraction (1/n) of real memory used for initial heap size")       \
2203           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2204                                                                             \
2205   develop(uintx, MaxVirtMemFraction, 2,                                     \
2206           "Maximum fraction (1/n) of virtual memory used for ergonomically "\
2207           "determining maximum heap size")                                  \
2208                                                                             \
2209   product(bool, UseAutoGCSelectPolicy, false,                               \
2210           "Use automatic collection selection policy")                      \
2211                                                                             \
2212   product(uintx, AutoGCSelectPauseMillis, 5000,                             \
2213           "Automatic GC selection pause threshold in milliseconds")         \
2214           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2215                                                                             \
2216   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizePolicy, true,                                \
2217           "Use adaptive generation sizing policies")                        \
2218                                                                             \
2219   product(bool, UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy, true,                      \
2220           "Use adaptive survivor sizing policies")                          \
2221                                                                             \
2222   product(bool, UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMinorCollection, true,     \
2223           "Use adaptive young-old sizing policies at minor collections")    \
2224                                                                             \
2225   product(bool, UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection, true,     \
2226           "Use adaptive young-old sizing policies at major collections")    \
2227                                                                             \
2228   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC, false,                   \
2229           "Include statistics from System.gc() for adaptive size policy")   \
2230                                                                             \
2231   product(bool, UseAdaptiveGCBoundary, false,                               \
2232           "Allow young-old boundary to move")                               \
2233                                                                             \
2234   develop(bool, TraceAdaptiveGCBoundary, false,                             \
2235           "Trace young-old boundary moves")                                 \
2236                                                                             \
2237   develop(intx, PSAdaptiveSizePolicyResizeVirtualSpaceAlot, -1,             \
2238           "Resize the virtual spaces of the young or old generations")      \
2239           range(-1, 1)                                                      \
2240                                                                             \
2241   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy, 0,                           \
2242           "Policy for changing generation size for throughput goals")       \
2243           range(0, 1)                                                       \
2244                                                                             \
2245   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps, 20,                   \
2246           "Number of steps where heuristics is used before data is used")   \
2247           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2248                                                                             \
2249   develop(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold, 5,                       \
2250           "Number of collections before the adaptive sizing is started")    \
2251                                                                             \
2252   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval, 0,                       \
2253           "Collection interval for printing information; zero means never") \
2254           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2255                                                                             \
2256   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizePolicyFootprintGoal, true,                   \
2257           "Use adaptive minimum footprint as a goal")                       \
2258                                                                             \
2259   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight, 10,                              \
2260           "Weight given to exponential resizing, between 0 and 100")        \
2261           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2262                                                                             \
2263   product(uintx, AdaptiveTimeWeight,       25,                              \
2264           "Weight given to time in adaptive policy, between 0 and 100")     \
2265           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2266                                                                             \
2267   product(uintx, PausePadding, 1,                                           \
2268           "How much buffer to keep for pause time")                         \
2269           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2270                                                                             \
2271   product(uintx, PromotedPadding, 3,                                        \
2272           "How much buffer to keep for promotion failure")                  \
2273           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2274                                                                             \
2275   product(uintx, SurvivorPadding, 3,                                        \
2276           "How much buffer to keep for survivor overflow")                  \
2277           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2278                                                                             \
2279   product(uintx, ThresholdTolerance, 10,                                    \
2280           "Allowed collection cost difference between generations")         \
2281           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2282                                                                             \
2283   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin, 50,                \
2284           "If collection costs are within margin, reduce both by full "     \
2285           "delta")                                                          \
2286           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2287                                                                             \
2288   product(uintx, YoungGenerationSizeIncrement, 20,                          \
2289           "Adaptive size percentage change in young generation")            \
2290           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2291                                                                             \
2292   product(uintx, YoungGenerationSizeSupplement, 80,                         \
2293           "Supplement to YoungedGenerationSizeIncrement used at startup")   \
2294           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2295                                                                             \
2296   product(uintx, YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay, 8,                     \
2297           "Decay factor to YoungedGenerationSizeSupplement")                \
2298           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2299                                                                             \
2300   product(uintx, TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement, 20,                        \
2301           "Adaptive size percentage change in tenured generation")          \
2302           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2303                                                                             \
2304   product(uintx, TenuredGenerationSizeSupplement, 80,                       \
2305           "Supplement to TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement used at startup")   \
2306           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2307                                                                             \
2308   product(uintx, TenuredGenerationSizeSupplementDecay, 2,                   \
2309           "Decay factor to TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement")                 \
2310           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2311                                                                             \
2312   product(uintx, MaxGCPauseMillis, max_uintx,                               \
2313           "Adaptive size policy maximum GC pause time goal in millisecond, "\
2314           "or (G1 Only) the maximum GC time per MMU time slice")            \
2315           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2316           constraint(MaxGCPauseMillisConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)        \
2317                                                                             \
2318   product(uintx, GCPauseIntervalMillis, 0,                                  \
2319           "Time slice for MMU specification")                               \
2320           constraint(GCPauseIntervalMillisConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)   \
2321                                                                             \
2322   product(uintx, MaxGCMinorPauseMillis, max_uintx,                          \
2323           "Adaptive size policy maximum GC minor pause time goal "          \
2324           "in millisecond")                                                 \
2325           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2326                                                                             \
2327   product(uintx, GCTimeRatio, 99,                                           \
2328           "Adaptive size policy application time to GC time ratio")         \
2329           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2330                                                                             \
2331   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor, 4,                       \
2332           "Adaptive size scale down factor for shrinking")                  \
2333           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2334                                                                             \
2335   product(bool, UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost, true,                      \
2336           "Adaptive size decays the major cost for long major intervals")   \
2337                                                                             \
2338   product(uintx, AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale, 10,                     \
2339           "Time scale over which major costs decay")                        \
2340           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2341                                                                             \
2342   product(uintx, MinSurvivorRatio, 3,                                       \
2343           "Minimum ratio of young generation/survivor space size")          \
2344           range(3, max_uintx)                                               \
2345                                                                             \
2346   product(uintx, InitialSurvivorRatio, 8,                                   \
2347           "Initial ratio of young generation/survivor space size")          \
2348           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2349                                                                             \
2350   product(size_t, BaseFootPrintEstimate, 256*M,                             \
2351           "Estimate of footprint other than Java Heap")                     \
2352           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2353                                                                             \
2354   product(bool, UseGCOverheadLimit, true,                                   \
2355           "Use policy to limit of proportion of time spent in GC "          \
2356           "before an OutOfMemory error is thrown")                          \
2357                                                                             \
2358   product(uintx, GCTimeLimit, 98,                                           \
2359           "Limit of the proportion of time spent in GC before "             \
2360           "an OutOfMemoryError is thrown (used with GCHeapFreeLimit)")      \
2361           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2362                                                                             \
2363   product(uintx, GCHeapFreeLimit, 2,                                        \
2364           "Minimum percentage of free space after a full GC before an "     \
2365           "OutOfMemoryError is thrown (used with GCTimeLimit)")             \
2366           range(0, 100)                                                     \
2367                                                                             \
2368   develop(uintx, AdaptiveSizePolicyGCTimeLimitThreshold, 5,                 \
2369           "Number of consecutive collections before gc time limit fires")   \
2370           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
2371                                                                             \
2372   product(bool, PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy, false,                             \
2373           "Print information about AdaptiveSizePolicy")                     \
2374                                                                             \
2375   product(intx, PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes, -1,                            \
2376           "How far ahead to prefetch destination area (<= 0 means off)")    \
2377           range(-1, max_jint)                                               \
2378                                                                             \
2379   product(intx, PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes, -1,                            \
2380           "How far ahead to prefetch scan area (<= 0 means off)")           \
2381           range(-1, max_jint)                                               \
2382                                                                             \
2383   product(intx, PrefetchFieldsAhead, -1,                                    \
2384           "How many fields ahead to prefetch in oop scan (<= 0 means off)") \
2385           range(-1, max_jint)                                               \
2386                                                                             \
2387   diagnostic(bool, VerifySilently, false,                                   \
2388           "Do not print the verification progress")                         \
2389                                                                             \
2390   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringStartup, false,                              \
2391           "Verify memory system before executing any Java code "            \
2392           "during VM initialization")                                       \
2393                                                                             \
2394   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeExit, trueInDebug,                           \
2395           "Verify system before exiting")                                   \
2396                                                                             \
2397   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeGC, false,                                   \
2398           "Verify memory system before GC")                                 \
2399                                                                             \
2400   diagnostic(bool, VerifyAfterGC, false,                                    \
2401           "Verify memory system after GC")                                  \
2402                                                                             \
2403   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringGC, false,                                   \
2404           "Verify memory system during GC (between phases)")                \
2405                                                                             \

2413   product(bool, UseCondCardMark, false,                                     \
2414           "Check for already marked card before updating card table")       \
2415                                                                             \
2416   diagnostic(bool, VerifyRememberedSets, false,                             \
2417           "Verify GC remembered sets")                                      \
2418                                                                             \
2419   diagnostic(bool, VerifyObjectStartArray, true,                            \
2420           "Verify GC object start array if verify before/after")            \
2421                                                                             \
2422   product(bool, DisableExplicitGC, false,                                   \
2423           "Ignore calls to System.gc()")                                    \
2424                                                                             \
2425   notproduct(bool, CheckMemoryInitialization, false,                        \
2426           "Check memory initialization")                                    \
2427                                                                             \
2428   diagnostic(bool, BindCMSThreadToCPU, false,                               \
2429           "Bind CMS Thread to CPU if possible")                             \
2430                                                                             \
2431   diagnostic(uintx, CPUForCMSThread, 0,                                     \
2432           "When BindCMSThreadToCPU is true, the CPU to bind CMS thread to") \
2433           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2434                                                                             \
2435   product(bool, BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs, false,                             \
2436           "Bind GCTaskThreads to CPUs if possible")                         \
2437                                                                             \
2438   product(bool, UseGCTaskAffinity, false,                                   \
2439           "Use worker affinity when asking for GCTasks")                    \
2440                                                                             \
2441   product(uintx, ProcessDistributionStride, 4,                              \
2442           "Stride through processors when distributing processes")          \
2443           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2444                                                                             \
2445   product(uintx, CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount, 10,                         \
2446           "Number of times the coordinator GC thread will sleep while "     \
2447           "yielding before giving up and resuming GC")                      \
2448           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2449                                                                             \
2450   product(uintx, CMSYieldSleepCount, 0,                                     \
2451           "Number of times a GC thread (minus the coordinator) "            \
2452           "will sleep while yielding before giving up and resuming GC")     \
2453           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
2454                                                                             \
2455   /* gc tracing */                                                          \
2456   manageable(bool, PrintGC, false,                                          \
2457           "Print message at garbage collection")                            \
2458                                                                             \
2459   manageable(bool, PrintGCDetails, false,                                   \
2460           "Print more details at garbage collection")                       \
2461                                                                             \
2462   manageable(bool, PrintGCDateStamps, false,                                \
2463           "Print date stamps at garbage collection")                        \
2464                                                                             \
2465   manageable(bool, PrintGCTimeStamps, false,                                \
2466           "Print timestamps at garbage collection")                         \
2467                                                                             \
2468   manageable(bool, PrintGCID, true,                                         \
2469           "Print an identifier for each garbage collection")                \
2470                                                                             \
2471   product(bool, PrintGCTaskTimeStamps, false,                               \
2472           "Print timestamps for individual gc worker thread tasks")         \
2473                                                                             \

2582           "Suppress workaround for libthread GP fault")                     \
2583                                                                             \
2584   product(bool, PrintJNIGCStalls, false,                                    \
2585           "Print diagnostic message when GC is stalled "                    \
2586           "by JNI critical section")                                        \
2587                                                                             \
2588   experimental(double, ObjectCountCutOffPercent, 0.5,                       \
2589           "The percentage of the used heap that the instances of a class "  \
2590           "must occupy for the class to generate a trace event")            \
2591           range(0.0, 100.0)                                                 \
2592                                                                             \
2593   /* GC log rotation setting */                                             \
2594                                                                             \
2595   product(bool, UseGCLogFileRotation, false,                                \
2596           "Rotate gclog files (for long running applications). It requires "\
2597           "-Xloggc:<filename>")                                             \
2598                                                                             \
2599   product(uintx, NumberOfGCLogFiles, 0,                                     \
2600           "Number of gclog files in rotation "                              \
2601           "(default: 0, no rotation)")                                      \
2602           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2603                                                                             \
2604   product(size_t, GCLogFileSize, 8*K,                                       \
2605           "GC log file size, requires UseGCLogFileRotation. "               \
2606           "Set to 0 to only trigger rotation via jcmd")                     \
2607           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
2608                                                                             \
2609   /* JVMTI heap profiling */                                                \
2610                                                                             \
2611   diagnostic(bool, TraceJVMTIObjectTagging, false,                          \
2612           "Trace JVMTI object tagging calls")                               \
2613                                                                             \
2614   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeIteration, false,                            \
2615           "Verify memory system before JVMTI iteration")                    \
2616                                                                             \
2617   /* compiler interface */                                                  \
2618                                                                             \
2619   develop(bool, CIPrintCompilerName, false,                                 \
2620           "when CIPrint is active, print the name of the active compiler")  \
2621                                                                             \
2622   diagnostic(bool, CIPrintCompileQueue, false,                              \
2623           "display the contents of the compile queue whenever a "           \
2624           "compilation is enqueued")                                        \
2625                                                                             \
2626   develop(bool, CIPrintRequests, false,                                     \
2627           "display every request for compilation")                          \

3355                                                                             \
3356   develop(intx, InlineThrowMaxSize,   200,                                  \
3357           "Force inlining of throwing methods smaller than this")           \
3358           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
3359                                                                             \
3360   develop(intx, ProfilerNodeSize,  1024,                                    \
3361           "Size in K to allocate for the Profile Nodes of each thread")     \
3362           range(0, 1024)                                                    \
3363                                                                             \
3364   /* gc parameters */                                                       \
3365   product(size_t, InitialHeapSize, 0,                                       \
3366           "Initial heap size (in bytes); zero means use ergonomics")        \
3367           constraint(InitialHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)               \
3368                                                                             \
3369   product(size_t, MaxHeapSize, ScaleForWordSize(96*M),                      \
3370           "Maximum heap size (in bytes)")                                   \
3371           constraint(MaxHeapSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                   \
3372                                                                             \
3373   product(size_t, OldSize, ScaleForWordSize(4*M),                           \
3374           "Initial tenured generation size (in bytes)")                     \
3375           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3376                                                                             \
3377   product(size_t, NewSize, ScaleForWordSize(1*M),                           \
3378           "Initial new generation size (in bytes)")                         \
3379           constraint(NewSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                       \
3380                                                                             \
3381   product(size_t, MaxNewSize, max_uintx,                                    \
3382           "Maximum new generation size (in bytes), max_uintx means set "    \
3383           "ergonomically")                                                  \
3384           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3385                                                                             \
3386   product(size_t, PretenureSizeThreshold, 0,                                \
3387           "Maximum size in bytes of objects allocated in DefNew "           \
3388           "generation; zero means no maximum")                              \
3389           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3390                                                                             \
3391   product(size_t, MinTLABSize, 2*K,                                         \
3392           "Minimum allowed TLAB size (in bytes)")                           \
3393           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
3394           constraint(MinTLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)             \
3395                                                                             \
3396   product(size_t, TLABSize, 0,                                              \
3397           "Starting TLAB size (in bytes); zero means set ergonomically")    \
3398           constraint(TLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)                \
3399                                                                             \
3400   product(size_t, YoungPLABSize, 4096,                                      \
3401           "Size of young gen promotion LAB's (in HeapWords)")               \
3402           constraint(YoungPLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)           \
3403                                                                             \
3404   product(size_t, OldPLABSize, 1024,                                        \
3405           "Size of old gen promotion LAB's (in HeapWords), or Number "      \
3406           "of blocks to attempt to claim when refilling CMS LAB's")         \
3407           constraint(OldPLABSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)             \
3408                                                                             \
3409   product(uintx, TLABAllocationWeight, 35,                                  \
3410           "Allocation averaging weight")                                    \
3411           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3412                                                                             \
3413   /* Limit the lower bound of this flag to 1 as it is used  */              \
3414   /* in a division expression.                              */              \
3415   product(uintx, TLABWasteTargetPercent, 1,                                 \
3416           "Percentage of Eden that can be wasted")                          \
3417           range(1, 100)                                                     \
3418                                                                             \
3419   product(uintx, TLABRefillWasteFraction,    64,                            \
3420           "Maximum TLAB waste at a refill (internal fragmentation)")        \
3421           range(1, max_juint)                                               \
3422                                                                             \
3423   product(uintx, TLABWasteIncrement,    4,                                  \
3424           "Increment allowed waste at slow allocation")                     \
3425           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
3426           constraint(TLABWasteIncrementConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)      \
3427                                                                             \
3428   product(uintx, SurvivorRatio, 8,                                          \
3429           "Ratio of eden/survivor space size")                              \
3430           range(1, max_uintx-2)                                             \
3431           constraint(SurvivorRatioConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit)           \
3432                                                                             \
3433   product(uintx, NewRatio, 2,                                               \
3434           "Ratio of old/new generation sizes")                              \
3435           range(0, max_uintx-1)                                             \
3436                                                                             \
3437   product_pd(size_t, NewSizeThreadIncrease,                                 \
3438           "Additional size added to desired new generation size per "       \
3439           "non-daemon thread (in bytes)")                                   \
3440           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3441                                                                             \
3442   product_pd(size_t, MetaspaceSize,                                         \
3443           "Initial size of Metaspaces (in bytes)")                          \
3444           constraint(MetaspaceSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)                 \
3445                                                                             \
3446   product(size_t, MaxMetaspaceSize, max_uintx,                              \
3447           "Maximum size of Metaspaces (in bytes)")                          \
3448           constraint(MaxMetaspaceSizeConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)              \
3449                                                                             \
3450   product(size_t, CompressedClassSpaceSize, 1*G,                            \
3451           "Maximum size of class area in Metaspace when compressed "        \
3452           "class pointers are used")                                        \
3453           range(1*M, 3*G)                                                   \
3454                                                                             \
3455   manageable(uintx, MinHeapFreeRatio, 40,                                   \
3456           "The minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion."\
3457           " For most GCs this applies to the old generation. In G1 and"     \
3458           " ParallelGC it applies to the whole heap.")                      \
3459           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3460           constraint(MinHeapFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)              \
3461                                                                             \
3462   manageable(uintx, MaxHeapFreeRatio, 70,                                   \
3463           "The maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking."\
3464           " For most GCs this applies to the old generation. In G1 and"     \
3465           " ParallelGC it applies to the whole heap.")                      \
3466           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3467           constraint(MaxHeapFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)              \
3468                                                                             \
3469   product(intx, SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB, 1000,                              \
3470           "Number of milliseconds per MB of free space in the heap")        \
3471           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
3472           constraint(SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMBConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit) \
3473                                                                             \
3474   product(size_t, MinHeapDeltaBytes, ScaleForWordSize(128*K),               \
3475           "The minimum change in heap space due to GC (in bytes)")          \
3476           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3477                                                                             \
3478   product(size_t, MinMetaspaceExpansion, ScaleForWordSize(256*K),           \
3479           "The minimum expansion of Metaspace (in bytes)")                  \
3480           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3481                                                                             \
3482   product(uintx, MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio,    70,                              \
3483           "The maximum percentage of Metaspace free after GC to avoid "     \
3484           "shrinking")                                                      \
3485           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3486           constraint(MaxMetaspaceFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
3487                                                                             \
3488   product(uintx, MinMetaspaceFreeRatio,    40,                              \
3489           "The minimum percentage of Metaspace free after GC to avoid "     \
3490           "expansion")                                                      \
3491           range(0, 99)                                                      \
3492           constraint(MinMetaspaceFreeRatioConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
3493                                                                             \
3494   product(size_t, MaxMetaspaceExpansion, ScaleForWordSize(4*M),             \
3495           "The maximum expansion of Metaspace without full GC (in bytes)")  \
3496           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3497                                                                             \
3498   product(uintx, QueuedAllocationWarningCount, 0,                           \
3499           "Number of times an allocation that queues behind a GC "          \
3500           "will retry before printing a warning")                           \
3501           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3502                                                                             \
3503   diagnostic(uintx, VerifyGCStartAt,   0,                                   \
3504           "GC invoke count where +VerifyBefore/AfterGC kicks in")           \
3505           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
3506                                                                             \
3507   diagnostic(intx, VerifyGCLevel,     0,                                    \
3508           "Generation level at which to start +VerifyBefore/AfterGC")       \
3509           range(0, 1)                                                       \
3510                                                                             \
3511   product(uintx, MaxTenuringThreshold,    15,                               \
3512           "Maximum value for tenuring threshold")                           \
3513           range(0, markOopDesc::max_age + 1)                                \
3514           constraint(MaxTenuringThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)          \
3515                                                                             \
3516   product(uintx, InitialTenuringThreshold,    7,                            \
3517           "Initial value for tenuring threshold")                           \
3518           range(0, markOopDesc::max_age + 1)                                \
3519           constraint(InitialTenuringThresholdConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)      \
3520                                                                             \
3521   product(uintx, TargetSurvivorRatio,    50,                                \
3522           "Desired percentage of survivor space used after scavenge")       \
3523           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3524                                                                             \
3525   product(uintx, MarkSweepDeadRatio,     5,                                 \
3526           "Percentage (0-100) of the old gen allowed as dead wood. "        \
3527           "Serial mark sweep treats this as both the minimum and maximum "  \
3528           "value. "                                                         \
3529           "CMS uses this value only if it falls back to mark sweep. "       \
3530           "Par compact uses a variable scale based on the density of the "  \
3531           "generation and treats this as the maximum value when the heap "  \
3532           "is either completely full or completely empty.  Par compact "    \
3533           "also has a smaller default value; see arguments.cpp.")           \
3534           range(0, 100)                                                     \
3535                                                                             \
3536   product(uintx, MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount,     4,                        \
3537           "How often should we fully compact the heap (ignoring the dead "  \
3538           "space parameters)")                                              \
3539           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
3540                                                                             \
3541   product(intx, PrintCMSStatistics, 0,                                      \
3542           "Statistics for CMS")                                             \
3543           range(0, 2)                                                       \
3544                                                                             \
3545   product(bool, PrintCMSInitiationStatistics, false,                        \
3546           "Statistics for initiating a CMS collection")                     \
3547                                                                             \
3548   product(intx, PrintFLSStatistics, 0,                                      \
3549           "Statistics for CMS' FreeListSpace")                              \
3550           range(0, 2)                                                       \
3551                                                                             \
3552   product(intx, PrintFLSCensus, 0,                                          \
3553           "Census for CMS' FreeListSpace")                                  \
3554           range(0, 1)                                                       \
3555                                                                             \
3556   develop(uintx, GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, 0,                          \
3557           "Delay between expansion and allocation (in milliseconds)")       \
3558                                                                             \
3559   develop(uintx, GCWorkerDelayMillis, 0,                                    \
3560           "Delay in scheduling GC workers (in milliseconds)")               \
3561                                                                             \
3562   product(intx, DeferThrSuspendLoopCount,     4000,                         \
3563           "(Unstable) Number of times to iterate in safepoint loop "        \
3564           "before blocking VM threads ")                                    \
3565           range(-1, max_jint-1)                                             \
3566                                                                             \
3567   product(intx, DeferPollingPageLoopCount,     -1,                          \
3568           "(Unsafe,Unstable) Number of iterations in safepoint loop "       \
3569           "before changing safepoint polling page to RO ")                  \
3570           range(-1, max_jint-1)                                             \
3571                                                                             \
3572   product(intx, SafepointSpinBeforeYield, 2000, "(Unstable)")               \
3573           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
3574                                                                             \
3575   product(bool, PSChunkLargeArrays, true,                                   \
3576           "Process large arrays in chunks")                                 \
3577                                                                             \
3578   product(uintx, GCDrainStackTargetSize, 64,                                \
3579           "Number of entries we will try to leave on the stack "            \
3580           "during parallel gc")                                             \
3581           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
3582                                                                             \
3583   /* stack parameters */                                                    \
3584   product_pd(intx, StackYellowPages,                                        \
3585           "Number of yellow zone (recoverable overflows) pages")            \
3587                                                                             \
3588   product_pd(intx, StackRedPages,                                           \
3589           "Number of red zone (unrecoverable overflows) pages")             \
3590           range(MIN_STACK_RED_PAGES, (DEFAULT_STACK_RED_PAGES+2))           \
3591                                                                             \
3592   /* greater stack shadow pages can't generate instruction to bang stack */ \
3593   product_pd(intx, StackShadowPages,                                        \
3594           "Number of shadow zone (for overflow checking) pages "            \
3595           "this should exceed the depth of the VM and native call stack")   \
3597                                                                             \
3598   product_pd(intx, ThreadStackSize,                                         \
3599           "Thread Stack Size (in Kbytes)")                                  \
3600           range(0, max_intx-os::vm_page_size())                             \
3601                                                                             \

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