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  76 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.ConnectionToolkit;
  77 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.IConnectionHandle;
  78 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.JVMSupportToolkit;
  79 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.ServiceNotAvailableException;
  80 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.ICommercialFeaturesService;
  81 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr.FlightRecorderException;
  82 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr.IFlightRecorderService;
  83 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr.IRecordingDescriptor;
  84 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.IMBeanHelperService;
  86 public class FlightRecorderServiceV2 implements IFlightRecorderService {
  87         final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr"); //$NON-NLS-1$
  88         final private FlightRecorderCommunicationHelperV2 helper;
  89         private long eventTypeMetaNextUpdate;
  90         private List<EventTypeMetadataV2> eventTypeMetas;
  91         private Map<EventTypeIDV2, EventTypeMetadataV2> eventTypeInfoById;
  92         private Map<org.openjdk.jmc.flightrecorder.configuration.events.EventOptionID, OptionInfo<?>> optionInfoById;
  93         private final ICommercialFeaturesService cfs;
  94         private final IMBeanHelperService mbhs;
  95         private final String serverId;

  97         @Override
  98         public String getVersion() {
  99                 return "2.0"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 100         }
 102         private boolean isDynamicFlightRecorderSupported(IConnectionHandle handle) {
 103                 return ConnectionToolkit.isHotSpot(handle)
 104                                 && ConnectionToolkit.isJavaVersionAboveOrEqual(handle, JavaVersionSupport.DYNAMIC_JFR_SUPPORTED);
 105         }

 107         private boolean isFlightRecorderDisabled(IConnectionHandle handle) {
 108                 if (cfs != null) {
 109                         return !cfs.isCommercialFeaturesEnabled() || JVMSupportToolkit.isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle, false);
 110                 } else {
 111                         return true;
 112                 }
 113         }
 115         public static boolean isAvailable(IConnectionHandle handle) {
 116                 return FlightRecorderCommunicationHelperV2.isAvailable(handle);
 117         }
 119         public FlightRecorderServiceV2(IConnectionHandle handle) throws ConnectionException, ServiceNotAvailableException {
 120                 cfs = handle.getServiceOrThrow(ICommercialFeaturesService.class);
 121                 if (!isDynamicFlightRecorderSupported(handle) && isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle)) {
 122                         throw new ServiceNotAvailableException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 123                 }
 124                 if (JVMSupportToolkit.isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle, true)) {
 125                         throw new ServiceNotAvailableException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 126                 }

 127                 helper = new FlightRecorderCommunicationHelperV2(handle.getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class));
 128                 mbhs = handle.getServiceOrThrow(IMBeanHelperService.class);
 129                 serverId = handle.getServerDescriptor().getGUID();
 130         }
 132         @Override
 133         public void stop(IRecordingDescriptor descriptor) throws FlightRecorderException {
 134                 stop(descriptor.getId());
 135         }
 137         private void stop(Long id) throws FlightRecorderException {
 138                 try {
 139                         helper.invokeOperation("stopRecording", id); //$NON-NLS-1$
 140                 } catch (Exception e) {
 141                         throw new FlightRecorderException("Could not stop the recording!", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
 142                 }
 143         }
 145         @Override
 146         public void close(IRecordingDescriptor descriptor) throws FlightRecorderException {

 453                  * time by cloning the recording and getting the end time from there like in the commented
 454                  * out code below.
 455                  */
 456 //              IRecordingDescriptor streamDescriptor = descriptor;
 457 //              boolean clone = isStillRunning(descriptor);
 458 //              if (clone) {
 459 //                      streamDescriptor = clone(descriptor);
 460 //              }
 461 //              IQuantity endTime = streamDescriptor.getDataEndTime();
 462 //              IQuantity startTime = endTime.subtract(lastPartDuration);
 463 //              return new JfrRecordingInputStreamV2(helper, streamDescriptor, toDate(startTime), toDate(endTime), clone | removeOnClose);
 465                 long serverTime = mbhs.getApproximateServerTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
 466                 IQuantity endDate = EPOCH_MS.quantity(serverTime);
 467                 IQuantity startDate = endDate.subtract(lastPartDuration);
 468                 return openStream(descriptor, startDate, endDate, removeOnClose);
 469         }
 471         @Override
 472         public boolean isEnabled() {
 473                 return cfs.isCommercialFeaturesEnabled();

 474         }
 476         @Override
 477         public void enable() throws FlightRecorderException {
 478                 try {
 479                         cfs.enableCommercialFeatures();
 480                 } catch (Exception e) {
 481                         throw new FlightRecorderException("Failed to enable commercial features", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
 482                 }
 483         }
 484 }

  76 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.ConnectionToolkit;
  77 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.IConnectionHandle;
  78 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.JVMSupportToolkit;
  79 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.ServiceNotAvailableException;
  80 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.ICommercialFeaturesService;
  81 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr.FlightRecorderException;
  82 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr.IFlightRecorderService;
  83 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr.IRecordingDescriptor;
  84 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.IMBeanHelperService;
  86 public class FlightRecorderServiceV2 implements IFlightRecorderService {
  87         final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.services.jfr"); //$NON-NLS-1$
  88         final private FlightRecorderCommunicationHelperV2 helper;
  89         private long eventTypeMetaNextUpdate;
  90         private List<EventTypeMetadataV2> eventTypeMetas;
  91         private Map<EventTypeIDV2, EventTypeMetadataV2> eventTypeInfoById;
  92         private Map<org.openjdk.jmc.flightrecorder.configuration.events.EventOptionID, OptionInfo<?>> optionInfoById;
  93         private final ICommercialFeaturesService cfs;
  94         private final IMBeanHelperService mbhs;
  95         private final String serverId;
  96         private final IConnectionHandle connection;
  98         @Override
  99         public String getVersion() {
 100                 return "2.0"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 101         }
 103         private boolean isDynamicFlightRecorderSupported(IConnectionHandle handle) {
 104                 return ConnectionToolkit.isHotSpot(handle)
 105                                 && ConnectionToolkit.isJavaVersionAboveOrEqual(handle, JavaVersionSupport.DYNAMIC_JFR_SUPPORTED);
 106         }
 108         private boolean isFlightRecorderCommercial() {
 109                 return ConnectionToolkit.isHotSpot(connection)
 110                                 && !ConnectionToolkit.isJavaVersionAboveOrEqual(connection, JavaVersionSupport.JFR_NOT_COMMERCIAL);
 111         }
 113         private boolean isFlightRecorderDisabled(IConnectionHandle handle) {
 114                 if (cfs != null && isFlightRecorderCommercial()) {
 115                         return !cfs.isCommercialFeaturesEnabled() || JVMSupportToolkit.isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle, false);
 116                 } else {
 117                         return JVMSupportToolkit.isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle, false);
 118                 }
 119         }
 121         public static boolean isAvailable(IConnectionHandle handle) {
 122                 return FlightRecorderCommunicationHelperV2.isAvailable(handle);
 123         }
 125         public FlightRecorderServiceV2(IConnectionHandle handle) throws ConnectionException, ServiceNotAvailableException {
 126                 cfs = handle.getServiceOrThrow(ICommercialFeaturesService.class);
 127                 if (!isDynamicFlightRecorderSupported(handle) && isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle)) {
 128                         throw new ServiceNotAvailableException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 129                 }
 130                 if (JVMSupportToolkit.isFlightRecorderDisabled(handle, true)) {
 131                         throw new ServiceNotAvailableException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 132                 }
 133                 connection = handle;
 134                 helper = new FlightRecorderCommunicationHelperV2(handle.getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class));
 135                 mbhs = handle.getServiceOrThrow(IMBeanHelperService.class);
 136                 serverId = handle.getServerDescriptor().getGUID();
 137         }
 139         @Override
 140         public void stop(IRecordingDescriptor descriptor) throws FlightRecorderException {
 141                 stop(descriptor.getId());
 142         }
 144         private void stop(Long id) throws FlightRecorderException {
 145                 try {
 146                         helper.invokeOperation("stopRecording", id); //$NON-NLS-1$
 147                 } catch (Exception e) {
 148                         throw new FlightRecorderException("Could not stop the recording!", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
 149                 }
 150         }
 152         @Override
 153         public void close(IRecordingDescriptor descriptor) throws FlightRecorderException {

 460                  * time by cloning the recording and getting the end time from there like in the commented
 461                  * out code below.
 462                  */
 463 //              IRecordingDescriptor streamDescriptor = descriptor;
 464 //              boolean clone = isStillRunning(descriptor);
 465 //              if (clone) {
 466 //                      streamDescriptor = clone(descriptor);
 467 //              }
 468 //              IQuantity endTime = streamDescriptor.getDataEndTime();
 469 //              IQuantity startTime = endTime.subtract(lastPartDuration);
 470 //              return new JfrRecordingInputStreamV2(helper, streamDescriptor, toDate(startTime), toDate(endTime), clone | removeOnClose);
 472                 long serverTime = mbhs.getApproximateServerTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
 473                 IQuantity endDate = EPOCH_MS.quantity(serverTime);
 474                 IQuantity startDate = endDate.subtract(lastPartDuration);
 475                 return openStream(descriptor, startDate, endDate, removeOnClose);
 476         }
 478         @Override
 479         public boolean isEnabled() {
 480                 return isFlightRecorderCommercial()
 481                                 ? cfs.isCommercialFeaturesEnabled()
 482                                 : isAvailable(connection);
 483         }
 485         @Override
 486         public void enable() throws FlightRecorderException {
 487                 try {
 488                         cfs.enableCommercialFeatures();
 489                 } catch (Exception e) {
 490                         throw new FlightRecorderException("Failed to enable commercial features", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
 491                 }
 492         }
 493 }
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