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  49  * <dt>void strokeTo(Shape, [rendering parameters], PathConsumer2D);
  50  * <dd>This method performs widening of the source path on the fly
  51  * and sends the results to the given {@link PathConsumer2D} object.
  52  * This procedure avoids having to create an intermediate Shape
  53  * object to hold the results of the {@code createStrokedShape} method.
  54  * The main user of this method is the Java 2D non-antialiasing renderer.
  55  * <dt>AATileGenerator getAATileGenerator(Shape, [rendering parameters]);
  56  * <dd>This method returns an object which can iterate over the
  57  * specified bounding box and produce tiles of coverage values for
  58  * antialiased rendering.  The details of the operation of the
  59  * {@link AATileGenerator} object are explained in its class comments.
  60  * </dl>
  61  * Additionally, the following informational method supplies important
  62  * data about the implementation.
  63  * <dl>
  64  * <dt>float getMinimumAAPenSize()
  65  * <dd>This method provides information on how small the BasicStroke
  66  * line width can get before dropouts occur.  Rendering with a BasicStroke
  67  * is defined to never allow the line to have breaks, gaps, or dropouts
  68  * even if the width is set to 0.0f, so this information allows the
  69  * {@link SunGraphics2D} class to detect the "thin line" case and set
  70  * the rendering attributes accordingly.
  71  * </dl>
  72  * At startup the runtime will load a single instance of this class.
  73  * It searches the classpath for a registered provider of this API
  74  * and returns either the last one it finds, or the instance whose
  75  * class name matches the value supplied in the System property
  76  * {@code sun.java2d.renderer}.
  77  * Additionally, a runtime System property flag can be set to trace
  78  * all calls to methods on the {@code RenderingEngine} in use by
  79  * setting the sun.java2d.renderer.trace property to any non-null value.
  80  * <p>
  81  * Parts of the system that need to use any of the above features should
  82  * call {@code RenderingEngine.getInstance()} to obtain the properly
  83  * registered (and possibly trace-enabled) version of the RenderingEngine.
  84  */
  85 public abstract class RenderingEngine {
  86     private static RenderingEngine reImpl;
  88     /**
  89      * Returns an instance of {@code RenderingEngine} as determined

 160      * @param dashes the dash length array as per {@code BasicStroke}
 161      * @param dashphase the initial dash phase as per {@code BasicStroke}
 162      * @return the widened path stored in a new {@code Shape} object
 163      * @since 1.7
 164      */
 165     public abstract Shape createStrokedShape(Shape src,
 166                                              float width,
 167                                              int caps,
 168                                              int join,
 169                                              float miterlimit,
 170                                              float dashes[],
 171                                              float dashphase);
 173     /**
 174      * Sends the geometry for a widened path as specified by the parameters
 175      * to the specified consumer.
 176      * <p>
 177      * The specified {@code src} {@link Shape} is widened according
 178      * to the parameters specified by the {@link BasicStroke} object.
 179      * Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the
 180      * {@link VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE} hint if the {@code normalize}
 181      * boolean parameter is true.
 182      * Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the
 183      * {@link VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON} hint if the {@code antialias}
 184      * boolean parameter is true.
 185      * <p>
 186      * The geometry of the widened path is forwarded to the indicated
 187      * {@link PathConsumer2D} object as it is calculated.
 188      *
 189      * @param src the source path to be widened
 190      * @param bs the {@code BasicSroke} object specifying the
 191      *           decorations to be applied to the widened path
 192      * @param normalize indicates whether stroke normalization should
 193      *                  be applied
 194      * @param antialias indicates whether or not adjustments appropriate
 195      *                  to antialiased rendering should be applied
 196      * @param consumer the {@code PathConsumer2D} instance to forward
 197      *                 the widened geometry to
 198      * @since 1.7
 199      */
 200     public abstract void strokeTo(Shape src,
 201                                   AffineTransform at,
 202                                   BasicStroke bs,
 203                                   boolean thin,
 204                                   boolean normalize,

  49  * <dt>void strokeTo(Shape, [rendering parameters], PathConsumer2D);
  50  * <dd>This method performs widening of the source path on the fly
  51  * and sends the results to the given {@link PathConsumer2D} object.
  52  * This procedure avoids having to create an intermediate Shape
  53  * object to hold the results of the {@code createStrokedShape} method.
  54  * The main user of this method is the Java 2D non-antialiasing renderer.
  55  * <dt>AATileGenerator getAATileGenerator(Shape, [rendering parameters]);
  56  * <dd>This method returns an object which can iterate over the
  57  * specified bounding box and produce tiles of coverage values for
  58  * antialiased rendering.  The details of the operation of the
  59  * {@link AATileGenerator} object are explained in its class comments.
  60  * </dl>
  61  * Additionally, the following informational method supplies important
  62  * data about the implementation.
  63  * <dl>
  64  * <dt>float getMinimumAAPenSize()
  65  * <dd>This method provides information on how small the BasicStroke
  66  * line width can get before dropouts occur.  Rendering with a BasicStroke
  67  * is defined to never allow the line to have breaks, gaps, or dropouts
  68  * even if the width is set to 0.0f, so this information allows the
  69  * {@link sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D} class to detect the "thin line" case and set
  70  * the rendering attributes accordingly.
  71  * </dl>
  72  * At startup the runtime will load a single instance of this class.
  73  * It searches the classpath for a registered provider of this API
  74  * and returns either the last one it finds, or the instance whose
  75  * class name matches the value supplied in the System property
  76  * {@code sun.java2d.renderer}.
  77  * Additionally, a runtime System property flag can be set to trace
  78  * all calls to methods on the {@code RenderingEngine} in use by
  79  * setting the sun.java2d.renderer.trace property to any non-null value.
  80  * <p>
  81  * Parts of the system that need to use any of the above features should
  82  * call {@code RenderingEngine.getInstance()} to obtain the properly
  83  * registered (and possibly trace-enabled) version of the RenderingEngine.
  84  */
  85 public abstract class RenderingEngine {
  86     private static RenderingEngine reImpl;
  88     /**
  89      * Returns an instance of {@code RenderingEngine} as determined

 160      * @param dashes the dash length array as per {@code BasicStroke}
 161      * @param dashphase the initial dash phase as per {@code BasicStroke}
 162      * @return the widened path stored in a new {@code Shape} object
 163      * @since 1.7
 164      */
 165     public abstract Shape createStrokedShape(Shape src,
 166                                              float width,
 167                                              int caps,
 168                                              int join,
 169                                              float miterlimit,
 170                                              float dashes[],
 171                                              float dashphase);
 173     /**
 174      * Sends the geometry for a widened path as specified by the parameters
 175      * to the specified consumer.
 176      * <p>
 177      * The specified {@code src} {@link Shape} is widened according
 178      * to the parameters specified by the {@link BasicStroke} object.
 179      * Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the
 180      * {@link java.awt.RenderingHints#VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE} hint if the
 181      * {@code normalize} boolean parameter is true.
 182      * Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the
 183      * {@link java.awt.RenderingHints#VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON} hint if the
 184      * {@code antialias} boolean parameter is true.
 185      * <p>
 186      * The geometry of the widened path is forwarded to the indicated
 187      * {@link PathConsumer2D} object as it is calculated.
 188      *
 189      * @param src the source path to be widened
 190      * @param bs the {@code BasicSroke} object specifying the
 191      *           decorations to be applied to the widened path
 192      * @param normalize indicates whether stroke normalization should
 193      *                  be applied
 194      * @param antialias indicates whether or not adjustments appropriate
 195      *                  to antialiased rendering should be applied
 196      * @param consumer the {@code PathConsumer2D} instance to forward
 197      *                 the widened geometry to
 198      * @since 1.7
 199      */
 200     public abstract void strokeTo(Shape src,
 201                                   AffineTransform at,
 202                                   BasicStroke bs,
 203                                   boolean thin,
 204                                   boolean normalize,

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