1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package sun.swing.plaf.synth;
  27 import java.awt.*;
  28 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
  29 import sun.swing.CachedPainter;
  31 /**
  32  * Paint9Painter is used for painting images for both Synth and GTK's
  33  * pixmap/blueprint engines.
  34  *
  35  */
  36 public class Paint9Painter extends CachedPainter {
  37     /**
  38      * Enumeration for the types of painting this class can handle.
  39      */
  40     public enum PaintType {
  41         /**
  42          * Painting type indicating the image should be centered in
  43          * the space provided.  When used the <code>mask</code> is ignored.
  44          */
  45         CENTER,
  47         /**
  48          * Painting type indicating the image should be tiled across the
  49          * specified width and height.  When used the <code>mask</code> is
  50          * ignored.
  51          */
  52         TILE,
  54         /**
  55          * Painting type indicating the image should be split into nine
  56          * regions with the top, left, bottom and right areas stretched.
  57          */
  58         PAINT9_STRETCH,
  60         /**
  61          * Painting type indicating the image should be split into nine
  62          * regions with the top, left, bottom and right areas tiled.
  63          */
  64         PAINT9_TILE
  65     };
  67     private static final Insets EMPTY_INSETS = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
  69     public static final int PAINT_TOP_LEFT = 1;
  70     public static final int PAINT_TOP = 2;
  71     public static final int PAINT_TOP_RIGHT = 4;
  72     public static final int PAINT_LEFT = 8;
  73     public static final int PAINT_CENTER = 16;
  74     public static final int PAINT_RIGHT = 32;
  75     public static final int PAINT_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 64;
  76     public static final int PAINT_BOTTOM = 128;
  77     public static final int PAINT_BOTTOM_LEFT = 256;
  78     /**
  79      * Specifies that all regions should be painted.  If this is set any
  80      * other regions specified will not be painted.  For example
  81      * PAINT_ALL | PAINT_CENTER will paint all but the center.
  82      */
  83     public static final int PAINT_ALL = 512;
  85     /**
  86      * Convenience method for testing the validity of an image.
  87      *
  88      * @param image Image to check.
  89      * @return true if <code>image</code> is non-null and has a positive
  90      *         size.
  91      */
  92     public static boolean validImage(Image image) {
  93         return (image != null && image.getWidth(null) > 0 &&
  94                 image.getHeight(null) > 0);
  95     }
  98     public Paint9Painter(int cacheCount) {
  99         super(cacheCount);
 100     }
 102     /**
 103      * Paints using the algorightm specified by <code>paintType</code>.
 104      * NOTE that this just invokes super.paint(...) with the same
 105      * argument ordering as this method.
 106      *
 107      * @param c Component rendering to
 108      * @param g Graphics to render to
 109      * @param x X-coordinate
 110      * @param y Y-coordinate
 111      * @param w Width to render to
 112      * @param h Height to render to
 113      * @param source Image to render from, if <code>null</code> this method
 114      *               will do nothing
 115      * @param sInsets Insets specifying the portion of the image that
 116      *                will be stretched or tiled, if <code>null</code> empty
 117      *                <code>Insets</code> will be used.
 118      * @param dInsets Destination insets specifying the portion of the image
 119      *                will be stretched or tiled, if <code>null</code> empty
 120      *                <code>Insets</code> will be used.
 121      * @param paintType Specifies what type of algorithm to use in painting
 122      * @param mask Specifies portion of image to render, if
 123      *             <code>PAINT_ALL</code> is specified, any other regions
 124      *             specified will not be painted, for example
 125      *             PAINT_ALL | PAINT_CENTER paints everything but the center.
 126      */
 127     public void paint(Component c, Graphics g, int x,
 128                       int y, int w, int h, Image source, Insets sInsets,
 129                       Insets dInsets,
 130                       PaintType type, int mask) {
 131         if (source == null) {
 132             return;
 133         }
 134         super.paint(c, g, x, y, w, h, source, sInsets, dInsets, type, mask);
 135     }
 137     protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image destImage, Graphics g,
 138                                 int w, int h, Object[] args) {
 139         int argIndex = 0;
 140         while (argIndex < args.length) {
 141             Image image = (Image)args[argIndex++];
 142             Insets sInsets = (Insets)args[argIndex++];
 143             Insets dInsets = (Insets)args[argIndex++];
 144             PaintType type = (PaintType)args[argIndex++];
 145             int mask = (Integer)args[argIndex++];
 146             paint9(g, 0, 0, w, h, image, sInsets, dInsets, type, mask);
 147         }
 148     }
 150     protected void paint9(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h,
 151                           Image image, Insets sInsets,
 152                           Insets dInsets, PaintType type, int componentMask) {
 153         if (!validImage(image)) {
 154             return;
 155         }
 156         if (sInsets == null) {
 157             sInsets = EMPTY_INSETS;
 158         }
 159         if (dInsets == null) {
 160             dInsets = EMPTY_INSETS;
 161         }
 162         int iw = image.getWidth(null);
 163         int ih = image.getHeight(null);
 165         if (type == PaintType.CENTER) {
 166             // Center the image
 167             g.drawImage(image, x + (w - iw) / 2,
 168                         y + (h - ih) / 2, null);
 169         }
 170         else if (type == PaintType.TILE) {
 171             // Tile the image
 172             int lastIY = 0;
 173             for (int yCounter = y, maxY = y + h; yCounter < maxY;
 174                      yCounter += (ih - lastIY), lastIY = 0) {
 175                 int lastIX = 0;
 176                 for (int xCounter = x, maxX = x + w; xCounter < maxX;
 177                              xCounter += (iw - lastIX), lastIX = 0) {
 178                     int dx2 = Math.min(maxX, xCounter + iw - lastIX);
 179                     int dy2 = Math.min(maxY, yCounter + ih - lastIY);
 180                     g.drawImage(image, xCounter, yCounter, dx2, dy2,
 181                                 lastIX, lastIY, lastIX + dx2 - xCounter,
 182                                 lastIY + dy2 - yCounter, null);
 183                 }
 184             }
 185         }
 186         else {
 187             int st = sInsets.top;
 188             int sl = sInsets.left;
 189             int sb = sInsets.bottom;
 190             int sr = sInsets.right;
 192             int dt = dInsets.top;
 193             int dl = dInsets.left;
 194             int db = dInsets.bottom;
 195             int dr = dInsets.right;
 197             // Constrain the insets to the size of the image
 198             if (st + sb > ih) {
 199                 db = dt = sb = st = Math.max(0, ih / 2);
 200             }
 201             if (sl + sr > iw) {
 202                 dl = dr = sl = sr = Math.max(0, iw / 2);
 203             }
 205             // Constrain the insets to the size of the region we're painting
 206             // in.
 207             if (dt + db > h) {
 208                 dt = db = Math.max(0, h / 2 - 1);
 209             }
 210             if (dl + dr > w) {
 211                 dl = dr = Math.max(0, w / 2 - 1);
 212             }
 214             boolean stretch = (type == PaintType.PAINT9_STRETCH);
 215             if ((componentMask & PAINT_ALL) != 0) {
 216                 componentMask = (PAINT_ALL - 1) & ~componentMask;
 217             }
 219             if ((componentMask & PAINT_LEFT) != 0) {
 220                 drawChunk(image, g, stretch, x, y + dt, x + dl, y + h - db,
 221                           0, st, sl, ih - sb, false);
 222             }
 223             if ((componentMask & PAINT_TOP_LEFT) != 0) {
 224                 drawImage(image, g, x, y, x + dl, y + dt,
 225                           0, 0, sl, st);
 226             }
 227             if ((componentMask & PAINT_TOP) != 0) {
 228                 drawChunk(image, g, stretch, x + dl, y, x + w - dr, y + dt,
 229                           sl, 0, iw - sr, st, true);
 230             }
 231             if ((componentMask & PAINT_TOP_RIGHT) != 0) {
 232                 drawImage(image, g, x + w - dr, y, x + w, y + dt,
 233                             iw - sr, 0, iw, st);
 234             }
 235             if ((componentMask & PAINT_RIGHT) != 0) {
 236                 drawChunk(image, g, stretch,
 237                           x + w - dr, y + dt, x + w, y + h - db,
 238                           iw - sr, st, iw, ih - sb, false);
 239             }
 240             if ((componentMask & PAINT_BOTTOM_RIGHT) != 0) {
 241                 drawImage(image, g, x + w - dr, y + h - db, x + w, y + h,
 242                             iw - sr, ih - sb, iw, ih);
 243             }
 244             if ((componentMask & PAINT_BOTTOM) != 0) {
 245                 drawChunk(image, g, stretch,
 246                           x + dl, y + h - db, x + w - dr, y + h,
 247                           sl, ih - sb, iw - sr, ih, true);
 248             }
 249             if ((componentMask & PAINT_BOTTOM_LEFT) != 0) {
 250                 drawImage(image, g, x, y + h - db, x + dl, y + h,
 251                           0, ih - sb, sl, ih);
 252             }
 253             if ((componentMask & PAINT_CENTER) != 0) {
 254                 drawImage(image, g, x + dl, y + dt, x + w - dr, y + h - db,
 255                           sl, st, iw - sr, ih - sb);
 256             }
 257         }
 258     }
 260     private void drawImage(Image image, Graphics g,
 261                            int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1,
 262                            int sy1, int sx2, int sy2) {
 263         // PENDING: is this necessary, will G2D do it for me?
 264         if (dx2 - dx1 <= 0 || dy2 - dy1 <= 0 || sx2 - sx1 <= 0 ||
 265                               sy2 - sy1 <= 0) {
 266             // Bogus location, nothing to paint
 267             return;
 268         }
 269         g.drawImage(image, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, null);
 270     }
 272     /**
 273      * Draws a portion of an image, stretched or tiled.
 274      *
 275      * @param image Image to render.
 276      * @param g Graphics to render to
 277      * @param stretch Whether the image should be stretched or timed in the
 278      *                provided space.
 279      * @param dx1 X origin to draw to
 280      * @param dy1 Y origin to draw to
 281      * @param dx2 End x location to draw to
 282      * @param dy2 End y location to draw to
 283      * @param sx1 X origin to draw from
 284      * @param sy1 Y origin to draw from
 285      * @param sx2 Max x location to draw from
 286      * @param sy2 Max y location to draw from
 287      * @param xDirection Used if the image is not stretched. If true it
 288      *        indicates the image should be tiled along the x axis.
 289      */
 290     private void drawChunk(Image image, Graphics g, boolean stretch,
 291                            int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1,
 292                            int sy1, int sx2, int sy2,
 293                            boolean xDirection) {
 294         if (dx2 - dx1 <= 0 || dy2 - dy1 <= 0 || sx2 - sx1 <= 0 ||
 295                               sy2 - sy1 <= 0) {
 296             // Bogus location, nothing to paint
 297             return;
 298         }
 299         if (stretch) {
 300             g.drawImage(image, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, null);
 301         }
 302         else {
 303             int xSize = sx2 - sx1;
 304             int ySize = sy2 - sy1;
 305             int deltaX;
 306             int deltaY;
 308             if (xDirection) {
 309                 deltaX = xSize;
 310                 deltaY = 0;
 311             }
 312             else {
 313                 deltaX = 0;
 314                 deltaY = ySize;
 315             }
 316             while (dx1 < dx2 && dy1 < dy2) {
 317                 int newDX2 = Math.min(dx2, dx1 + xSize);
 318                 int newDY2 = Math.min(dy2, dy1 + ySize);
 320                 g.drawImage(image, dx1, dy1, newDX2, newDY2,
 321                             sx1, sy1, sx1 + newDX2 - dx1,
 322                             sy1 + newDY2 - dy1, null);
 323                 dx1 += deltaX;
 324                 dy1 += deltaY;
 325             }
 326         }
 327     }
 329     /**
 330      * Subclassed to always create a translucent image.
 331      */
 332     protected Image createImage(Component c, int w, int h,
 333                                 GraphicsConfiguration config,
 334                                 Object[] args) {
 335         if (config == null) {
 336             return new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
 337         }
 338         return config.createCompatibleImage(w, h, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
 339     }
 340 }