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1935                     g.fillRect(x, y, listWidth, h);
1936                 }
1937                 g.setClip(clip);
1938             }
1939         }
1941         void paintScrollBar(XScrollbar scr, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean paintAll) {
1942             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1943                 log.finest("Painting scrollbar " + scr + " width " +
1944                 width + " height " + height + ", paintAll " + paintAll);
1945             }
1946             g.translate(x, y);
1947             scr.paint(g, getSystemColors(), paintAll);
1948             g.translate(-x, -y);
1949         }
1951         /**
1952          * Paint the horizontal scrollbar to the screen
1953          *
1954          * @param g the graphics context to draw into
1955          * @param colors the colors used to draw the scrollbar
1956          * @param paintAll paint the whole scrollbar if true, just the thumb if false
1957          */
1958         void paintHorScrollbar(Graphics g, boolean paintAll) {
1959             int w = getListWidth();
1960             paintScrollBar(hsb, g, 0, height - (SCROLLBAR_WIDTH), w, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, paintAll);
1961         }
1963         /**
1964          * Paint the vertical scrollbar to the screen
1965          *
1966          * @param g the graphics context to draw into
1967          * @param colors the colors used to draw the scrollbar
1968          * @param paintAll paint the whole scrollbar if true, just the thumb if false
1969          */
1970         void paintVerScrollbar(Graphics g, boolean paintAll) {
1971             int h = height - (hsbVis ? (SCROLLBAR_AREA-2) : 0);
1972             paintScrollBar(vsb, g, width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, 0, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 2, h, paintAll);
1973         }
1976         private Rectangle prevFocusRect;
1977         private void paintFocus(Graphics g, int options) {
1978             boolean paintFocus = (options & PAINT_FOCUS) != 0;
1979             if (paintFocus && !hasFocus()) {
1980                 paintFocus = false;
1981             }
1982             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
1983                 log.fine("Painting focus, focus index " + getFocusIndex() + ", focus is " +
1984                          (isItemHidden(getFocusIndex())?("invisible"):("visible")) + ", paint focus is " + paintFocus);
1985             }
1986             Shape clip = g.getClip();
1987             g.setClip(0, 0, listWidth, listHeight);

1935                     g.fillRect(x, y, listWidth, h);
1936                 }
1937                 g.setClip(clip);
1938             }
1939         }
1941         void paintScrollBar(XScrollbar scr, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean paintAll) {
1942             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1943                 log.finest("Painting scrollbar " + scr + " width " +
1944                 width + " height " + height + ", paintAll " + paintAll);
1945             }
1946             g.translate(x, y);
1947             scr.paint(g, getSystemColors(), paintAll);
1948             g.translate(-x, -y);
1949         }
1951         /**
1952          * Paint the horizontal scrollbar to the screen
1953          *
1954          * @param g the graphics context to draw into

1955          * @param paintAll paint the whole scrollbar if true, just the thumb if false
1956          */
1957         void paintHorScrollbar(Graphics g, boolean paintAll) {
1958             int w = getListWidth();
1959             paintScrollBar(hsb, g, 0, height - (SCROLLBAR_WIDTH), w, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, paintAll);
1960         }
1962         /**
1963          * Paint the vertical scrollbar to the screen
1964          *
1965          * @param g the graphics context to draw into

1966          * @param paintAll paint the whole scrollbar if true, just the thumb if false
1967          */
1968         void paintVerScrollbar(Graphics g, boolean paintAll) {
1969             int h = height - (hsbVis ? (SCROLLBAR_AREA-2) : 0);
1970             paintScrollBar(vsb, g, width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, 0, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 2, h, paintAll);
1971         }
1974         private Rectangle prevFocusRect;
1975         private void paintFocus(Graphics g, int options) {
1976             boolean paintFocus = (options & PAINT_FOCUS) != 0;
1977             if (paintFocus && !hasFocus()) {
1978                 paintFocus = false;
1979             }
1980             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
1981                 log.fine("Painting focus, focus index " + getFocusIndex() + ", focus is " +
1982                          (isItemHidden(getFocusIndex())?("invisible"):("visible")) + ", paint focus is " + paintFocus);
1983             }
1984             Shape clip = g.getClip();
1985             g.setClip(0, 0, listWidth, listHeight);

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