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   1 <html>
   2   <head>
   3       <title>Dither Test (1.1)</title>
   4   </head>
   5   <body>
   6       <h1>Dither Test (1.1)</h1>
   7       <hr>
   8       <applet code=DitherTest.class width=425 height=400>
   9         alt="Your browser understands the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."
  10         Your browser is completely ignoring the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag!
  11       </applet>
  12       <hr>
  13       <a href="">The source</a>.
  14   </body>
  15 </html>
   1 <html>
   2   <head>
   3       <title>Dither Test (1.1)</title>
   4   </head>
   5   <body>
   6       <h1>Dither Test (1.1)</h1>
   7       <hr>
   8       <applet code=DitherTest.class width=455 height=400>
   9         alt="Your browser understands the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."
  10         Your browser is completely ignoring the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag!
  11       </applet>
  12       <hr>
  13       <a href="">The source</a>.
  14   </body>
  15 </html>