1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package java.beans;
  27 import java.io.*;
  28 import java.util.*;
  29 import java.lang.reflect.*;
  30 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
  31 import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
  32 import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
  33 import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
  35 /**
  36  * The <code>XMLEncoder</code> class is a complementary alternative to
  37  * the <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> and can used to generate
  38  * a textual representation of a <em>JavaBean</em> in the same
  39  * way that the <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> can
  40  * be used to create binary representation of <code>Serializable</code>
  41  * objects. For example, the following fragment can be used to create
  42  * a textual representation the supplied <em>JavaBean</em>
  43  * and all its properties:
  44  * <pre>
  45  *       XMLEncoder e = new XMLEncoder(
  46  *                          new BufferedOutputStream(
  47  *                              new FileOutputStream("Test.xml")));
  48  *       e.writeObject(new JButton("Hello, world"));
  49  *       e.close();
  50  * </pre>
  51  * Despite the similarity of their APIs, the <code>XMLEncoder</code>
  52  * class is exclusively designed for the purpose of archiving graphs
  53  * of <em>JavaBean</em>s as textual representations of their public
  54  * properties. Like Java source files, documents written this way
  55  * have a natural immunity to changes in the implementations of the classes
  56  * involved. The <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> continues to be recommended
  57  * for interprocess communication and general purpose serialization.
  58  * <p>
  59  * The <code>XMLEncoder</code> class provides a default denotation for
  60  * <em>JavaBean</em>s in which they are represented as XML documents
  61  * complying with version 1.0 of the XML specification and the
  62  * UTF-8 character encoding of the Unicode/ISO 10646 character set.
  63  * The XML documents produced by the <code>XMLEncoder</code> class are:
  64  * <ul>
  65  * <li>
  66  * <em>Portable and version resilient</em>: they have no dependencies
  67  * on the private implementation of any class and so, like Java source
  68  * files, they may be exchanged between environments which may have
  69  * different versions of some of the classes and between VMs from
  70  * different vendors.
  71  * <li>
  72  * <em>Structurally compact</em>: The <code>XMLEncoder</code> class
  73  * uses a <em>redundancy elimination</em> algorithm internally so that the
  74  * default values of a Bean's properties are not written to the stream.
  75  * <li>
  76  * <em>Fault tolerant</em>: Non-structural errors in the file,
  77  * caused either by damage to the file or by API changes
  78  * made to classes in an archive remain localized
  79  * so that a reader can report the error and continue to load the parts
  80  * of the document which were not affected by the error.
  81  * </ul>
  82  * <p>
  83  * Below is an example of an XML archive containing
  84  * some user interface components from the <em>swing</em> toolkit:
  85  * <pre>
  86  * &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
  87  * &lt;java version="1.0" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder"&gt;
  88  * &lt;object class="javax.swing.JFrame"&gt;
  89  *   &lt;void property="name"&gt;
  90  *     &lt;string&gt;frame1&lt;/string&gt;
  91  *   &lt;/void&gt;
  92  *   &lt;void property="bounds"&gt;
  93  *     &lt;object class="java.awt.Rectangle"&gt;
  94  *       &lt;int&gt;0&lt;/int&gt;
  95  *       &lt;int&gt;0&lt;/int&gt;
  96  *       &lt;int&gt;200&lt;/int&gt;
  97  *       &lt;int&gt;200&lt;/int&gt;
  98  *     &lt;/object&gt;
  99  *   &lt;/void&gt;
 100  *   &lt;void property="contentPane"&gt;
 101  *     &lt;void method="add"&gt;
 102  *       &lt;object class="javax.swing.JButton"&gt;
 103  *         &lt;void property="label"&gt;
 104  *           &lt;string&gt;Hello&lt;/string&gt;
 105  *         &lt;/void&gt;
 106  *       &lt;/object&gt;
 107  *     &lt;/void&gt;
 108  *   &lt;/void&gt;
 109  *   &lt;void property="visible"&gt;
 110  *     &lt;boolean&gt;true&lt;/boolean&gt;
 111  *   &lt;/void&gt;
 112  * &lt;/object&gt;
 113  * &lt;/java&gt;
 114  * </pre>
 115  * The XML syntax uses the following conventions:
 116  * <ul>
 117  * <li>
 118  * Each element represents a method call.
 119  * <li>
 120  * The "object" tag denotes an <em>expression</em> whose value is
 121  * to be used as the argument to the enclosing element.
 122  * <li>
 123  * The "void" tag denotes a <em>statement</em> which will
 124  * be executed, but whose result will not be used as an
 125  * argument to the enclosing method.
 126  * <li>
 127  * Elements which contain elements use those elements as arguments,
 128  * unless they have the tag: "void".
 129  * <li>
 130  * The name of the method is denoted by the "method" attribute.
 131  * <li>
 132  * XML's standard "id" and "idref" attributes are used to make
 133  * references to previous expressions - so as to deal with
 134  * circularities in the object graph.
 135  * <li>
 136  * The "class" attribute is used to specify the target of a static
 137  * method or constructor explicitly; its value being the fully
 138  * qualified name of the class.
 139  * <li>
 140  * Elements with the "void" tag are executed using
 141  * the outer context as the target if no target is defined
 142  * by a "class" attribute.
 143  * <li>
 144  * Java's String class is treated specially and is
 145  * written &lt;string&gt;Hello, world&lt;/string&gt; where
 146  * the characters of the string are converted to bytes
 147  * using the UTF-8 character encoding.
 148  * </ul>
 149  * <p>
 150  * Although all object graphs may be written using just these three
 151  * tags, the following definitions are included so that common
 152  * data structures can be expressed more concisely:
 153  * <ul>
 154  * <li>
 155  * The default method name is "new".
 156  * <li>
 157  * A reference to a java class is written in the form
 158  *  &lt;class&gt;javax.swing.JButton&lt;/class&gt;.
 159  * <li>
 160  * Instances of the wrapper classes for Java's primitive types are written
 161  * using the name of the primitive type as the tag. For example, an
 162  * instance of the <code>Integer</code> class could be written:
 163  * &lt;int&gt;123&lt;/int&gt;. Note that the <code>XMLEncoder</code> class
 164  * uses Java's reflection package in which the conversion between
 165  * Java's primitive types and their associated "wrapper classes"
 166  * is handled internally. The API for the <code>XMLEncoder</code> class
 167  * itself deals only with <code>Object</code>s.
 168  * <li>
 169  * In an element representing a nullary method whose name
 170  * starts with "get", the "method" attribute is replaced
 171  * with a "property" attribute whose value is given by removing
 172  * the "get" prefix and decapitalizing the result.
 173  * <li>
 174  * In an element representing a monadic method whose name
 175  * starts with "set", the "method" attribute is replaced
 176  * with a "property" attribute whose value is given by removing
 177  * the "set" prefix and decapitalizing the result.
 178  * <li>
 179  * In an element representing a method named "get" taking one
 180  * integer argument, the "method" attribute is replaced
 181  * with an "index" attribute whose value the value of the
 182  * first argument.
 183  * <li>
 184  * In an element representing a method named "set" taking two arguments,
 185  * the first of which is an integer, the "method" attribute is replaced
 186  * with an "index" attribute whose value the value of the
 187  * first argument.
 188  * <li>
 189  * A reference to an array is written using the "array"
 190  * tag. The "class" and "length" attributes specify the
 191  * sub-type of the array and its length respectively.
 192  * </ul>
 193  *
 194  *<p>
 195  * For more information you might also want to check out
 196  * <a
 197  href="http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/persistence4">Using XMLEncoder</a>,
 198  * an article in <em>The Swing Connection.</em>
 199  * @see XMLDecoder
 200  * @see java.io.ObjectOutputStream
 201  *
 202  * @since 1.4
 203  *
 204  * @author Philip Milne
 205  */
 206 public class XMLEncoder extends Encoder implements AutoCloseable {
 208     private final CharsetEncoder encoder;
 209     private final String charset;
 210     private final boolean declaration;
 212     private OutputStreamWriter out;
 213     private Object owner;
 214     private int indentation = 0;
 215     private boolean internal = false;
 216     private Map<Object, ValueData> valueToExpression;
 217     private Map<Object, List<Statement>> targetToStatementList;
 218     private boolean preambleWritten = false;
 219     private NameGenerator nameGenerator;
 221     private class ValueData {
 222         public int refs = 0;
 223         public boolean marked = false; // Marked -> refs > 0 unless ref was a target.
 224         public String name = null;
 225         public Expression exp = null;
 226     }
 228     /**
 229      * Creates a new XML encoder to write out <em>JavaBeans</em>
 230      * to the stream <code>out</code> using an XML encoding.
 231      *
 232      * @param out  the stream to which the XML representation of
 233      *             the objects will be written
 234      *
 235      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
 236      *          if <code>out</code> is <code>null</code>
 237      *
 238      * @see XMLDecoder#XMLDecoder(InputStream)
 239      */
 240     public XMLEncoder(OutputStream out) {
 241         this(out, "UTF-8", true, 0);
 242     }
 244     /**
 245      * Creates a new XML encoder to write out <em>JavaBeans</em>
 246      * to the stream <code>out</code> using the given <code>charset</code>
 247      * starting from the given <code>indentation</code>.
 248      *
 249      * @param out          the stream to which the XML representation of
 250      *                     the objects will be written
 251      * @param charset      the name of the requested charset;
 252      *                     may be either a canonical name or an alias
 253      * @param declaration  whether the XML declaration should be generated;
 254      *                     set this to <code>false</code>
 255      *                     when embedding the contents in another XML document
 256      * @param indentation  the number of space characters to indent the entire XML document by
 257      *
 258      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
 259      *          if <code>out</code> or <code>charset</code> is <code>null</code>,
 260      *          or if <code>indentation</code> is less than 0
 261      *
 262      * @throws  IllegalCharsetNameException
 263      *          if <code>charset</code> name is illegal
 264      *
 265      * @throws  UnsupportedCharsetException
 266      *          if no support for the named charset is available
 267      *          in this instance of the Java virtual machine
 268      *
 269      * @throws  UnsupportedOperationException
 270      *          if loaded charset does not support encoding
 271      *
 272      * @see Charset#forName(String)
 273      *
 274      * @since 1.7
 275      */
 276     public XMLEncoder(OutputStream out, String charset, boolean declaration, int indentation) {
 277         if (out == null) {
 278             throw new IllegalArgumentException("the output stream cannot be null");
 279         }
 280         if (indentation < 0) {
 281             throw new IllegalArgumentException("the indentation must be >= 0");
 282         }
 283         Charset cs = Charset.forName(charset);
 284         this.encoder = cs.newEncoder();
 285         this.charset = charset;
 286         this.declaration = declaration;
 287         this.indentation = indentation;
 288         this.out = new OutputStreamWriter(out, cs.newEncoder());
 289         valueToExpression = new IdentityHashMap<>();
 290         targetToStatementList = new IdentityHashMap<>();
 291         nameGenerator = new NameGenerator();
 292     }
 294     /**
 295      * Sets the owner of this encoder to <code>owner</code>.
 296      *
 297      * @param owner The owner of this encoder.
 298      *
 299      * @see #getOwner
 300      */
 301     public void setOwner(Object owner) {
 302         this.owner = owner;
 303         writeExpression(new Expression(this, "getOwner", new Object[0]));
 304     }
 306     /**
 307      * Gets the owner of this encoder.
 308      *
 309      * @return The owner of this encoder.
 310      *
 311      * @see #setOwner
 312      */
 313     public Object getOwner() {
 314         return owner;
 315     }
 317     /**
 318      * Write an XML representation of the specified object to the output.
 319      *
 320      * @param o The object to be written to the stream.
 321      *
 322      * @see XMLDecoder#readObject
 323      */
 324     public void writeObject(Object o) {
 325         if (internal) {
 326             super.writeObject(o);
 327         }
 328         else {
 329             writeStatement(new Statement(this, "writeObject", new Object[]{o}));
 330         }
 331     }
 333     private List<Statement> statementList(Object target) {
 334         List<Statement> list = targetToStatementList.get(target);
 335         if (list == null) {
 336             list = new ArrayList<>();
 337             targetToStatementList.put(target, list);
 338         }
 339         return list;
 340     }
 343     private void mark(Object o, boolean isArgument) {
 344         if (o == null || o == this) {
 345             return;
 346         }
 347         ValueData d = getValueData(o);
 348         Expression exp = d.exp;
 349         // Do not mark liternal strings. Other strings, which might,
 350         // for example, come from resource bundles should still be marked.
 351         if (o.getClass() == String.class && exp == null) {
 352             return;
 353         }
 355         // Bump the reference counts of all arguments
 356         if (isArgument) {
 357             d.refs++;
 358         }
 359         if (d.marked) {
 360             return;
 361         }
 362         d.marked = true;
 363         Object target = exp.getTarget();
 364         mark(exp);
 365         if (!(target instanceof Class)) {
 366             statementList(target).add(exp);
 367             // Pending: Why does the reference count need to
 368             // be incremented here?
 369             d.refs++;
 370         }
 371     }
 373     private void mark(Statement stm) {
 374         Object[] args = stm.getArguments();
 375         for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
 376             Object arg = args[i];
 377             mark(arg, true);
 378         }
 379         mark(stm.getTarget(), stm instanceof Expression);
 380     }
 383     /**
 384      * Records the Statement so that the Encoder will
 385      * produce the actual output when the stream is flushed.
 386      * <P>
 387      * This method should only be invoked within the context
 388      * of initializing a persistence delegate.
 389      *
 390      * @param oldStm The statement that will be written
 391      *               to the stream.
 392      * @see java.beans.PersistenceDelegate#initialize
 393      */
 394     public void writeStatement(Statement oldStm) {
 395         // System.out.println("XMLEncoder::writeStatement: " + oldStm);
 396         boolean internal = this.internal;
 397         this.internal = true;
 398         try {
 399             super.writeStatement(oldStm);
 400             /*
 401                Note we must do the mark first as we may
 402                require the results of previous values in
 403                this context for this statement.
 404                Test case is:
 405                    os.setOwner(this);
 406                    os.writeObject(this);
 407             */
 408             mark(oldStm);
 409             Object target = oldStm.getTarget();
 410             if (target instanceof Field) {
 411                 String method = oldStm.getMethodName();
 412                 Object[] args = oldStm.getArguments();
 413                 if ((method == null) || (args == null)) {
 414                 }
 415                 else if (method.equals("get") && (args.length == 1)) {
 416                     target = args[0];
 417                 }
 418                 else if (method.equals("set") && (args.length == 2)) {
 419                     target = args[0];
 420                 }
 421             }
 422             statementList(target).add(oldStm);
 423         }
 424         catch (Exception e) {
 425             getExceptionListener().exceptionThrown(new Exception("XMLEncoder: discarding statement " + oldStm, e));
 426         }
 427         this.internal = internal;
 428     }
 431     /**
 432      * Records the Expression so that the Encoder will
 433      * produce the actual output when the stream is flushed.
 434      * <P>
 435      * This method should only be invoked within the context of
 436      * initializing a persistence delegate or setting up an encoder to
 437      * read from a resource bundle.
 438      * <P>
 439      * For more information about using resource bundles with the
 440      * XMLEncoder, see
 441      * http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/persistence4/#i18n
 442      *
 443      * @param oldExp The expression that will be written
 444      *               to the stream.
 445      * @see java.beans.PersistenceDelegate#initialize
 446      */
 447     public void writeExpression(Expression oldExp) {
 448         boolean internal = this.internal;
 449         this.internal = true;
 450         Object oldValue = getValue(oldExp);
 451         if (get(oldValue) == null || (oldValue instanceof String && !internal)) {
 452             getValueData(oldValue).exp = oldExp;
 453             super.writeExpression(oldExp);
 454         }
 455         this.internal = internal;
 456     }
 458     /**
 459      * This method writes out the preamble associated with the
 460      * XML encoding if it has not been written already and
 461      * then writes out all of the values that been
 462      * written to the stream since the last time <code>flush</code>
 463      * was called. After flushing, all internal references to the
 464      * values that were written to this stream are cleared.
 465      */
 466     public void flush() {
 467         if (!preambleWritten) { // Don't do this in constructor - it throws ... pending.
 468             if (this.declaration) {
 469                 writeln("<?xml version=" + quote("1.0") +
 470                             " encoding=" + quote(this.charset) + "?>");
 471             }
 472             writeln("<java version=" + quote(System.getProperty("java.version")) +
 473                            " class=" + quote(XMLDecoder.class.getName()) + ">");
 474             preambleWritten = true;
 475         }
 476         indentation++;
 477         List<Statement> statements = statementList(this);
 478         while (!statements.isEmpty()) {
 479             Statement s = statements.remove(0);
 480             if ("writeObject".equals(s.getMethodName())) {
 481                 outputValue(s.getArguments()[0], this, true);
 482             }
 483             else {
 484                 outputStatement(s, this, false);
 485             }
 486         }
 487         indentation--;
 489         Statement statement = getMissedStatement();
 490         while (statement != null) {
 491             outputStatement(statement, this, false);
 492             statement = getMissedStatement();
 493         }
 495         try {
 496             out.flush();
 497         }
 498         catch (IOException e) {
 499             getExceptionListener().exceptionThrown(e);
 500         }
 501         clear();
 502     }
 504     void clear() {
 505         super.clear();
 506         nameGenerator.clear();
 507         valueToExpression.clear();
 508         targetToStatementList.clear();
 509     }
 511     Statement getMissedStatement() {
 512         for (List<Statement> statements : this.targetToStatementList.values()) {
 513             for (int i = 0; i < statements.size(); i++) {
 514                 if (Statement.class == statements.get(i).getClass()) {
 515                     return statements.remove(i);
 516                 }
 517             }
 518         }
 519         return null;
 520     }
 523     /**
 524      * This method calls <code>flush</code>, writes the closing
 525      * postamble and then closes the output stream associated
 526      * with this stream.
 527      */
 528     public void close() {
 529         flush();
 530         writeln("</java>");
 531         try {
 532             out.close();
 533         }
 534         catch (IOException e) {
 535             getExceptionListener().exceptionThrown(e);
 536         }
 537     }
 539     private String quote(String s) {
 540         return "\"" + s + "\"";
 541     }
 543     private ValueData getValueData(Object o) {
 544         ValueData d = valueToExpression.get(o);
 545         if (d == null) {
 546             d = new ValueData();
 547             valueToExpression.put(o, d);
 548         }
 549         return d;
 550     }
 552     /**
 553      * Returns <code>true</code> if the argument,
 554      * a Unicode code point, is valid in XML documents.
 555      * Unicode characters fit into the low sixteen bits of a Unicode code point,
 556      * and pairs of Unicode <em>surrogate characters</em> can be combined
 557      * to encode Unicode code point in documents containing only Unicode.
 558      * (The <code>char</code> datatype in the Java Programming Language
 559      * represents Unicode characters, including unpaired surrogates.)
 560      * <par>
 561      * [2] Char ::= #x0009 | #x000A | #x000D
 562      *            | [#x0020-#xD7FF]
 563      *            | [#xE000-#xFFFD]
 564      *            | [#x10000-#x10ffff]
 565      * </par>
 566      *
 567      * @param code  the 32-bit Unicode code point being tested
 568      * @return  <code>true</code> if the Unicode code point is valid,
 569      *          <code>false</code> otherwise
 570      */
 571     private static boolean isValidCharCode(int code) {
 572         return (0x0020 <= code && code <= 0xD7FF)
 573             || (0x000A == code)
 574             || (0x0009 == code)
 575             || (0x000D == code)
 576             || (0xE000 <= code && code <= 0xFFFD)
 577             || (0x10000 <= code && code <= 0x10ffff);
 578     }
 580     private void writeln(String exp) {
 581         try {
 582             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 583             for(int i = 0; i < indentation; i++) {
 584                 sb.append(' ');
 585             }
 586             sb.append(exp);
 587             sb.append('\n');
 588             this.out.write(sb.toString());
 589         }
 590         catch (IOException e) {
 591             getExceptionListener().exceptionThrown(e);
 592         }
 593     }
 595     private void outputValue(Object value, Object outer, boolean isArgument) {
 596         if (value == null) {
 597             writeln("<null/>");
 598             return;
 599         }
 601         if (value instanceof Class) {
 602             writeln("<class>" + ((Class)value).getName() + "</class>");
 603             return;
 604         }
 606         ValueData d = getValueData(value);
 607         if (d.exp != null) {
 608             Object target = d.exp.getTarget();
 609             String methodName = d.exp.getMethodName();
 611             if (target == null || methodName == null) {
 612                 throw new NullPointerException((target == null ? "target" :
 613                                                 "methodName") + " should not be null");
 614             }
 616             if (isArgument && target instanceof Field && methodName.equals("get")) {
 617                 Field f = (Field)target;
 618                 writeln("<object class=" + quote(f.getDeclaringClass().getName()) +
 619                         " field=" + quote(f.getName()) + "/>");
 620                 return;
 621             }
 623             Class<?> primitiveType = primitiveTypeFor(value.getClass());
 624             if (primitiveType != null && target == value.getClass() &&
 625                 methodName.equals("new")) {
 626                 String primitiveTypeName = primitiveType.getName();
 627                 // Make sure that character types are quoted correctly.
 628                 if (primitiveType == Character.TYPE) {
 629                     char code = ((Character) value).charValue();
 630                     if (!isValidCharCode(code)) {
 631                         writeln(createString(code));
 632                         return;
 633                     }
 634                     value = quoteCharCode(code);
 635                     if (value == null) {
 636                         value = Character.valueOf(code);
 637                     }
 638                 }
 639                 writeln("<" + primitiveTypeName + ">" + value + "</" +
 640                         primitiveTypeName + ">");
 641                 return;
 642             }
 644         } else if (value instanceof String) {
 645             writeln(createString((String) value));
 646             return;
 647         }
 649         if (d.name != null) {
 650             if (isArgument) {
 651                 writeln("<object idref=" + quote(d.name) + "/>");
 652             }
 653             else {
 654                 outputXML("void", " idref=" + quote(d.name), value);
 655             }
 656         }
 657         else if (d.exp != null) {
 658             outputStatement(d.exp, outer, isArgument);
 659         }
 660     }
 662     private static String quoteCharCode(int code) {
 663         switch(code) {
 664           case '&':  return "&amp;";
 665           case '<':  return "&lt;";
 666           case '>':  return "&gt;";
 667           case '"':  return "&quot;";
 668           case '\'': return "&apos;";
 669           case '\r': return "
 670           default:   return null;
 671         }
 672     }
 674     private static String createString(int code) {
 675         return "<char code=\"#" + Integer.toString(code, 16) + "\"/>";
 676     }
 678     private String createString(String string) {
 679         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 680         sb.append("<string>");
 681         int index = 0;
 682         while (index < string.length()) {
 683             int point = string.codePointAt(index);
 684             int count = Character.charCount(point);
 686             if (isValidCharCode(point) && this.encoder.canEncode(string.substring(index, index + count))) {
 687                 String value = quoteCharCode(point);
 688                 if (value != null) {
 689                     sb.append(value);
 690                 } else {
 691                     sb.appendCodePoint(point);
 692                 }
 693                 index += count;
 694             } else {
 695                 sb.append(createString(string.charAt(index)));
 696                 index++;
 697             }
 698         }
 699         sb.append("</string>");
 700         return sb.toString();
 701     }
 703     private void outputStatement(Statement exp, Object outer, boolean isArgument) {
 704         Object target = exp.getTarget();
 705         String methodName = exp.getMethodName();
 707         if (target == null || methodName == null) {
 708             throw new NullPointerException((target == null ? "target" :
 709                                             "methodName") + " should not be null");
 710         }
 712         Object[] args = exp.getArguments();
 713         boolean expression = exp.getClass() == Expression.class;
 714         Object value = (expression) ? getValue((Expression)exp) : null;
 716         String tag = (expression && isArgument) ? "object" : "void";
 717         String attributes = "";
 718         ValueData d = getValueData(value);
 720         // Special cases for targets.
 721         if (target == outer) {
 722         }
 723         else if (target == Array.class && methodName.equals("newInstance")) {
 724             tag = "array";
 725             attributes = attributes + " class=" + quote(((Class)args[0]).getName());
 726             attributes = attributes + " length=" + quote(args[1].toString());
 727             args = new Object[]{};
 728         }
 729         else if (target.getClass() == Class.class) {
 730             attributes = attributes + " class=" + quote(((Class)target).getName());
 731         }
 732         else {
 733             d.refs = 2;
 734             if (d.name == null) {
 735                 getValueData(target).refs++;
 736                 List<Statement> statements = statementList(target);
 737                 if (!statements.contains(exp)) {
 738                     statements.add(exp);
 739                 }
 740                 outputValue(target, outer, false);
 741             }
 742             if (expression) {
 743                 outputValue(value, outer, isArgument);
 744             }
 745             return;
 746         }
 747         if (expression && (d.refs > 1)) {
 748             String instanceName = nameGenerator.instanceName(value);
 749             d.name = instanceName;
 750             attributes = attributes + " id=" + quote(instanceName);
 751         }
 753         // Special cases for methods.
 754         if ((!expression && methodName.equals("set") && args.length == 2 &&
 755              args[0] instanceof Integer) ||
 756              (expression && methodName.equals("get") && args.length == 1 &&
 757               args[0] instanceof Integer)) {
 758             attributes = attributes + " index=" + quote(args[0].toString());
 759             args = (args.length == 1) ? new Object[]{} : new Object[]{args[1]};
 760         }
 761         else if ((!expression && methodName.startsWith("set") && args.length == 1) ||
 762                  (expression && methodName.startsWith("get") && args.length == 0)) {
 763             if (3 < methodName.length()) {
 764                 attributes = attributes + " property=" +
 765                     quote(Introspector.decapitalize(methodName.substring(3)));
 766             }
 767         }
 768         else if (!methodName.equals("new") && !methodName.equals("newInstance")) {
 769             attributes = attributes + " method=" + quote(methodName);
 770         }
 771         outputXML(tag, attributes, value, args);
 772     }
 774     private void outputXML(String tag, String attributes, Object value, Object... args) {
 775         List<Statement> statements = statementList(value);
 776         // Use XML's short form when there is no body.
 777         if (args.length == 0 && statements.size() == 0) {
 778             writeln("<" + tag + attributes + "/>");
 779             return;
 780         }
 782         writeln("<" + tag + attributes + ">");
 783         indentation++;
 785         for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
 786             outputValue(args[i], null, true);
 787         }
 789         while (!statements.isEmpty()) {
 790             Statement s = statements.remove(0);
 791             outputStatement(s, value, false);
 792         }
 794         indentation--;
 795         writeln("</" + tag + ">");
 796     }
 798     @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 799     static Class primitiveTypeFor(Class wrapper) {
 800         if (wrapper == Boolean.class) return Boolean.TYPE;
 801         if (wrapper == Byte.class) return Byte.TYPE;
 802         if (wrapper == Character.class) return Character.TYPE;
 803         if (wrapper == Short.class) return Short.TYPE;
 804         if (wrapper == Integer.class) return Integer.TYPE;
 805         if (wrapper == Long.class) return Long.TYPE;
 806         if (wrapper == Float.class) return Float.TYPE;
 807         if (wrapper == Double.class) return Double.TYPE;
 808         if (wrapper == Void.class) return Void.TYPE;
 809         return null;
 810     }
 811 }