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 931          * isn't meant for use outside of the core platform. The mechanism for
 932          * passing this information from Java launcher to other modules may
 933          * change drastically between update release, and it may even be
 934          * removed or replaced with another mechanism.
 935          *
 936          * NOTE: It is used by SWT, and JavaFX.
 937          */
 938         snprintf(envVar, sizeof(envVar), "APP_ICON_%d", getpid());
 939         setenv(envVar, (arg + 12), 1);
 940     }
 941 }
 943 static void
 944 SetMainClassForAWT(JNIEnv *env, jclass mainClass) {
 945     jclass classClass = NULL;
 946     NULL_CHECK(classClass = FindBootStrapClass(env, "java/lang/Class"));
 948     jmethodID getCanonicalNameMID = NULL;
 949     NULL_CHECK(getCanonicalNameMID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, classClass, "getCanonicalName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
 951     jstring mainClassString = NULL;
 952     NULL_CHECK(mainClassString = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, mainClass, getCanonicalNameMID));

 954     const char *mainClassName = NULL;
 955     NULL_CHECK(mainClassName = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, mainClassString, NULL));
 957     char envVar[80];
 958     /*
 959      * The JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_<pid> environment variable is used to pass
 960      * the name of a Java class whose main() method is invoked by
 961      * the Java launcher code to start the application, to the AWT code
 962      * in order to assign the name to the Apple menu bar when the app
 963      * is active on the Mac.
 964      * The _<pid> part is added to avoid collisions with child processes.
 965      *
 966      * WARNING: This environment variable is an implementation detail and
 967      * isn't meant for use outside of the core platform. The mechanism for
 968      * passing this information from Java launcher to other modules may
 969      * change drastically between update release, and it may even be
 970      * removed or replaced with another mechanism.
 971      *
 972      * NOTE: It is used by SWT, and JavaFX.

1039         int rslt;
1040         NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
1041         {
1042             JavaLaunchHelper* launcher = [[[JavaLaunchHelper alloc] init] autorelease];
1043             [launcher performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(launchJava:)
1044                                        withObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:(void*)&args]
1045                                     waitUntilDone:YES];
1046             rslt = [launcher getReturnValue];
1047         }
1048         [pool drain];
1049         return rslt;
1050     } else {
1051         return ContinueInNewThread(ifn, threadStackSize, argc, argv, mode, what, ret);
1052     }
1053 }
1055 /*
1056  * Note the jvmInstance must be initialized first before entering into
1057  * ShowSplashScreen, as there is a callback into the JLI_GetJavaVMInstance.
1058  */
1059 void PostJVMInit(JNIEnv *env, jstring mainClass, JavaVM *vm) {
1060     jvmInstance = vm;
1061     SetMainClassForAWT(env, mainClass);
1063     ShowSplashScreen();
1064 }
1066 jboolean
1067 ProcessPlatformOption(const char* arg)
1068 {
1069     if (JLI_StrCmp(arg, "-XstartOnFirstThread") == 0) {
1070        SetXStartOnFirstThreadArg();
1071        return JNI_TRUE;
1072     } else if (JLI_StrCCmp(arg, "-Xdock:") == 0) {
1073        SetXDockArgForAWT(arg);
1074        return JNI_TRUE;
1075     }
1076     // arguments we know not
1077     return JNI_FALSE;
1078 }

 931          * isn't meant for use outside of the core platform. The mechanism for
 932          * passing this information from Java launcher to other modules may
 933          * change drastically between update release, and it may even be
 934          * removed or replaced with another mechanism.
 935          *
 936          * NOTE: It is used by SWT, and JavaFX.
 937          */
 938         snprintf(envVar, sizeof(envVar), "APP_ICON_%d", getpid());
 939         setenv(envVar, (arg + 12), 1);
 940     }
 941 }
 943 static void
 944 SetMainClassForAWT(JNIEnv *env, jclass mainClass) {
 945     jclass classClass = NULL;
 946     NULL_CHECK(classClass = FindBootStrapClass(env, "java/lang/Class"));
 948     jmethodID getCanonicalNameMID = NULL;
 949     NULL_CHECK(getCanonicalNameMID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, classClass, "getCanonicalName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"));
 951     jstring mainClassString = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, mainClass, getCanonicalNameMID);
 952     if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
 953         /*
 954          * Clears all errors caused by getCanonicalName() on the mainclass and
 955          * leaves the JAVA_MAIN_CLASS__<pid> empty.
 956          */
 957         (*env)->ExceptionClear(env);
 958         return;
 959     }
 961     const char *mainClassName = NULL;
 962     NULL_CHECK(mainClassName = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, mainClassString, NULL));
 964     char envVar[80];
 965     /*
 966      * The JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_<pid> environment variable is used to pass
 967      * the name of a Java class whose main() method is invoked by
 968      * the Java launcher code to start the application, to the AWT code
 969      * in order to assign the name to the Apple menu bar when the app
 970      * is active on the Mac.
 971      * The _<pid> part is added to avoid collisions with child processes.
 972      *
 973      * WARNING: This environment variable is an implementation detail and
 974      * isn't meant for use outside of the core platform. The mechanism for
 975      * passing this information from Java launcher to other modules may
 976      * change drastically between update release, and it may even be
 977      * removed or replaced with another mechanism.
 978      *
 979      * NOTE: It is used by SWT, and JavaFX.

1046         int rslt;
1047         NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
1048         {
1049             JavaLaunchHelper* launcher = [[[JavaLaunchHelper alloc] init] autorelease];
1050             [launcher performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(launchJava:)
1051                                        withObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:(void*)&args]
1052                                     waitUntilDone:YES];
1053             rslt = [launcher getReturnValue];
1054         }
1055         [pool drain];
1056         return rslt;
1057     } else {
1058         return ContinueInNewThread(ifn, threadStackSize, argc, argv, mode, what, ret);
1059     }
1060 }
1062 /*
1063  * Note the jvmInstance must be initialized first before entering into
1064  * ShowSplashScreen, as there is a callback into the JLI_GetJavaVMInstance.
1065  */
1066 void PostJVMInit(JNIEnv *env, jclass mainClass, JavaVM *vm) {
1067     jvmInstance = vm;
1068     SetMainClassForAWT(env, mainClass);
1070     ShowSplashScreen();
1071 }
1073 jboolean
1074 ProcessPlatformOption(const char* arg)
1075 {
1076     if (JLI_StrCmp(arg, "-XstartOnFirstThread") == 0) {
1077        SetXStartOnFirstThreadArg();
1078        return JNI_TRUE;
1079     } else if (JLI_StrCCmp(arg, "-Xdock:") == 0) {
1080        SetXDockArgForAWT(arg);
1081        return JNI_TRUE;
1082     }
1083     // arguments we know not
1084     return JNI_FALSE;
1085 }