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   2 <HTML>
   3 <HEAD>
   4 <TITLE>Using the Multiplexing Look and Feel</TITLE>
   5 </HEAD>
   7 <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000">
   9 <b>
  10 <font size=+3>
  11 Using the Multiplexing Look and Feel
  12 </font>
  13 </b>
  15 <blockquote>
  16 <hr>
  17 <p>
  18 <i>
  19 This document is based on an article
  20 originally published in
  21 <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/" target="_top"><em>The Swing
  22 Connection</em></a>.
  23 </i>
  24 </p>
  25 <hr>
  26 </blockquote>
  28 <p>
  29 The Multiplexing look and feel lets
  30 you supplement an ordinary look and feel
  31 (called the <em>default</em> look and feel)
  32 with one or more <em>auxiliary</em> look and feels.
  33 For example, you could
  34 simultaneously provide text-to-speech and Braille outputs, 
  35 in addition to the ordinary visual output that a Swing-based 
  36 application generates,
  37 by adding 
  38 two auxiliary look and feels (one for text-to-speech,
  39 the other for Braille)
  40 to the default look and feel.
  41 The default look and feel can be any ordinary look and feel --

  48 This document has the following sections:
  49 <ul>
  50 <li> <a href="#overview">Overview</a>
  51 <li> <a href="#howtouse">How to Use Auxiliary Look and Feels</a>
  52 <li> <a href="#howtowrite">Tips for Writing an Auxiliary Look and Feel</a>
  53      <ul>
  54      <li> <a href="#dosanddonts">Dos and Don'ts</a>
  55      <li> <a href="#uidefaults">Extending UIDefaults</a>
  56      <li> <a href="#defaultui">Examining Other UI Objects</a>
  57      </ul>
  58 <li> <a href="#implementation">How the Multiplexing Look and Feel is
  59      Implemented</a>
  60 <li> <a href="#custom">How to Provide a Custom Multiplexing
  61      Look and Feel</a>
  62 </ul>
  64 <p>
  65 Before reading further, you should be familiar 
  66 with the concept of pluggable look and feels.
  67 For basic information, see
  68 <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/plaf.html">How to Set the Look and Feel</a>,
  69 a section in 
  70 <em>The Java Tutorial</em>.
  71 For architectural details, you can read
  72 <a
  73 href="http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/architecture/#pluggable">Pluggable look-and-feel architecture</a>, a section within
  74 a <em>Swing Connection</em> article.
  75 </p>
  77 <p> 
  78 <a name="overview"></a>
  79 <hr width=100% align=LEFT size=2>
  80 <b>
  81 <font color="#000080" size="+2">Overview</font>
  82 </b>
  85 <p>
  87 The classes in the 
  88 <code>javax.swing.plaf.multi</code> package
  89 implement a 
  90 <i>multiplexing look and feel</i>.
  91 A multiplexing look and feel transparently creates -- and 
  92 simultaneously supports -- UI objects from several different look and feels
  93 in response to a component requesting its UI object

   2 <HTML>
   3 <HEAD>
   4 <TITLE>Using the Multiplexing Look and Feel</TITLE>
   5 </HEAD>
   7 <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000">
   9 <b>
  10 <font size=+3>
  11 Using the Multiplexing Look and Feel
  12 </font>
  13 </b>
  15 <blockquote>
  16 <hr>
  17 <p>
  18 <i>
  19 This document is based on an article
  20 originally published in
  21 <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/articles-jsp-139072.html" target="_top"><em>The Swing
  22 Connection</em></a>.
  23 </i>
  24 </p>
  25 <hr>
  26 </blockquote>
  28 <p>
  29 The Multiplexing look and feel lets
  30 you supplement an ordinary look and feel
  31 (called the <em>default</em> look and feel)
  32 with one or more <em>auxiliary</em> look and feels.
  33 For example, you could
  34 simultaneously provide text-to-speech and Braille outputs, 
  35 in addition to the ordinary visual output that a Swing-based 
  36 application generates,
  37 by adding 
  38 two auxiliary look and feels (one for text-to-speech,
  39 the other for Braille)
  40 to the default look and feel.
  41 The default look and feel can be any ordinary look and feel --

  48 This document has the following sections:
  49 <ul>
  50 <li> <a href="#overview">Overview</a>
  51 <li> <a href="#howtouse">How to Use Auxiliary Look and Feels</a>
  52 <li> <a href="#howtowrite">Tips for Writing an Auxiliary Look and Feel</a>
  53      <ul>
  54      <li> <a href="#dosanddonts">Dos and Don'ts</a>
  55      <li> <a href="#uidefaults">Extending UIDefaults</a>
  56      <li> <a href="#defaultui">Examining Other UI Objects</a>
  57      </ul>
  58 <li> <a href="#implementation">How the Multiplexing Look and Feel is
  59      Implemented</a>
  60 <li> <a href="#custom">How to Provide a Custom Multiplexing
  61      Look and Feel</a>
  62 </ul>
  64 <p>
  65 Before reading further, you should be familiar 
  66 with the concept of pluggable look and feels.
  67 For basic information, see
  68 <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/plaf.html">How to Set the Look and Feel</a>,
  69 a section in 
  70 <em>The Java Tutorial</em>.
  71 For architectural details, you can read
  72 <a
  73 href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/architecture-142923.html#pluggable">Pluggable look-and-feel architecture</a>, a section within
  74 a <em>Swing Connection</em> article.
  75 </p>
  77 <p> 
  78 <a name="overview"></a>
  79 <hr width=100% align=LEFT size=2>
  80 <b>
  81 <font color="#000080" size="+2">Overview</font>
  82 </b>
  85 <p>
  87 The classes in the 
  88 <code>javax.swing.plaf.multi</code> package
  89 implement a 
  90 <i>multiplexing look and feel</i>.
  91 A multiplexing look and feel transparently creates -- and 
  92 simultaneously supports -- UI objects from several different look and feels
  93 in response to a component requesting its UI object

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