< prev index next >


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  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.media.sound;
  28 import java.util.ArrayList;
  29 import java.util.List;
  31 import javax.sound.midi.ControllerEventListener;
  32 import javax.sound.midi.MetaEventListener;
  33 import javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage;
  34 import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage;
  35 import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent;
  36 import javax.sound.sampled.LineListener;
  40 /**
  41  * EventDispatcher.  Used by various classes in the Java Sound implementation
  42  * to send events.
  43  *
  44  * @author David Rivas
  45  * @author Kara Kytle
  46  * @author Florian Bomers
  47  */
  48 final class EventDispatcher implements Runnable {
  50     /**
  51      * time of inactivity until the auto closing clips
  52      * are closed
  53      */
  54     private static final int AUTO_CLOSE_TIME = 5000;
  57     /**
  58      * List of events
  59      */
  60     private final ArrayList<EventInfo> eventQueue = new ArrayList<>();
  63     /**
  64      * Thread object for this EventDispatcher instance
  65      */
  66     private Thread thread = null;
  69     /*
  70      * support for auto-closing Clips
  71      */
  72     private final ArrayList<ClipInfo> autoClosingClips = new ArrayList<ClipInfo>();
  74     /*
  75      * support for monitoring data lines
  76      */
  77     private final ArrayList<LineMonitor> lineMonitors = new ArrayList<LineMonitor>();
  79     /**
  80      * Approximate interval between calls to LineMonitor.checkLine
  81      */
  82     static final int LINE_MONITOR_TIME = 400;
  85     /**
  86      * This start() method starts an event thread if one is not already active.
  87      */
  88     synchronized void start() {
  90         if(thread == null) {
  91             thread = JSSecurityManager.createThread(this,
  92                                                     "Java Sound Event Dispatcher",   // name
  93                                                     true,  // daemon
  94                                                     -1,    // priority
  95                                                     true); // doStart
  96         }
  97     }
 100     /**
 101      * Invoked when there is at least one event in the queue.
 102      * Implement this as a callback to process one event.
 103      */
 104     void processEvent(EventInfo eventInfo) {
 105         int count = eventInfo.getListenerCount();
 107         // process an LineEvent
 108         if (eventInfo.getEvent() instanceof LineEvent) {
 109             LineEvent event = (LineEvent) eventInfo.getEvent();
 110             if (Printer.debug) Printer.debug("Sending "+event+" to "+count+" listeners");
 111             for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 112                 try {
 113                     ((LineListener) eventInfo.getListener(i)).update(event);
 114                 } catch (Throwable t) {
 115                     if (Printer.err) t.printStackTrace();
 116                 }
 117             }
 118             return;
 119         }

 136             ShortMessage event = (ShortMessage)eventInfo.getEvent();
 137             int status = event.getStatus();
 139             // Controller and Mode events have status byte 0xBc, where
 140             // c is the channel they are sent on.
 141             if ((status & 0xF0) == 0xB0) {
 142                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 143                     try {
 144                         ((ControllerEventListener) eventInfo.getListener(i)).controlChange(event);
 145                     } catch (Throwable t) {
 146                         if (Printer.err) t.printStackTrace();
 147                     }
 148                 }
 149             }
 150             return;
 151         }
 153         Printer.err("Unknown event type: " + eventInfo.getEvent());
 154     }
 157     /**
 158      * Wait until there is something in the event queue to process.  Then
 159      * dispatch the event to the listeners.The entire method does not
 160      * need to be synchronized since this includes taking the event out
 161      * from the queue and processing the event. We only need to provide
 162      * exclusive access over the code where an event is removed from the
 163      *queue.
 164      */
 165     void dispatchEvents() {
 167         EventInfo eventInfo = null;
 169         synchronized (this) {
 171             // Wait till there is an event in the event queue.
 172             try {
 174                 if (eventQueue.size() == 0) {
 175                     if (autoClosingClips.size() > 0 || lineMonitors.size() > 0) {
 176                         int waitTime = AUTO_CLOSE_TIME;

 185             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 186             }
 187             if (eventQueue.size() > 0) {
 188                 // Remove the event from the queue and dispatch it to the listeners.
 189                 eventInfo = eventQueue.remove(0);
 190             }
 192         } // end of synchronized
 193         if (eventInfo != null) {
 194             processEvent(eventInfo);
 195         } else {
 196             if (autoClosingClips.size() > 0) {
 197                 closeAutoClosingClips();
 198             }
 199             if (lineMonitors.size() > 0) {
 200                 monitorLines();
 201             }
 202         }
 203     }
 206     /**
 207      * Queue the given event in the event queue.
 208      */
 209     private synchronized void postEvent(EventInfo eventInfo) {
 210         eventQueue.add(eventInfo);
 211         notifyAll();
 212     }
 215     /**
 216      * A loop to dispatch events.
 217      */

 218     public void run() {
 220         while (true) {
 221             try {
 222                 dispatchEvents();
 223             } catch (Throwable t) {
 224                 if (Printer.err) t.printStackTrace();
 225             }
 226         }
 227     }
 230     /**
 231      * Send audio and MIDI events.
 232      */
 233     void sendAudioEvents(Object event, List<Object> listeners) {
 234         if ((listeners == null)
 235             || (listeners.size() == 0)) {
 236             // nothing to do
 237             return;
 238         }
 240         start();
 242         EventInfo eventInfo = new EventInfo(event, listeners);
 243         postEvent(eventInfo);
 244     }
 247     /*
 248      * go through the list of registered auto-closing
 249      * Clip instances and close them, if appropriate
 250      *
 251      * This method is called in regular intervals
 252      */
 253     private void closeAutoClosingClips() {
 254         synchronized(autoClosingClips) {
 255             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("> EventDispatcher.closeAutoClosingClips ("+autoClosingClips.size()+" clips)");
 256             long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 257             for (int i = autoClosingClips.size()-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
 258                 ClipInfo info = autoClosingClips.get(i);
 259                 if (info.isExpired(currTime)) {
 260                     AutoClosingClip clip = info.getClip();
 261                     // sanity check
 262                     if (!clip.isOpen() || !clip.isAutoClosing()) {
 263                         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: removing clip "+clip+"  isOpen:"+clip.isOpen());
 264                         autoClosingClips.remove(i);
 265                     }
 266                     else if (!clip.isRunning() && !clip.isActive() && clip.isAutoClosing()) {

 274                 } else {
 275                     if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: clip "+info.getClip()+" not yet expired");
 276                 }
 277             }
 278         }
 279         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.closeAutoClosingClips ("+autoClosingClips.size()+" clips)");
 280     }
 282     private int getAutoClosingClipIndex(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 283         synchronized(autoClosingClips) {
 284             for (int i = autoClosingClips.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 285                 if (clip.equals(autoClosingClips.get(i).getClip())) {
 286                     return i;
 287                 }
 288             }
 289         }
 290         return -1;
 291     }
 293     /**
 294      * called from auto-closing clips when one of their open() method is called
 295      */
 296     void autoClosingClipOpened(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 297         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("> EventDispatcher.autoClosingClipOpened ");
 298         int index = 0;
 299         synchronized(autoClosingClips) {
 300             index = getAutoClosingClipIndex(clip);
 301             if (index == -1) {
 302                 if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: adding auto-closing clip "+clip);
 303                 autoClosingClips.add(new ClipInfo(clip));
 304             }
 305         }
 306         if (index == -1) {
 307             synchronized (this) {
 308                 // this is only for the case that the first clip is set to autoclosing,
 309                 // and it is already open, and nothing is done with it.
 310                 // EventDispatcher.process() method would block in wait() and
 311                 // never close this first clip, keeping the device open.
 312                 notifyAll();
 313             }
 314         }
 315         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.autoClosingClipOpened finished("+autoClosingClips.size()+" clips)");
 316     }
 318     /**
 319      * called from auto-closing clips when their closed() method is called
 320      */
 321     void autoClosingClipClosed(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 322         // nothing to do -- is removed from arraylist above
 323     }
 326     // ////////////////////////// Line Monitoring Support /////////////////// //
 327     /*
 328      * go through the list of registered line monitors
 329      * and call their checkLine method
 330      *
 331      * This method is called in regular intervals
 332      */
 333     private void monitorLines() {
 334         synchronized(lineMonitors) {
 335             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("> EventDispatcher.monitorLines ("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 336             for (int i = 0; i < lineMonitors.size(); i++) {
 337                 lineMonitors.get(i).checkLine();
 338             }
 339         }
 340         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.monitorLines("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 341     }
 344     /**
 345      * Add this LineMonitor instance to the list of monitors
 346      */
 347     void addLineMonitor(LineMonitor lm) {
 348         if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("> EventDispatcher.addLineMonitor("+lm+")");
 349         synchronized(lineMonitors) {
 350             if (lineMonitors.indexOf(lm) >= 0) {
 351                 if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("< EventDispatcher.addLineMonitor finished -- this monitor already exists!");
 352                 return;
 353             }
 354             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: adding line monitor "+lm);
 355             lineMonitors.add(lm);
 356         }
 357         synchronized (this) {
 358             // need to interrupt the infinite wait()
 359             notifyAll();
 360         }
 361         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.addLineMonitor finished -- now ("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 362     }
 364     /**
 365      * Remove this LineMonitor instance from the list of monitors
 366      */
 367     void removeLineMonitor(LineMonitor lm) {
 368         if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("> EventDispatcher.removeLineMonitor("+lm+")");
 369         synchronized(lineMonitors) {
 370             if (lineMonitors.indexOf(lm) < 0) {
 371                 if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("< EventDispatcher.removeLineMonitor finished -- this monitor does not exist!");
 372                 return;
 373             }
 374             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: removing line monitor "+lm);
 375             lineMonitors.remove(lm);
 376         }
 377         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.removeLineMonitor finished -- now ("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 378     }
 380     // /////////////////////////////////// INNER CLASSES ////////////////////////////////////////// //
 382     /**
 383      * Container for an event and a set of listeners to deliver it to.
 384      */
 385     private class EventInfo {
 387         private final Object event;
 388         private final Object[] listeners;
 390         /**
 391          * Create a new instance of this event Info class
 392          * @param event the event to be dispatched
 393          * @param listeners listener list; will be copied
 394          */
 395         EventInfo(Object event, List<Object> listeners) {
 396             this.event = event;
 397             this.listeners = listeners.toArray();
 398         }
 400         Object getEvent() {
 401             return event;
 402         }
 404         int getListenerCount() {
 405             return listeners.length;
 406         }
 408         Object getListener(int index) {
 409             return listeners[index];
 410         }
 412     } // class EventInfo
 415     /**
 416      * Container for a clip with its expiration time
 417      */
 418     private class ClipInfo {
 420         private final AutoClosingClip clip;
 421         private final long expiration;
 423         /**
 424          * Create a new instance of this clip Info class
 425          */
 426         ClipInfo(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 427             this.clip = clip;
 428             this.expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + AUTO_CLOSE_TIME;
 429         }
 431         AutoClosingClip getClip() {
 432             return clip;
 433         }
 435         boolean isExpired(long currTime) {
 436             return currTime > expiration;
 437         }
 438     } // class ClipInfo
 441     /**
 442      * Interface that a class that wants to get regular
 443      * line monitor events implements
 444      */
 445     interface LineMonitor {
 446         /**
 447          * Called by event dispatcher in regular intervals
 448          */
 449         public void checkLine();
 450     }
 452 } // class EventDispatcher

  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.media.sound;
  28 import java.util.ArrayList;
  29 import java.util.List;
  31 import javax.sound.midi.ControllerEventListener;
  32 import javax.sound.midi.MetaEventListener;
  33 import javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage;
  34 import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage;
  35 import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent;
  36 import javax.sound.sampled.LineListener;

  38 /**
  39  * EventDispatcher.  Used by various classes in the Java Sound implementation
  40  * to send events.
  41  *
  42  * @author David Rivas
  43  * @author Kara Kytle
  44  * @author Florian Bomers
  45  */
  46 final class EventDispatcher implements Runnable {
  48     /**
  49      * time of inactivity until the auto closing clips
  50      * are closed.
  51      */
  52     private static final int AUTO_CLOSE_TIME = 5000;

  54     /**
  55      * List of events.
  56      */
  57     private final ArrayList<EventInfo> eventQueue = new ArrayList<>();

  59     /**
  60      * Thread object for this EventDispatcher instance.
  61      */
  62     private Thread thread = null;

  64     /*
  65      * support for auto-closing Clips
  66      */
  67     private final ArrayList<ClipInfo> autoClosingClips = new ArrayList<>();
  69     /*
  70      * support for monitoring data lines
  71      */
  72     private final ArrayList<LineMonitor> lineMonitors = new ArrayList<>();
  74     /**
  75      * Approximate interval between calls to LineMonitor.checkLine
  76      */
  77     static final int LINE_MONITOR_TIME = 400;

  79     /**
  80      * This start() method starts an event thread if one is not already active.
  81      */
  82     synchronized void start() {
  84         if(thread == null) {
  85             thread = JSSecurityManager.createThread(this,
  86                                                     "Java Sound Event Dispatcher",   // name
  87                                                     true,  // daemon
  88                                                     -1,    // priority
  89                                                     true); // doStart
  90         }
  91     }

  93     /**
  94      * Invoked when there is at least one event in the queue.
  95      * Implement this as a callback to process one event.
  96      */
  97     void processEvent(EventInfo eventInfo) {
  98         int count = eventInfo.getListenerCount();
 100         // process an LineEvent
 101         if (eventInfo.getEvent() instanceof LineEvent) {
 102             LineEvent event = (LineEvent) eventInfo.getEvent();
 103             if (Printer.debug) Printer.debug("Sending "+event+" to "+count+" listeners");
 104             for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 105                 try {
 106                     ((LineListener) eventInfo.getListener(i)).update(event);
 107                 } catch (Throwable t) {
 108                     if (Printer.err) t.printStackTrace();
 109                 }
 110             }
 111             return;
 112         }

 129             ShortMessage event = (ShortMessage)eventInfo.getEvent();
 130             int status = event.getStatus();
 132             // Controller and Mode events have status byte 0xBc, where
 133             // c is the channel they are sent on.
 134             if ((status & 0xF0) == 0xB0) {
 135                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 136                     try {
 137                         ((ControllerEventListener) eventInfo.getListener(i)).controlChange(event);
 138                     } catch (Throwable t) {
 139                         if (Printer.err) t.printStackTrace();
 140                     }
 141                 }
 142             }
 143             return;
 144         }
 146         Printer.err("Unknown event type: " + eventInfo.getEvent());
 147     }

 149     /**
 150      * Wait until there is something in the event queue to process.  Then
 151      * dispatch the event to the listeners.The entire method does not
 152      * need to be synchronized since this includes taking the event out
 153      * from the queue and processing the event. We only need to provide
 154      * exclusive access over the code where an event is removed from the
 155      *queue.
 156      */
 157     void dispatchEvents() {
 159         EventInfo eventInfo = null;
 161         synchronized (this) {
 163             // Wait till there is an event in the event queue.
 164             try {
 166                 if (eventQueue.size() == 0) {
 167                     if (autoClosingClips.size() > 0 || lineMonitors.size() > 0) {
 168                         int waitTime = AUTO_CLOSE_TIME;

 177             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 178             }
 179             if (eventQueue.size() > 0) {
 180                 // Remove the event from the queue and dispatch it to the listeners.
 181                 eventInfo = eventQueue.remove(0);
 182             }
 184         } // end of synchronized
 185         if (eventInfo != null) {
 186             processEvent(eventInfo);
 187         } else {
 188             if (autoClosingClips.size() > 0) {
 189                 closeAutoClosingClips();
 190             }
 191             if (lineMonitors.size() > 0) {
 192                 monitorLines();
 193             }
 194         }
 195     }

 197     /**
 198      * Queue the given event in the event queue.
 199      */
 200     private synchronized void postEvent(EventInfo eventInfo) {
 201         eventQueue.add(eventInfo);
 202         notifyAll();
 203     }

 205     /**
 206      * A loop to dispatch events.
 207      */
 208     @Override
 209     public void run() {
 211         while (true) {
 212             try {
 213                 dispatchEvents();
 214             } catch (Throwable t) {
 215                 if (Printer.err) t.printStackTrace();
 216             }
 217         }
 218     }

 220     /**
 221      * Send audio and MIDI events.
 222      */
 223     void sendAudioEvents(Object event, List<Object> listeners) {
 224         if ((listeners == null)
 225             || (listeners.size() == 0)) {
 226             // nothing to do
 227             return;
 228         }
 230         start();
 232         EventInfo eventInfo = new EventInfo(event, listeners);
 233         postEvent(eventInfo);
 234     }

 236     /*
 237      * go through the list of registered auto-closing
 238      * Clip instances and close them, if appropriate
 239      *
 240      * This method is called in regular intervals
 241      */
 242     private void closeAutoClosingClips() {
 243         synchronized(autoClosingClips) {
 244             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("> EventDispatcher.closeAutoClosingClips ("+autoClosingClips.size()+" clips)");
 245             long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 246             for (int i = autoClosingClips.size()-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
 247                 ClipInfo info = autoClosingClips.get(i);
 248                 if (info.isExpired(currTime)) {
 249                     AutoClosingClip clip = info.getClip();
 250                     // sanity check
 251                     if (!clip.isOpen() || !clip.isAutoClosing()) {
 252                         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: removing clip "+clip+"  isOpen:"+clip.isOpen());
 253                         autoClosingClips.remove(i);
 254                     }
 255                     else if (!clip.isRunning() && !clip.isActive() && clip.isAutoClosing()) {

 263                 } else {
 264                     if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: clip "+info.getClip()+" not yet expired");
 265                 }
 266             }
 267         }
 268         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.closeAutoClosingClips ("+autoClosingClips.size()+" clips)");
 269     }
 271     private int getAutoClosingClipIndex(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 272         synchronized(autoClosingClips) {
 273             for (int i = autoClosingClips.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 274                 if (clip.equals(autoClosingClips.get(i).getClip())) {
 275                     return i;
 276                 }
 277             }
 278         }
 279         return -1;
 280     }
 282     /**
 283      * called from auto-closing clips when one of their open() method is called.
 284      */
 285     void autoClosingClipOpened(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 286         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("> EventDispatcher.autoClosingClipOpened ");
 287         int index = 0;
 288         synchronized(autoClosingClips) {
 289             index = getAutoClosingClipIndex(clip);
 290             if (index == -1) {
 291                 if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: adding auto-closing clip "+clip);
 292                 autoClosingClips.add(new ClipInfo(clip));
 293             }
 294         }
 295         if (index == -1) {
 296             synchronized (this) {
 297                 // this is only for the case that the first clip is set to autoclosing,
 298                 // and it is already open, and nothing is done with it.
 299                 // EventDispatcher.process() method would block in wait() and
 300                 // never close this first clip, keeping the device open.
 301                 notifyAll();
 302             }
 303         }
 304         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.autoClosingClipOpened finished("+autoClosingClips.size()+" clips)");
 305     }
 307     /**
 308      * called from auto-closing clips when their closed() method is called.
 309      */
 310     void autoClosingClipClosed(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 311         // nothing to do -- is removed from arraylist above
 312     }
 315     // ////////////////////////// Line Monitoring Support /////////////////// //
 316     /*
 317      * go through the list of registered line monitors
 318      * and call their checkLine method
 319      *
 320      * This method is called in regular intervals
 321      */
 322     private void monitorLines() {
 323         synchronized(lineMonitors) {
 324             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("> EventDispatcher.monitorLines ("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 325             for (int i = 0; i < lineMonitors.size(); i++) {
 326                 lineMonitors.get(i).checkLine();
 327             }
 328         }
 329         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.monitorLines("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 330     }

 332     /**
 333      * Add this LineMonitor instance to the list of monitors.
 334      */
 335     void addLineMonitor(LineMonitor lm) {
 336         if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("> EventDispatcher.addLineMonitor("+lm+")");
 337         synchronized(lineMonitors) {
 338             if (lineMonitors.indexOf(lm) >= 0) {
 339                 if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("< EventDispatcher.addLineMonitor finished -- this monitor already exists!");
 340                 return;
 341             }
 342             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: adding line monitor "+lm);
 343             lineMonitors.add(lm);
 344         }
 345         synchronized (this) {
 346             // need to interrupt the infinite wait()
 347             notifyAll();
 348         }
 349         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.addLineMonitor finished -- now ("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 350     }
 352     /**
 353      * Remove this LineMonitor instance from the list of monitors.
 354      */
 355     void removeLineMonitor(LineMonitor lm) {
 356         if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("> EventDispatcher.removeLineMonitor("+lm+")");
 357         synchronized(lineMonitors) {
 358             if (lineMonitors.indexOf(lm) < 0) {
 359                 if (Printer.trace)Printer.trace("< EventDispatcher.removeLineMonitor finished -- this monitor does not exist!");
 360                 return;
 361             }
 362             if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("EventDispatcher: removing line monitor "+lm);
 363             lineMonitors.remove(lm);
 364         }
 365         if (Printer.debug)Printer.debug("< EventDispatcher.removeLineMonitor finished -- now ("+lineMonitors.size()+" monitors)");
 366     }

 368     /**
 369      * Container for an event and a set of listeners to deliver it to.
 370      */
 371     private class EventInfo {
 373         private final Object event;
 374         private final Object[] listeners;
 376         /**
 377          * Create a new instance of this event Info class
 378          * @param event the event to be dispatched
 379          * @param listeners listener list; will be copied
 380          */
 381         EventInfo(Object event, List<Object> listeners) {
 382             this.event = event;
 383             this.listeners = listeners.toArray();
 384         }
 386         Object getEvent() {
 387             return event;
 388         }
 390         int getListenerCount() {
 391             return listeners.length;
 392         }
 394         Object getListener(int index) {
 395             return listeners[index];
 396         }
 398     } // class EventInfo
 401     /**
 402      * Container for a clip with its expiration time.
 403      */
 404     private class ClipInfo {
 406         private final AutoClosingClip clip;
 407         private final long expiration;
 409         /**
 410          * Create a new instance of this clip Info class.
 411          */
 412         ClipInfo(AutoClosingClip clip) {
 413             this.clip = clip;
 414             this.expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + AUTO_CLOSE_TIME;
 415         }
 417         AutoClosingClip getClip() {
 418             return clip;
 419         }
 421         boolean isExpired(long currTime) {
 422             return currTime > expiration;
 423         }
 424     } // class ClipInfo
 427     /**
 428      * Interface that a class that wants to get regular
 429      * line monitor events implements.
 430      */
 431     interface LineMonitor {
 432         /**
 433          * Called by event dispatcher in regular intervals.
 434          */
 435         void checkLine();
 436     }
 438 } // class EventDispatcher
< prev index next >