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 479     protected Rectangle getBoundsPrivate() {
 480         final FramePeer peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(this);
 481         if (peer != null) {
 482             return peer.getBoundsPrivate();
 483         }
 484         else {
 485             return getBounds();
 486         }
 487     }
 489     public void toFront() {}
 490     public void toBack() {}
 492     public abstract void registerAccelerator(AWTKeyStroke stroke);
 493     public abstract void unregisterAccelerator(AWTKeyStroke stroke);
 495     /**
 496      * Checks if the component is in an EmbeddedFrame. If so,
 497      * returns the applet found in the hierarchy or null if
 498      * not found.
 499      * @return the parent applet or {@ null}
 500      * @since 1.6

 501      */
 502     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
 503     public static Applet getAppletIfAncestorOf(Component comp) {
 504         Container parent = comp.getParent();
 505         Applet applet = null;
 506         while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof EmbeddedFrame)) {
 507             if (parent instanceof Applet) {
 508                 applet = (Applet)parent;
 509             }
 510             parent = parent.getParent();
 511         }
 512         return parent == null ? null : applet;
 513     }
 515     /**
 516      * This method should be overriden in subclasses. It is
 517      * called when window this frame is within should be blocked
 518      * by some modal dialog.
 519      */
 520     public void notifyModalBlocked(Dialog blocker, boolean blocked) {
 521     }

 479     protected Rectangle getBoundsPrivate() {
 480         final FramePeer peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(this);
 481         if (peer != null) {
 482             return peer.getBoundsPrivate();
 483         }
 484         else {
 485             return getBounds();
 486         }
 487     }
 489     public void toFront() {}
 490     public void toBack() {}
 492     public abstract void registerAccelerator(AWTKeyStroke stroke);
 493     public abstract void unregisterAccelerator(AWTKeyStroke stroke);
 495     /**
 496      * Checks if the component is in an EmbeddedFrame. If so,
 497      * returns the applet found in the hierarchy or null if
 498      * not found.
 499      * @return the parent applet or {@code null}
 500      * @since 1.6
 501      *
 502      * @deprecated The Applet API is deprecated. See the
 503      * <a href="../../java/applet/package-summary.html"> java.applet package
 504      * documentation</a> for further information.
 505      */
 506     @Deprecated(since = "9")
 507     public static Applet getAppletIfAncestorOf(Component comp) {
 508         Container parent = comp.getParent();
 509         Applet applet = null;
 510         while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof EmbeddedFrame)) {
 511             if (parent instanceof Applet) {
 512                 applet = (Applet)parent;
 513             }
 514             parent = parent.getParent();
 515         }
 516         return parent == null ? null : applet;
 517     }
 519     /**
 520      * This method should be overriden in subclasses. It is
 521      * called when window this frame is within should be blocked
 522      * by some modal dialog.
 523      */
 524     public void notifyModalBlocked(Dialog blocker, boolean blocked) {
 525     }

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