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 513     protected ItemListener createItemListener() {
 514         return getHandler();
 515     }
 517     private Handler getHandler() {
 518         if (handler == null) {
 519             handler = new Handler();
 520         }
 521         return handler;
 522     }
 524     /**
 525      * Creates the JList used in the popup to display
 526      * the items in the combo box model. This method is called when the UI class
 527      * is created.
 528      *
 529      * @return a <code>JList</code> used to display the combo box items
 530      */
 531     protected JList<Object> createList() {
 532         return new JList<Object>( comboBox.getModel() ) {
 533             @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
 534             public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)  {
 535                 if (BasicGraphicsUtils.isMenuShortcutKeyDown(e))  {
 536                     // Fix for 4234053. Filter out the Control Key from the list.
 537                     // ie., don't allow CTRL key deselection.
 538                     Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
 539                     MouseEvent newEvent = new MouseEvent(
 540                                        (Component)e.getSource(), e.getID(), e.getWhen(),
 541                                        e.getModifiers() ^ toolkit.getMenuShortcutKeyMask(),
 542                                        e.getX(), e.getY(),
 543                                        e.getXOnScreen(), e.getYOnScreen(),
 544                                        e.getClickCount(),
 545                                        e.isPopupTrigger(),
 546                                        MouseEvent.NOBUTTON);
 547                     MouseEventAccessor meAccessor = AWTAccessor.getMouseEventAccessor();
 548                     meAccessor.setCausedByTouchEvent(newEvent,
 549                         meAccessor.isCausedByTouchEvent(e));
 550                     e = newEvent;
 551                 }
 552                 super.processMouseEvent(e);
 553             }
 554         };
 555     }
 557     /**
 558      * Configures the list which is used to hold the combo box items in the
 559      * popup. This method is called when the UI class
 560      * is created.
 561      *

 513     protected ItemListener createItemListener() {
 514         return getHandler();
 515     }
 517     private Handler getHandler() {
 518         if (handler == null) {
 519             handler = new Handler();
 520         }
 521         return handler;
 522     }
 524     /**
 525      * Creates the JList used in the popup to display
 526      * the items in the combo box model. This method is called when the UI class
 527      * is created.
 528      *
 529      * @return a <code>JList</code> used to display the combo box items
 530      */
 531     protected JList<Object> createList() {
 532         return new JList<Object>( comboBox.getModel() ) {

 533             public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)  {
 534                 if (BasicGraphicsUtils.isMenuShortcutKeyDown(e))  {
 535                     // Fix for 4234053. Filter out the Control Key from the list.
 536                     // ie., don't allow CTRL key deselection.
 537                     Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
 538                     MouseEvent newEvent = new MouseEvent(
 539                                        (Component)e.getSource(), e.getID(), e.getWhen(),
 540                                        e.getModifiersEx() ^ toolkit.getMenuShortcutKeyMaskEx(),
 541                                        e.getX(), e.getY(),
 542                                        e.getXOnScreen(), e.getYOnScreen(),
 543                                        e.getClickCount(),
 544                                        e.isPopupTrigger(),
 545                                        MouseEvent.NOBUTTON);
 546                     MouseEventAccessor meAccessor = AWTAccessor.getMouseEventAccessor();
 547                     meAccessor.setCausedByTouchEvent(newEvent,
 548                         meAccessor.isCausedByTouchEvent(e));
 549                     e = newEvent;
 550                 }
 551                 super.processMouseEvent(e);
 552             }
 553         };
 554     }
 556     /**
 557      * Configures the list which is used to hold the combo box items in the
 558      * popup. This method is called when the UI class
 559      * is created.
 560      *

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