1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1996, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #ifndef AWT_COMPONENT_H
  27 #define AWT_COMPONENT_H
  29 #include "awtmsg.h"
  30 #include "awt_Object.h"
  31 #include "awt_Font.h"
  32 #include "awt_Brush.h"
  33 #include "awt_Pen.h"
  34 #include "awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.h"
  35 #include "GDIWindowSurfaceData.h"
  37 #include "java_awt_Component.h"
  38 #include "sun_awt_windows_WComponentPeer.h"
  39 #include "java_awt_event_KeyEvent.h"
  40 #include "java_awt_event_MouseEvent.h"
  41 #include "java_awt_event_WindowEvent.h"
  42 #include "java_awt_Dimension.h"
  44 extern LPCTSTR szAwtComponentClassName;
  46 static LPCTSTR DrawingStateProp = TEXT("SunAwtDrawingStateProp");
  48 const UINT IGNORE_KEY = (UINT)-1;
  49 const UINT MAX_ACP_STR_LEN = 7; // ANSI CP identifiers are no longer than this
  51 #define LEFT_BUTTON 1
  52 #define MIDDLE_BUTTON 2
  53 #define RIGHT_BUTTON 4
  54 #define DBL_CLICK 8
  55 #define X1_BUTTON 16
  56 #define X2_BUTTON 32
  58 #ifndef MK_XBUTTON1
  59 #define MK_XBUTTON1         0x0020
  60 #endif
  62 #ifndef MK_XBUTTON2
  63 #define MK_XBUTTON2         0x0040
  64 #endif
  66 // combination of standard mouse button flags
  70 // The allowable difference between coordinates of the WM_TOUCH event and the
  71 // corresponding WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_LBUTTONUP event letting to associate these
  72 // events, when their coordinates are slightly different.
  73 const int TOUCH_MOUSE_COORDS_DELTA = 10;
  75 // Whether to check for embedded frame and adjust location
  76 #define CHECK_EMBEDDED 0
  77 #define DONT_CHECK_EMBEDDED 1
  79 class AwtPopupMenu;
  81 class AwtDropTarget;
  83 /*
  84  * Message routing codes
  85  */
  86 enum MsgRouting {
  87     mrPassAlong,    /* pass along to next in chain */
  88     mrDoDefault,    /* skip right to underlying default behavior */
  89     mrConsume,      /* consume msg & terminate routing immediatly,
  90                      * don't pass anywhere
  91                      */
  92 };
  94 /************************************************************************
  95  * AwtComponent class
  96  */
  98 class AwtComponent : public AwtObject {
  99 public:
 100     /* java.awt.Component fields and method IDs */
 101     static jfieldID peerID;
 102     static jfieldID xID;
 103     static jfieldID yID;
 104     static jfieldID widthID;
 105     static jfieldID heightID;
 106     static jfieldID visibleID;
 107     static jfieldID backgroundID;
 108     static jfieldID foregroundID;
 109     static jfieldID enabledID;
 110     static jfieldID parentID;
 111     static jfieldID cursorID;
 112     static jfieldID graphicsConfigID;
 113     static jfieldID peerGCID;
 114     static jfieldID focusableID;
 115     static jfieldID appContextID;
 116     static jfieldID hwndID;
 118     static jmethodID getFontMID;
 119     static jmethodID getToolkitMID;
 120     static jmethodID isEnabledMID;
 121     static jmethodID getLocationOnScreenMID;
 122     static jmethodID replaceSurfaceDataMID;
 123     static jmethodID replaceSurfaceDataLaterMID;
 124     static jmethodID disposeLaterMID;
 126     static const UINT WmAwtIsComponent;
 127     static jint * masks; //InputEvent mask array
 128     AwtComponent();
 129     virtual ~AwtComponent();
 131     /*
 132      * Dynamic class registration & creation
 133      */
 134     virtual LPCTSTR GetClassName() = 0;
 135     /*
 136      * Fix for 4964237: Win XP: Changing theme changes java dialogs title icon
 137      * WNDCLASS structure has been superseded by the WNDCLASSEX in Win32
 138      */
 139     virtual void FillClassInfo(WNDCLASSEX *lpwc);
 140     virtual void RegisterClass();
 141     virtual void UnregisterClass();
 143     virtual void CreateHWnd(JNIEnv *env, LPCWSTR title,
 144                     DWORD windowStyle, DWORD windowExStyle,
 145                     int x, int y, int w, int h,
 146                     HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu,
 147                     COLORREF colorForeground, COLORREF colorBackground,
 148                     jobject peer);
 149     virtual void DestroyHWnd();
 150     void InitPeerGraphicsConfig(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer);
 152     virtual void Dispose();
 154     void UpdateBackground(JNIEnv *env, jobject target);
 156     virtual void SubclassHWND();
 157     virtual void UnsubclassHWND();
 159     static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message,
 160         WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
 162     /*
 163      * Access to the various objects of this aggregate component
 164      */
 165     INLINE HWND GetHWnd() { return m_hwnd; }
 166     INLINE void SetHWnd(HWND hwnd) { m_hwnd = hwnd; }
 168     static AwtComponent* GetComponent(HWND hWnd);
 170     /*
 171      * Access to the properties of the component
 172      */
 173     INLINE COLORREF GetColor() { return m_colorForeground; }
 174     virtual void SetColor(COLORREF c);
 175     HPEN GetForegroundPen();
 177     COLORREF GetBackgroundColor();
 178     virtual void SetBackgroundColor(COLORREF c);
 179     HBRUSH GetBackgroundBrush();
 180     INLINE BOOL IsBackgroundColorSet() { return m_backgroundColorSet; }
 182     virtual void SetFont(AwtFont *pFont);
 184     INLINE void SetText(LPCTSTR text) { ::SetWindowText(GetHWnd(), text); }
 185     INLINE int GetText(LPTSTR buffer, int size) {
 186         return ::GetWindowText(GetHWnd(), buffer, size);
 187     }
 188     INLINE int GetTextLength() { return ::GetWindowTextLength(GetHWnd()); }
 190     virtual void GetInsets(RECT* rect) {
 191         VERIFY(::SetRectEmpty(rect));
 192     }
 194     BOOL IsVisible() { return m_visible;};
 196     HDC GetDCFromComponent();
 198     /*
 199      * Enable/disable component
 200      */
 201     virtual void Enable(BOOL bEnable);
 203     /*
 204      * Validate and call handleExpose on rects of UpdateRgn
 205      */
 206     void PaintUpdateRgn(const RECT *insets);
 208     static HWND GetTopLevelParentForWindow(HWND hwndDescendant);
 210     static jobject FindHeavyweightUnderCursor(BOOL useCache);
 212     /*
 213      * Returns the parent component.  If no parent window, or the
 214      * parent window isn't an AwtComponent, returns NULL.
 215      */
 216     AwtComponent* GetParent();
 218     /* Get the component's immediate container. Note: may return NULL while
 219        the component is being reparented in full-screen mode by Direct3D */
 220     class AwtWindow* GetContainer();
 222     /* Is a component a container? Used by above method */
 223     virtual BOOL IsContainer() { return FALSE;} // Plain components can't
 225     /**
 226      * Returns TRUE if this message will trigger native focus change, FALSE otherwise.
 227      */
 228     virtual BOOL IsFocusingKeyMessage(MSG *pMsg);
 229     virtual BOOL IsFocusingMouseMessage(MSG *pMsg);
 231     BOOL IsFocusable();
 233     /*
 234      * Returns an increasing unsigned value used for child control IDs.
 235      * There is no attempt to reclaim command ID's.
 236      */
 237     INLINE UINT CreateControlID() { return m_nextControlID++; }
 239     // returns the current keyboard layout
 240     INLINE static HKL GetKeyboardLayout() {
 241         return m_hkl;
 242     }
 244     // returns the current code page that should be used in
 245     // all MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte calls.
 246     // This code page should also be use in IsDBCSLeadByteEx.
 247     INLINE static UINT GetCodePage()
 248     {
 249         return m_CodePage;
 250     }
 252 // Added by waleed for BIDI Support
 253     // returns the right to left status
 254     INLINE static BOOL GetRTLReadingOrder() {
 255         return sm_rtlReadingOrder;
 256     }
 257     // returns the right to left status
 258     INLINE static BOOL GetRTL() {
 259         return sm_rtl;
 260     }
 261     // returns the current sub language
 262     INLINE static LANGID GetSubLanguage() {
 263         return SUBLANGID(m_idLang);
 264     }
 265 // end waleed
 267     // returns the current input language
 268     INLINE static LANGID GetInputLanguage()
 269     {
 270         return m_idLang;
 271     }
 272     // Convert Language ID to CodePage
 273     static UINT LangToCodePage(LANGID idLang);
 275     /*
 276      * methods on this component
 277      */
 278     virtual void Show();
 279     virtual void Hide();
 280     virtual void Reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h);
 281     void ReshapeNoScale(int x, int y, int w, int h);
 283     /*
 284      * Fix for 4046446.
 285      * Component size/position helper, for the values above the short int limit.
 286      */
 287     static BOOL SetWindowPos(HWND wnd, HWND after,
 288                              int x, int y, int w, int h, UINT flags);
 290     /*
 291      * Sets the scrollbar values.  'bar' can be either SB_VERT or
 292      * SB_HORZ.  'min', 'value', and 'max' can have the value INT_MAX
 293      * which means that the value should not be changed.
 294      */
 295     void SetScrollValues(UINT bar, int min, int value, int max);
 297     INLINE LRESULT SendMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam=0, LPARAM lParam=0) {
 298         DASSERT(GetHWnd());
 299         return ::SendMessage(GetHWnd(), msg, wParam, lParam);
 300     }
 302     void PostUngrabEvent();
 304     INLINE virtual LONG GetStyle() {
 305         DASSERT(GetHWnd());
 306         return ::GetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_STYLE);
 307     }
 308     INLINE virtual void SetStyle(LONG style) {
 309         DASSERT(GetHWnd());
 310         // SetWindowLong() error handling as recommended by Win32 API doc.
 311         ::SetLastError(0);
 312         DWORD ret = ::SetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_STYLE, style);
 313         DASSERT(ret != 0 || ::GetLastError() == 0);
 314     }
 315     INLINE virtual LONG GetStyleEx() {
 316         DASSERT(GetHWnd());
 317         return ::GetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
 318     }
 319     INLINE virtual void SetStyleEx(LONG style) {
 320         DASSERT(GetHWnd());
 321         // SetWindowLong() error handling as recommended by Win32 API doc.
 322         ::SetLastError(0);
 323         DWORD ret = ::SetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, style);
 324         DASSERT(ret != 0 || ::GetLastError() == 0);
 325     }
 327     virtual BOOL NeedDblClick() { return FALSE; }
 329     /* for multifont component */
 330     static void DrawWindowText(HDC hDC, jobject font, jstring text,
 331                                int x, int y);
 332     static void DrawGrayText(HDC hDC, jobject font, jstring text,
 333                              int x, int y);
 335     void DrawListItem(JNIEnv *env, DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo);
 337     void MeasureListItem(JNIEnv *env, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo);
 339     jstring GetItemString(JNIEnv *env, jobject target, jint index);
 341     jint GetFontHeight(JNIEnv *env);
 343     virtual jobject PreferredItemSize(JNIEnv *env) {DASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; }
 345     INLINE BOOL isEnabled() {
 346         JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
 347         if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) {
 348             return NULL;
 349         }
 350         jobject self = GetPeer(env);
 351         jobject target = env->GetObjectField(self, AwtObject::targetID);
 352         BOOL e = env->CallBooleanMethod(target, AwtComponent::isEnabledMID);
 353         DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env));
 355         env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
 357         return e;
 358     }
 360     INLINE BOOL isRecursivelyEnabled() {
 361         AwtComponent* p = this;
 362         do {
 363             if (!p->isEnabled()) {
 364                 return FALSE;
 365             }
 366         } while (!p->IsTopLevel() &&
 367             (p = p->GetParent()) != NULL);
 368         return TRUE;
 369     }
 371     void SendKeyEventToFocusOwner(jint id, jlong when, jint raw, jint cooked,
 372                                   jint modifiers, jint keyLocation, jlong nativeCode,
 373                                   MSG *msg = NULL);
 374     /*
 375      * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.KeyEvent, and
 376      * post it to the peer's target object.  No response is expected
 377      * from the target.
 378      */
 379     void SendKeyEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint raw, jint cooked,
 380                       jint modifiers, jint keyLocation, jlong nativeCode,
 381                       MSG *msg = NULL);
 383     /*
 384      * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.MouseEvent, and
 385      * post it to the peer's target object.  No response is expected
 386      * from the target.
 387      */
 388     void SendMouseEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint x, jint y,
 389                         jint modifiers, jint clickCount,
 390                         jboolean popupTrigger, jint button = 0,
 391                         MSG *msg = NULL, BOOL causedByTouchEvent = FALSE);
 393     /*
 394      * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent, and
 395      * post it to the peer's target object.  No response is expected
 396      * from the target.
 397      */
 398     void SendMouseWheelEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint x, jint y,
 399                              jint modifiers, jint clickCount,
 400                              jboolean popupTrigger, jint scrollType,
 401                              jint scrollAmount, jint wheelRotation,
 402                              jdouble preciseWheelRotation, MSG *msg = NULL);
 404     /*
 405      * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.FocusEvent, and
 406      * post it to the peer's target object.  No response is expected
 407      * from the target.
 408      */
 409     void SendFocusEvent(jint id, HWND opposite);
 411     /* Forward a filtered event directly to the subclassed window.
 412        synthetic should be TRUE iff the message was generated because
 413        of a synthetic Java event, rather than a native event. */
 414     virtual MsgRouting HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic);
 416     /* Post a WM_AWT_HANDLE_EVENT message which invokes HandleEvent
 417        on the toolkit thread. This method may pre-filter the messages. */
 418     virtual BOOL PostHandleEventMessage(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic);
 420     /* Event->message synthesizer methods. */
 421     void SynthesizeKeyMessage(JNIEnv *env, jobject keyEvent);
 422     void SynthesizeMouseMessage(JNIEnv *env, jobject mouseEvent);
 424     /* Components which inherit native mouse wheel behavior will
 425      * return TRUE.  These are TextArea, Choice, FileDialog, and
 426      * List.  All other Components return FALSE.
 427      */
 428     virtual BOOL InheritsNativeMouseWheelBehavior();
 430     /* Determines whether the component is obscured by another window */
 431     // Called on Toolkit thread
 432     static jboolean _IsObscured(void *param);
 434     /* Invalidate the specified rectangle. */
 435     virtual void Invalidate(RECT* r);
 437     /* Begin and end deferred window positioning. */
 438     virtual void BeginValidate();
 439     virtual void EndValidate();
 441     /* Keyboard conversion routines. */
 442     static void InitDynamicKeyMapTable();
 443     static void BuildDynamicKeyMapTable();
 444     static jint GetJavaModifiers();
 445     static jint GetActionModifiers();
 446     static jint GetButton(int mouseButton);
 447     static UINT GetButtonMK(int mouseButton);
 448     static UINT WindowsKeyToJavaKey(UINT windowsKey, UINT modifiers, UINT character, BOOL isDeadKey);
 449     static void JavaKeyToWindowsKey(UINT javaKey, UINT *windowsKey, UINT *modifiers, UINT originalWindowsKey);
 450     static void UpdateDynPrimaryKeymap(UINT wkey, UINT jkeyLegacy, jint keyLocation, UINT modifiers);
 452     INLINE static void JavaKeyToWindowsKey(UINT javaKey,
 453                                        UINT *windowsKey, UINT *modifiers)
 454     {
 455         JavaKeyToWindowsKey(javaKey, windowsKey, modifiers, IGNORE_KEY);
 456     }
 458     enum TransOps {NONE, LOAD, SAVE};
 460     UINT WindowsKeyToJavaChar(UINT wkey, UINT modifiers, TransOps ops, BOOL &isDeadKey);
 462     /* routines used for input method support */
 463     void SetInputMethod(jobject im, BOOL useNativeCompWindow);
 464     void SendInputMethodEvent(jint id, jstring text, int cClause,
 465                               int *rgClauseBoundary, jstring *rgClauseReading,
 466                               int cAttrBlock, int *rgAttrBoundary,
 467                               BYTE *rgAttrValue, int commitedTextLength,
 468                               int caretPos, int visiblePos);
 469     void InquireCandidatePosition();
 470     INLINE LPARAM GetCandidateType() { return m_bitsCandType; }
 471     HWND ImmGetHWnd();
 472     HIMC ImmAssociateContext(HIMC himc);
 473     HWND GetProxyFocusOwner();
 475     INLINE HWND GetProxyToplevelContainer() {
 476         HWND proxyHWnd = GetProxyFocusOwner();
 477         return ::GetAncestor(proxyHWnd, GA_ROOT); // a browser in case of EmbeddedFrame
 478     }
 480     void CallProxyDefWindowProc(UINT message,
 481                                 WPARAM wParam,
 482                                 LPARAM lParam,
 483                                 LRESULT &retVal,
 484                                 MsgRouting &mr);
 486     /*
 487      * Windows message handler functions
 488      */
 489     virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
 490     virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
 492     /* return true if msg is processed */
 493     virtual MsgRouting PreProcessMsg(MSG& msg);
 495     virtual MsgRouting WmCreate() {return mrDoDefault;}
 496     virtual MsgRouting WmClose() {return mrDoDefault;}
 497     virtual MsgRouting WmDestroy();
 498     virtual MsgRouting WmNcDestroy();
 500     virtual MsgRouting WmActivate(UINT nState, BOOL fMinimized, HWND opposite)
 501     {
 502         return mrDoDefault;
 503     }
 505     virtual MsgRouting WmEraseBkgnd(HDC hDC, BOOL& didErase)
 506     {
 507         return mrDoDefault;
 508     }
 510     virtual MsgRouting WmPaint(HDC hDC);
 511     virtual MsgRouting WmGetMinMaxInfo(LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi);
 512     virtual MsgRouting WmMove(int x, int y);
 513     virtual MsgRouting WmSize(UINT type, int w, int h);
 514     virtual MsgRouting WmSizing();
 515     virtual MsgRouting WmShowWindow(BOOL show, UINT status);
 516     virtual MsgRouting WmSetFocus(HWND hWndLost);
 517     virtual MsgRouting WmKillFocus(HWND hWndGot);
 518     virtual MsgRouting WmCtlColor(HDC hDC, HWND hCtrl,
 519                                   UINT ctlColor, HBRUSH& retBrush);
 520     virtual MsgRouting WmHScroll(UINT scrollCode, UINT pos, HWND hScrollBar);
 521     virtual MsgRouting WmVScroll(UINT scrollCode, UINT pos, HWND hScrollBar);
 523     virtual MsgRouting WmMouseEnter(UINT flags, int x, int y);
 524     virtual MsgRouting WmMouseDown(UINT flags, int x, int y, int button);
 525     virtual MsgRouting WmMouseUp(UINT flags, int x, int y, int button);
 526     virtual MsgRouting WmMouseMove(UINT flags, int x, int y);
 527     virtual MsgRouting WmMouseExit(UINT flags, int x, int y);
 528     virtual MsgRouting WmMouseWheel(UINT flags, int x, int y,
 529                                     int wheelRotation, BOOL isHorizontal);
 530     virtual MsgRouting WmNcMouseDown(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button);
 531     virtual MsgRouting WmNcMouseUp(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button);
 532     virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanging(LPARAM windowPos);
 533     virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanged(LPARAM windowPos);
 534     virtual void WmTouch(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
 536     // NB: 64-bit: vkey is wParam of the message, but other API's take
 537     // vkey parameters of type UINT, so we do the cast before dispatching.
 538     virtual MsgRouting WmKeyDown(UINT vkey, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system);
 539     virtual MsgRouting WmKeyUp(UINT vkey, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system);
 541     virtual MsgRouting WmChar(UINT character, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system);
 542     virtual MsgRouting WmIMEChar(UINT character, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system);
 543     virtual MsgRouting WmInputLangChange(UINT charset, HKL hKeyBoardLayout);
 544     virtual MsgRouting WmForwardChar(WCHAR character, LPARAM lParam,
 545                                      BOOL synthethic);
 546     virtual MsgRouting WmPaste();
 548     virtual void SetCompositionWindow(RECT &r);
 549     virtual void OpenCandidateWindow(int x, int y);
 550     virtual void SetCandidateWindow(int iCandType, int x, int y);
 551     virtual MsgRouting WmImeSetContext(BOOL fSet, LPARAM *lplParam);
 552     virtual MsgRouting WmImeNotify(WPARAM subMsg, LPARAM bitsCandType);
 553     virtual MsgRouting WmImeStartComposition();
 554     virtual MsgRouting WmImeEndComposition();
 555     virtual MsgRouting WmImeComposition(WORD wChar, LPARAM flags);
 557     virtual MsgRouting WmTimer(UINT_PTR timerID) {return mrDoDefault;}
 559     virtual MsgRouting WmCommand(UINT id, HWND hWndCtrl, UINT notifyCode);
 561     /* reflected WmCommand from parent */
 562     virtual MsgRouting WmNotify(UINT notifyCode);
 564     virtual MsgRouting WmCompareItem(UINT /*ctrlId*/,
 565                                      COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &compareInfo,
 566                                      LRESULT &result);
 567     virtual MsgRouting WmDeleteItem(UINT /*ctrlId*/,
 568                                     DELETEITEMSTRUCT &deleteInfo);
 569     virtual MsgRouting WmDrawItem(UINT ctrlId,
 570                                   DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo);
 571     virtual MsgRouting WmMeasureItem(UINT ctrlId,
 572                                      MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo);
 573     /* Fix 4181790 & 4223341 : These functions get overridden in owner-drawn
 574      * components instead of the Wm... versions.
 575      */
 576     virtual MsgRouting OwnerDrawItem(UINT ctrlId,
 577                                      DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo);
 578     virtual MsgRouting OwnerMeasureItem(UINT ctrlId,
 579                                         MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo);
 581     virtual MsgRouting WmPrint(HDC hDC, LPARAM flags);
 582     virtual MsgRouting WmPrintClient(HDC hDC, LPARAM flags);
 584     virtual MsgRouting WmNcCalcSize(BOOL fCalcValidRects,
 585                                     LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS lpncsp,
 586                                     LRESULT &retVal);
 587     virtual MsgRouting WmNcPaint(HRGN hrgn);
 588     virtual MsgRouting WmNcHitTest(UINT x, UINT y, LRESULT &retVal);
 589     virtual MsgRouting WmSysCommand(UINT uCmdType, int xPos, int yPos);
 590     virtual MsgRouting WmEnterSizeMove();
 591     virtual MsgRouting WmExitSizeMove();
 592     virtual MsgRouting WmEnterMenuLoop(BOOL isTrackPopupMenu);
 593     virtual MsgRouting WmExitMenuLoop(BOOL isTrackPopupMenu);
 595     virtual MsgRouting WmQueryNewPalette(LRESULT &retVal);
 596     virtual MsgRouting WmPaletteChanged(HWND hwndPalChg);
 597     virtual MsgRouting WmPaletteIsChanging(HWND hwndPalChg);
 598     virtual MsgRouting WmStyleChanged(int wStyleType, LPSTYLESTRUCT lpss);
 599     virtual MsgRouting WmSettingChange(UINT wFlag, LPCTSTR pszSection);
 601     virtual MsgRouting WmContextMenu(HWND hCtrl, UINT xPos, UINT yPos) {
 602         return mrDoDefault;
 603     }
 605     void UpdateColorModel();
 607     jintArray CreatePrintedPixels(SIZE &loc, SIZE &size, int alpha);
 609     /*
 610      * HWND, AwtComponent and Java Peer interaction
 611      *
 612      * Link the C++, Java peer, and HWNDs together.
 613      */
 614     void LinkObjects(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer);
 616     void UnlinkObjects();
 618     static BOOL QueryNewPaletteCalled() { return m_QueryNewPaletteCalled; }
 620 #ifdef DEBUG
 621     virtual void VerifyState(); /* verify component and peer are in sync. */
 622 #else
 623     void VerifyState() {}       /* no-op */
 624 #endif
 626     virtual AwtDropTarget* CreateDropTarget(JNIEnv* env);
 627     virtual void DestroyDropTarget();
 629     INLINE virtual HWND GetDBCSEditHandle() { return NULL; }
 630     // State for native drawing API
 631     INLINE jint GetDrawState() { return GetDrawState(m_hwnd); }
 632     INLINE void SetDrawState(jint state) { SetDrawState(m_hwnd, state); }    // State for native drawing API
 634     INLINE virtual BOOL IsTopLevel() { return FALSE; }
 635     INLINE virtual BOOL IsEmbeddedFrame() { return FALSE; }
 636     INLINE virtual BOOL IsScrollbar() { return FALSE; }
 638     static INLINE BOOL IsTopLevelHWnd(HWND hwnd) {
 639         AwtComponent *comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(hwnd);
 640         return (comp != NULL && comp->IsTopLevel());
 641     }
 642     static INLINE BOOL IsEmbeddedFrameHWnd(HWND hwnd) {
 643         AwtComponent *comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(hwnd);
 644         return (comp != NULL && comp->IsEmbeddedFrame());
 645     }
 647     static jint GetDrawState(HWND hwnd);
 648     static void SetDrawState(HWND hwnd, jint state);
 650     static HWND GetHWnd(JNIEnv* env, jobject target);
 652     static MSG* CreateMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int x, int y);
 653     static void InitMessage(MSG* msg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int x, int y);
 655     // Some methods to be called on Toolkit thread via Toolkit.InvokeFunction()
 656     static void _Show(void *param);
 657     static void _Hide(void *param);
 658     static void _Enable(void *param);
 659     static void _Disable(void *param);
 660     static jobject _GetLocationOnScreen(void *param);
 661     static void _Reshape(void *param);
 662     static void _ReshapeNoCheck(void *param);
 663     static void _NativeHandleEvent(void *param);
 664     static void _SetForeground(void *param);
 665     static void _SetBackground(void *param);
 666     static void _SetFont(void *param);
 667     static void _Start(void *param);
 668     static void _BeginValidate(void *param);
 669     static void _EndValidate(void *param);
 670     static void _UpdateWindow(void *param);
 671     static jlong _AddNativeDropTarget(void *param);
 672     static void _RemoveNativeDropTarget(void *param);
 673     static jintArray _CreatePrintedPixels(void *param);
 674     static jboolean _NativeHandlesWheelScrolling(void *param);
 675     static void _SetParent(void * param);
 676     static void _SetRectangularShape(void *param);
 677     static void _SetZOrder(void *param);
 679     static HWND sm_focusOwner;
 681 private:
 682     static HWND sm_focusedWindow;
 684 public:
 685     static inline HWND GetFocusedWindow() { return sm_focusedWindow; }
 686     static void SetFocusedWindow(HWND window);
 688     static void _SetFocus(void *param);
 690     static void *SetNativeFocusOwner(void *self);
 691     static void *GetNativeFocusedWindow();
 692     static void *GetNativeFocusOwner();
 694     static BOOL sm_inSynthesizeFocus;
 696     // Execute on Toolkit only.
 697     INLINE static LRESULT SynthesizeWmSetFocus(HWND targetHWnd, HWND oppositeHWnd) {
 698         sm_inSynthesizeFocus = TRUE;
 699         LRESULT res = ::SendMessage(targetHWnd, WM_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)oppositeHWnd, 0);
 700         sm_inSynthesizeFocus = FALSE;
 701         return res;
 702     }
 703     // Execute on Toolkit only.
 704     INLINE static LRESULT SynthesizeWmKillFocus(HWND targetHWnd, HWND oppositeHWnd) {
 705         sm_inSynthesizeFocus = TRUE;
 706         LRESULT res = ::SendMessage(targetHWnd, WM_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM)oppositeHWnd, 0);
 707         sm_inSynthesizeFocus = FALSE;
 708         return res;
 709     }
 711     static BOOL sm_bMenuLoop;
 712     static INLINE BOOL isMenuLoopActive() {
 713         return sm_bMenuLoop;
 714     }
 716     // when this component is being destroyed, this method is called
 717     // to find out if there are any messages being processed, and if
 718     // there are some then disposal of this component is postponed
 719     virtual BOOL CanBeDeleted() {
 720         return m_MessagesProcessing == 0;
 721     }
 723     BOOL IsDestroyPaused() const {
 724         return m_bPauseDestroy;
 725     }
 727 protected:
 728     static AwtComponent* GetComponentImpl(HWND hWnd);
 730     static int GetClickCount();
 732     HWND     m_hwnd;
 733     UINT     m_myControlID;     /* its own ID from the view point of parent */
 734     BOOL     m_backgroundColorSet;
 735     BOOL     m_visible;         /* copy of Component.visible */
 737     static BOOL sm_suppressFocusAndActivation;
 738     static BOOL sm_restoreFocusAndActivation;
 740     /*
 741      * The function sets the focus-restore flag ON/OFF.
 742      * When the flag is ON, focus is restored immidiately after the proxy loses it.
 743      * All focus messages are suppressed. It's also assumed that sm_focusedWindow and
 744      * sm_focusOwner don't change after the flag is set ON and before it's set OFF.
 745      */
 746     static INLINE void SetRestoreFocus(BOOL doSet) {
 747         sm_suppressFocusAndActivation = doSet;
 748         sm_restoreFocusAndActivation = doSet;
 749     }
 751     virtual void SetDragCapture(UINT flags);
 752     virtual void ReleaseDragCapture(UINT flags);
 754     virtual void FillBackground(HDC hMemoryDC, SIZE &size);
 755     virtual void FillAlpha(void *bitmapBits, SIZE &size, BYTE alpha);
 757     int ScaleUpX(int x);
 758     int ScaleUpY(int y);
 759     int ScaleDownX(int x);
 760     int ScaleDownY(int y);
 762 private:
 763     /* A bitmask keeps the button's numbers as MK_LBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, MK_RBUTTON
 764      * which are allowed to
 765      * generate the CLICK event after the RELEASE has happened.
 766      * There are conditions that must be true for that sending CLICK event:
 767      * 1) button was initially PRESSED
 768      * 2) no movement or drag has happened until RELEASE
 769     */
 770     UINT m_mouseButtonClickAllowed;
 772     BOOL m_touchDownOccurred;
 773     BOOL m_touchUpOccurred;
 774     POINT m_touchDownPoint;
 775     POINT m_touchUpPoint;
 777     BOOL m_bSubclassed;
 778     BOOL m_bPauseDestroy;
 780     COLORREF m_colorForeground;
 781     COLORREF m_colorBackground;
 783     AwtPen*  m_penForeground;
 784     AwtBrush* m_brushBackground;
 786     WNDPROC  m_DefWindowProc;
 787     // counter for messages being processed by this component
 788     UINT     m_MessagesProcessing;
 790     // provides a unique ID for child controls
 791     UINT     m_nextControlID;
 793     // DeferWindowPos handle for batched-up window positioning
 794     HDWP     m_hdwp;
 795     // Counter to handle nested calls to Begin/EndValidate
 796     UINT     m_validationNestCount;
 798     AwtDropTarget* m_dropTarget; // associated DropTarget object
 800     // When we process WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE we remember the keyboard
 801     // layout handle and associated input language and codepage.
 802     // We also invalidate VK translation table for VK_OEM_* codes
 803     static HKL    m_hkl;
 804     static UINT   m_CodePage;
 805     static LANGID m_idLang;
 807     static BOOL sm_rtl;
 808     static BOOL sm_rtlReadingOrder;
 810     static BOOL sm_PrimaryDynamicTableBuilt;
 812     jobject m_InputMethod;
 813     BOOL    m_useNativeCompWindow;
 814     LPARAM  m_bitsCandType;
 815     UINT    m_PendingLeadByte;
 817     void SetComponentInHWND();
 819     // Determines whether a given virtual key is on the numpad
 820     static BOOL IsNumPadKey(UINT vkey, BOOL extended);
 822     // Determines the keyLocation of a given key
 823     static jint GetKeyLocation(UINT wkey, UINT flags);
 824     static jint GetShiftKeyLocation(UINT wkey, UINT flags);
 826     // Cache for FindComponent
 827     static HWND sm_cursorOn;
 829     static BOOL m_QueryNewPaletteCalled;
 831     static AwtComponent* sm_getComponentCache; // a cache for the GetComponent(..) method.
 833     int windowMoveLockPosX;
 834     int windowMoveLockPosY;
 835     int windowMoveLockPosCX;
 836     int windowMoveLockPosCY;
 838     // 6524352: support finer-resolution
 839     int m_wheelRotationAmountX;
 840     int m_wheelRotationAmountY;
 842     BOOL deadKeyActive;
 844     /*
 845      * The association list of children's IDs and corresponding components.
 846      * Some components like Choice or List are required their sizes while
 847      * the creations of themselfs are in progress.
 848      */
 849     class ChildListItem {
 850     public:
 851         ChildListItem(UINT id, AwtComponent* component) {
 852             m_ID = id;
 853             m_Component = component;
 854             m_next = NULL;
 855         }
 856         ~ChildListItem() {
 857             if (m_next != NULL)
 858                 delete m_next;
 859         }
 861         UINT m_ID;
 862         AwtComponent* m_Component;
 863         ChildListItem* m_next;
 864     };
 866 public:
 867     INLINE void PushChild(UINT id, AwtComponent* component) {
 868         ChildListItem* child = new ChildListItem(id, component);
 869         child->m_next = m_childList;
 870         m_childList = child;
 871     }
 873     static void SetParent(void * param);
 874 private:
 875     AwtComponent* SearchChild(UINT id);
 876     void RemoveChild(UINT id) ;
 877     static BOOL IsNavigationKey(UINT wkey);
 878     static void BuildPrimaryDynamicTable();
 880     ChildListItem* m_childList;
 882     HCURSOR m_hCursorCache; // the latest cursor which has been active within the heavyweight component
 883 public:
 884     inline void setCursorCache(HCURSOR hCursor) {
 885         m_hCursorCache = hCursor;
 886     }
 887     inline HCURSOR getCursorCache() {
 888         return m_hCursorCache;
 889     }
 890 };
 892 class CounterHelper {
 893 private:
 894     UINT *m_counter;
 895 public:
 896     explicit CounterHelper(UINT *counter) {
 897         m_counter = counter;
 898         (*m_counter)++;
 899     }
 900     ~CounterHelper() {
 901         (*m_counter)--;
 902         m_counter = NULL;
 903     }
 904 };
 906 // DC management objects; these classes are used to track the list of
 907 // DC's associated with a given Component.  Then DC's can be released
 908 // appropriately on demand or on window destruction to avoid resource
 909 // leakage.
 910 class DCItem {
 911 public:
 912     HDC             hDC;
 913     HWND            hWnd;
 914     DCItem          *next;
 915 };
 916 class DCList {
 917     DCItem          *head;
 918     CriticalSection listLock;
 919 public:
 920     DCList() { head = NULL; }
 922     void            AddDC(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd);
 923     void            AddDCItem(DCItem *newItem);
 924     DCItem          *RemoveDC(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd);
 925     DCItem          *RemoveAllDCs(HWND hWnd);
 926     DCItem          *RemoveAllDCs();
 927     void            RealizePalettes(int screen);
 928 };
 930 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list);
 931 void ReleaseDCList(DCList &list);
 932 void MoveDCToPassiveList(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd);
 934 #include "ObjectList.h"
 936 #endif /* AWT_COMPONENT_H */