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  70  *  uses internal class sun.misc.FloatingDecimal and its dtoa(double) method to
  71  *  provide digits,  fast-path embeds its own  algorithm for  binary to decimal
  72  *  string conversion.
  73  *
  74  *  FloatingDecimal always converts completely  the passed double to  a string.
  75  *  Fast-path converts  only to the needed digits  since it follows constraints
  76  *  on both the pattern rule,  the  DecimalFormat instance properties, and  the
  77  *  passed double.
  78  *
  79  *  Micro benchmarks below measure  the throughput for formating double  values
  80  *  using NumberFormat.format(double)  call stack.  The  standard DecimalFormat
  81  *  call stack as well as the  fast-path algorithm implementation are sensitive
  82  *  to the nature of the passed double values regarding throughput performance.
  83  *
  84  *  These benchmarks are useful both  for measuring the global performance gain
  85  *  of fast-path and to check that any modification done on fast-path algorithm
  86  *  does not bring any regression in the performance boost of fast-path.
  87  *
  88  *  Note  that these benchmarks  will provide numbers  without any knowledge of
  89  *  the  implementation of DecimalFormat class. So  to check regression any run
  90  *  should be compared to another reference run with  a previous JDK, wether or
  91  *  not this previous reference JDK contains fast-path implementation.
  92  *
  93  *  The eight benchmarks below are dedicated to measure throughput on different
  94  *  kinds of double that all fall in the fast-path case (all in Integer range):
  95  *
  96  *  - Integer case : used double values are all "integer-like" (ex: -12345.0).
  97  *    This is the benchFormatInteger micro-benchmark.
  98  *
  99  *  - Fractional case : double values are "fractional" (ex: -0.12345).
 100  *    This is the benchFormatFractional micro-benchmark.
 101  *
 102  *  - Small integral case : like Integer case but double values are all limited
 103  *    in their magnitude, from -500.0 to 500.0 if the number of iterations N is
 104  *    set to 500000.
 105  *    This is the benchFormatSmallIntegral micro-benchmark.
 106  *
 107  *  - Fractional All Nines : doubles values have fractional part that is very
 108  *    close to "999" (decimal pattern), or "99" (currency pattern),
 109  *    or "0000...".
 110  *    This is the benchFormatFractionalAllNines micro-benchmark.

  70  *  uses internal class sun.misc.FloatingDecimal and its dtoa(double) method to
  71  *  provide digits,  fast-path embeds its own  algorithm for  binary to decimal
  72  *  string conversion.
  73  *
  74  *  FloatingDecimal always converts completely  the passed double to  a string.
  75  *  Fast-path converts  only to the needed digits  since it follows constraints
  76  *  on both the pattern rule,  the  DecimalFormat instance properties, and  the
  77  *  passed double.
  78  *
  79  *  Micro benchmarks below measure  the throughput for formating double  values
  80  *  using NumberFormat.format(double)  call stack.  The  standard DecimalFormat
  81  *  call stack as well as the  fast-path algorithm implementation are sensitive
  82  *  to the nature of the passed double values regarding throughput performance.
  83  *
  84  *  These benchmarks are useful both  for measuring the global performance gain
  85  *  of fast-path and to check that any modification done on fast-path algorithm
  86  *  does not bring any regression in the performance boost of fast-path.
  87  *
  88  *  Note  that these benchmarks  will provide numbers  without any knowledge of
  89  *  the  implementation of DecimalFormat class. So  to check regression any run
  90  *  should be compared to another reference run with  a previous JDK, whether or
  91  *  not this previous reference JDK contains fast-path implementation.
  92  *
  93  *  The eight benchmarks below are dedicated to measure throughput on different
  94  *  kinds of double that all fall in the fast-path case (all in Integer range):
  95  *
  96  *  - Integer case : used double values are all "integer-like" (ex: -12345.0).
  97  *    This is the benchFormatInteger micro-benchmark.
  98  *
  99  *  - Fractional case : double values are "fractional" (ex: -0.12345).
 100  *    This is the benchFormatFractional micro-benchmark.
 101  *
 102  *  - Small integral case : like Integer case but double values are all limited
 103  *    in their magnitude, from -500.0 to 500.0 if the number of iterations N is
 104  *    set to 500000.
 105  *    This is the benchFormatSmallIntegral micro-benchmark.
 106  *
 107  *  - Fractional All Nines : doubles values have fractional part that is very
 108  *    close to "999" (decimal pattern), or "99" (currency pattern),
 109  *    or "0000...".
 110  *    This is the benchFormatFractionalAllNines micro-benchmark.

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