< prev index next >


Print this page

 375     /// Reload all options and refreshes the canvas
 376     public void loadOptions( boolean grid, boolean force16, int start, int end,
 377                              String name, float size, int style,
 378                              int transform, int g2transform,
 379                              int text, int method, int aa, int fm,
 380                              int contrast, String[] user ) {
 381         int[] range = { start, end };
 383         /// Since repaint call has a low priority, these functions will finish
 384         /// before the actual repainting is done
 385         setGridDisplay( grid );
 386         setForce16Columns( force16 );
 387         // previous call to readTextFile has already set the text to draw
 388         if (textToUse != FILE_TEXT) {
 389           setTextToDraw( text, range, user, null );
 390         }
 391         setFontParams( name, size, style, transform );
 392         setTransformG2( g2transform ); // ABP
 393         setDrawMethod( method );
 394         setRenderingHints(AAValues.getValue(aa), FMValues.getValue(fm),
 395                           new Integer(contrast));
 396     }
 398     /// Writes the current screen to PNG file
 399     public void doSavePNG( String fileName ) {
 400         fc.writePNG( fileName );
 401     }
 403     /// When scrolled using the scroll bar, update the backbuffer
 404     public void adjustmentValueChanged( AdjustmentEvent e ) {
 405         fc.repaint();
 406     }
 408     public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
 409         // Windows does not repaint correctly, after
 410         // a zoom. Thus, we need to force the canvas
 411         // to repaint, but only once. After the first repaint,
 412         // everything stabilizes. [ABP]
 413         fc.repaint();
 414     }

 418     /// Inner panel that holds the actual drawing area and its routines
 419     private class FontCanvas extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Printable {
 421         /// Number of characters that will fit across and down this canvas
 422         private int numCharAcross, numCharDown;
 424         /// First and last character/line that will be drawn
 425         /// Limit is the end of range/text where no more draw will be done
 426         private int drawStart, drawEnd, drawLimit;
 428         /// FontMetrics variables
 429         /// Here, gridWidth is equivalent to maxAdvance (slightly bigger though)
 430         /// and gridHeight is equivalent to lineHeight
 431         private int maxAscent, maxDescent, gridWidth = 0, gridHeight = 0;
 433         /// Offset from the top left edge of the canvas where the draw will start
 434         private int canvasInset_X = 5, canvasInset_Y = 5;
 436         /// LineBreak'ed TextLayout vector
 437         private Vector lineBreakTLs = null;
 439         /// Whether the current draw command requested is for printing
 440         private boolean isPrinting = false;
 442         /// Other printing infos
 443         private int lastPage, printPageNumber, currentlyShownChar = 0;
 444         private final int PR_OFFSET = 10;
 445         private final int PR_TITLE_LINEHEIGHT = 30;
 447         /// Information about zooming (used with range text draw)
 448         private final JWindow zoomWindow;
 449         private BufferedImage zoomImage = null;
 450         private int mouseOverCharX = -1, mouseOverCharY = -1;
 451         private int currMouseOverChar = -1, prevZoomChar = -1;
 452         private float ZOOM = 2.0f;
 453         private boolean nowZooming = false;
 454         private boolean firstTime = true;
 455 // ABP
 457         /// Status bar message backup

 783                   throw new CannotDrawException( isPrinting ? CANT_FIT_PRINT : CANT_FIT_DRAW );
 785                 if ( !isPrinting )
 786                   resetScrollbar( verticalBar.getValue() * numCharAcross );
 787             }
 788             else {
 789                 maxDescent += fm.getLeading();
 790                 canvasInset_X = 5;
 791                 canvasInset_Y = 5;
 792                 /// gridWidth and numCharAcross will not be used in this mode...
 793                 gridHeight = maxAscent + maxDescent;
 794                 numCharDown = ( h - canvasInset_Y * 2 ) / gridHeight;
 796                 if ( numCharDown == 0 )
 797                   throw new CannotDrawException( isPrinting ? CANT_FIT_PRINT : CANT_FIT_DRAW );
 798                 /// If this is text loaded from file, prepares the LineBreak'ed
 799                 /// text layout at this point
 800                 if ( textToUse == FILE_TEXT ) {
 801                     if ( !isPrinting )
 802                       f2dt.fireChangeStatus( "LineBreaking Text... Please Wait", false );
 803                     lineBreakTLs = new Vector();
 804                     for ( int i = 0; i < fileText.length; i++ ) {
 805                         AttributedString as =
 806                           new AttributedString( fileText[i], g2.getFont().getAttributes() );
 808                         LineBreakMeasurer lbm =
 809                           new LineBreakMeasurer( as.getIterator(), g2.getFontRenderContext() );
 811                         while ( lbm.getPosition() < fileText[i].length() )
 812                           lineBreakTLs.add( lbm.nextLayout( (float) w ));
 814                     }
 815                 }
 816                 if ( !isPrinting )
 817                   resetScrollbar( verticalBar.getValue() );
 818             }
 819         }
 821         /// Calculates the amount of text that will be displayed on screen
 822         private void calcTextRange() {
 823             String displaying = null;

 913                       modeSpecificDrawChar( g2, charToDraw,
 914                                             gridLocX + gridWidth / 2,
 915                                             gridLocY + maxAscent );
 917                   }
 918                 }
 919             }
 920             else if ( textToUse == USER_TEXT ) {
 921                 g2.drawRect( 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1 );
 922                 for ( int i = drawStart; i <= drawEnd; i++ ) {
 923                     int lineStartX = canvasInset_Y;
 924                     int lineStartY = ( i - drawStart ) * gridHeight + maxAscent;
 925                     modeSpecificDrawLine( g2, userText[i], lineStartX, lineStartY );
 926                 }
 927             }
 928             else {
 929                 float xPos, yPos = (float) canvasInset_Y;
 930                 g2.drawRect( 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1 );
 931                 for ( int i = drawStart; i <= drawEnd; i++ ) {
 932                     TextLayout oneLine = (TextLayout) lineBreakTLs.elementAt( i );
 933                     xPos =
 934                       oneLine.isLeftToRight() ?
 935                       canvasInset_X : ( (float) w - oneLine.getAdvance() - canvasInset_X );
 937                     float[] fmData = {0, oneLine.getAscent(), 0, oneLine.getDescent(), 0, oneLine.getLeading()};
 938                     if (g2Transform != NONE) {
 939                         AffineTransform at = getAffineTransform(g2Transform);
 940                         at.transform( fmData, 0, fmData, 0, 3);
 941                     }
 942                     //yPos += oneLine.getAscent();
 943                     yPos += fmData[1]; // ascent
 944                     //oneLine.draw( g2, xPos, yPos );
 945                     tlDrawLine( g2, oneLine, xPos, yPos );
 946                     //yPos += oneLine.getDescent() + oneLine.getLeading();
 947                     yPos += fmData[3] + fmData[5]; // descent + leading
 948                 }
 949             }
 950             g2.dispose();
 951         }

 975             if ( pageIndex == 0 ) {
 976                 /// Reset the last page index to max...
 977                 lastPage = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 978                 currentlyShownChar = verticalBar.getValue() * numCharAcross;
 979             }
 981             if ( printMode == ONE_PAGE ) {
 982                 if ( pageIndex > 0 )
 983                   return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
 984             }
 985             else {
 986                 if ( pageIndex > lastPage )
 987                   return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
 988             }
 990             int pageWidth = (int) pf.getImageableWidth();
 991             int pageHeight = (int) pf.getImageableHeight();
 992             /// Back up metrics and other drawing info before printing modifies it
 993             int backupDrawStart = drawStart, backupDrawEnd = drawEnd;
 994             int backupNumCharAcross = numCharAcross, backupNumCharDown = numCharDown;
 995             Vector backupLineBreakTLs = null;
 996             if ( textToUse == FILE_TEXT )
 997               backupLineBreakTLs = (Vector) lineBreakTLs.clone();
 999             printPageNumber = pageIndex;
1000             isPrinting = true;
1001             /// Push the actual draw area 60 down to allow info to be printed
1002             g.translate( (int) pf.getImageableX(), (int) pf.getImageableY() + 60 );
1003             try {
1004                 drawText( g, pageWidth, pageHeight - 60 );
1005             }
1006             catch ( CannotDrawException e ) {
1007                 f2dt.fireChangeStatus( ERRORS[ e.id ], true );
1008                 return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
1009             }
1011             /// Draw information about what is being printed
1012             String hints = ( " with antialias " + antiAliasType + "and" +
1013                              " fractional metrics " + fractionalMetricsType +
1014                              " and lcd contrast = " + lcdContrast);
1015             String infoLine1 = ( "Printing" + MS_OPENING[textToUse] +
1016                                  modeSpecificNumStr( drawStart ) + " to " +
1017                                  modeSpecificNumStr( drawEnd ) + MS_CLOSING[textToUse] );

1120                   zoomWindow.setSize( zoomAreaWidth + 1, zoomAreaHeight + 20 );
1121                 else
1122                   zoomWindow.setSize( zoomAreaWidth + 1, zoomAreaHeight + 1 );
1123             }
1125             /// Prepare zoomed image
1126             zoomImage =
1127               (BufferedImage) zoomWindow.createImage( zoomAreaWidth + 1,
1128                                                       zoomAreaHeight + 1 );
1129             Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) zoomImage.getGraphics();
1130             testFont = testFont.deriveFont( fontSize * ZOOM );
1131             setParams( g2 );
1132             g2.setColor( Color.white );
1133             g2.fillRect( 0, 0, zoomAreaWidth, zoomAreaHeight );
1134             g2.setColor( Color.black );
1135             g2.drawRect( 0, 0, zoomAreaWidth, zoomAreaHeight );
1136             modeSpecificDrawChar( g2, currMouseOverChar,
1137                                   zoomAreaWidth / 2, (int) ( maxAscent * ZOOM ));
1138             g2.dispose();
1139             if ( !nowZooming )
1140               zoomWindow.show();
1141             /// This is sort of redundant... since there is a paint function
1142             /// inside zoomWindow definition that does the drawImage.
1143             /// (I should be able to call just repaint() here)
1144             /// However, for some reason, that paint function fails to respond
1145             /// from second time and on; So I have to force the paint here...
1146             zoomWindow.getGraphics().drawImage( zoomImage, 0, 0, this );
1148             nowZooming = true;
1149             prevZoomChar = currMouseOverChar;
1150             testFont = backup;
1152             // Windows does not repaint correctly, after
1153             // a zoom. Thus, we need to force the canvas
1154             // to repaint, but only once. After the first repaint,
1155             // everything stabilizes. [ABP]
1156             if ( firstTime() ) {
1157                 refresh();
1158             }
1159         }
1161         /// Listener Functions
1163         /// MouseListener interface function
1164         /// Zooms a character when mouse is pressed above it
1165         public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {
1166             if ( !showingError) {
1167                 if ( checkMouseLoc( e )) {
1168                     showZoomed();
1169                     this.setCursor( blankCursor );
1170                 }
1171             }
1172         }
1174         /// MouseListener interface function
1175         /// Redraws the area that was drawn over by zoomed character
1176         public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) {
1177             if ( textToUse == RANGE_TEXT || textToUse == ALL_GLYPHS ) {
1178                 if ( nowZooming )
1179                   zoomWindow.hide();
1180                 nowZooming = false;
1181             }
1182             this.setCursor( Cursor.getDefaultCursor() );
1183         }
1185         /// MouseListener interface function
1186         /// Resets the status bar to display range instead of a specific character
1187         public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) {
1188             if ( !showingError && !nowZooming )
1189               f2dt.fireChangeStatus( backupStatusString, false );
1190         }
1192         /// MouseMotionListener interface function
1193         /// Adjusts the status bar message when mouse moves over a character
1194         public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e ) {
1195             if ( !showingError ) {
1196                 if ( !checkMouseLoc( e ))
1197                   f2dt.fireChangeStatus( backupStatusString, false );
1198             }
1199         }

1230         private String name;
1231         private Object hint;
1233         private static FMValues[] valArray;
1235         FMValues(String s, Object o) {
1236             name = s;
1237             hint = o;
1238         }
1240         public String toString() {
1241             return name;
1242         }
1244        public Object getHint() {
1245            return hint;
1246        }
1247        public static Object getValue(int ordinal) {
1248            if (valArray == null) {
1249                valArray = (FMValues[])EnumSet.allOf(FMValues.class).toArray(new FMValues[0]);
1250            }
1251            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1252                if (valArray[i].ordinal() == ordinal) {
1253                    return valArray[i];
1254                }
1255            }
1256            return valArray[0];
1257        }
1258        private static FMValues[] getArray() {
1259            if (valArray == null) {
1260                valArray = (FMValues[])EnumSet.allOf(FMValues.class).toArray(new FMValues[0]);
1261            }
1262            return valArray;
1263        }
1265        public static int getHintVal(Object hint) {
1266            getArray();
1267            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1268                if (valArray[i].getHint() == hint) {
1269                    return i;
1270                }
1271            }
1272            return 0;
1273        }
1274     }
1276    enum AAValues {
1278        AAOFF     ("OFF",      VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF),
1279        AAON      ("ON",       VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON),

1291         AAValues(String s, Object o) {
1292             name = s;
1293             hint = o;
1294         }
1296         public String toString() {
1297             return name;
1298         }
1300        public Object getHint() {
1301            return hint;
1302        }
1304        public static boolean isLCDMode(Object o) {
1305            return (o instanceof AAValues &&
1306                    ((AAValues)o).ordinal() >= AALCDHRGB.ordinal());
1307        }
1309        public static Object getValue(int ordinal) {
1310            if (valArray == null) {
1311                valArray = (AAValues[])EnumSet.allOf(AAValues.class).toArray(new AAValues[0]);
1312            }
1313            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1314                if (valArray[i].ordinal() == ordinal) {
1315                    return valArray[i];
1316                }
1317            }
1318            return valArray[0];
1319        }
1321        private static AAValues[] getArray() {
1322            if (valArray == null) {
1323                Object [] oa = EnumSet.allOf(AAValues.class).toArray(new AAValues[0]);
1324                valArray = (AAValues[])(EnumSet.allOf(AAValues.class).toArray(new AAValues[0]));
1325            }
1326            return valArray;
1327        }
1329        public static int getHintVal(Object hint) {
1330            getArray();
1331            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1332                if (valArray[i].getHint() == hint) {
1333                    return i;
1334                }
1335            }
1336            return 0;
1337        }
1339     }
1341     private static Integer defaultContrast;
1342     static Integer getDefaultLCDContrast() {
1343         if (defaultContrast == null) {
1344             GraphicsConfiguration gc =

 375     /// Reload all options and refreshes the canvas
 376     public void loadOptions( boolean grid, boolean force16, int start, int end,
 377                              String name, float size, int style,
 378                              int transform, int g2transform,
 379                              int text, int method, int aa, int fm,
 380                              int contrast, String[] user ) {
 381         int[] range = { start, end };
 383         /// Since repaint call has a low priority, these functions will finish
 384         /// before the actual repainting is done
 385         setGridDisplay( grid );
 386         setForce16Columns( force16 );
 387         // previous call to readTextFile has already set the text to draw
 388         if (textToUse != FILE_TEXT) {
 389           setTextToDraw( text, range, user, null );
 390         }
 391         setFontParams( name, size, style, transform );
 392         setTransformG2( g2transform ); // ABP
 393         setDrawMethod( method );
 394         setRenderingHints(AAValues.getValue(aa), FMValues.getValue(fm),
 395                           Integer.valueOf(contrast));
 396     }
 398     /// Writes the current screen to PNG file
 399     public void doSavePNG( String fileName ) {
 400         fc.writePNG( fileName );
 401     }
 403     /// When scrolled using the scroll bar, update the backbuffer
 404     public void adjustmentValueChanged( AdjustmentEvent e ) {
 405         fc.repaint();
 406     }
 408     public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
 409         // Windows does not repaint correctly, after
 410         // a zoom. Thus, we need to force the canvas
 411         // to repaint, but only once. After the first repaint,
 412         // everything stabilizes. [ABP]
 413         fc.repaint();
 414     }

 418     /// Inner panel that holds the actual drawing area and its routines
 419     private class FontCanvas extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Printable {
 421         /// Number of characters that will fit across and down this canvas
 422         private int numCharAcross, numCharDown;
 424         /// First and last character/line that will be drawn
 425         /// Limit is the end of range/text where no more draw will be done
 426         private int drawStart, drawEnd, drawLimit;
 428         /// FontMetrics variables
 429         /// Here, gridWidth is equivalent to maxAdvance (slightly bigger though)
 430         /// and gridHeight is equivalent to lineHeight
 431         private int maxAscent, maxDescent, gridWidth = 0, gridHeight = 0;
 433         /// Offset from the top left edge of the canvas where the draw will start
 434         private int canvasInset_X = 5, canvasInset_Y = 5;
 436         /// LineBreak'ed TextLayout vector
 437         private Vector<TextLayout> lineBreakTLs = null;
 439         /// Whether the current draw command requested is for printing
 440         private boolean isPrinting = false;
 442         /// Other printing infos
 443         private int lastPage, printPageNumber, currentlyShownChar = 0;
 444         private final int PR_OFFSET = 10;
 445         private final int PR_TITLE_LINEHEIGHT = 30;
 447         /// Information about zooming (used with range text draw)
 448         private final JWindow zoomWindow;
 449         private BufferedImage zoomImage = null;
 450         private int mouseOverCharX = -1, mouseOverCharY = -1;
 451         private int currMouseOverChar = -1, prevZoomChar = -1;
 452         private float ZOOM = 2.0f;
 453         private boolean nowZooming = false;
 454         private boolean firstTime = true;
 455 // ABP
 457         /// Status bar message backup

 783                   throw new CannotDrawException( isPrinting ? CANT_FIT_PRINT : CANT_FIT_DRAW );
 785                 if ( !isPrinting )
 786                   resetScrollbar( verticalBar.getValue() * numCharAcross );
 787             }
 788             else {
 789                 maxDescent += fm.getLeading();
 790                 canvasInset_X = 5;
 791                 canvasInset_Y = 5;
 792                 /// gridWidth and numCharAcross will not be used in this mode...
 793                 gridHeight = maxAscent + maxDescent;
 794                 numCharDown = ( h - canvasInset_Y * 2 ) / gridHeight;
 796                 if ( numCharDown == 0 )
 797                   throw new CannotDrawException( isPrinting ? CANT_FIT_PRINT : CANT_FIT_DRAW );
 798                 /// If this is text loaded from file, prepares the LineBreak'ed
 799                 /// text layout at this point
 800                 if ( textToUse == FILE_TEXT ) {
 801                     if ( !isPrinting )
 802                       f2dt.fireChangeStatus( "LineBreaking Text... Please Wait", false );
 803                     lineBreakTLs = new Vector<>();
 804                     for ( int i = 0; i < fileText.length; i++ ) {
 805                         AttributedString as =
 806                           new AttributedString( fileText[i], g2.getFont().getAttributes() );
 808                         LineBreakMeasurer lbm =
 809                           new LineBreakMeasurer( as.getIterator(), g2.getFontRenderContext() );
 811                         while ( lbm.getPosition() < fileText[i].length() )
 812                           lineBreakTLs.add( lbm.nextLayout( (float) w ));
 814                     }
 815                 }
 816                 if ( !isPrinting )
 817                   resetScrollbar( verticalBar.getValue() );
 818             }
 819         }
 821         /// Calculates the amount of text that will be displayed on screen
 822         private void calcTextRange() {
 823             String displaying = null;

 913                       modeSpecificDrawChar( g2, charToDraw,
 914                                             gridLocX + gridWidth / 2,
 915                                             gridLocY + maxAscent );
 917                   }
 918                 }
 919             }
 920             else if ( textToUse == USER_TEXT ) {
 921                 g2.drawRect( 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1 );
 922                 for ( int i = drawStart; i <= drawEnd; i++ ) {
 923                     int lineStartX = canvasInset_Y;
 924                     int lineStartY = ( i - drawStart ) * gridHeight + maxAscent;
 925                     modeSpecificDrawLine( g2, userText[i], lineStartX, lineStartY );
 926                 }
 927             }
 928             else {
 929                 float xPos, yPos = (float) canvasInset_Y;
 930                 g2.drawRect( 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1 );
 931                 for ( int i = drawStart; i <= drawEnd; i++ ) {
 932                     TextLayout oneLine = lineBreakTLs.elementAt( i );
 933                     xPos =
 934                       oneLine.isLeftToRight() ?
 935                       canvasInset_X : ( (float) w - oneLine.getAdvance() - canvasInset_X );
 937                     float[] fmData = {0, oneLine.getAscent(), 0, oneLine.getDescent(), 0, oneLine.getLeading()};
 938                     if (g2Transform != NONE) {
 939                         AffineTransform at = getAffineTransform(g2Transform);
 940                         at.transform( fmData, 0, fmData, 0, 3);
 941                     }
 942                     //yPos += oneLine.getAscent();
 943                     yPos += fmData[1]; // ascent
 944                     //oneLine.draw( g2, xPos, yPos );
 945                     tlDrawLine( g2, oneLine, xPos, yPos );
 946                     //yPos += oneLine.getDescent() + oneLine.getLeading();
 947                     yPos += fmData[3] + fmData[5]; // descent + leading
 948                 }
 949             }
 950             g2.dispose();
 951         }

 975             if ( pageIndex == 0 ) {
 976                 /// Reset the last page index to max...
 977                 lastPage = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 978                 currentlyShownChar = verticalBar.getValue() * numCharAcross;
 979             }
 981             if ( printMode == ONE_PAGE ) {
 982                 if ( pageIndex > 0 )
 983                   return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
 984             }
 985             else {
 986                 if ( pageIndex > lastPage )
 987                   return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
 988             }
 990             int pageWidth = (int) pf.getImageableWidth();
 991             int pageHeight = (int) pf.getImageableHeight();
 992             /// Back up metrics and other drawing info before printing modifies it
 993             int backupDrawStart = drawStart, backupDrawEnd = drawEnd;
 994             int backupNumCharAcross = numCharAcross, backupNumCharDown = numCharDown;
 995             Vector<TextLayout> backupLineBreakTLs = null;
 996             if ( textToUse == FILE_TEXT )
 997               backupLineBreakTLs = new Vector<>(lineBreakTLs);
 999             printPageNumber = pageIndex;
1000             isPrinting = true;
1001             /// Push the actual draw area 60 down to allow info to be printed
1002             g.translate( (int) pf.getImageableX(), (int) pf.getImageableY() + 60 );
1003             try {
1004                 drawText( g, pageWidth, pageHeight - 60 );
1005             }
1006             catch ( CannotDrawException e ) {
1007                 f2dt.fireChangeStatus( ERRORS[ e.id ], true );
1008                 return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
1009             }
1011             /// Draw information about what is being printed
1012             String hints = ( " with antialias " + antiAliasType + "and" +
1013                              " fractional metrics " + fractionalMetricsType +
1014                              " and lcd contrast = " + lcdContrast);
1015             String infoLine1 = ( "Printing" + MS_OPENING[textToUse] +
1016                                  modeSpecificNumStr( drawStart ) + " to " +
1017                                  modeSpecificNumStr( drawEnd ) + MS_CLOSING[textToUse] );

1120                   zoomWindow.setSize( zoomAreaWidth + 1, zoomAreaHeight + 20 );
1121                 else
1122                   zoomWindow.setSize( zoomAreaWidth + 1, zoomAreaHeight + 1 );
1123             }
1125             /// Prepare zoomed image
1126             zoomImage =
1127               (BufferedImage) zoomWindow.createImage( zoomAreaWidth + 1,
1128                                                       zoomAreaHeight + 1 );
1129             Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) zoomImage.getGraphics();
1130             testFont = testFont.deriveFont( fontSize * ZOOM );
1131             setParams( g2 );
1132             g2.setColor( Color.white );
1133             g2.fillRect( 0, 0, zoomAreaWidth, zoomAreaHeight );
1134             g2.setColor( Color.black );
1135             g2.drawRect( 0, 0, zoomAreaWidth, zoomAreaHeight );
1136             modeSpecificDrawChar( g2, currMouseOverChar,
1137                                   zoomAreaWidth / 2, (int) ( maxAscent * ZOOM ));
1138             g2.dispose();
1139             if ( !nowZooming )
1140               zoomWindow.setVisible(true);
1141             /// This is sort of redundant... since there is a paint function
1142             /// inside zoomWindow definition that does the drawImage.
1143             /// (I should be able to call just repaint() here)
1144             /// However, for some reason, that paint function fails to respond
1145             /// from second time and on; So I have to force the paint here...
1146             zoomWindow.getGraphics().drawImage( zoomImage, 0, 0, this );
1148             nowZooming = true;
1149             prevZoomChar = currMouseOverChar;
1150             testFont = backup;
1152             // Windows does not repaint correctly, after
1153             // a zoom. Thus, we need to force the canvas
1154             // to repaint, but only once. After the first repaint,
1155             // everything stabilizes. [ABP]
1156             if ( firstTime() ) {
1157                 refresh();
1158             }
1159         }
1161         /// Listener Functions
1163         /// MouseListener interface function
1164         /// Zooms a character when mouse is pressed above it
1165         public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {
1166             if ( !showingError) {
1167                 if ( checkMouseLoc( e )) {
1168                     showZoomed();
1169                     this.setCursor( blankCursor );
1170                 }
1171             }
1172         }
1174         /// MouseListener interface function
1175         /// Redraws the area that was drawn over by zoomed character
1176         public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) {
1177             if ( textToUse == RANGE_TEXT || textToUse == ALL_GLYPHS ) {
1178                 if ( nowZooming )
1179                   zoomWindow.setVisible(false);
1180                 nowZooming = false;
1181             }
1182             this.setCursor( Cursor.getDefaultCursor() );
1183         }
1185         /// MouseListener interface function
1186         /// Resets the status bar to display range instead of a specific character
1187         public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) {
1188             if ( !showingError && !nowZooming )
1189               f2dt.fireChangeStatus( backupStatusString, false );
1190         }
1192         /// MouseMotionListener interface function
1193         /// Adjusts the status bar message when mouse moves over a character
1194         public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e ) {
1195             if ( !showingError ) {
1196                 if ( !checkMouseLoc( e ))
1197                   f2dt.fireChangeStatus( backupStatusString, false );
1198             }
1199         }

1230         private String name;
1231         private Object hint;
1233         private static FMValues[] valArray;
1235         FMValues(String s, Object o) {
1236             name = s;
1237             hint = o;
1238         }
1240         public String toString() {
1241             return name;
1242         }
1244        public Object getHint() {
1245            return hint;
1246        }
1247        public static Object getValue(int ordinal) {
1248            if (valArray == null) {
1249                valArray = EnumSet.allOf(FMValues.class).toArray(new FMValues[0]);
1250            }
1251            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1252                if (valArray[i].ordinal() == ordinal) {
1253                    return valArray[i];
1254                }
1255            }
1256            return valArray[0];
1257        }
1258        private static FMValues[] getArray() {
1259            if (valArray == null) {
1260                valArray = EnumSet.allOf(FMValues.class).toArray(new FMValues[0]);
1261            }
1262            return valArray;
1263        }
1265        public static int getHintVal(Object hint) {
1266            getArray();
1267            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1268                if (valArray[i].getHint() == hint) {
1269                    return i;
1270                }
1271            }
1272            return 0;
1273        }
1274     }
1276    enum AAValues {
1278        AAOFF     ("OFF",      VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF),
1279        AAON      ("ON",       VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON),

1291         AAValues(String s, Object o) {
1292             name = s;
1293             hint = o;
1294         }
1296         public String toString() {
1297             return name;
1298         }
1300        public Object getHint() {
1301            return hint;
1302        }
1304        public static boolean isLCDMode(Object o) {
1305            return (o instanceof AAValues &&
1306                    ((AAValues)o).ordinal() >= AALCDHRGB.ordinal());
1307        }
1309        public static Object getValue(int ordinal) {
1310            if (valArray == null) {
1311                valArray = EnumSet.allOf(AAValues.class).toArray(new AAValues[0]);
1312            }
1313            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1314                if (valArray[i].ordinal() == ordinal) {
1315                    return valArray[i];
1316                }
1317            }
1318            return valArray[0];
1319        }
1321        private static AAValues[] getArray() {
1322            if (valArray == null) {
1323                Object [] oa = EnumSet.allOf(AAValues.class).toArray(new AAValues[0]);
1324                valArray = EnumSet.allOf(AAValues.class).toArray(new AAValues[0]);
1325            }
1326            return valArray;
1327        }
1329        public static int getHintVal(Object hint) {
1330            getArray();
1331            for (int i=0;i<valArray.length;i++) {
1332                if (valArray[i].getHint() == hint) {
1333                    return i;
1334                }
1335            }
1336            return 0;
1337        }
1339     }
1341     private static Integer defaultContrast;
1342     static Integer getDefaultLCDContrast() {
1343         if (defaultContrast == null) {
1344             GraphicsConfiguration gc =
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