/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.internal.platform.cgroupv1; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.stream.Stream; import jdk.internal.platform.CgroupSubsystem; import jdk.internal.platform.CgroupSubsystemController; import jdk.internal.platform.CgroupUtil; import jdk.internal.platform.MetricsCgroupV1; public class CgroupV1Subsystem implements CgroupSubsystem, MetricsCgroupV1 { private CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController memory; private CgroupV1SubsystemController cpu; private CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuacct; private CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuset; private CgroupV1SubsystemController blkio; private boolean activeSubSystems; private static final CgroupV1Subsystem INSTANCE = initSubSystem(); private static final String PROVIDER_NAME = "cgroupv1"; private CgroupV1Subsystem() { activeSubSystems = false; } public static CgroupV1Subsystem getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private static CgroupV1Subsystem initSubSystem() { CgroupV1Subsystem subsystem = new CgroupV1Subsystem(); /** * Find the cgroup mount points for subsystems * by reading /proc/self/mountinfo * * Example for docker MemorySubSystem subsystem: * 219 214 0:29 /docker/7208cebd00fa5f2e342b1094f7bed87fa25661471a4637118e65f1c995be8a34 /sys/fs/cgroup/MemorySubSystem ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - cgroup cgroup rw,MemorySubSystem * * Example for host: * 34 28 0:29 / /sys/fs/cgroup/MemorySubSystem rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:16 - cgroup cgroup rw,MemorySubSystem */ try (Stream lines = CgroupUtil.readFilePrivileged(Paths.get("/proc/self/mountinfo"))) { lines.filter(line -> line.contains(" - cgroup ")) .map(line -> line.split(" ")) .forEach(entry -> createSubSystemController(subsystem, entry)); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } /** * Read /proc/self/cgroup and map host mount point to * local one via /proc/self/mountinfo content above * * Docker example: * 5:memory:/docker/6558aed8fc662b194323ceab5b964f69cf36b3e8af877a14b80256e93aecb044 * * Host example: * 5:memory:/user.slice * * Construct a path to the process specific memory and cpuset * cgroup directory. * * For a container running under Docker from memory example above * the paths would be: * * /sys/fs/cgroup/memory * * For a Host from memory example above the path would be: * * /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/user.slice * */ try (Stream lines = CgroupUtil.readFilePrivileged(Paths.get("/proc/self/cgroup"))) { lines.map(line -> line.split(":")) .filter(line -> (line.length >= 3)) .forEach(line -> setSubSystemControllerPath(subsystem, line)); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } // Return Metrics object if we found any subsystems. if (subsystem.activeSubSystems()) { return subsystem; } return null; } /** * createSubSystem objects and initialize mount points */ private static void createSubSystemController(CgroupV1Subsystem subsystem, String[] mountentry) { if (mountentry.length < 5) return; Path p = Paths.get(mountentry[4]); String[] subsystemNames = p.getFileName().toString().split(","); for (String subsystemName: subsystemNames) { switch (subsystemName) { case "memory": subsystem.setMemorySubSystem(new CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController(mountentry[3], mountentry[4])); break; case "cpuset": subsystem.setCpuSetController(new CgroupV1SubsystemController(mountentry[3], mountentry[4])); break; case "cpuacct": subsystem.setCpuAcctController(new CgroupV1SubsystemController(mountentry[3], mountentry[4])); break; case "cpu": subsystem.setCpuController(new CgroupV1SubsystemController(mountentry[3], mountentry[4])); break; case "blkio": subsystem.setBlkIOController(new CgroupV1SubsystemController(mountentry[3], mountentry[4])); break; default: // Ignore subsystems that we don't support break; } } } /** * setSubSystemPath based on the contents of /proc/self/cgroup */ private static void setSubSystemControllerPath(CgroupV1Subsystem subsystem, String[] entry) { String controllerName; String base; CgroupV1SubsystemController controller = null; CgroupV1SubsystemController controller2 = null; controllerName = entry[1]; base = entry[2]; if (controllerName != null && base != null) { switch (controllerName) { case "memory": controller = subsystem.memoryController(); break; case "cpuset": controller = subsystem.cpuSetController(); break; case "cpu,cpuacct": case "cpuacct,cpu": controller = subsystem.cpuController(); controller2 = subsystem.cpuAcctController(); break; case "cpuacct": controller = subsystem.cpuAcctController(); break; case "cpu": controller = subsystem.cpuController(); break; case "blkio": controller = subsystem.blkIOController(); break; // Ignore subsystems that we don't support default: break; } } if (controller != null) { controller.setPath(base); if (controller instanceof CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController) { CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController memorySubSystem = (CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController)controller; boolean isHierarchial = getHierarchical(memorySubSystem); memorySubSystem.setHierarchical(isHierarchial); } subsystem.setActiveSubSystems(); } if (controller2 != null) { controller2.setPath(base); } } private static boolean getHierarchical(CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController controller) { long hierarchical = getLongValue(controller, "memory.use_hierarchy"); return hierarchical > 0; } private void setActiveSubSystems() { activeSubSystems = true; } private boolean activeSubSystems() { return activeSubSystems; } private void setMemorySubSystem(CgroupV1MemorySubSystemController memory) { this.memory = memory; } private void setCpuController(CgroupV1SubsystemController cpu) { this.cpu = cpu; } private void setCpuAcctController(CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuacct) { this.cpuacct = cpuacct; } private void setCpuSetController(CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuset) { this.cpuset = cpuset; } private void setBlkIOController(CgroupV1SubsystemController blkio) { this.blkio = blkio; } private CgroupV1SubsystemController memoryController() { return memory; } private CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuController() { return cpu; } private CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuAcctController() { return cpuacct; } private CgroupV1SubsystemController cpuSetController() { return cpuset; } private CgroupV1SubsystemController blkIOController() { return blkio; } private static long getLongValue(CgroupSubsystemController controller, String parm) { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongValue(controller, parm, CgroupV1SubsystemController::convertStringToLong); } public String getProvider() { return PROVIDER_NAME; } /***************************************************************** * CPU Accounting Subsystem ****************************************************************/ public long getCpuUsage() { return getLongValue(cpuacct, "cpuacct.usage"); } public long[] getPerCpuUsage() { String usagelist = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(cpuacct, "cpuacct.usage_percpu"); if (usagelist == null) { return null; } String list[] = usagelist.split(" "); long percpu[] = new long[list.length]; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { percpu[i] = Long.parseLong(list[i]); } return percpu; } public long getCpuUserUsage() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(cpuacct, "cpuacct.stat", "user"); } public long getCpuSystemUsage() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(cpuacct, "cpuacct.stat", "system"); } /***************************************************************** * CPU Subsystem ****************************************************************/ public long getCpuPeriod() { return getLongValue(cpu, "cpu.cfs_period_us"); } public long getCpuQuota() { return getLongValue(cpu, "cpu.cfs_quota_us"); } public long getCpuShares() { long retval = getLongValue(cpu, "cpu.shares"); if (retval == 0 || retval == 1024) return CgroupSubsystem.LONG_RETVAL_UNLIMITED; else return retval; } public long getCpuNumPeriods() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(cpu, "cpu.stat", "nr_periods"); } public long getCpuNumThrottled() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(cpu, "cpu.stat", "nr_throttled"); } public long getCpuThrottledTime() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(cpu, "cpu.stat", "throttled_time"); } public long getEffectiveCpuCount() { return Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } /***************************************************************** * CPUSet Subsystem ****************************************************************/ public int[] getCpuSetCpus() { return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(cpuset, "cpuset.cpus")); } public int[] getEffectiveCpuSetCpus() { return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(cpuset, "cpuset.effective_cpus")); } public int[] getCpuSetMems() { return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(cpuset, "cpuset.mems")); } public int[] getEffectiveCpuSetMems() { return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(cpuset, "cpuset.effective_mems")); } public double getCpuSetMemoryPressure() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getDoubleValue(cpuset, "cpuset.memory_pressure"); } public Boolean isCpuSetMemoryPressureEnabled() { long val = getLongValue(cpuset, "cpuset.memory_pressure_enabled"); return (val == 1); } /***************************************************************** * Memory Subsystem ****************************************************************/ public long getMemoryFailCount() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.failcnt"); } public long getMemoryLimit() { long retval = getLongValue(memory, "memory.limit_in_bytes"); if (retval > CgroupV1SubsystemController.UNLIMITED_MIN) { if (memory.isHierarchical()) { // memory.limit_in_bytes returned unlimited, attempt // hierarchical memory limit String match = "hierarchical_memory_limit"; retval = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongValueMatchingLine(memory, "memory.stat", match, CgroupV1Subsystem::convertHierachicalLimitLine); } } return CgroupV1SubsystemController.longValOrUnlimited(retval); } public static long convertHierachicalLimitLine(String line) { String[] tokens = line.split("\\s"); if (tokens.length == 2) { String strVal = tokens[1]; return CgroupV1SubsystemController.convertStringToLong(strVal); } return CgroupV1SubsystemController.UNLIMITED_MIN + 1; // unlimited } public long getMemoryMaxUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.max_usage_in_bytes"); } public long getMemoryUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.usage_in_bytes"); } public long getKernelMemoryFailCount() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.failcnt"); } public long getKernelMemoryLimit() { return CgroupV1SubsystemController.longValOrUnlimited(getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.limit_in_bytes")); } public long getKernelMemoryMaxUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.max_usage_in_bytes"); } public long getKernelMemoryUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.usage_in_bytes"); } public long getTcpMemoryFailCount() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.tcp.failcnt"); } public long getTcpMemoryLimit() { return CgroupV1SubsystemController.longValOrUnlimited(getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.tcp.limit_in_bytes")); } public long getTcpMemoryMaxUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.tcp.max_usage_in_bytes"); } public long getTcpMemoryUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.kmem.tcp.usage_in_bytes"); } public long getMemoryAndSwapFailCount() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.memsw.failcnt"); } public long getMemoryAndSwapLimit() { long retval = getLongValue(memory, "memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes"); if (retval > CgroupV1SubsystemController.UNLIMITED_MIN) { if (memory.isHierarchical()) { // memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes returned unlimited, attempt // hierarchical memory limit String match = "hierarchical_memsw_limit"; retval = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongValueMatchingLine(memory, "memory.stat", match, CgroupV1Subsystem::convertHierachicalLimitLine); } } return CgroupV1SubsystemController.longValOrUnlimited(retval); } public long getMemoryAndSwapMaxUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.memsw.max_usage_in_bytes"); } public long getMemoryAndSwapUsage() { return getLongValue(memory, "memory.memsw.usage_in_bytes"); } public Boolean isMemoryOOMKillEnabled() { long val = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(memory, "memory.oom_control", "oom_kill_disable"); return (val == 0); } public long getMemorySoftLimit() { return CgroupV1SubsystemController.longValOrUnlimited(getLongValue(memory, "memory.soft_limit_in_bytes")); } /***************************************************************** * BlKIO Subsystem ****************************************************************/ public long getBlkIOServiceCount() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(blkio, "blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes", "Total"); } public long getBlkIOServiced() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(blkio, "blkio.throttle.io_serviced", "Total"); } }