/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Red Hat Inc. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.internal.platform.cgroupv2; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import jdk.internal.platform.CgroupSubsystem; import jdk.internal.platform.CgroupSubsystemController; import jdk.internal.platform.CgroupUtil; public class CgroupV2Subsystem implements CgroupSubsystem { private final CgroupSubsystemController unified; private static final String PROVIDER_NAME = "cgroupv2"; private static final int PER_CPU_SHARES = 1024; private static final String MAX_VAL = "max"; private static final Object EMPTY_STR = ""; public CgroupV2Subsystem(CgroupSubsystemController unified) { this.unified = unified; } private long getLongVal(String file) { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongValue(unified, file, CgroupV2SubsystemController::convertStringToLong); } @Override public String getProvider() { return PROVIDER_NAME; } @Override public long getCpuUsage() { long micros = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "cpu.stat", "usage_usec"); return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(micros); } @Override public long[] getPerCpuUsage() { return null; // Not supported. } @Override public long getCpuUserUsage() { long micros = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "cpu.stat", "user_usec"); return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(micros); } @Override public long getCpuSystemUsage() { long micros = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "cpu.stat", "system_usec"); return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(micros); } @Override public long getCpuPeriod() { return getFromCpuMax(1 /* $PERIOD index */); } @Override public long getCpuQuota() { return getFromCpuMax(0 /* $MAX index */); } private long getFromCpuMax(int tokenIdx) { String cpuMaxRaw = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "cpu.max"); if (cpuMaxRaw == null) { // likely file not found return CgroupSubsystem.LONG_RETVAL_UNLIMITED; } // $MAX $PERIOD String[] tokens = cpuMaxRaw.split("\\s+"); if (tokens.length != 2) { return CgroupSubsystem.LONG_RETVAL_UNLIMITED; } String quota = tokens[tokenIdx]; return limitFromString(quota); } private long limitFromString(String strVal) { if (MAX_VAL.equals(strVal)) { return CgroupSubsystem.LONG_RETVAL_UNLIMITED; } return Long.parseLong(strVal); } @Override public long getCpuShares() { long sharesRaw = getLongVal("cpu.weight"); if (sharesRaw == 100 || sharesRaw == 0) { return CgroupSubsystem.LONG_RETVAL_UNLIMITED; } int shares = (int)sharesRaw; // CPU shares (OCI) value needs to get translated into // a proper Cgroups v2 value. See: // https://github.com/containers/crun/blob/master/crun.1.md#cpu-controller // // Use the inverse of (x == OCI value, y == cgroupsv2 value): // ((262142 * y - 1)/9999) + 2 = x // int x = 262142 * shares - 1; double frac = x/9999.0; x = ((int)frac) + 2; if ( x <= PER_CPU_SHARES ) { return PER_CPU_SHARES; // mimic cgroups v1 } int f = x/PER_CPU_SHARES; int lower_multiple = f * PER_CPU_SHARES; int upper_multiple = (f + 1) * PER_CPU_SHARES; int distance_lower = Math.max(lower_multiple, x) - Math.min(lower_multiple, x); int distance_upper = Math.max(upper_multiple, x) - Math.min(upper_multiple, x); x = distance_lower <= distance_upper ? lower_multiple : upper_multiple; return x; } @Override public long getCpuNumPeriods() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "cpu.stat", "nr_periods"); } @Override public long getCpuNumThrottled() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "cpu.stat", "nr_throttled"); } @Override public long getCpuThrottledTime() { long micros = CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "cpu.stat", "throttled_usec"); return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(micros); } @Override public long getEffectiveCpuCount() { return Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } @Override public int[] getCpuSetCpus() { String cpuSetVal = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "cpuset.cpus"); if (cpuSetVal == null || EMPTY_STR.equals(cpuSetVal)) { return null; // not available } return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(cpuSetVal); } @Override public int[] getEffectiveCpuSetCpus() { String effCpuSetVal = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "cpuset.cpus.effective"); if (effCpuSetVal == null || EMPTY_STR.equals(effCpuSetVal)) { return null; // not available } return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(effCpuSetVal); } @Override public int[] getCpuSetMems() { return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "cpuset.mems")); } @Override public int[] getEffectiveCpuSetMems() { return CgroupSubsystemController.stringRangeToIntArray(CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "cpuset.mems.effective")); } @Override public long getMemoryFailCount() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "memory.events", "max"); } @Override public long getMemoryLimit() { String strVal = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "memory.max"); return limitFromString(strVal); } @Override public long getMemoryUsage() { return getLongVal("memory.current"); } @Override public long getTcpMemoryUsage() { return CgroupSubsystemController.getLongEntry(unified, "memory.stat", "sock"); } @Override public long getMemoryAndSwapLimit() { String strVal = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "memory.swap.max"); return limitFromString(strVal); } @Override public long getMemoryAndSwapUsage() { return getLongVal("memory.swap.current"); } @Override public long getMemorySoftLimit() { String softLimitStr = CgroupSubsystemController.getStringValue(unified, "memory.high"); return limitFromString(softLimitStr); } @Override public long getBlkIOServiceCount() { return sumTokensIOStat(CgroupV2Subsystem::lineToRandWIOs); } @Override public long getBlkIOServiced() { return sumTokensIOStat(CgroupV2Subsystem::lineToRBytesAndWBytesIO); } private long sumTokensIOStat(Function mapFunc) { try { return CgroupUtil.readFilePrivileged(Paths.get(unified.path(), "io.stat")) .map(mapFunc) .collect(Collectors.summingLong(e -> e)); } catch (IOException e) { return CgroupSubsystem.LONG_RETVAL_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } private static String[] getRWIOMatchTokenNames() { return new String[] { "rios", "wios" }; } private static String[] getRWBytesIOMatchTokenNames() { return new String[] { "rbytes", "wbytes" }; } public static Long lineToRandWIOs(String line) { String[] matchNames = getRWIOMatchTokenNames(); return ioStatLineToLong(line, matchNames); } public static Long lineToRBytesAndWBytesIO(String line) { String[] matchNames = getRWBytesIOMatchTokenNames(); return ioStatLineToLong(line, matchNames); } private static Long ioStatLineToLong(String line, String[] matchNames) { if (line == null || EMPTY_STR.equals(line)) { return Long.valueOf(0); } String[] tokens = line.split("\\s+"); long retval = 0; for (String t: tokens) { String[] valKeys = t.split("="); if (valKeys.length != 2) { // ignore device ids $MAJ:$MIN continue; } for (String match: matchNames) { if (match.equals(valKeys[0])) { retval += longOrZero(valKeys[1]); } } } return Long.valueOf(retval); } private static long longOrZero(String val) { long lVal = 0; try { lVal = Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // keep at 0 } return lVal; } }