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 518                                                                             \
 519   product(bool, AssumeMP, false,                                            \
 520           "Instruct the VM to assume multiple processors are available")    \
 521                                                                             \
 522   /* UseMembar is theoretically a temp flag used for memory barrier         \
 523    * removal testing.  It was supposed to be removed before FCS but has     \
 524    * been re-added (see 6401008) */                                         \
 525   product_pd(bool, UseMembar,                                               \
 526           "(Unstable) Issues membars on thread state transitions")          \
 527                                                                             \
 528   /* Temp PPC Flag to allow disabling the use of lwsync on ppc platforms    \
 529    * that don't support it.  This will be replaced by processor detection   \
 530    * logic.                                                                 \
 531    */                                                                       \
 532   product(bool, UsePPCLWSYNC, true,                                         \
 533           "Use lwsync instruction if true, else use slower sync")           \
 534                                                                             \
 535   develop(bool, CleanChunkPoolAsync, falseInEmbedded,                       \
 536           "Clean the chunk pool asynchronously")                            \
 537                                                                             \

 538   /* Temporary: See 6948537 */                                              \
 539   experimental(bool, UseMemSetInBOT, true,                                  \
 540           "(Unstable) uses memset in BOT updates in GC code")               \
 541                                                                             \
 542   diagnostic(bool, UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, trueInDebug,                  \
 543           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics")\
 544                                                                             \
 545   experimental(bool, UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, false,                    \
 546           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental "     \
 547           "features")                                                       \
 548                                                                             \
 549   product(bool, JavaMonitorsInStackTrace, true,                             \
 550           "Print information about Java monitor locks when the stacks are"  \
 551           "dumped")                                                         \
 552                                                                             \
 553   product_pd(bool, UseLargePages,                                           \
 554           "Use large page memory")                                          \
 555                                                                             \
 556   product_pd(bool, UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation,                       \
 557           "Allocate large pages individually for better affinity")          \

 518                                                                             \
 519   product(bool, AssumeMP, false,                                            \
 520           "Instruct the VM to assume multiple processors are available")    \
 521                                                                             \
 522   /* UseMembar is theoretically a temp flag used for memory barrier         \
 523    * removal testing.  It was supposed to be removed before FCS but has     \
 524    * been re-added (see 6401008) */                                         \
 525   product_pd(bool, UseMembar,                                               \
 526           "(Unstable) Issues membars on thread state transitions")          \
 527                                                                             \
 528   /* Temp PPC Flag to allow disabling the use of lwsync on ppc platforms    \
 529    * that don't support it.  This will be replaced by processor detection   \
 530    * logic.                                                                 \
 531    */                                                                       \
 532   product(bool, UsePPCLWSYNC, true,                                         \
 533           "Use lwsync instruction if true, else use slower sync")           \
 534                                                                             \
 535   develop(bool, CleanChunkPoolAsync, falseInEmbedded,                       \
 536           "Clean the chunk pool asynchronously")                            \
 537                                                                             \
 538   experimental(bool, AlwaysSafeConstructors, false,                         \
 539           "Force safe construction, as if all fields are final.")           \
 540                                                                             \
 541   /* Temporary: See 6948537 */                                              \
 542   experimental(bool, UseMemSetInBOT, true,                                  \
 543           "(Unstable) uses memset in BOT updates in GC code")               \
 544                                                                             \
 545   diagnostic(bool, UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, trueInDebug,                  \
 546           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics")\
 547                                                                             \
 548   experimental(bool, UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, false,                    \
 549           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental "     \
 550           "features")                                                       \
 551                                                                             \
 552   product(bool, JavaMonitorsInStackTrace, true,                             \
 553           "Print information about Java monitor locks when the stacks are"  \
 554           "dumped")                                                         \
 555                                                                             \
 556   product_pd(bool, UseLargePages,                                           \
 557           "Use large page memory")                                          \
 558                                                                             \
 559   product_pd(bool, UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation,                       \
 560           "Allocate large pages individually for better affinity")          \