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@@ -481,12 +481,10 @@
   Matcher*              _matcher;               // Engine to map ideal to machine instructions
   PhaseRegAlloc*        _regalloc;              // Results of register allocation.
   int                   _frame_slots;           // Size of total frame in stack slots
   CodeOffsets           _code_offsets;          // Offsets into the code for various interesting entries
   RegMask               _FIRST_STACK_mask;      // All stack slots usable for spills (depends on frame layout)
-  Arena*                _indexSet_arena;        // control IndexSet allocation within PhaseChaitin
-  void*                 _indexSet_free_block_list; // free list of IndexSet bit blocks
   int                   _interpreter_frame_size;
   uint                  _node_bundling_limit;
   Bundle*               _node_bundling_base;    // Information for instruction bundling

@@ -966,12 +964,10 @@
   PhaseRegAlloc*    regalloc()                  { return _regalloc; }
   int               frame_slots() const         { return _frame_slots; }
   int               frame_size_in_words() const; // frame_slots in units of the polymorphic 'words'
   int               frame_size_in_bytes() const { return _frame_slots << LogBytesPerInt; }
   RegMask&          FIRST_STACK_mask()          { return _FIRST_STACK_mask; }
-  Arena*            indexSet_arena()            { return _indexSet_arena; }
-  void*             indexSet_free_block_list()  { return _indexSet_free_block_list; }
   uint              node_bundling_limit()       { return _node_bundling_limit; }
   Bundle*           node_bundling_base()        { return _node_bundling_base; }
   void          set_node_bundling_limit(uint n) { _node_bundling_limit = n; }
   void          set_node_bundling_base(Bundle* b) { _node_bundling_base = b; }
   bool          starts_bundle(const Node *n) const;

@@ -985,12 +981,10 @@
   int           bang_size_in_bytes() const;
   void          set_matcher(Matcher* m)                 { _matcher = m; }
 //void          set_regalloc(PhaseRegAlloc* ra)           { _regalloc = ra; }
-  void          set_indexSet_arena(Arena* a)            { _indexSet_arena = a; }
-  void          set_indexSet_free_block_list(void* p)   { _indexSet_free_block_list = p; }
   // Remember if this compilation changes hardware mode to 24-bit precision
   void set_24_bit_selection_and_mode(bool selection, bool mode) {
     _select_24_bit_instr = selection;
     _in_24_bit_fp_mode   = mode;