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@@ -188,10 +188,18 @@
     return true;
   // Trust VM anonymous classes. They are private API (sun.misc.Unsafe) and can't be serialized,
   // so there is no hacking of finals going on with them.
   if (holder->is_anonymous())
     return true;
+  // Trust Atomic*FieldUpdaters: they are very important for performance, and make up one
+  // more reason not to use Unsafe, if their final fields are trusted. See more in JDK-8140483.
+  if (holder->name() == ciSymbol::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater_Impl() ||
+      holder->name() == ciSymbol::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicLongFieldUpdater_CASUpdater() ||
+      holder->name() == ciSymbol::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicLongFieldUpdater_LockedUpdater() ||
+      holder->name() == ciSymbol::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater_Impl()) {
+    return true;
+  }
   return TrustFinalNonStaticFields;
 void ciField::initialize_from(fieldDescriptor* fd) {
   // Get the flags, offset, and canonical holder of the field.