= State of String Density performance (May 5, 2015) This note describes the current status in String Density performance work. https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8054307 String Density targets to improve the String footprint without compromising the performance in most scenarios. The current prototype does so by storing the byte[] data in String, and having an additional field (coder) describing how to interpret that byte[] data: either as 1-byte (Latin1) string, or 2-byte (UTF-16) string. We can also call 1-byte strings "compressed" strings, and 2-byte strings "non-compressed". The current prototype appears to be fully functional, as it passes most tests we throw at it. However, much more work is required to prove it does not have serious bugs. This note will only concern itself with the performance side of things. We deliberately omit the gory details of the performance work done, and provide a high-level overview of the work done. == Results === Initial population data The initial report estimated 5-15% footprint improvement with compressed Strings enabled. This is possible because Strings are very abundant (~25% of all heap are String objects), and their lengths are moderately high. With String Density, we are able to achieve almost 2x per-String footprint improvement on large Strings. The heap dump study also paints a very favorable picture for compressed Strings: almost all Strings in heap are compressible, and only a few percent are non-compressible. This means the investment in more performance for compressible Strings will pay off greatly, and probably cover for small regressions in non-compressible Strings. That said, even with 5% of non-compressible Strings, the average operation mix for unary operations (like .hashCode, .length, etc) is expected to be: a) compressible String: 95% b) non-compressible String: 5% Binary operations (those taking two Strings, like .equals, .contains, etc.), are expected to have this String coder mix: a) a pair of non-compressible Strings: 0.25% b) a pair of compressible Strings: 90.25% c) one compressible and one non-compressible String: 9.5% (!!!) That is, if a unary operation on non-compressible String costs 20x more than the similar operation on a compressible String, then there is a net loss. Binary ops have lesser tolerance: it is enough to be 10x slower on a cross-coded pair to obliterate the performance. Of course, these estimates are about the averages, so real applications may have even less tolerance for the performance loss. This serves as an important observation: we need to take care about every combination of coders, when suggesting a JDK change. === Footprints Running 64-bit HotSpot VM. Using compressed oop with 3-bit shift. Using compressed klass with 3-bit shift. Objects are 8 bytes aligned. Field sizes by type: 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8 [bytes] Array element sizes: 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8 [bytes] String footprint: Vertical axis is String size, horizontal axis is compressibility (% of 1-byte characters in String) Values are sizes in bytes. Average footprint per character is in parentheses. | 0.00 0.50 1.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 48 ( 48.0) 48 ( 48.0) 48 ( 48.0) 8 | 56 ( 7.0) 56 ( 7.0) 48 ( 6.0) 64 | 168 ( 2.6) 168 ( 2.6) 104 ( 1.6) 512 | 1064 ( 2.1) 1064 ( 2.1) 552 ( 1.1) 4096 | 8232 ( 2.0) 8232 ( 2.0) 4136 ( 1.0) See more at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/string-density-report.pdf === Microbenchmark workloads Most microbenchmarks we have done today show good performance win with compressed Strings. For example, constructing a simple log message experiences a good performance boosts, because allocation pressure is much lower. @State(Scope.Benchmark) @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) @Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Fork(5) public class StringCompressLogging { int x = 42; String msg = "Msg"; @Benchmark public String latin() { return "[" + x + "] Everything's FUBARed: " + msg; } @Benchmark public String cyrillic() { return "[" + x + "] Ой, всё пропало, шеф: " + msg; } } Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units StringCompressLogging.cyrillic avgt 25 81.210 ± 0.334 ns/op StringCompressLogging.latin avgt 25 56.337 ± 0.357 ns/op StringCompressLogging.cyrillic:·gc.alloc.rate.norm avgt 25 104.023 ± 0.076 B/op StringCompressLogging.latin:·gc.alloc.rate.norm avgt 25 72.003 ± 0.009 B/op In other words, latin version is ~20% faster while allocating ~30% less garbage. Microbenchmarks also routinely show regressions with non-compressed Strings, the work is underway to understand and improve the code to cover them up. === Large workloads Two separate researches were done with small business-like workloads to understand the real-world impact better. "Unfortunately", most workloads are already heavily tuned for memory, allocation pressure, and basic avoidance of heavy-weight String operations, therefore the impacts there are minimal. The best way to show the performance *improvement* is to run workloads in a memory constrained environment. That is, tune down the Java heap. The baseline JDK 9 is regressing slower than JDK 9 with String Density. Below is a typical result in a memory constrained environment: (The numbers are operations per second for consecutive runs, the larger the better) -Xmx512m -Xms512m: JDK 9 Baseline: (99894), 258901, 277431, 279399, 281195, 269575 JDK 9 String Density: (105052), 315313, 310872, 320223, 322711, 319896 -Xmx1g -Xms1g: JDK 9 Baseline: (102781), 309864, 327000, 316508, 318210, 314509 JDK 9 String Density: (104306), 334674, 329145, 342055, 338395, 343526 -Xmx4g -Xms4g: JDK 9 Baseline: (97328), 320564, 341585, 338590, 332090, 340108 JDK 9 String Density: (99830), 324836, 351066, 351389, 360647, 344019 We expect more workloads to be tried with String Density, as the code stabilizes. It also seems that running the allocation-hungry workloads on large machines also yields the boost, because we are allocating less String storage. == Known issues === Coder selection One of the early problems discovered with the prototype was the way to encode the coder type into the String itself. Different strategies were tried out, and we finally settled at putting a simple `byte` field into String, and dispatch statically over it: public class String { private byte[] value; private byte coder; // sample implementation public int compareTo(String anotherString) { byte[] v1 = value; byte[] v2 = anotherString.value; if (coder == anotherString.coder) { return (coder == LATIN1) ? StringLatin1.compareTo(v1, v2) : StringUTF16.compareTo(v1, v2); } return (coder == LATIN1) ? StringLatin1.compareToUTF16(v1, v2) : StringUTF16.compareToLatin1(v1, v2); } } This saves the overhead of (un-)optimized virtual calls, and generally plays well with generated code. This apparently complicates the introduction of other coders, but similar troubles will manifest with polymorphic dynamic dispatches. No matter how good the coder selection is optimized, it still incurs the overhead. This overhead is clearly visible on small strings and/or the constant operations for Strings. We seem to be able to absorb some of the costs by improving the code generation elsewhere. This may make the JDK 9 code appear to perform the same as the baseline JDK 8 code. See more at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/double-selection.txt http://shipilev.net/blog/2015/black-magic-method-dispatch/ http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/charat.txt == Intrinsics and cross-coder intrinsics JDK code for Strings is heavily optimized with the help of VM intrinsics. VM intrinsics assume a particular shape for Strings. Maintaining the same level of performance with String Density code forces us to consider porting VM intrinsics to work with new forms. Naively, one could expect that given N forms of String, there is a need for N VM intrinsics. However, this is only true for unary operations on Strings. When binary operations are done, there are now N^2 pairs of String forms that need to be handled. Some methods, like equals() can enjoy the short-cut when coders do not match. Other methods, like compareTo(), have to have new cross-coder intrinsic implementations. Luckily, these seem simple given the current vectorized instruction sets. compareTo() cross-coder intrinsics are already done and show good performance. See more: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/equals.txt http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/compareTo.txt === Coder-specific optimizations When we only consider a binary coder scheme with Latin1/UTF-16 split, then we can maintain the invariant that a given String can only be encoded by one coder exclusively. In other words, maintaining the invariant that Latin1-coded Strings contain no non-Latin1 characters, and UTF-16 contain at least one non-Latin1 character. This invariant is helpful in some cases where we need to do a binary operation across two coders. E.g. equals() can be implemented as: public boolean equals(Object anObject) { if (this == anObject) return true; if (anObject instanceof String) { String aString = (String)anObject; if (coder == aString.coder) { return (coder == LATIN1) ? StringLatin1.equals(value, aString.value) : StringUTF16.equals(value, aString.value); } } return false; } Notice we never compare the Strings with different coders. While this seems like a minor win, it helps to to cut corners in other places, like cross-coder intrinsics and encoding/decoding. In the code above, it is enough to only intrinsify equals(Latin1, Latin1) and equals(UTF-16, UTF-16) comparisons, and cross-coder equality comparisons may be short-cutted. Benchmark (size) Mode Cnt Score Error Units StringCompressEquals.cmp1_cmp1 1 avgt 25 5.305 ± 0.022 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp1_cmp2 1 avgt 25 3.321 ± 0.008 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp2_cmp1 1 avgt 25 3.318 ± 0.004 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp2_cmp2 1 avgt 25 5.294 ± 0.175 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp1_cmp1 4096 avgt 25 94.918 ± 8.512 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp1_cmp2 4096 avgt 25 3.355 ± 0.117 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp2_cmp1 4096 avgt 25 3.319 ± 0.005 ns/op StringCompressEquals.cmp2_cmp2 4096 avgt 25 175.228 ± 0.746 ns/op Notice how cross-coder versions are shortcut-ed, and enjoy a significant performance advantage. === String concatenation Another place where VM intervenes aggressively is String concatenations. There is a significant support on the compiler side (-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat) to aggressively optimize AbstractStringBuilder (ASB) chains. ASB Java code needs to be adjusted for String Density changes if we want high performance, and compiler should be adjusted to fit those changes. The bulk of the development and performance work is done there, and it (mostly) performs up to our expectations. There are still quite a few leftover things that need to be considered before the release. See more: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/concat.txt === Encoder/decoder fast paths Another hot thing is a String I/O. Developers expect String encoding/decoding to be fast. For this project, this means we should not regress any of the conversions (at least significantly). Now that String can interpret its byte[] contents as something else than UTF-16, we can provide the fast paths for ASCII, ISO-8859-1 (Latin1). Plus, with some luck, the faster UTF-8, especially those fitting in ASCII character plane. ASCII and ISO-8859-1 encoders/decoders already perform well. Performance and development work is underway there. See more: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/density/encoding.txt == Unknown issues === Other architectures So far the research was primarily concentrated on a single platform: x86_64. This was done to understand at least one of the platforms deeply, before starting diving into other platforms' performance. At this point, we are reasonably sure the work should continue with other platforms, most notably SPARC, then ARM and POWER. The performance assessment and optimizations for SPARC are underway. === Unknown workloads So far we have been concentrating on microbenchmarks to understand the low-level details of the prototype we are dealing with. Although some research was done on larger workloads, it was not as intensive as one likes to see for a production code. More work is required there, and we expect to leverage external community testing to understand the gaps in benchmark testing. == Conclusion Given the current status, we are reasonably sure this work should go forward with targeting this improvement for JDK 9. The performance outlook looks positive, and most of the scary things are addressed and/or evaluated. It is plausible the code would be ready for the integration before feature freeze, and minor performance improvements can go after the code freeze for JDK 9.