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  40\  Download WiX 3.0 or later from http\:// and add it to the PATH.
  41 error.version-string-wrong-format=Version string is not compatible with MSI rules [{0}].
  42 error.version-string-wrong-format.advice=For details see (http\://\=VS.85%29.aspx).
  43 error.version-string-major-out-of-range=Major version must be in the range [0, 255]
  44 error.version-string-build-out-of-range=Build part of version must be in the range [0, 65535]
  45 error.version-string-minor-out-of-range=Minor version must be in the range [0, 255]
  46 error.version-string-part-not-number=Failed to convert version component to int.
  47 error.cannot-walk-directory=Can not walk [{0}] - it is not a valid directory
  49 message.tool-version=\  Detected [{0}] version [{1}]
  50 message.running-wsh-script=Running WSH script on application image [{0}]
  51 message.wrong-tool-version=Detected [{0}] version {1} but version {2} is required.
  52 message.use-wix36-features=WiX 3.6 detected. Enabling advanced cleanup action.
  53 message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have up to 3 components - .
  54 message.debug-working-directory=Kept working directory for debug\: {0}
  55 message.config-save-location=\  Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package.
  56 message.generated-product-guid=Generated product GUID\: {0}
  57 message.preparing-msi-config=Preparing MSI config\: {0}
  58 message.generating-msi=Generating MSI\: {0}
  59 least one type of shortcut is required. Enabling menu shortcut.

  40\  Download WiX 3.0 or later from http\:// and add it to the PATH.
  41 error.version-string-wrong-format=Version string is not compatible with MSI rules [{0}].
  42 error.version-string-wrong-format.advice=For details see (http\://\=VS.85%29.aspx).
  43 error.version-string-major-out-of-range=Major version must be in the range [0, 255]
  44 error.version-string-build-out-of-range=Build part of version must be in the range [0, 65535]
  45 error.version-string-minor-out-of-range=Minor version must be in the range [0, 255]
  46 error.version-string-part-not-number=Failed to convert version component to int.
  47 error.cannot-walk-directory=Can not walk [{0}] - it is not a valid directory
  49 message.tool-version=\  Detected [{0}] version [{1}]
  50 message.running-wsh-script=Running WSH script on application image [{0}]
  51 message.wrong-tool-version=Detected [{0}] version {1} but version {2} is required.
  52 message.use-wix36-features=WiX 3.6 detected. Enabling advanced cleanup action.
  53 message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have up to 3 components - .
  54 message.debug-working-directory=Kept working directory for debug\: {0}
  55 message.config-save-location=\  Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package.
  56 message.generated-product-guid=Generated product GUID\: {0}
  57 message.preparing-msi-config=Preparing MSI config\: {0}
  58 message.generating-msi=Generating MSI\: {0}
  59 least one type of shortcut is required. Enabling menu shortcut.
  60 message.light-file-string=\  WiX light tool set to {0}

  61 message.candle-file-string=\  WiX candle tool set to {0}