1 bundler.name=DMG Installer
   2 bundler.description=Mac DMG Installer Bundle
   4 error.parameters-null=Parameters map is null.
   5 error.parameters-null.advice=Pass in a non-null parameters map.
   6 error.dmg-does-not-do-daemons=DMG bundler doesn't support services.
   7 error.dmg-does-not-do-daemons.advice=Make sure that the service hint is set to false.
   8 error.license-missing=Specified license file is missing.
   9 error.license-missing.advice=Make sure that "{0}" references a file in the app resources, and that it is relative to the basedir "{1}".
  10 error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
  11 error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
  13 resource.dmg-setup-script=DMG setup script
  14 resource.license-setup=License setup
  15 resource.dmg-background=dmg background
  16 resource.volume-icon=volume icon
  17 resource.post-install-script=script to run after application image is populated
  19 message.building-dmg=Building DMG package for {0}
  20 message.running-script=Running shell script on application image [{0}]
  21 message.intermediate-image-location=[DEBUG] Intermediate application bundle image\: {0}
  22 message.config-save-location=\  Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package.
  23 message.preparing-dmg-setup=Preparing dmg setup\: {0}
  24 message.creating-dmg-file=\ Creating DMG file\: {0}
  25 message.dmg-cannot-be-overwritten=Dmg file exists ({0} and can not be removed.
  26 message.output-to-location=Result DMG installer for {0}\: {1}