
Print this page

 177             char[] nr = sb.toString().toCharArray();
 178             out = new Output(new Formatter(c2bNRSB));
 179             out.format("String c2bNR =%n");
 180             out.format(nr, 0, nr.length,  ";");
 181             out.close();
 182         } else {
 183             c2bNRSB.append("String c2bNR = null;");
 184         }
 186         // (4)it's time to generate the source file
 187         String b2c = b2cSB.toString();
 188         String b2cNR = b2cNRSB.toString();
 189         String c2bNR = c2bNRSB.toString();
 191         Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(srcDir, template));
 192         PrintStream ops = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(
 193                              new File(dstDir, clzName + ".java")));
 194         if (hisName == null)
 195             hisName = "";

 197         while (s.hasNextLine()) {
 198             String line = s.nextLine();
 199             if (line.indexOf("$") == -1) {
 200                 ops.println(line);
 201                 continue;
 202             }
 203             line = line.replace("$PACKAGE$" , pkgName)
 204                        .replace("$IMPLEMENTS$", (hisName == null)?
 205                                 "" : "implements HistoricallyNamedCharset")
 206                        .replace("$NAME_CLZ$", clzName)
 207                        .replace("$NAME_ALIASES$",
 208                                 "sun.nio.cs".equals(pkgName) ?
 209                                 "StandardCharsets.aliases_" + clzName :
 210                                 "ExtendedCharsets.aliasesFor(\"" + csName + "\")")
 211                        .replace("$NAME_CS$" , csName)
 212                        .replace("$CONTAINS$",
 213                                 "MS932".equals(clzName)?
 214                                 "return ((\"US-ASCII\")) || (cs instanceof JIS_X_0201) || (cs instanceof " + clzName + "));":
 215                                 (isASCII ?
 216                                  "return ((\"US-ASCII\")) || (cs instanceof " + clzName + "));":
 217                                  "return (cs instanceof " + clzName + ");"))
 218                        .replace("$HISTORICALNAME$",
 219                                 (hisName == null)? "" :
 220                                 "    public String historicalName() { return \"" + hisName + "\"; }")
 221                        .replace("$DECTYPE$", type)
 222                        .replace("$ENCTYPE$", type)
 223                        .replace("$B1MIN$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b1Min, 16))
 224                        .replace("$B1MAX$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b1Max, 16))
 225                        .replace("$B2MIN$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b2Min, 16))
 226                        .replace("$B2MAX$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b2Max, 16))
 227                        .replace("$B2C$", b2c)
 228                        .replace("$C2BLENGTH$", "0x" + Integer.toString(c2bOff, 16))
 229                        .replace("$NONROUNDTRIP_B2C$", b2cNR)
 230                        .replace("$NONROUNDTRIP_C2B$", c2bNR);

 232             ops.println(line);
 233         }
 234         ops.close();
 235     }
 236 }

 177             char[] nr = sb.toString().toCharArray();
 178             out = new Output(new Formatter(c2bNRSB));
 179             out.format("String c2bNR =%n");
 180             out.format(nr, 0, nr.length,  ";");
 181             out.close();
 182         } else {
 183             c2bNRSB.append("String c2bNR = null;");
 184         }
 186         // (4)it's time to generate the source file
 187         String b2c = b2cSB.toString();
 188         String b2cNR = b2cNRSB.toString();
 189         String c2bNR = c2bNRSB.toString();
 191         Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(srcDir, template));
 192         PrintStream ops = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(
 193                              new File(dstDir, clzName + ".java")));
 194         if (hisName == null)
 195             hisName = "";
 197         // (5) c2b replacement, only used for JIs0208/0212, which
 198         // are two pure db charsets so default '3f' does not work
 199         String c2bRepl = "";
 200         if (clzName.startsWith("JIS_X_0208")) {
 201             c2bRepl = "new byte[]{ (byte)0x21, (byte)0x29 },";
 202         } else if (clzName.startsWith("JIS_X_0212")) {
 203             c2bRepl = "new byte[]{ (byte)0x22, (byte)0x44 },";
 204         }
 206         while (s.hasNextLine()) {
 207             String line = s.nextLine();
 208             if (line.indexOf("$") == -1) {
 209                 ops.println(line);
 210                 continue;
 211             }
 212             line = line.replace("$PACKAGE$" , pkgName)
 213                        .replace("$IMPLEMENTS$", (hisName == null)?
 214                                 "" : "implements HistoricallyNamedCharset")
 215                        .replace("$NAME_CLZ$", clzName)
 216                        .replace("$NAME_ALIASES$",
 217                                 "sun.nio.cs".equals(pkgName) ?
 218                                 "StandardCharsets.aliases_" + clzName :
 219                                 "ExtendedCharsets.aliasesFor(\"" + csName + "\")")
 220                        .replace("$NAME_CS$" , csName)
 221                        .replace("$CONTAINS$",
 222                                 "MS932".equals(clzName)?
 223                                 "return ((\"US-ASCII\")) || (cs instanceof JIS_X_0201) || (cs instanceof " + clzName + "));":
 224                                 (isASCII ?
 225                                  "return ((\"US-ASCII\")) || (cs instanceof " + clzName + "));":
 226                                  "return (cs instanceof " + clzName + ");"))
 227                        .replace("$HISTORICALNAME$",
 228                                 (hisName == null)? "" :
 229                                 "    public String historicalName() { return \"" + hisName + "\"; }")
 230                        .replace("$DECTYPE$", type)
 231                        .replace("$ENCTYPE$", type)
 232                        .replace("$B1MIN$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b1Min, 16))
 233                        .replace("$B1MAX$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b1Max, 16))
 234                        .replace("$B2MIN$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b2Min, 16))
 235                        .replace("$B2MAX$"   , "0x" + Integer.toString(b2Max, 16))
 236                        .replace("$B2C$", b2c)
 237                        .replace("$C2BLENGTH$", "0x" + Integer.toString(c2bOff, 16))
 238                        .replace("$NONROUNDTRIP_B2C$", b2cNR)
 239                        .replace("$NONROUNDTRIP_C2B$", c2bNR)
 240                        .replace("$ENC_REPLACEMENT$", c2bRepl);
 242             ops.println(line);
 243         }
 244         ops.close();
 245     }
 246 }