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4317             int temp = info.minLength * cmin + minL;
4318             if (temp < minL) {
4319                 temp = 0xFFFFFFF; // arbitrary large number
4320             }
4321             info.minLength = temp;
4323             if (maxV & info.maxValid) {
4324                 temp = info.maxLength * cmax + maxL;
4325                 info.maxLength = temp;
4326                 if (temp < maxL) {
4327                     info.maxValid = false;
4328                 }
4329             } else {
4330                 info.maxValid = false;
4331             }
4333             if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax)
4334                 info.deterministic = detm;
4335             else
4336                 info.deterministic = false;
4338             return;
4339         }
4340     }
4342     /**
4343      * Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and
4344      * maximum occurrences in deterministic cases. This is an iterative
4345      * optimization over the Prolog and Loop system which would handle this
4346      * in a recursive way. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.
4347      * If capture is true then this class saves group settings and ensures
4348      * that groups are unset when backing off of a group match.
4349      */
4350     static final class GroupCurly extends Node {
4351         Node atom;
4352         int type;
4353         int cmin;
4354         int cmax;
4355         int localIndex;
4356         int groupIndex;
4357         boolean capture;

4398             if (ret) {
4399                 if (type == GREEDY) {
4400                     ret = match0(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4401                 } else if (type == LAZY) {
4402                     ret = match1(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4403                 } else {
4404                     ret = match2(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4405                 }
4406             }
4407             if (!ret) {
4408                 locals[localIndex] = save0;
4409                 if (capture) {
4410                     groups[groupIndex] = save1;
4411                     groups[groupIndex+1] = save2;
4412                 }
4413             }
4414             return ret;
4415         }
4416         // Aggressive group match
4417         boolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {

4418             int[] groups = matcher.groups;
4419             int save0 = 0;
4420             int save1 = 0;
4421             if (capture) {
4422                 save0 = groups[groupIndex];
4423                 save1 = groups[groupIndex+1];
4424             }
4425             for (;;) {
4426                 if (j >= cmax)
4427                     break;
4428                 if (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))
4429                     break;
4430                 int k = matcher.last - i;
4431                 if (k <= 0) {
4432                     if (capture) {
4433                         groups[groupIndex] = i;
4434                         groups[groupIndex+1] = i + k;
4435                     }
4436                     i = i + k;
4437                     break;
4438                 }
4439                 for (;;) {
4440                     if (capture) {
4441                         groups[groupIndex] = i;
4442                         groups[groupIndex+1] = i + k;
4443                     }
4444                     i = i + k;
4445                     if (++j >= cmax)
4446                         break;
4447                     if (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))
4448                         break;
4449                     if (i + k != matcher.last) {
4450                         if (match0(matcher, i, j, seq))
4451                             return true;
4452                         break;
4453                     }
4454                 }
4455                 while (j > cmin) {
4456                     if (next.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4457                         if (capture) {
4458                             groups[groupIndex+1] = i;
4459                             groups[groupIndex] = i - k;
4460                         }
4461                         i = i - k;
4462                         return true;
4463                     }
4464                     // backing off
4465                     if (capture) {
4466                         groups[groupIndex+1] = i;
4467                         groups[groupIndex] = i - k;
4468                     }
4469                     i = i - k;
4470                     j--;
4471                 }
4472                 break;
4473             }
4474             if (capture) {
4475                 groups[groupIndex] = save0;

4527             if (temp < minL) {
4528                 temp = 0xFFFFFFF; // Arbitrary large number
4529             }
4530             info.minLength = temp;
4532             if (maxV & info.maxValid) {
4533                 temp = info.maxLength * cmax + maxL;
4534                 info.maxLength = temp;
4535                 if (temp < maxL) {
4536                     info.maxValid = false;
4537                 }
4538             } else {
4539                 info.maxValid = false;
4540             }
4542             if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax) {
4543                 info.deterministic = detm;
4544             } else {
4545                 info.deterministic = false;
4546             }
4548             return;
4549         }
4550     }
4552     /**
4553      * A Guard node at the end of each atom node in a Branch. It
4554      * serves the purpose of chaining the "match" operation to
4555      * "next" but not the "study", so we can collect the TreeInfo
4556      * of each atom node without including the TreeInfo of the
4557      * "next".
4558      */
4559     static final class BranchConn extends Node {
4560         BranchConn() {};
4561         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4562             return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4563         }
4564         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
4565             return info.deterministic;
4566         }
4567     }

4317             int temp = info.minLength * cmin + minL;
4318             if (temp < minL) {
4319                 temp = 0xFFFFFFF; // arbitrary large number
4320             }
4321             info.minLength = temp;
4323             if (maxV & info.maxValid) {
4324                 temp = info.maxLength * cmax + maxL;
4325                 info.maxLength = temp;
4326                 if (temp < maxL) {
4327                     info.maxValid = false;
4328                 }
4329             } else {
4330                 info.maxValid = false;
4331             }
4333             if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax)
4334                 info.deterministic = detm;
4335             else
4336                 info.deterministic = false;

4337             return;
4338         }
4339     }
4341     /**
4342      * Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and
4343      * maximum occurrences in deterministic cases. This is an iterative
4344      * optimization over the Prolog and Loop system which would handle this
4345      * in a recursive way. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.
4346      * If capture is true then this class saves group settings and ensures
4347      * that groups are unset when backing off of a group match.
4348      */
4349     static final class GroupCurly extends Node {
4350         Node atom;
4351         int type;
4352         int cmin;
4353         int cmax;
4354         int localIndex;
4355         int groupIndex;
4356         boolean capture;

4397             if (ret) {
4398                 if (type == GREEDY) {
4399                     ret = match0(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4400                 } else if (type == LAZY) {
4401                     ret = match1(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4402                 } else {
4403                     ret = match2(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4404                 }
4405             }
4406             if (!ret) {
4407                 locals[localIndex] = save0;
4408                 if (capture) {
4409                     groups[groupIndex] = save1;
4410                     groups[groupIndex+1] = save2;
4411                 }
4412             }
4413             return ret;
4414         }
4415         // Aggressive group match
4416         boolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {
4417             // don't back off passing the starting "j"
4418             int min = j;
4419             int[] groups = matcher.groups;
4420             int save0 = 0;
4421             int save1 = 0;
4422             if (capture) {
4423                 save0 = groups[groupIndex];
4424                 save1 = groups[groupIndex+1];
4425             }
4426             for (;;) {
4427                 if (j >= cmax)
4428                     break;
4429                 if (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))
4430                     break;
4431                 int k = matcher.last - i;
4432                 if (k <= 0) {
4433                     if (capture) {
4434                         groups[groupIndex] = i;
4435                         groups[groupIndex+1] = i + k;
4436                     }
4437                     i = i + k;
4438                     break;
4439                 }
4440                 for (;;) {
4441                     if (capture) {
4442                         groups[groupIndex] = i;
4443                         groups[groupIndex+1] = i + k;
4444                     }
4445                     i = i + k;
4446                     if (++j >= cmax)
4447                         break;
4448                     if (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))
4449                         break;
4450                     if (i + k != matcher.last) {
4451                         if (match0(matcher, i, j, seq))
4452                             return true;
4453                         break;
4454                     }
4455                 }
4456                 while (j > min) {
4457                     if (next.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4458                         if (capture) {
4459                             groups[groupIndex+1] = i;
4460                             groups[groupIndex] = i - k;
4461                         }
4462                         i = i - k;
4463                         return true;
4464                     }
4465                     // backing off
4466                     if (capture) {
4467                         groups[groupIndex+1] = i;
4468                         groups[groupIndex] = i - k;
4469                     }
4470                     i = i - k;
4471                     j--;
4472                 }
4473                 break;
4474             }
4475             if (capture) {
4476                 groups[groupIndex] = save0;

4528             if (temp < minL) {
4529                 temp = 0xFFFFFFF; // Arbitrary large number
4530             }
4531             info.minLength = temp;
4533             if (maxV & info.maxValid) {
4534                 temp = info.maxLength * cmax + maxL;
4535                 info.maxLength = temp;
4536                 if (temp < maxL) {
4537                     info.maxValid = false;
4538                 }
4539             } else {
4540                 info.maxValid = false;
4541             }
4543             if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax) {
4544                 info.deterministic = detm;
4545             } else {
4546                 info.deterministic = false;
4547             }

4548             return;
4549         }
4550     }
4552     /**
4553      * A Guard node at the end of each atom node in a Branch. It
4554      * serves the purpose of chaining the "match" operation to
4555      * "next" but not the "study", so we can collect the TreeInfo
4556      * of each atom node without including the TreeInfo of the
4557      * "next".
4558      */
4559     static final class BranchConn extends Node {
4560         BranchConn() {};
4561         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4562             return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4563         }
4564         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
4565             return info.deterministic;
4566         }
4567     }