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*** 59,71 **** * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package java.time; - import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.EPOCH_MONTH; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.ERA; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MONTHS; import; --- 59,71 ---- * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package java.time; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.ERA; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR; + import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.PROLEPTIC_MONTH; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MONTHS; import;
*** 80,97 **** import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.time.format.SignStyle; import java.time.temporal.ChronoField; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; - import java.time.temporal.Queries; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount; import java.time.temporal.TemporalField; import java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery; import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit; import java.time.temporal.ValueRange; import java.util.Objects; /** * A year-month in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as {@code 2007-12}. --- 80,97 ---- import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.time.format.SignStyle; import java.time.temporal.ChronoField; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount; import java.time.temporal.TemporalField; import java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery; import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit; + import java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException; import java.time.temporal.ValueRange; import java.util.Objects; /** * A year-month in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as {@code 2007-12}.
*** 253,263 **** //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Obtains an instance of {@code YearMonth} from a text string such as {@code 2007-12}. * <p> * The string must represent a valid year-month. ! * The format must be {@code yyyy-MM}. * Years outside the range 0000 to 9999 must be prefixed by the plus or minus symbol. * * @param text the text to parse such as "2007-12", not null * @return the parsed year-month, not null * @throws DateTimeParseException if the text cannot be parsed --- 253,263 ---- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Obtains an instance of {@code YearMonth} from a text string such as {@code 2007-12}. * <p> * The string must represent a valid year-month. ! * The format must be {@code uuuu-MM}. * Years outside the range 0000 to 9999 must be prefixed by the plus or minus symbol. * * @param text the text to parse such as "2007-12", not null * @return the parsed year-month, not null * @throws DateTimeParseException if the text cannot be parsed
*** 318,328 **** * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The supported fields are: * <ul> * <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} ! * <li>{@code EPOCH_MONTH} * <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} * <li>{@code YEAR} * <li>{@code ERA} * </ul> * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will return false. --- 318,328 ---- * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The supported fields are: * <ul> * <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} ! * <li>{@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} * <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} * <li>{@code YEAR} * <li>{@code ERA} * </ul> * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will return false.
*** 337,347 **** */ @Override public boolean isSupported(TemporalField field) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { return field == YEAR || field == MONTH_OF_YEAR || ! field == EPOCH_MONTH || field == YEAR_OF_ERA || field == ERA; } return field != null && field.isSupportedBy(this); } /** --- 337,347 ---- */ @Override public boolean isSupported(TemporalField field) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { return field == YEAR || field == MONTH_OF_YEAR || ! field == PROLEPTIC_MONTH || field == YEAR_OF_ERA || field == ERA; } return field != null && field.isSupportedBy(this); } /**
*** 353,372 **** * or for some other reason, an exception is thrown. * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The {@link #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields} will return * appropriate range instances. ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw a {@code DateTimeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.rangeRefinedBy(TemporalAccessor)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. * Whether the range can be obtained is determined by the field. * * @param field the field to query the range for, not null * @return the range of valid values for the field, not null * @throws DateTimeException if the range for the field cannot be obtained */ @Override public ValueRange range(TemporalField field) { if (field == YEAR_OF_ERA) { return (getYear() <= 0 ? ValueRange.of(1, Year.MAX_VALUE + 1) : ValueRange.of(1, Year.MAX_VALUE)); --- 353,373 ---- * or for some other reason, an exception is thrown. * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The {@link #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields} will return * appropriate range instances. ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.rangeRefinedBy(TemporalAccessor)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. * Whether the range can be obtained is determined by the field. * * @param field the field to query the range for, not null * @return the range of valid values for the field, not null * @throws DateTimeException if the range for the field cannot be obtained + * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported */ @Override public ValueRange range(TemporalField field) { if (field == YEAR_OF_ERA) { return (getYear() <= 0 ? ValueRange.of(1, Year.MAX_VALUE + 1) : ValueRange.of(1, Year.MAX_VALUE));
*** 382,403 **** * If it is not possible to return the value, because the field is not supported * or for some other reason, an exception is thrown. * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The {@link #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields} will return valid ! * values based on this year-month, except {@code EPOCH_MONTH} which is too * large to fit in an {@code int} and throw a {@code DateTimeException}. ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw a {@code DateTimeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.getFrom(TemporalAccessor)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. Whether the value can be obtained, * and what the value represents, is determined by the field. * * @param field the field to get, not null * @return the value for the field ! * @throws DateTimeException if a value for the field cannot be obtained * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override // override for Javadoc public int get(TemporalField field) { return range(field).checkValidIntValue(getLong(field), field); --- 383,407 ---- * If it is not possible to return the value, because the field is not supported * or for some other reason, an exception is thrown. * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The {@link #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields} will return valid ! * values based on this year-month, except {@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} which is too * large to fit in an {@code int} and throw a {@code DateTimeException}. ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.getFrom(TemporalAccessor)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. Whether the value can be obtained, * and what the value represents, is determined by the field. * * @param field the field to get, not null * @return the value for the field ! * @throws DateTimeException if a value for the field cannot be obtained or ! * the value is outside the range of valid values for the field ! * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported or ! * the range of values exceeds an {@code int} * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override // override for Javadoc public int get(TemporalField field) { return range(field).checkValidIntValue(getLong(field), field);
*** 411,449 **** * or for some other reason, an exception is thrown. * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The {@link #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields} will return valid * values based on this year-month. ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw a {@code DateTimeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.getFrom(TemporalAccessor)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. Whether the value can be obtained, * and what the value represents, is determined by the field. * * @param field the field to get, not null * @return the value for the field * @throws DateTimeException if a value for the field cannot be obtained * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public long getLong(TemporalField field) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { switch ((ChronoField) field) { case MONTH_OF_YEAR: return month; ! case EPOCH_MONTH: return getEpochMonth(); case YEAR_OF_ERA: return (year < 1 ? 1 - year : year); case YEAR: return year; case ERA: return (year < 1 ? 0 : 1); } ! throw new DateTimeException("Unsupported field: " + field.getName()); } return field.getFrom(this); } ! private long getEpochMonth() { ! return ((year - 1970) * 12L) + (month - 1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the year field. --- 415,454 ---- * or for some other reason, an exception is thrown. * <p> * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the query is implemented here. * The {@link #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields} will return valid * values based on this year-month. ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.getFrom(TemporalAccessor)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. Whether the value can be obtained, * and what the value represents, is determined by the field. * * @param field the field to get, not null * @return the value for the field * @throws DateTimeException if a value for the field cannot be obtained + * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public long getLong(TemporalField field) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { switch ((ChronoField) field) { case MONTH_OF_YEAR: return month; ! case PROLEPTIC_MONTH: return getProlepticMonth(); case YEAR_OF_ERA: return (year < 1 ? 1 - year : year); case YEAR: return year; case ERA: return (year < 1 ? 0 : 1); } ! throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " + field.getName()); } return field.getFrom(this); } ! private long getProlepticMonth() { ! return (year * 12L + month - 1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the year field.
*** 587,598 **** * The supported fields behave as follows: * <ul> * <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} - * Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified month-of-year. * The year will be unchanged. ! * <li>{@code EPOCH_MONTH} - ! * Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified epoch-month. * This completely replaces the year and month of this object. * <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} - * Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified year-of-era * The month and era will be unchanged. * <li>{@code YEAR} - --- 592,603 ---- * The supported fields behave as follows: * <ul> * <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} - * Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified month-of-year. * The year will be unchanged. ! * <li>{@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} - ! * Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified proleptic-month. * This completely replaces the year and month of this object. * <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} - * Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified year-of-era * The month and era will be unchanged. * <li>{@code YEAR} -
*** 604,614 **** * </ul> * <p> * In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field * then a {@code DateTimeException} will be thrown. * <p> ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw a {@code DateTimeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the field determines * whether and how to adjust the instant. --- 609,619 ---- * </ul> * <p> * In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field * then a {@code DateTimeException} will be thrown. * <p> ! * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the field determines * whether and how to adjust the instant.
*** 617,641 **** * * @param field the field to set in the result, not null * @param newValue the new value of the field in the result * @return a {@code YearMonth} based on {@code this} with the specified field set, not null * @throws DateTimeException if the field cannot be set * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public YearMonth with(TemporalField field, long newValue) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { ChronoField f = (ChronoField) field; f.checkValidValue(newValue); switch (f) { case MONTH_OF_YEAR: return withMonth((int) newValue); ! case EPOCH_MONTH: return plusMonths(newValue - getLong(EPOCH_MONTH)); case YEAR_OF_ERA: return withYear((int) (year < 1 ? 1 - newValue : newValue)); case YEAR: return withYear((int) newValue); case ERA: return (getLong(ERA) == newValue ? this : withYear(1 - year)); } ! throw new DateTimeException("Unsupported field: " + field.getName()); } return field.adjustInto(this, newValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 622,647 ---- * * @param field the field to set in the result, not null * @param newValue the new value of the field in the result * @return a {@code YearMonth} based on {@code this} with the specified field set, not null * @throws DateTimeException if the field cannot be set + * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public YearMonth with(TemporalField field, long newValue) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { ChronoField f = (ChronoField) field; f.checkValidValue(newValue); switch (f) { case MONTH_OF_YEAR: return withMonth((int) newValue); ! case PROLEPTIC_MONTH: return plusMonths(newValue - getProlepticMonth()); case YEAR_OF_ERA: return withYear((int) (year < 1 ? 1 - newValue : newValue)); case YEAR: return withYear((int) newValue); case ERA: return (getLong(ERA) == newValue ? this : withYear(1 - year)); } ! throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " + field.getName()); } return field.adjustInto(this, newValue); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 726,736 **** * Only two eras are supported so the amount must be one, zero or minus one. * If the amount is non-zero then the year is changed such that the year-of-era * is unchanged. * </ul> * <p> ! * All other {@code ChronoUnit} instances will throw a {@code DateTimeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoUnit}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalUnit.addTo(Temporal, long)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the unit determines * whether and how to perform the addition. --- 732,742 ---- * Only two eras are supported so the amount must be one, zero or minus one. * If the amount is non-zero then the year is changed such that the year-of-era * is unchanged. * </ul> * <p> ! * All other {@code ChronoUnit} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}. * <p> * If the field is not a {@code ChronoUnit}, then the result of this method * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalUnit.addTo(Temporal, long)} * passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the unit determines * whether and how to perform the addition.
*** 739,748 **** --- 745,755 ---- * * @param amountToAdd the amount of the unit to add to the result, may be negative * @param unit the unit of the amount to add, not null * @return a {@code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the specified amount added, not null * @throws DateTimeException if the addition cannot be made + * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public YearMonth plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) { if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
*** 752,762 **** case DECADES: return plusYears(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, 10)); case CENTURIES: return plusYears(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, 100)); case MILLENNIA: return plusYears(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, 1000)); case ERAS: return with(ERA, Math.addExact(getLong(ERA), amountToAdd)); } ! throw new DateTimeException("Unsupported unit: " + unit.getName()); } return unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd); } /** --- 759,769 ---- case DECADES: return plusYears(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, 10)); case CENTURIES: return plusYears(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, 100)); case MILLENNIA: return plusYears(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, 1000)); case ERAS: return with(ERA, Math.addExact(getLong(ERA), amountToAdd)); } ! throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " + unit.getName()); } return unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd); } /**
*** 836,845 **** --- 843,853 ---- * * @param amountToSubtract the amount of the unit to subtract from the result, may be negative * @param unit the unit of the amount to subtract, not null * @return a {@code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the specified amount subtracted, not null * @throws DateTimeException if the subtraction cannot be made + * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public YearMonth minus(long amountToSubtract, TemporalUnit unit) { return (amountToSubtract == Long.MIN_VALUE ? plus(Long.MAX_VALUE, unit).plus(1, unit) : plus(-amountToSubtract, unit));
*** 891,903 **** * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs (defined by the query) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <R> R query(TemporalQuery<R> query) { ! if (query == Queries.chronology()) { return (R) IsoChronology.INSTANCE; ! } else if (query == Queries.precision()) { return (R) MONTHS; } return Temporal.super.query(query); } --- 899,911 ---- * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs (defined by the query) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <R> R query(TemporalQuery<R> query) { ! if (query == TemporalQuery.chronology()) { return (R) IsoChronology.INSTANCE; ! } else if (query == TemporalQuery.precision()) { return (R) MONTHS; } return Temporal.super.query(query); }
*** 906,916 **** * <p> * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input * with the year and month changed to be the same as this. * <p> * The adjustment is equivalent to using {@link Temporal#with(TemporalField, long)} ! * passing {@link ChronoField#EPOCH_MONTH} as the field. * If the specified temporal object does not use the ISO calendar system then * a {@code DateTimeException} is thrown. * <p> * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using * {@link Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster)}: --- 914,924 ---- * <p> * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input * with the year and month changed to be the same as this. * <p> * The adjustment is equivalent to using {@link Temporal#with(TemporalField, long)} ! * passing {@link ChronoField#PROLEPTIC_MONTH} as the field. * If the specified temporal object does not use the ISO calendar system then * a {@code DateTimeException} is thrown. * <p> * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using * {@link Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster)}:
*** 930,940 **** @Override public Temporal adjustInto(Temporal temporal) { if (Chronology.from(temporal).equals(IsoChronology.INSTANCE) == false) { throw new DateTimeException("Adjustment only supported on ISO date-time"); } ! return temporal.with(EPOCH_MONTH, getEpochMonth()); } /** * Calculates the period between this year-month and another year-month in * terms of the specified unit. --- 938,948 ---- @Override public Temporal adjustInto(Temporal temporal) { if (Chronology.from(temporal).equals(IsoChronology.INSTANCE) == false) { throw new DateTimeException("Adjustment only supported on ISO date-time"); } ! return temporal.with(PROLEPTIC_MONTH, getProlepticMonth()); } /** * Calculates the period between this year-month and another year-month in * terms of the specified unit.
*** 975,1008 **** * * @param endYearMonth the end year-month, which must be a {@code YearMonth}, not null * @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null * @return the amount of the period between this year-month and the end year-month * @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public long periodUntil(Temporal endYearMonth, TemporalUnit unit) { if (endYearMonth instanceof YearMonth == false) { Objects.requireNonNull(endYearMonth, "endYearMonth"); throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types"); } YearMonth end = (YearMonth) endYearMonth; if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) { ! long monthsUntil = end.getEpochMonth() - getEpochMonth(); // no overflow switch ((ChronoUnit) unit) { case MONTHS: return monthsUntil; case YEARS: return monthsUntil / 12; case DECADES: return monthsUntil / 120; case CENTURIES: return monthsUntil / 1200; case MILLENNIA: return monthsUntil / 12000; case ERAS: return end.getLong(ERA) - getLong(ERA); } ! throw new DateTimeException("Unsupported unit: " + unit.getName()); } return unit.between(this, endYearMonth); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Combines this year-month with a day-of-month to create a {@code LocalDate}. * <p> * This returns a {@code LocalDate} formed from this year-month and the specified day-of-month. --- 983,1031 ---- * * @param endYearMonth the end year-month, which must be a {@code YearMonth}, not null * @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null * @return the amount of the period between this year-month and the end year-month * @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated + * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs */ @Override public long periodUntil(Temporal endYearMonth, TemporalUnit unit) { if (endYearMonth instanceof YearMonth == false) { Objects.requireNonNull(endYearMonth, "endYearMonth"); throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types"); } YearMonth end = (YearMonth) endYearMonth; if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) { ! long monthsUntil = end.getProlepticMonth() - getProlepticMonth(); // no overflow switch ((ChronoUnit) unit) { case MONTHS: return monthsUntil; case YEARS: return monthsUntil / 12; case DECADES: return monthsUntil / 120; case CENTURIES: return monthsUntil / 1200; case MILLENNIA: return monthsUntil / 12000; case ERAS: return end.getLong(ERA) - getLong(ERA); } ! throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " + unit.getName()); } return unit.between(this, endYearMonth); } + /** + * Formats this year-month using the specified formatter. + * <p> + * This year-month will be passed to the formatter to produce a string. + * + * @param formatter the formatter to use, not null + * @return the formatted year-month string, not null + * @throws DateTimeException if an error occurs during printing + */ + public String format(DateTimeFormatter formatter) { + Objects.requireNonNull(formatter, "formatter"); + return formatter.format(this); + } + //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Combines this year-month with a day-of-month to create a {@code LocalDate}. * <p> * This returns a {@code LocalDate} formed from this year-month and the specified day-of-month.
*** 1113,1123 **** //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Outputs this year-month as a {@code String}, such as {@code 2007-12}. * <p> ! * The output will be in the format {@code yyyy-MM}: * * @return a string representation of this year-month, not null */ @Override public String toString() { --- 1136,1146 ---- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Outputs this year-month as a {@code String}, such as {@code 2007-12}. * <p> ! * The output will be in the format {@code uuuu-MM}: * * @return a string representation of this year-month, not null */ @Override public String toString() {
*** 1135,1159 **** return buf.append(month < 10 ? "-0" : "-") .append(month) .toString(); } - /** - * Outputs this year-month as a {@code String} using the formatter. - * <p> - * This year-month will be passed to the formatter - * {@link DateTimeFormatter#format(TemporalAccessor) format method}. - * - * @param formatter the formatter to use, not null - * @return the formatted year-month string, not null - * @throws DateTimeException if an error occurs during printing - */ - public String toString(DateTimeFormatter formatter) { - Objects.requireNonNull(formatter, "formatter"); - return formatter.format(this); - } - //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Writes the object using a * <a href="../../../serialized-form.html#java.time.temporal.Ser">dedicated serialized form</a>. * <pre> --- 1158,1167 ----