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*** 74,88 **** * of the copyright holder. */ package; ! import java.util.ListResourceBundle; ! public class FormatData_fi extends ListResourceBundle { /** ! * Overrides ListResourceBundle */ protected final Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][] { { "MonthNames", new String[] { --- 74,88 ---- * of the copyright holder. */ package; ! import sun.util.resources.ParallelListResourceBundle; ! public class FormatData_fi extends ParallelListResourceBundle { /** ! * Overrides ParallelListResourceBundle */ protected final Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][] { { "MonthNames", new String[] {
*** 150,159 **** --- 150,176 ---- "marras", // abb november "joulu", // abb december "" // abb month 13 if applicable } }, + { "MonthNarrows", + new String[] { + "T", + "H", + "M", + "H", + "T", + "K", + "H", + "E", + "S", + "L", + "M", + "J", + "", + } + }, { "standalone.MonthNarrows", new String[] { "T", "H", "M",
*** 167,176 **** --- 184,211 ---- "M", "J", "", } }, + { "long.Eras", + new String[] { + "ennen Kristuksen syntym\u00e4\u00e4", + "j\u00e4lkeen Kristuksen syntym\u00e4n", + } + }, + { "Eras", + new String[] { + "eKr.", + "jKr.", + } + }, + { "narrow.Eras", + new String[] { + "eK", + "jK", + } + }, { "DayNames", new String[] { "sunnuntai", // Sunday "maanantai", // Monday "tiistai", // Tuesday
*** 178,187 **** --- 213,233 ---- "torstai", // Thursday "perjantai", // Friday "lauantai" // Saturday } }, + { "standalone.DayNames", + new String[] { + "sunnuntai", + "maanantai", + "tiistai", + "keskiviikko", + "torstai", + "perjantai", + "lauantai", + } + }, { "DayAbbreviations", new String[] { "su", // abb Sunday "ma", // abb Monday "ti", // abb Tuesday
*** 189,198 **** --- 235,255 ---- "to", // abb Thursday "pe", // abb Friday "la" // abb Saturday } }, + { "standalone.DayAbbreviations", + new String[] { + "su", + "ma", + "ti", + "ke", + "to", + "pe", + "la", + } + }, { "DayNarrows", new String[] { "S", "M", "T",
*** 234,251 **** "'klo '", // long time pattern "H:mm:ss", // medium time pattern "H:mm", // short time pattern } }, - { "cldr.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "cccc, d. MMMM y", - "d. MMMM y", - "d.M.yyyy", - "d.M.yyyy", - } - }, { "DatePatterns", new String[] { "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy", // full date pattern "d. MMMM'ta 'yyyy", // long date pattern "d.M.yyyy", // medium date pattern --- 291,300 ----
*** 268,358 **** new String[] { "ap.", "ip.", } }, - { "cldr.buddhist.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "cccc d. MMMM y G", - "d. MMMM y G", - "d.M.y G", - "d.M.y G", - } - }, - { "cldr.japanese.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "cccc d. MMMM y G", - "d. MMMM y G", - "d.M.y G", - "d.M.y G", - } - }, - { "cldr.roc.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "cccc d. MMMM y G", - "d. MMMM y G", - "d.M.y G", - "d.M.y G", - } - }, - { "roc.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "EEEE d. MMMM y GGGG", - "d. MMMM y GGGG", - "d.M.y GGGG", - "d.M.y GGGG", - } - }, - { "islamic.MonthNames", - new String[] { - "muharram", - "safar", - "rabi\u2019 al-awwal", - "rabi\u2019 al-akhir", - "d\u017eumada-l-ula", - "d\u017eumada-l-akhira", - "rad\u017eab", - "\u0161a\u2019ban", - "ramadan", - "\u0161awwal", - "dhu-l-qa\u2019da", - "dhu-l-hidd\u017ea", - "", - } - }, - { "cldr.islamic.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "cccc d. MMMM y G", - "d. MMMM y G", - "d.M.y G", - "d.M.y G", - } - }, - { "islamic.DatePatterns", - new String[] { - "EEEE d. MMMM y GGGG", - "d. MMMM y GGGG", - "d.M.y GGGG", - "d.M.y GGGG", - } - }, - { "calendarname.islamic-civil", "islamilainen siviilikalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.islamicc", "islamilainen siviilikalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.islamic", "islamilainen kalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.japanese", "japanilainen kalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.gregorian", "gregoriaaninen kalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.gregory", "gregoriaaninen kalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.roc", "Kiinan tasavallan kalenteri" }, - { "calendarname.buddhist", "buddhalainen kalenteri" }, - { "field.era", "aikakausi" }, - { "field.year", "vuosi" }, - { "field.month", "kuukausi" }, - { "field.week", "viikko" }, - { "field.weekday", "viikonp\u00e4iv\u00e4" }, - { "field.dayperiod", "vuorokaudenaika" }, - { "field.hour", "tunti" }, - { "field.minute", "minuutti" }, - { "field.second", "sekunti" }, - { "", "aikavy\u00f6hyke" }, }; } } --- 317,324 ----