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*** 96,106 **** * This class is immutable and thread-safe. * * @param <D> the concrete type for the date of this date-time * @since 1.8 */ ! final class ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>> implements ChronoLocalDateTime<D>, Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, Serializable { /** * Serialization version. */ --- 96,106 ---- * This class is immutable and thread-safe. * * @param <D> the concrete type for the date of this date-time * @since 1.8 */ ! final class ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D extends ChronoLocalDate> implements ChronoLocalDateTime<D>, Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, Serializable { /** * Serialization version. */
*** 169,181 **** * * @param date the local date, not null * @param time the local time, not null * @return the local date-time, not null */ ! @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ! static ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<?> of(ChronoLocalDate<?> date, LocalTime time) { ! return new ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl(date, time); } /** * Constructor. * --- 169,199 ---- * * @param date the local date, not null * @param time the local time, not null * @return the local date-time, not null */ ! static <R extends ChronoLocalDate> ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<R> of(R date, LocalTime time) { ! return new ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<>(date, time); ! } ! ! /** ! * Casts the {@code Temporal} to {@code ChronoLocalDateTime} ensuring it bas the specified chronology. ! * ! * @param chrono the chronology to check for, not null ! * @param temporal a date-time to cast, not null ! * @return the date-time checked and cast to {@code ChronoLocalDateTime}, not null ! * @throws ClassCastException if the date-time cannot be cast to ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl ! * or the chronology is not equal this Chronology ! */ ! static <R extends ChronoLocalDate> ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<R> ensureValid(Chronology chrono, Temporal temporal) { ! @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ! ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<R> other = (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<R>) temporal; ! if (chrono.equals(other.toLocalDate().getChronology()) == false) { ! throw new ClassCastException("Chronology mismatch, required: " + chrono.getId() ! + ", actual: " + other.toLocalDate().getChronology().getId()); ! } ! return other; } /** * Constructor. *
*** 200,210 **** private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(Temporal newDate, LocalTime newTime) { if (date == newDate && time == newTime) { return this; } // Validate that the new Temporal is a ChronoLocalDate (and not something else) ! D cd = (D) date.getChronology().ensureChronoLocalDate(newDate); return new ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<>(cd, newTime); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override --- 218,228 ---- private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(Temporal newDate, LocalTime newTime) { if (date == newDate && time == newTime) { return this; } // Validate that the new Temporal is a ChronoLocalDate (and not something else) ! D cd = ChronoDateImpl.ensureValid(date.getChronology(), newDate); return new ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<>(cd, newTime); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override
*** 258,274 **** @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(TemporalAdjuster adjuster) { if (adjuster instanceof ChronoLocalDate) { // The Chronology is checked in with(date,time) ! return with((ChronoLocalDate<D>) adjuster, time); } else if (adjuster instanceof LocalTime) { return with(date, (LocalTime) adjuster); } else if (adjuster instanceof ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl) { ! return (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D>)(date.getChronology().ensureChronoLocalDateTime((ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<?>) adjuster)); } ! return (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D>)(date.getChronology().ensureChronoLocalDateTime((ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<?>) adjuster.adjustInto(this))); } @Override public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(TemporalField field, long newValue) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) { --- 276,292 ---- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(TemporalAdjuster adjuster) { if (adjuster instanceof ChronoLocalDate) { // The Chronology is checked in with(date,time) ! return with((ChronoLocalDate) adjuster, time); } else if (adjuster instanceof LocalTime) { return with(date, (LocalTime) adjuster); } else if (adjuster instanceof ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl) { ! return ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl.ensureValid(date.getChronology(), (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<?>) adjuster); } ! return ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl.ensureValid(date.getChronology(), (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<?>) adjuster.adjustInto(this)); } @Override public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> with(TemporalField field, long newValue) { if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
*** 277,287 **** return with(date, time.with(field, newValue)); } else { return with(date.with(field, newValue), time); } } ! return (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D>)(date.getChronology().ensureChronoLocalDateTime(field.adjustInto(this, newValue))); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) { --- 295,305 ---- return with(date, time.with(field, newValue)); } else { return with(date.with(field, newValue), time); } } ! return ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl.ensureValid(date.getChronology(), field.adjustInto(this, newValue)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) {
*** 296,306 **** case HOURS: return plusHours(amountToAdd); case HALF_DAYS: return plusDays(amountToAdd / 256).plusHours((amountToAdd % 256) * 12); // no overflow (256 is multiple of 2) } return with(, unit), time); } ! return (ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D>)(date.getChronology().ensureChronoLocalDateTime(unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd))); } private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plusDays(long days) { return with(, ChronoUnit.DAYS), time); } --- 314,324 ---- case HOURS: return plusHours(amountToAdd); case HALF_DAYS: return plusDays(amountToAdd / 256).plusHours((amountToAdd % 256) * 12); // no overflow (256 is multiple of 2) } return with(, unit), time); } ! return ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl.ensureValid(date.getChronology(), unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd)); } private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plusDays(long days) { return with(, ChronoUnit.DAYS), time); }
*** 320,330 **** private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plusNanos(long nanos) { return plusWithOverflow(date, 0, 0, 0, nanos); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plusWithOverflow(ChronoLocalDate<?> newDate, long hours, long minutes, long seconds, long nanos) { // 9223372036854775808 long, 2147483648 int if ((hours | minutes | seconds | nanos) == 0) { return with(newDate, time); } long totDays = nanos / NANOS_PER_DAY + // max/24*60*60*1B --- 338,348 ---- private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plusNanos(long nanos) { return plusWithOverflow(date, 0, 0, 0, nanos); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! private ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D> plusWithOverflow(D newDate, long hours, long minutes, long seconds, long nanos) { // 9223372036854775808 long, 2147483648 int if ((hours | minutes | seconds | nanos) == 0) { return with(newDate, time); } long totDays = nanos / NANOS_PER_DAY + // max/24*60*60*1B
*** 349,387 **** return ChronoZonedDateTimeImpl.ofBest(this, zone, null); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override ! public long periodUntil(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) { if (endDateTime instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime == false) { throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ChronoLocalDateTime<D> end = (ChronoLocalDateTime<D>) endDateTime; if (toLocalDate().getChronology().equals(end.toLocalDate().getChronology()) == false) { throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects have different chronologies"); } if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) { ! ChronoUnit f = (ChronoUnit) unit; ! if (f.isTimeUnit()) { long amount = end.getLong(EPOCH_DAY) - date.getLong(EPOCH_DAY); ! switch (f) { case NANOS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, NANOS_PER_DAY); break; case MICROS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, MICROS_PER_DAY); break; case MILLIS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, MILLIS_PER_DAY); break; case SECONDS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, SECONDS_PER_DAY); break; case MINUTES: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, MINUTES_PER_DAY); break; case HOURS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, HOURS_PER_DAY); break; case HALF_DAYS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, 2); break; } ! return Math.addExact(amount, time.periodUntil(end.toLocalTime(), unit)); } ! D endDate = end.toLocalDate(); if (end.toLocalTime().isBefore(time)) { endDate = endDate.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS); } ! return date.periodUntil(endDate, unit); } return unit.between(this, endDateTime); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 367,404 ---- return ChronoZonedDateTimeImpl.ofBest(this, zone, null); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override ! public long until(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) { if (endDateTime instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime == false) { throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ChronoLocalDateTime<D> end = (ChronoLocalDateTime<D>) endDateTime; if (toLocalDate().getChronology().equals(end.toLocalDate().getChronology()) == false) { throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects have different chronologies"); } if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) { ! if (unit.isTimeBased()) { long amount = end.getLong(EPOCH_DAY) - date.getLong(EPOCH_DAY); ! switch ((ChronoUnit) unit) { case NANOS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, NANOS_PER_DAY); break; case MICROS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, MICROS_PER_DAY); break; case MILLIS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, MILLIS_PER_DAY); break; case SECONDS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, SECONDS_PER_DAY); break; case MINUTES: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, MINUTES_PER_DAY); break; case HOURS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, HOURS_PER_DAY); break; case HALF_DAYS: amount = Math.multiplyExact(amount, 2); break; } ! return Math.addExact(amount, time.until(end.toLocalTime(), unit)); } ! ChronoLocalDate endDate = end.toLocalDate(); if (end.toLocalTime().isBefore(time)) { endDate = endDate.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS); } ! return date.until(endDate, unit); } return unit.between(this, endDateTime); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 402,412 **** out.writeObject(date); out.writeObject(time); } static ChronoLocalDateTime<?> readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ! ChronoLocalDate<?> date = (ChronoLocalDate<?>) in.readObject(); LocalTime time = (LocalTime) in.readObject(); return date.atTime(time); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 419,429 ---- out.writeObject(date); out.writeObject(time); } static ChronoLocalDateTime<?> readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ! ChronoLocalDate date = (ChronoLocalDate) in.readObject(); LocalTime time = (LocalTime) in.readObject(); return date.atTime(time); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------