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  36 import sun.nio.cs.Surrogate;
  37 import static sun.nio.cs.CharsetMapping.*;
  39 public class HKSCS {
  41     public static class Decoder extends DoubleByte.Decoder {
  42         static int b2Min = 0x40;
  43         static int b2Max = 0xfe;
  45         private char[][] b2cBmp;
  46         private char[][] b2cSupp;
  47         private DoubleByte.Decoder big5Dec;
  49         protected Decoder(Charset cs,
  50                           DoubleByte.Decoder big5Dec,
  51                           char[][] b2cBmp, char[][] b2cSupp)
  52         {
  53             // super(cs, 0.5f, 1.0f);
  54             // need to extends DoubleByte.Decoder so the
  55             // can use it. this implementation
  56             super(cs, 0.5f, 1.0f, null, null, 0, 0);
  57             this.big5Dec = big5Dec;
  58             this.b2cBmp = b2cBmp;
  59             this.b2cSupp = b2cSupp;
  60         }
  62         public char decodeSingle(int b) {
  63             return big5Dec.decodeSingle(b);
  64         }
  66         public char decodeBig5(int b1, int b2) {
  67             return big5Dec.decodeDouble(b1, b2);
  68         }
  70         public char decodeDouble(int b1, int b2) {
  71             return b2cBmp[b1][b2 - b2Min];
  72         }
  74         public char decodeDoubleEx(int b1, int b2) {
  75             /* if the b2cSupp is null, the subclass need
  76                to override the methold

 222             for (int i = 0; i < b2cStr.length; i++) {
 223                 if (b2cStr[i] == null)
 224                     b2c[i] = DoubleByte.B2C_UNMAPPABLE;
 225                 else
 226                     b2c[i] = b2cStr[i].toCharArray();
 227             }
 228         }
 230     }
 232     public static class Encoder extends DoubleByte.Encoder {
 233         private DoubleByte.Encoder big5Enc;
 234         private char[][] c2bBmp;
 235         private char[][] c2bSupp;
 237         protected Encoder(Charset cs,
 238                           DoubleByte.Encoder big5Enc,
 239                           char[][] c2bBmp,
 240                           char[][] c2bSupp)
 241         {
 242             super(cs, null, null);
 243             this.big5Enc = big5Enc;
 244             this.c2bBmp = c2bBmp;
 245             this.c2bSupp = c2bSupp;
 246         }
 248         public int encodeBig5(char ch) {
 249             return big5Enc.encodeChar(ch);
 250         }
 252         public int encodeChar(char ch) {
 253             int bb = c2bBmp[ch >> 8][ch & 0xff];
 254             if (bb == UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING)
 255                 return encodeBig5(ch);
 256             return bb;
 257         }
 259         public int encodeSupp(int cp) {
 260             if ((cp & 0xf0000) != 0x20000)
 261                 return UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING;
 262             return c2bSupp[(cp >> 8) & 0xff][cp & 0xff];

 372                     if (!Character.isHighSurrogate(c) || sp == sl ||
 373                         !Character.isLowSurrogate(src[sp]) ||
 374                         (bb = encodeSupp(Character.toCodePoint(c, src[sp++])))
 375                         == UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING) {
 376                         dst[dp++] = repl[0];
 377                         if (repl.length > 1)
 378                             dst[dp++] = repl[1];
 379                         continue;
 380                     }
 381                 }
 382                 if (bb > MAX_SINGLEBYTE) {        // DoubleByte
 383                     dst[dp++] = (byte)(bb >> 8);
 384                     dst[dp++] = (byte)bb;
 385                 } else {                          // SingleByte
 386                     dst[dp++] = (byte)bb;
 387                 }
 388             }
 389             return dp;
 390         }

 393         static char[] C2B_UNMAPPABLE = new char[0x100];
 394         static {
 395             Arrays.fill(C2B_UNMAPPABLE, (char)UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING);
 396         }
 398         public static void initc2b(char[][] c2b, String[] b2cStr, String pua) {
 399             // init c2b/c2bSupp from b2cStr and supp
 400             int b2Min = 0x40;
 401             Arrays.fill(c2b, C2B_UNMAPPABLE);
 402             for (int b1 = 0; b1 < 0x100; b1++) {
 403                 String s = b2cStr[b1];
 404                 if (s == null)
 405                     continue;
 406                 for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
 407                     char c = s.charAt(i);
 408                     int hi = c >> 8;
 409                     if (c2b[hi] == C2B_UNMAPPABLE) {
 410                         c2b[hi] = new char[0x100];
 411                         Arrays.fill(c2b[hi], (char)UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING);

  36 import sun.nio.cs.Surrogate;
  37 import static sun.nio.cs.CharsetMapping.*;
  39 public class HKSCS {
  41     public static class Decoder extends DoubleByte.Decoder {
  42         static int b2Min = 0x40;
  43         static int b2Max = 0xfe;
  45         private char[][] b2cBmp;
  46         private char[][] b2cSupp;
  47         private DoubleByte.Decoder big5Dec;
  49         protected Decoder(Charset cs,
  50                           DoubleByte.Decoder big5Dec,
  51                           char[][] b2cBmp, char[][] b2cSupp)
  52         {
  53             // super(cs, 0.5f, 1.0f);
  54             // need to extends DoubleByte.Decoder so the
  55             // can use it. this implementation
  56             super(cs, 0.5f, 1.0f, null, null, 0, 0, true);
  57             this.big5Dec = big5Dec;
  58             this.b2cBmp = b2cBmp;
  59             this.b2cSupp = b2cSupp;
  60         }
  62         public char decodeSingle(int b) {
  63             return big5Dec.decodeSingle(b);
  64         }
  66         public char decodeBig5(int b1, int b2) {
  67             return big5Dec.decodeDouble(b1, b2);
  68         }
  70         public char decodeDouble(int b1, int b2) {
  71             return b2cBmp[b1][b2 - b2Min];
  72         }
  74         public char decodeDoubleEx(int b1, int b2) {
  75             /* if the b2cSupp is null, the subclass need
  76                to override the methold

 222             for (int i = 0; i < b2cStr.length; i++) {
 223                 if (b2cStr[i] == null)
 224                     b2c[i] = DoubleByte.B2C_UNMAPPABLE;
 225                 else
 226                     b2c[i] = b2cStr[i].toCharArray();
 227             }
 228         }
 230     }
 232     public static class Encoder extends DoubleByte.Encoder {
 233         private DoubleByte.Encoder big5Enc;
 234         private char[][] c2bBmp;
 235         private char[][] c2bSupp;
 237         protected Encoder(Charset cs,
 238                           DoubleByte.Encoder big5Enc,
 239                           char[][] c2bBmp,
 240                           char[][] c2bSupp)
 241         {
 242             super(cs, null, null, true);
 243             this.big5Enc = big5Enc;
 244             this.c2bBmp = c2bBmp;
 245             this.c2bSupp = c2bSupp;
 246         }
 248         public int encodeBig5(char ch) {
 249             return big5Enc.encodeChar(ch);
 250         }
 252         public int encodeChar(char ch) {
 253             int bb = c2bBmp[ch >> 8][ch & 0xff];
 254             if (bb == UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING)
 255                 return encodeBig5(ch);
 256             return bb;
 257         }
 259         public int encodeSupp(int cp) {
 260             if ((cp & 0xf0000) != 0x20000)
 261                 return UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING;
 262             return c2bSupp[(cp >> 8) & 0xff][cp & 0xff];

 372                     if (!Character.isHighSurrogate(c) || sp == sl ||
 373                         !Character.isLowSurrogate(src[sp]) ||
 374                         (bb = encodeSupp(Character.toCodePoint(c, src[sp++])))
 375                         == UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING) {
 376                         dst[dp++] = repl[0];
 377                         if (repl.length > 1)
 378                             dst[dp++] = repl[1];
 379                         continue;
 380                     }
 381                 }
 382                 if (bb > MAX_SINGLEBYTE) {        // DoubleByte
 383                     dst[dp++] = (byte)(bb >> 8);
 384                     dst[dp++] = (byte)bb;
 385                 } else {                          // SingleByte
 386                     dst[dp++] = (byte)bb;
 387                 }
 388             }
 389             return dp;
 390         }
 392         public int encodeFromUTF16(byte[] src, int sp, int len, byte[] dst) {
 393             int dp = 0;
 394             int sl = sp + len;
 395             int dl = dst.length;
 396             while (sp < sl) {
 397                 char c = StringUTF16.getChar(src, sp++);
 398                 int bb = encodeChar(c);
 399                 if (bb == UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING) {
 400                     if (!Character.isHighSurrogate(c) || sp == sl ||
 401                         !Character.isLowSurrogate(StringUTF16.getChar(src,sp)) ||
 402                         (bb = encodeSupp(Character.toCodePoint(c, StringUTF16.getChar(src, sp++))))
 403                         == UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING) {
 404                         dst[dp++] = repl[0];
 405                         if (repl.length > 1)
 406                             dst[dp++] = repl[1];
 407                         continue;
 408                     }
 409                 }
 410                 if (bb > MAX_SINGLEBYTE) { // DoubleByte
 411                     dst[dp++] = (byte)(bb >> 8);
 412                     dst[dp++] = (byte)bb;
 413                 } else {                   // SingleByte
 414                     dst[dp++] = (byte)bb;
 415                 }
 416             }
 417             return dp;
 418         }
 420         static char[] C2B_UNMAPPABLE = new char[0x100];
 421         static {
 422             Arrays.fill(C2B_UNMAPPABLE, (char)UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING);
 423         }
 425         public static void initc2b(char[][] c2b, String[] b2cStr, String pua) {
 426             // init c2b/c2bSupp from b2cStr and supp
 427             int b2Min = 0x40;
 428             Arrays.fill(c2b, C2B_UNMAPPABLE);
 429             for (int b1 = 0; b1 < 0x100; b1++) {
 430                 String s = b2cStr[b1];
 431                 if (s == null)
 432                     continue;
 433                 for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
 434                     char c = s.charAt(i);
 435                     int hi = c >> 8;
 436                     if (c2b[hi] == C2B_UNMAPPABLE) {
 437                         c2b[hi] = new char[0x100];
 438                         Arrays.fill(c2b[hi], (char)UNMAPPABLE_ENCODING);