
Print this page


@@ -40,42 +40,55 @@
     // is for c->b non-roundtrip mapping.
     // For HKSCS2008, those non-roundtrip mappings are in .nr file
     private static Pattern hkscs =
-    static void genClass(String args[]) throws Exception {
+    static void genClass2008(String srcDir, String dstDir, String pkgName)
+        throws Exception
+    {
         // hkscs2008
-        genClass0(new FileInputStream(new File(args[0], "")),
-                  new FileInputStream(new File(args[0], "HKSCS2008.c2b")),
-                  new PrintStream(new File(args[1], ""),
+        genClass0(new FileInputStream(new File(srcDir, "")),
+                  new FileInputStream(new File(srcDir, "HKSCS2008.c2b")),
+                  new PrintStream(new File(dstDir, ""),
+                  pkgName,
-                  getCopyright(new File(args[3])));
+                  true,
+                  "");
+    }
-        // xp2001
-        genClass0(new FileInputStream(new File(args[0], "")),
+    static void genClassXP(String srcDir, String dstDir, String pkgName)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        genClass0(new FileInputStream(new File(srcDir, "")),
-                  new PrintStream(new File(args[1], ""),
+                  new PrintStream(new File(dstDir, ""),
+                  pkgName,
-                  getCopyright(new File(args[3])));
+                  false,
+                  "");
+    }
+    static void genClass2001(String args[]) throws Exception {
         // hkscs2001
         genClass0(new FileInputStream(new File(args[0], "")),
                   new FileInputStream(new File(args[0], "HKSCS2001.c2b")),
                   new PrintStream(new File(args[1], ""),
+                  "sun.nio.cs.ext",
+                  false,
                   getCopyright(new File(args[3])));
     static void genClass0(InputStream isB2C,
                           InputStream isC2B,
                           PrintStream ps,
+                          String pkgName,
                           String clzName,
+                          boolean isPublic,
                           String copyright)
         throws Exception
         // ranges of byte1 and byte2, something should come from a "config" file
         int b1Min = 0x87;

@@ -130,32 +143,34 @@
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             Output out = new Output(new Formatter(sb));
             out.format("%n// -- This file was mechanically generated: Do not edit! -- //%n");
-            out.format("package sun.nio.cs.ext;%n%n");
-            out.format("class %s {%n%n", clzName);
+            out.format("package %s;%n%n", pkgName);
+            out.format("%sclass %s {%n%n", isPublic ? "public " : "", clzName);
             /* hardcoded in
             out.format("    final static int b1Min = 0x%x;%n", b1Min);
             out.format("    final static int b1Max = 0x%x;%n", b1Max);
             out.format("    final static int b2Min = 0x%x;%n", b2Min);
             out.format("    final static int b2Max = 0x%x;%n", b2Max);
             // bmp tables
-            out.format("%n    static final String[] b2cBmpStr = new String[] {%n");
+            out.format("%n    %sstatic final String[] b2cBmpStr = new String[] {%n",
+                       isPublic ? "public " : "");
             for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
                 if (b2cBmp[i])
                     out.format(bmp, i, b2Min, b2Max, ",");
                     out.format("        null,%n");  //unmappable segments
             out.format("        };%n");
             // supp tables
-            out.format("%n    static final String[] b2cSuppStr =");
+            out.format("%n    %sstatic final String[] b2cSuppStr =",
+                       isPublic ? "public " : "");
             if (hasSupp) {
                 out.format(" new String[] {%n");
                 for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
                     if (b2cSupp[i])
                         out.format(supp, i, b2Min, b2Max, ",");

@@ -166,11 +181,12 @@
             } else {
                 out.format(" null;%n");
             // private area tables
-            out.format("%n    final static String pua =");
+            out.format("%n    %sfinal static String pua =",
+                       isPublic ? "public " : "");
             if (hasPua) {
                 out.format(pua, 0, pua.length, ";");
             } else {
                 out.format(" null;%n");