
Print this page

 968     /**
 969      * The starting point of state machine for the find operation.  This allows
 970      * a match to start anywhere in the input.
 971      */
 972     transient Node root;
 974     /**
 975      * The root of object tree for a match operation.  The pattern is matched
 976      * at the beginning.  This may include a find that uses BnM or a First
 977      * node.
 978      */
 979     transient Node matchRoot;
 981     /**
 982      * Temporary storage used by parsing pattern slice.
 983      */
 984     transient int[] buffer;
 986     /**

 987      * Map the "name" of the "named capturing group" to its group id
 988      * node.
 989      */
 990     transient volatile Map<String, Integer> namedGroups;
 992     /**
 993      * Temporary storage used while parsing group references.
 994      */
 995     transient GroupHead[] groupNodes;
 997     /**
 998      * Temporary null terminated code point array used by pattern compiling.
 999      */
1000     private transient int[] temp;
1002     /**
1003      * The number of capturing groups in this Pattern. Used by matchers to
1004      * allocate storage needed to perform a match.
1005      */
1006     transient int capturingGroupCount;

1009      * The local variable count used by parsing tree. Used by matchers to
1010      * allocate storage needed to perform a match.
1011      */
1012     transient int localCount;
1014     /**
1015      * Index into the pattern string that keeps track of how much has been
1016      * parsed.
1017      */
1018     private transient int cursor;
1020     /**
1021      * Holds the length of the pattern string.
1022      */
1023     private transient int patternLength;
1025     /**
1026      * If the Start node might possibly match supplementary characters.
1027      * It is set to true during compiling if
1028      * (1) There is supplementary char in pattern, or
1029      * (2) There is complement node of Category or Block
1030      */
1031     private transient boolean hasSupplementary;
1033     /**
1034      * Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern.
1035      *
1036      * @param  regex
1037      *         The expression to be compiled
1038      * @return the given regular expression compiled into a pattern
1039      * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
1040      *          If the expression's syntax is invalid
1041      */
1042     public static Pattern compile(String regex) {
1043         return new Pattern(regex, 0);
1044     }
1046     /**
1047      * Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern with the given
1048      * flags.
1049      *

1737             root = hasSupplementary ? new StartS(matchRoot) : new Start(matchRoot);
1738         }
1740         // Release temporary storage
1741         temp = null;
1742         buffer = null;
1743         groupNodes = null;
1744         patternLength = 0;
1745         compiled = true;
1746     }
1748     Map<String, Integer> namedGroups() {
1749         Map<String, Integer> groups = namedGroups;
1750         if (groups == null) {
1751             namedGroups = groups = new HashMap<>(2);
1752         }
1753         return groups;
1754     }
1756     /**
1757      * Used to print out a subtree of the Pattern to help with debugging.
1758      */
1759     private static void printObjectTree(Node node) {
1760         while(node != null) {
1761             if (node instanceof Prolog) {
1762                 System.out.println(node);
1763                 printObjectTree(((Prolog)node).loop);
1764                 System.out.println("**** end contents prolog loop");
1765             } else if (node instanceof Loop) {
1766                 System.out.println(node);
1767                 printObjectTree(((Loop)node).body);
1768                 System.out.println("**** end contents Loop body");
1769             } else if (node instanceof Curly) {
1770                 System.out.println(node);
1771                 printObjectTree(((Curly)node).atom);
1772                 System.out.println("**** end contents Curly body");
1773             } else if (node instanceof GroupCurly) {
1774                 System.out.println(node);
1775                 printObjectTree(((GroupCurly)node).atom);
1776                 System.out.println("**** end contents GroupCurly body");
1777             } else if (node instanceof GroupTail) {
1778                 System.out.println(node);
1779                 System.out.println("Tail next is ";
1780                 return;
1781             } else {
1782                 System.out.println(node);
1783             }
1784             node =;
1785             if (node != null)
1786                 System.out.println("->next:");
1787             if (node == Pattern.accept) {
1788                 System.out.println("Accept Node");
1789                 node = null;
1790             }
1791        }
1792     }
1794     /**
1795      * Used to accumulate information about a subtree of the object graph
1796      * so that optimizations can be applied to the subtree.
1797      */
1798     static final class TreeInfo {
1799         int minLength;
1800         int maxLength;
1801         boolean maxValid;
1802         boolean deterministic;
1804         TreeInfo() {
1805             reset();
1806         }
1807         void reset() {
1808             minLength = 0;
1809             maxLength = 0;
1810             maxValid = true;
1811             deterministic = true;
1812         }
1813     }

2066         Node node = null;
2067     LOOP:
2068         for (;;) {
2069             int ch = peek();
2070             switch (ch) {
2071             case '(':
2072                 // Because group handles its own closure,
2073                 // we need to treat it differently
2074                 node = group0();
2075                 // Check for comment or flag group
2076                 if (node == null)
2077                     continue;
2078                 if (head == null)
2079                     head = node;
2080                 else
2081            = node;
2082                 // Double return: Tail was returned in root
2083                 tail = root;
2084                 continue;
2085             case '[':
2086                 node = clazz(true);
2087                 break;
2088             case '\\':
2089                 ch = nextEscaped();
2090                 if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') {
2091                     boolean oneLetter = true;
2092                     boolean comp = (ch == 'P');
2093                     ch = next(); // Consume { if present
2094                     if (ch != '{') {
2095                         unread();
2096                     } else {
2097                         oneLetter = false;
2098                     }
2099                     node = family(oneLetter, comp);
2100                 } else {
2101                     unread();
2102                     node = atom();
2103                 }
2104                 break;
2105             case '^':
2106                 next();
2107                 if (has(MULTILINE)) {
2108                     if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2109                         node = new UnixCaret();
2110                     else
2111                         node = new Caret();
2112                 } else {
2113                     node = new Begin();
2114                 }
2115                 break;
2116             case '$':
2117                 next();
2118                 if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2119                     node = new UnixDollar(has(MULTILINE));
2120                 else
2121                     node = new Dollar(has(MULTILINE));
2122                 break;
2123             case '.':
2124                 next();
2125                 if (has(DOTALL)) {
2126                     node = new All();
2127                 } else {
2128                     if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2129                         node = new UnixDot();
2130                     else {
2131                         node = new Dot();
2132                     }
2133                 }
2134                 break;
2135             case '|':
2136             case ')':
2137                 break LOOP;
2138             case ']': // Now interpreting dangling ] and } as literals
2139             case '}':
2140                 node = atom();
2141                 break;
2142             case '?':
2143             case '*':
2144             case '+':
2145                 next();
2146                 throw error("Dangling meta character '" + ((char)ch) + "'");
2147             case 0:
2148                 if (cursor >= patternLength) {
2149                     break LOOP;
2150                 }
2151                 // Fall through
2152             default:
2153                 node = atom();
2154                 break;
2155             }
2157             node = closure(node);
2159             if (head == null) {
2160                 head = tail = node;
2161             } else {
2162        = node;
2163                 tail = node;
2164             }
2165         }
2166         if (head == null) {
2167             return end;
2168         }
2169 = end;
2170         root = tail;      //double return
2171         return head;
2172     }
2174     @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
2175     /**
2176      * Parse and add a new Single or Slice.
2177      */
2178     private Node atom() {

2196             case '^':
2197             case '(':
2198             case '[':
2199             case '|':
2200             case ')':
2201                 break;
2202             case '\\':
2203                 ch = nextEscaped();
2204                 if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') { // Property
2205                     if (first > 0) { // Slice is waiting; handle it first
2206                         unread();
2207                         break;
2208                     } else { // No slice; just return the family node
2209                         boolean comp = (ch == 'P');
2210                         boolean oneLetter = true;
2211                         ch = next(); // Consume { if present
2212                         if (ch != '{')
2213                             unread();
2214                         else
2215                             oneLetter = false;
2216                         return family(oneLetter, comp);
2217                     }
2218                 }
2219                 unread();
2220                 prev = cursor;
2221                 ch = escape(false, first == 0, false);
2222                 if (ch >= 0) {
2223                     append(ch, first);
2224                     first++;
2225                     if (isSupplementary(ch)) {
2226                         hasSupplementary = true;
2227                     }
2228                     ch = peek();
2229                     continue;
2230                 } else if (first == 0) {
2231                     return root;
2232                 }
2233                 // Unwind meta escape sequence
2234                 cursor = prev;
2235                 break;
2236             case 0:
2237                 if (cursor >= patternLength) {
2238                     break;
2239                 }
2240                 // Fall through
2241             default:
2242                 prev = cursor;
2243                 append(ch, first);
2244                 first++;
2245                 if (isSupplementary(ch)) {
2246                     hasSupplementary = true;
2247                 }
2248                 ch = next();
2249                 continue;
2250             }
2251             break;
2252         }
2253         if (first == 1) {
2254             return newSingle(buffer[0]);
2255         } else {
2256             return newSlice(buffer, first, hasSupplementary);
2257         }
2258     }
2260     private void append(int ch, int len) {
2261         if (len >= buffer.length) {
2262             int[] tmp = new int[len+len];
2263             System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, tmp, 0, len);
2264             buffer = tmp;
2265         }
2266         buffer[len] = ch;
2267     }
2269     /**
2270      * Parses a backref greedily, taking as many numbers as it
2271      * can. The first digit is always treated as a backref, but
2272      * multi digit numbers are only treated as a backref if at
2273      * least that many backrefs exist at this point in the regex.
2274      */

2329         case '6':
2330         case '7':
2331         case '8':
2332         case '9':
2333             if (inclass) break;
2334             if (create) {
2335                 root = ref((ch - '0'));
2336             }
2337             return -1;
2338         case 'A':
2339             if (inclass) break;
2340             if (create) root = new Begin();
2341             return -1;
2342         case 'B':
2343             if (inclass) break;
2344             if (create) root = new Bound(Bound.NONE, has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS));
2345             return -1;
2346         case 'C':
2347             break;
2348         case 'D':
2349             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2350                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.DIGIT).complement()
2351                                : new Ctype(ASCII.DIGIT).complement();

2352             return -1;
2353         case 'E':
2354         case 'F':
2355             break;
2356         case 'G':
2357             if (inclass) break;
2358             if (create) root = new LastMatch();
2359             return -1;
2360         case 'H':
2361             if (create) root = new HorizWS().complement();

2362             return -1;
2363         case 'I':
2364         case 'J':
2365         case 'K':
2366         case 'L':
2367         case 'M':
2368             break;
2369         case 'N':
2370             return N();
2371         case 'O':
2372         case 'P':
2373         case 'Q':
2374             break;
2375         case 'R':
2376             if (inclass) break;
2377             if (create) root = new LineEnding();
2378             return -1;
2379         case 'S':
2380             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2381                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WHITE_SPACE).complement()
2382                                : new Ctype(ASCII.SPACE).complement();

2383             return -1;
2384         case 'T':
2385         case 'U':
2386             break;
2387         case 'V':
2388             if (create) root = new VertWS().complement();

2389             return -1;
2390         case 'W':
2391             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2392                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WORD).complement()
2393                                : new Ctype(ASCII.WORD).complement();

2394             return -1;
2395         case 'X':
2396             if (inclass) break;
2397             if (create) {
2398                 root = new XGrapheme();
2399             }
2400             return -1;
2401         case 'Y':
2402             break;
2403         case 'Z':
2404             if (inclass) break;
2405             if (create) {
2406                 if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2407                     root = new UnixDollar(false);
2408                 else
2409                     root = new Dollar(false);
2410             }
2411             return -1;
2412         case 'a':
2413             return '\007';
2414         case 'b':
2415             if (inclass) break;
2416             if (create) {
2417                 if (peek() == '{') {
2418                     if (skip() == 'g') {
2419                         if (read() == '}') {
2420                             root = new GraphemeBound();
2421                             return -1;
2422                         }
2423                         break;  // error missing trailing }
2424                     }
2425                     unread(); unread();
2426                 }
2427                 root = new Bound(Bound.BOTH, has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS));
2428             }
2429             return -1;
2430         case 'c':
2431             return c();
2432         case 'd':
2433             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2434                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.DIGIT)
2435                                : new Ctype(ASCII.DIGIT);

2436             return -1;
2437         case 'e':
2438             return '\033';
2439         case 'f':
2440             return '\f';
2441         case 'g':
2442             break;
2443         case 'h':
2444             if (create) root = new HorizWS();

2445             return -1;
2446         case 'i':
2447         case 'j':
2448             break;
2449         case 'k':
2450             if (inclass)
2451                 break;
2452             if (read() != '<')
2453                 throw error("\\k is not followed by '<' for named capturing group");
2454             String name = groupname(read());
2455             if (!namedGroups().containsKey(name))
2456                 throw error("(named capturing group <"+ name+"> does not exit");
2457             if (create) {
2458                 if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE))
2459                     root = new CIBackRef(namedGroups().get(name), has(UNICODE_CASE));
2460                 else
2461                     root = new BackRef(namedGroups().get(name));
2462             }
2463             return -1;
2464         case 'l':
2465         case 'm':
2466             break;
2467         case 'n':
2468             return '\n';
2469         case 'o':
2470         case 'p':
2471         case 'q':
2472             break;
2473         case 'r':
2474             return '\r';
2475         case 's':
2476             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2477                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WHITE_SPACE)
2478                                : new Ctype(ASCII.SPACE);

2479             return -1;
2480         case 't':
2481             return '\t';
2482         case 'u':
2483             return u();
2484         case 'v':
2485             // '\v' was implemented as VT/0x0B in releases < 1.8 (though
2486             // undocumented). In JDK8 '\v' is specified as a predefined
2487             // character class for all vertical whitespace characters.
2488             // So [-1, root=VertWS node] pair is returned (instead of a
2489             // single 0x0B). This breaks the range if '\v' is used as
2490             // the start or end value, such as [\v-...] or [...-\v], in
2491             // which a single definite value (0x0B) is expected. For
2492             // compatibility concern '\013'/0x0B is returned if isrange.
2493             if (isrange)
2494                 return '\013';
2495             if (create) root = new VertWS();

2496             return -1;
2497         case 'w':
2498             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2499                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WORD)
2500                                : new Ctype(ASCII.WORD);

2501             return -1;
2502         case 'x':
2503             return x();
2504         case 'y':
2505             break;
2506         case 'z':
2507             if (inclass) break;
2508             if (create) root = new End();
2509             return -1;
2510         default:
2511             return ch;
2512         }
2513         throw error("Illegal/unsupported escape sequence");
2514     }
2516     /**
2517      * Parse a character class, and return the node that matches it.
2518      *
2519      * Consumes a ] on the way out if consume is true. Usually consume
2520      * is true except for the case of [abc&&def] where def is a separate
2521      * right hand node with "understood" brackets.
2522      */
2523     private CharProperty clazz(boolean consume) {
2524         CharProperty prev = null;
2525         CharProperty node = null;
2526         BitClass bits = new BitClass();
2527         boolean include = true;
2528         boolean firstInClass = true;

2529         int ch = next();
2530         for (;;) {
2531             switch (ch) {
2532                 case '^':
2533                     // Negates if first char in a class, otherwise literal
2534                     if (firstInClass) {
2535                         if (temp[cursor-1] != '[')
2536                             break;
2537                         ch = next();
2538                         include = !include;
2539                         continue;
2540                     } else {
2541                         // ^ not first in class, treat as literal
2542                         break;
2543                     }

2544                 case '[':
2545                     firstInClass = false;
2546                     node = clazz(true);
2547                     if (prev == null)
2548                         prev = node;
2549                     else
2550                         prev = union(prev, node);
2551                     ch = peek();
2552                     continue;
2553                 case '&':
2554                     firstInClass = false;
2555                     ch = next();
2556                     if (ch == '&') {
2557                         ch = next();
2558                         CharProperty rightNode = null;
2559                         while (ch != ']' && ch != '&') {
2560                             if (ch == '[') {
2561                                 if (rightNode == null)
2562                                     rightNode = clazz(true);
2563                                 else
2564                                     rightNode = union(rightNode, clazz(true));
2565                             } else { // abc&&def
2566                                 unread();
2567                                 rightNode = clazz(false);
2568                             }
2569                             ch = peek();
2570                         }
2571                         if (rightNode != null)
2572                             node = rightNode;
2573                         if (prev == null) {
2574                             if (rightNode == null)

2575                                 throw error("Bad class syntax");
2576                             else
2577                                 prev = rightNode;
2578                         } else {
2579                             prev = intersection(prev, node);
2580                         }
2581                     } else {
2582                         // treat as a literal &
2583                         unread();
2584                         break;
2585                     }
2586                     continue;
2587                 case 0:
2588                     firstInClass = false;
2589                     if (cursor >= patternLength)
2590                         throw error("Unclosed character class");
2591                     break;
2592                 case ']':
2593                     firstInClass = false;
2594                     if (prev != null) {
2595                         if (consume)
2596                             next();

2597                         return prev;
2598                     }
2599                     break;
2600                 default:
2601                     firstInClass = false;
2602                     break;
2603             }
2604             node = range(bits);
2605             if (include) {
2606                 if (prev == null) {
2607                     prev = node;
2608                 } else {
2609                     if (prev != node)
2610                         prev = union(prev, node);
2611                 }
2612             } else {
2613                 if (prev == null) {
2614                     prev = node.complement();
2615                 } else {
2616                     if (prev != node)
2617                         prev = setDifference(prev, node);
2618                 }

2619             }
2620             ch = peek();
2621         }
2622     }
2624     private CharProperty bitsOrSingle(BitClass bits, int ch) {
2625         /* Bits can only handle codepoints in [u+0000-u+00ff] range.
2626            Use "single" node instead of bits when dealing with unicode
2627            case folding for codepoints listed below.
2628            (1)Uppercase out of range: u+00ff, u+00b5
2629               toUpperCase(u+00ff) -> u+0178
2630               toUpperCase(u+00b5) -> u+039c
2631            (2)LatinSmallLetterLongS u+17f
2632               toUpperCase(u+017f) -> u+0053
2633            (3)LatinSmallLetterDotlessI u+131
2634               toUpperCase(u+0131) -> u+0049
2635            (4)LatinCapitalLetterIWithDotAbove u+0130
2636               toLowerCase(u+0130) -> u+0069
2637            (5)KelvinSign u+212a
2638               toLowerCase(u+212a) ==> u+006B
2639            (6)AngstromSign u+212b
2640               toLowerCase(u+212b) ==> u+00e5
2641         */
2642         int d;
2643         if (ch < 256 &&
2644             !(has(CASE_INSENSITIVE) && has(UNICODE_CASE) &&
2645               (ch == 0xff || ch == 0xb5 ||
2646                ch == 0x49 || ch == 0x69 ||  //I and i
2647                ch == 0x53 || ch == 0x73 ||  //S and s
2648                ch == 0x4b || ch == 0x6b ||  //K and k
2649                ch == 0xc5 || ch == 0xe5)))  //A+ring
2650             return bits.add(ch, flags());
2651         return newSingle(ch);

2652     }
2654     /**
2655      * Parse a single character or a character range in a character class
2656      * and return its representative node.
2657      */
2658     private CharProperty range(BitClass bits) {
2659         int ch = peek();
2660         if (ch == '\\') {
2661             ch = nextEscaped();
2662             if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') { // A property
2663                 boolean comp = (ch == 'P');
2664                 boolean oneLetter = true;
2665                 // Consume { if present
2666                 ch = next();
2667                 if (ch != '{')
2668                     unread();
2669                 else
2670                     oneLetter = false;
2671                 return family(oneLetter, comp);
2672             } else { // ordinary escape
2673                 boolean isrange = temp[cursor+1] == '-';
2674                 unread();
2675                 ch = escape(true, true, isrange);
2676                 if (ch == -1)
2677                     return (CharProperty) root;
2678             }
2679         } else {
2680             next();
2681         }
2682         if (ch >= 0) {
2683             if (peek() == '-') {
2684                 int endRange = temp[cursor+1];
2685                 if (endRange == '[') {
2686                     return bitsOrSingle(bits, ch);
2687                 }
2688                 if (endRange != ']') {
2689                     next();
2690                     int m = peek();
2691                     if (m == '\\') {
2692                         m = escape(true, false, true);
2693                     } else {
2694                         next();
2695                     }
2696                     if (m < ch) {
2697                         throw error("Illegal character range");
2698                     }
2699                     if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE))
2700                         return caseInsensitiveRangeFor(ch, m);
2701                     else
2702                         return rangeFor(ch, m);

2703                 }
2704             }
2705             return bitsOrSingle(bits, ch);
2706         }
2707         throw error("Unexpected character '"+((char)ch)+"'");
2708     }
2710     /**
2711      * Parses a Unicode character family and returns its representative node.
2712      */
2713     private CharProperty family(boolean singleLetter,
2714                                 boolean maybeComplement)
2715     {
2716         next();
2717         String name;
2718         CharProperty node = null;
2720         if (singleLetter) {
2721             int c = temp[cursor];
2722             if (!Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(c)) {
2723                 name = String.valueOf((char)c);
2724             } else {
2725                 name = new String(temp, cursor, 1);
2726             }
2727             read();
2728         } else {
2729             int i = cursor;
2730             mark('}');
2731             while(read() != '}') {
2732             }
2733             mark('\000');
2734             int j = cursor;
2735             if (j > patternLength)
2736                 throw error("Unclosed character family");
2737             if (i + 1 >= j)
2738                 throw error("Empty character family");
2739             name = new String(temp, i, j-i-1);
2740         }
2742         int i = name.indexOf('=');
2743         if (i != -1) {
2744             // property construct \p{name=value}
2745             String value = name.substring(i + 1);
2746             name = name.substring(0, i).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
2747             switch (name) {
2748                 case "sc":
2749                 case "script":
2750                     node = unicodeScriptPropertyFor(value);
2751                     break;
2752                 case "blk":
2753                 case "block":
2754                     node = unicodeBlockPropertyFor(value);
2755                     break;
2756                 case "gc":
2757                 case "general_category":
2758                     node = charPropertyNodeFor(value);
2759                     break;
2760                 default:

2761                     throw error("Unknown Unicode property {name=<" + name + ">, "
2762                                 + "value=<" + value + ">}");
2763             }
2764         } else {
2765             if (name.startsWith("In")) {
2766                 // \p{inBlockName}
2767                 node = unicodeBlockPropertyFor(name.substring(2));
2768             } else if (name.startsWith("Is")) {
2769                 // \p{isGeneralCategory} and \p{isScriptName}
2770                 name = name.substring(2);
2771                 UnicodeProp uprop = UnicodeProp.forName(name);
2772                 if (uprop != null)
2773                     node = new Utype(uprop);
2774                 if (node == null)
2775                     node = CharPropertyNames.charPropertyFor(name);
2776                 if (node == null)
2777                     node = unicodeScriptPropertyFor(name);
2778             } else {
2779                 if (has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)) {
2780                     UnicodeProp uprop = UnicodeProp.forPOSIXName(name);
2781                     if (uprop != null)
2782                         node = new Utype(uprop);
2783                 }
2784                 if (node == null)
2785                     node = charPropertyNodeFor(name);
2786             }

2787         }
2788         if (maybeComplement) {
2789             if (node instanceof Category || node instanceof Block)

2790                 hasSupplementary = true;
2791             node = node.complement();
2792         }
2793         return node;
2794     }
2797     /**
2798      * Returns a CharProperty matching all characters belong to
2799      * a UnicodeScript.
2800      */
2801     private CharProperty unicodeScriptPropertyFor(String name) {
2802         final Character.UnicodeScript script;
2803         try {
2804             script = Character.UnicodeScript.forName(name);
2805         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
2806             throw error("Unknown character script name {" + name + "}");
2807         }
2808         return new Script(script);
2809     }
2811     /**
2812      * Returns a CharProperty matching all characters in a UnicodeBlock.
2813      */
2814     private CharProperty unicodeBlockPropertyFor(String name) {
2815         final Character.UnicodeBlock block;
2816         try {
2817             block = Character.UnicodeBlock.forName(name);
2818         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
2819             throw error("Unknown character block name {" + name + "}");
2820         }
2821         return new Block(block);
2822     }
2824     /**
2825      * Returns a CharProperty matching all characters in a named property.
2826      */
2827     private CharProperty charPropertyNodeFor(String name) {
2828         CharProperty p = CharPropertyNames.charPropertyFor(name);
2829         if (p == null)
2830             throw error("Unknown character property name {" + name + "}");
2831         return p;

2832     }
2834     /**
2835      * Parses and returns the name of a "named capturing group", the trailing
2836      * ">" is consumed after parsing.
2837      */
2838     private String groupname(int ch) {
2839         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2840         sb.append(Character.toChars(ch));
2841         while (ASCII.isLower(ch=read()) || ASCII.isUpper(ch) ||
2842                ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {
2843             sb.append(Character.toChars(ch));
2844         }
2845         if (sb.length() == 0)
2846             throw error("named capturing group has 0 length name");
2847         if (ch != '>')
2848             throw error("named capturing group is missing trailing '>'");
2849         return sb.toString();
2850     }

2867             case ':':   //  (?:xxx) pure group
2868                 head = createGroup(true);
2869                 tail = root;
2870        = expr(tail);
2871                 break;
2872             case '=':   // (?=xxx) and (?!xxx) lookahead
2873             case '!':
2874                 head = createGroup(true);
2875                 tail = root;
2876        = expr(tail);
2877                 if (ch == '=') {
2878                     head = tail = new Pos(head);
2879                 } else {
2880                     head = tail = new Neg(head);
2881                 }
2882                 break;
2883             case '>':   // (?>xxx)  independent group
2884                 head = createGroup(true);
2885                 tail = root;
2886        = expr(tail);
2887                 head = tail = new Ques(head, INDEPENDENT);
2888                 break;
2889             case '<':   // (?<xxx)  look behind
2890                 ch = read();
2891                 if (ASCII.isLower(ch) || ASCII.isUpper(ch)) {
2892                     // named captured group
2893                     String name = groupname(ch);
2894                     if (namedGroups().containsKey(name))
2895                         throw error("Named capturing group <" + name
2896                                     + "> is already defined");
2897                     capturingGroup = true;
2898                     head = createGroup(false);
2899                     tail = root;
2900                     namedGroups().put(name, capturingGroupCount-1);
2901            = expr(tail);
2902                     break;
2903                 }
2904                 int start = cursor;
2905                 head = createGroup(true);
2906                 tail = root;
2907        = expr(tail);

2953             tail = root;
2954    = expr(tail);
2955         }
2957         accept(')', "Unclosed group");
2958         flags = save;
2960         // Check for quantifiers
2961         Node node = closure(head);
2962         if (node == head) { // No closure
2963             root = tail;
2964             return node;    // Dual return
2965         }
2966         if (head == tail) { // Zero length assertion
2967             root = node;
2968             return node;    // Dual return
2969         }
2971         if (node instanceof Ques) {
2972             Ques ques = (Ques) node;
2973             if (ques.type == POSSESSIVE) {
2974                 root = node;
2975                 return node;
2976             }
2977    = new BranchConn();
2978             tail =;
2979             if (ques.type == GREEDY) {
2980                 head = new Branch(head, null, tail);
2981             } else { // Reluctant quantifier
2982                 head = new Branch(null, head, tail);
2983             }
2984             root = tail;
2985             return head;
2986         } else if (node instanceof Curly) {
2987             Curly curly = (Curly) node;
2988             if (curly.type == POSSESSIVE) {
2989                 root = node;
2990                 return node;
2991             }
2992             // Discover if the group is deterministic
2993             TreeInfo info = new TreeInfo();
2994             if ( { // Deterministic
2995                 GroupTail temp = (GroupTail) tail;
2996                 head = root = new GroupCurly(, curly.cmin,
2997                                    curly.cmax, curly.type,
2998                                    ((GroupTail)tail).localIndex,
2999                                    ((GroupTail)tail).groupIndex,
3000                                              capturingGroup);
3001                 return head;
3002             } else { // Non-deterministic
3003                 int temp = ((GroupHead) head).localIndex;
3004                 Loop loop;
3005                 if (curly.type == GREEDY)
3006                     loop = new Loop(this.localCount, temp);
3007                 else  // Reluctant Curly
3008                     loop = new LazyLoop(this.localCount, temp);
3009                 Prolog prolog = new Prolog(loop);
3010                 this.localCount += 1;
3011                 loop.cmin = curly.cmin;
3012                 loop.cmax = curly.cmax;
3013                 loop.body = head;
3014        = loop;
3015                 root = loop;
3016                 return prolog; // Dual return
3017             }
3018         }
3019         throw error("Internal logic error");
3020     }
3022     /**
3023      * Create group head and tail nodes using double return. If the group is
3024      * created with anonymous true then it is a pure group and should not
3025      * affect group counting.
3026      */
3027     private Node createGroup(boolean anonymous) {
3028         int localIndex = localCount++;
3029         int groupIndex = 0;
3030         if (!anonymous)
3031             groupIndex = capturingGroupCount++;
3032         GroupHead head = new GroupHead(localIndex);
3033         root = new GroupTail(localIndex, groupIndex);

3034         if (!anonymous && groupIndex < 10)
3035             groupNodes[groupIndex] = head;
3036         return head;
3037     }
3039     @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
3040     /**
3041      * Parses inlined match flags and set them appropriately.
3042      */
3043     private void addFlag() {
3044         int ch = peek();
3045         for (;;) {
3046             switch (ch) {
3047             case 'i':
3048                 flags |= CASE_INSENSITIVE;
3049                 break;
3050             case 'm':
3051                 flags |= MULTILINE;
3052                 break;
3053             case 's':

3102             case 'u':
3103                 flags &= ~UNICODE_CASE;
3104                 break;
3105             case 'c':
3106                 flags &= ~CANON_EQ;
3107                 break;
3108             case 'x':
3109                 flags &= ~COMMENTS;
3110                 break;
3111             case 'U':
3112                 flags &= ~(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | UNICODE_CASE);
3113             default:
3114                 return;
3115             }
3116             ch = next();
3117         }
3118     }
3120     static final int MAX_REPS   = 0x7FFFFFFF;
3122     static final int GREEDY     = 0;
3124     static final int LAZY       = 1;
3126     static final int POSSESSIVE = 2;
3128     static final int INDEPENDENT = 3;

3130     /**
3131      * Processes repetition. If the next character peeked is a quantifier
3132      * then new nodes must be appended to handle the repetition.
3133      * Prev could be a single or a group, so it could be a chain of nodes.
3134      */
3135     private Node closure(Node prev) {
3136         Node atom;
3137         int ch = peek();
3138         switch (ch) {
3139         case '?':
3140             ch = next();
3141             if (ch == '?') {
3142                 next();
3143                 return new Ques(prev, LAZY);
3144             } else if (ch == '+') {
3145                 next();
3146                 return new Ques(prev, POSSESSIVE);
3147             }
3148             return new Ques(prev, GREEDY);
3149         case '*':
3150             ch = next();
3151             if (ch == '?') {
3152                 next();
3153                 return new Curly(prev, 0, MAX_REPS, LAZY);
3154             } else if (ch == '+') {
3155                 next();
3156                 return new Curly(prev, 0, MAX_REPS, POSSESSIVE);
3157             }
3158             return new Curly(prev, 0, MAX_REPS, GREEDY);
3159         case '+':
3160             ch = next();
3161             if (ch == '?') {
3162                 next();
3163                 return new Curly(prev, 1, MAX_REPS, LAZY);
3164             } else if (ch == '+') {
3165                 next();
3166                 return new Curly(prev, 1, MAX_REPS, POSSESSIVE);
3167             }
3168             return new Curly(prev, 1, MAX_REPS, GREEDY);
3169         case '{':
3170             ch = temp[cursor+1];
3171             if (ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {
3172                 skip();
3173                 int cmin = 0;
3174                 do {
3175                     cmin = cmin * 10 + (ch - '0');
3176                 } while (ASCII.isDigit(ch = read()));
3177                 int cmax = cmin;
3178                 if (ch == ',') {
3179                     ch = read();
3180                     cmax = MAX_REPS;
3181                     if (ch != '}') {
3182                         cmax = 0;
3183                         while (ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {
3184                             cmax = cmax * 10 + (ch - '0');
3185                             ch = read();
3186                         }
3187                     }
3188                 }
3189                 if (ch != '}')
3190                     throw error("Unclosed counted closure");
3191                 if (((cmin) | (cmax) | (cmax - cmin)) < 0)
3192                     throw error("Illegal repetition range");
3193                 Curly curly;
3194                 ch = peek();
3195                 if (ch == '?') {
3196                     next();
3197                     curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, LAZY);
3198                 } else if (ch == '+') {
3199                     next();
3200                     curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, POSSESSIVE);
3201                 } else {
3202                     curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, GREEDY);
3203                 }
3204                 return curly;
3205             } else {
3206                 throw error("Illegal repetition");
3207             }
3208         default:
3209             return prev;
3210         }
3211     }
3213     /**
3214      *  Utility method for parsing control escape sequences.
3215      */
3216     private int c() {
3217         if (cursor < patternLength) {
3218             return read() ^ 64;
3219         }
3220         throw error("Illegal control escape sequence");
3221     }

3360     private static final int countCodePoints(CharSequence seq) {
3361         int length = seq.length();
3362         int n = 0;
3363         for (int i = 0; i < length; ) {
3364             n++;
3365             if (Character.isHighSurrogate(seq.charAt(i++))) {
3366                 if (i < length && Character.isLowSurrogate(seq.charAt(i))) {
3367                     i++;
3368                 }
3369             }
3370         }
3371         return n;
3372     }
3374     /**
3375      *  Creates a bit vector for matching Latin-1 values. A normal BitClass
3376      *  never matches values above Latin-1, and a complemented BitClass always
3377      *  matches values above Latin-1.
3378      */
3379     private static final class BitClass extends BmpCharProperty {
3380         final boolean[] bits;
3381         BitClass() { bits = new boolean[256]; }
3382         private BitClass(boolean[] bits) { this.bits = bits; }

3383         BitClass add(int c, int flags) {
3384             assert c >= 0 && c <= 255;
3385             if ((flags & CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) {
3386                 if (ASCII.isAscii(c)) {
3387                     bits[ASCII.toUpper(c)] = true;
3388                     bits[ASCII.toLower(c)] = true;
3389                 } else if ((flags & UNICODE_CASE) != 0) {
3390                     bits[Character.toLowerCase(c)] = true;
3391                     bits[Character.toUpperCase(c)] = true;
3392                 }
3393             }
3394             bits[c] = true;
3395             return this;
3396         }
3397         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3398             return ch < 256 && bits[ch];
3399         }
3400     }
3402     /**
3403      *  Returns a suitably optimized, single character matcher.
3404      */
3405     private CharProperty newSingle(final int ch) {
3406         if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE)) {
3407             int lower, upper;
3408             if (has(UNICODE_CASE)) {
3409                 upper = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
3410                 lower = Character.toLowerCase(upper);
3411                 if (upper != lower)
3412                     return new SingleU(lower);
3413             } else if (ASCII.isAscii(ch)) {
3414                 lower = ASCII.toLower(ch);
3415                 upper = ASCII.toUpper(ch);
3416                 if (lower != upper)
3417                     return new SingleI(lower, upper);
3418             }
3419         }
3420         if (isSupplementary(ch))
3421             return new SingleS(ch);    // Match a given Unicode character
3422         return new Single(ch);         // Match a given BMP character
3423     }
3425     /**
3426      *  Utility method for creating a string slice matcher.
3427      */
3428     private Node newSlice(int[] buf, int count, boolean hasSupplementary) {
3429         int[] tmp = new int[count];
3430         if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE)) {
3431             if (has(UNICODE_CASE)) {
3432                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3433                     tmp[i] = Character.toLowerCase(
3434                                  Character.toUpperCase(buf[i]));
3435                 }
3436                 return hasSupplementary? new SliceUS(tmp) : new SliceU(tmp);
3437             }
3438             for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3439                 tmp[i] = ASCII.toLower(buf[i]);
3440             }
3441             return hasSupplementary? new SliceIS(tmp) : new SliceI(tmp);
3442         }

3810                     if (i < && seq.charAt(i) == 0x0A)
3811                         i++;
3812                     return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
3813                 }
3814             } else {
3815                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
3816             }
3817             return false;
3818         }
3819         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
3820             info.minLength++;
3821             info.maxLength += 2;
3822             return;
3823         }
3824     }
3826     /**
3827      * Abstract node class to match one character satisfying some
3828      * boolean property.
3829      */
3830     private abstract static class CharProperty extends Node {
3831         abstract boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch);
3832         CharProperty complement() {
3833             return new CharProperty() {
3834                     boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3835                         return ! CharProperty.this.isSatisfiedBy(ch);}};
3836         }
3837         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
3838             if (i < {
3839                 int ch = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
3840                 return isSatisfiedBy(ch)
3841                     && next.match(matcher, i+Character.charCount(ch), seq);
3842             } else {
3843                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
3844                 return false;
3845             }
3846         }
3847         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
3848             info.minLength++;
3849             info.maxLength++;
3850             return;
3851         }
3852     }
3854     /**
3855      * Optimized version of CharProperty that works only for
3856      * properties never satisfied by Supplementary characters.
3857      */
3858     private abstract static class BmpCharProperty extends CharProperty {

3859         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
3860             if (i < {
3861                 return isSatisfiedBy(seq.charAt(i))
3862                     && next.match(matcher, i+1, seq);
3863             } else {
3864                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
3865                 return false;
3866             }
3867         }
3868     }
3870     /**
3871      * Node class that matches a Supplementary Unicode character
3872      */
3873     static final class SingleS extends CharProperty {
3874         final int c;
3875         SingleS(int c) { this.c = c; }
3876         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3877             return ch == c;
3878         }
3879     }
3881     /**
3882      * Optimization -- matches a given BMP character
3883      */
3884     static final class Single extends BmpCharProperty {
3885         final int c;
3886         Single(int c) { this.c = c; }
3887         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3888             return ch == c;
3889         }
3890     }
3892     /**
3893      * Case insensitive matches a given BMP character
3894      */
3895     static final class SingleI extends BmpCharProperty {
3896         final int lower;
3897         final int upper;
3898         SingleI(int lower, int upper) {
3899             this.lower = lower;
3900             this.upper = upper;
3901         }
3902         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3903             return ch == lower || ch == upper;
3904         }
3905     }
3907     /**
3908      * Unicode case insensitive matches a given Unicode character
3909      */
3910     static final class SingleU extends CharProperty {
3911         final int lower;
3912         SingleU(int lower) {
3913             this.lower = lower;
3914         }
3915         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3916             return lower == ch ||
3917                 lower == Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(ch));
3918         }
3919     }
3921     /**
3922      * Node class that matches a Unicode block.
3923      */
3924     static final class Block extends CharProperty {
3925         final Character.UnicodeBlock block;
3926         Block(Character.UnicodeBlock block) {
3927             this.block = block;
3928         }
3929         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3930             return block == Character.UnicodeBlock.of(ch);
3931         }
3932     }
3934     /**
3935      * Node class that matches a Unicode script
3936      */
3937     static final class Script extends CharProperty {
3938         final Character.UnicodeScript script;
3939         Script(Character.UnicodeScript script) {
3940             this.script = script;
3941         }
3942         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3943             return script == Character.UnicodeScript.of(ch);
3944         }
3945     }
3947     /**
3948      * Node class that matches a Unicode category.
3949      */
3950     static final class Category extends CharProperty {
3951         final int typeMask;
3952         Category(int typeMask) { this.typeMask = typeMask; }
3953         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3954             return (typeMask & (1 << Character.getType(ch))) != 0;
3955         }
3956     }
3958     /**
3959      * Node class that matches a Unicode "type"
3960      */
3961     static final class Utype extends CharProperty {
3962         final UnicodeProp uprop;
3963         Utype(UnicodeProp uprop) { this.uprop = uprop; }
3964         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3965             return;
3966         }
3967     }
3969     /**
3970      * Node class that matches a POSIX type.
3971      */
3972     static final class Ctype extends BmpCharProperty {
3973         final int ctype;
3974         Ctype(int ctype) { this.ctype = ctype; }
3975         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3976             return ch < 128 && ASCII.isType(ch, ctype);
3977         }
3978     }
3980     /**
3981      * Node class that matches a Perl vertical whitespace
3982      */
3983     static final class VertWS extends BmpCharProperty {
3984         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int cp) {
3985             return (cp >= 0x0A && cp <= 0x0D) ||
3986                    cp == 0x85 || cp == 0x2028 || cp == 0x2029;
3987         }
3988     }
3990     /**
3991      * Node class that matches a Perl horizontal whitespace
3992      */
3993     static final class HorizWS extends BmpCharProperty {
3994         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int cp) {
3995             return cp == 0x09 || cp == 0x20 || cp == 0xa0 ||
3996                    cp == 0x1680 || cp == 0x180e ||
3997                    cp >= 0x2000 && cp <= 0x200a ||
3998                    cp == 0x202f || cp == 0x205f || cp == 0x3000;
3999         }
4000     }
4002     /**
4003      * Node class that matches an unicode extended grapheme cluster
4004      */
4005     static class XGrapheme extends Node {
4006         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4007             if (i < {
4008                 int ch0 = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
4009                     i += Character.charCount(ch0);
4010                 while (i < {
4011                     int ch1 = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
4012                     if (Grapheme.isBoundary(ch0, ch1))
4013                         break;
4014                     ch0 = ch1;
4015                     i += Character.charCount(ch1);
4016                 }
4017                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4018             }
4019             matcher.hitEnd = true;
4020             return false;
4021         }

4200                     return false;
4201                 }
4202             }
4203             return next.match(matcher, x, seq);
4204         }
4205     }
4207     /**
4208      * Node class for a case insensitive sequence of literal characters.
4209      * Uses unicode case folding.
4210      */
4211     static final class SliceUS extends SliceIS {
4212         SliceUS(int[] buf) {
4213             super(buf);
4214         }
4215         int toLower(int c) {
4216             return Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(c));
4217         }
4218     }
4220     private static boolean inRange(int lower, int ch, int upper) {
4221         return lower <= ch && ch <= upper;
4222     }
4224     /**
4225      * Returns node for matching characters within an explicit value range.
4226      */
4227     private static CharProperty rangeFor(final int lower,
4228                                          final int upper) {
4229         return new CharProperty() {
4230                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
4231                     return inRange(lower, ch, upper);}};
4232     }
4234     /**
4235      * Returns node for matching characters within an explicit value
4236      * range in a case insensitive manner.
4237      */
4238     private CharProperty caseInsensitiveRangeFor(final int lower,
4239                                                  final int upper) {
4240         if (has(UNICODE_CASE))
4241             return new CharProperty() {
4242                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
4243                     if (inRange(lower, ch, upper))
4244                         return true;
4245                     int up = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
4246                     return inRange(lower, up, upper) ||
4247                            inRange(lower, Character.toLowerCase(up), upper);}};
4248         return new CharProperty() {
4249             boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
4250                 return inRange(lower, ch, upper) ||
4251                     ASCII.isAscii(ch) &&
4252                         (inRange(lower, ASCII.toUpper(ch), upper) ||
4253                          inRange(lower, ASCII.toLower(ch), upper));
4254             }};
4255     }
4257     /**
4258      * Implements the Unicode category ALL and the dot metacharacter when
4259      * in dotall mode.
4260      */
4261     static final class All extends CharProperty {
4262         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
4263             return true;
4264         }
4265     }
4267     /**
4268      * Node class for the dot metacharacter when dotall is not enabled.
4269      */
4270     static final class Dot extends CharProperty {
4271         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
4272             return (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r'
4273                     && (ch|1) != '\u2029'
4274                     && ch != '\u0085');
4275         }
4276     }
4278     /**
4279      * Node class for the dot metacharacter when dotall is not enabled
4280      * but UNIX_LINES is enabled.
4281      */
4282     static final class UnixDot extends CharProperty {
4283         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
4284             return ch != '\n';
4285         }
4286     }
4288     /**
4289      * The 0 or 1 quantifier. This one class implements all three types.
4290      */
4291     static final class Ques extends Node {
4292         Node atom;
4293         int type;
4294         Ques(Node node, int type) {
4295             this.atom = node;
4296             this.type = type;
4297         }
4298         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4299             switch (type) {
4300             case GREEDY:
4301                 return (atom.match(matcher, i, seq) && next.match(matcher, matcher.last, seq))
4302                     || next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4303             case LAZY:
4304                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq)
4305                     || (atom.match(matcher, i, seq) && next.match(matcher, matcher.last, seq));
4306             case POSSESSIVE:
4307                 if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) i = matcher.last;
4308                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4309             default:
4310                 return atom.match(matcher, i, seq) && next.match(matcher, matcher.last, seq);
4311             }
4312         }
4313         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
4314             if (type != INDEPENDENT) {
4315                 int minL = info.minLength;
4316       ;
4317                 info.minLength = minL;
4318                 info.deterministic = false;
4319                 return;
4320             } else {
4321       ;
4322                 return;
4323             }
4324         }
4325     }
4327     /**

4328      * Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and
4329      * maximum occurrences. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.
4330      * This class handles the three types.
4331      */
4332     static final class Curly extends Node {
4333         Node atom;
4334         int type;
4335         int cmin;
4336         int cmax;
4338         Curly(Node node, int cmin, int cmax, int type) {
4339             this.atom = node;
4340             this.type = type;
4341             this.cmin = cmin;
4342             this.cmax = cmax;
4343         }
4344         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4345             int j;
4346             for (j = 0; j < cmin; j++) {
4347                 if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4348                     i = matcher.last;
4349                     continue;
4350                 }
4351                 return false;
4352             }
4353             if (type == GREEDY)
4354                 return match0(matcher, i, j, seq);
4355             else if (type == LAZY)
4356                 return match1(matcher, i, j, seq);
4357             else
4358                 return match2(matcher, i, j, seq);
4359         }
4360         // Greedy match.
4361         // i is the index to start matching at
4362         // j is the number of atoms that have matched
4363         boolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {
4364             if (j >= cmax) {
4365                 // We have matched the maximum... continue with the rest of
4366                 // the regular expression
4367                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4368             }
4369             int backLimit = j;
4370             while (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4371                 // k is the length of this match
4372                 int k = matcher.last - i;
4373                 if (k == 0) // Zero length match
4374                     break;
4375                 // Move up index and number matched

4457             }
4459             if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax)
4460                 info.deterministic = detm;
4461             else
4462                 info.deterministic = false;
4463             return;
4464         }
4465     }
4467     /**
4468      * Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and
4469      * maximum occurrences in deterministic cases. This is an iterative
4470      * optimization over the Prolog and Loop system which would handle this
4471      * in a recursive way. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.
4472      * If capture is true then this class saves group settings and ensures
4473      * that groups are unset when backing off of a group match.
4474      */
4475     static final class GroupCurly extends Node {
4476         Node atom;
4477         int type;
4478         int cmin;
4479         int cmax;
4480         int localIndex;
4481         int groupIndex;
4482         boolean capture;
4484         GroupCurly(Node node, int cmin, int cmax, int type, int local,
4485                    int group, boolean capture) {
4486             this.atom = node;
4487             this.type = type;
4488             this.cmin = cmin;
4489             this.cmax = cmax;
4490             this.localIndex = local;
4491             this.groupIndex = group;
4492             this.capture = capture;
4493         }
4494         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4495             int[] groups = matcher.groups;
4496             int[] locals = matcher.locals;
4497             int save0 = locals[localIndex];
4498             int save1 = 0;
4499             int save2 = 0;
4501             if (capture) {
4502                 save1 = groups[groupIndex];
4503                 save2 = groups[groupIndex+1];
4504             }
4506             // Notify GroupTail there is no need to setup group info
4507             // because it will be set here
4508             locals[localIndex] = -1;
4510             boolean ret = true;
4511             for (int j = 0; j < cmin; j++) {
4512                 if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4513                     if (capture) {
4514                         groups[groupIndex] = i;
4515                         groups[groupIndex+1] = matcher.last;
4516                     }
4517                     i = matcher.last;
4518                 } else {
4519                     ret = false;
4520                     break;
4521                 }
4522             }
4523             if (ret) {
4524                 if (type == GREEDY) {
4525                     ret = match0(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4526                 } else if (type == LAZY) {
4527                     ret = match1(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4528                 } else {
4529                     ret = match2(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4530                 }
4531             }
4532             if (!ret) {
4533                 locals[localIndex] = save0;
4534                 if (capture) {
4535                     groups[groupIndex] = save1;
4536                     groups[groupIndex+1] = save2;
4537                 }
4538             }
4539             return ret;
4540         }
4541         // Aggressive group match
4542         boolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {
4543             // don't back off passing the starting "j"
4544             int min = j;
4545             int[] groups = matcher.groups;
4546             int save0 = 0;

4753             info.minLength += minL;
4754             info.maxLength += maxL;
4755             info.maxValid &= maxV;
4756             info.deterministic = false;
4757             return false;
4758         }
4759     }
4761     /**
4762      * The GroupHead saves the location where the group begins in the locals
4763      * and restores them when the match is done.
4764      *
4765      * The matchRef is used when a reference to this group is accessed later
4766      * in the expression. The locals will have a negative value in them to
4767      * indicate that we do not want to unset the group if the reference
4768      * doesn't match.
4769      */
4770     static final class GroupHead extends Node {
4771         int localIndex;

4772         GroupHead(int localCount) {
4773             localIndex = localCount;
4774         }
4775         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4776             int save = matcher.locals[localIndex];
4777             matcher.locals[localIndex] = i;
4778             boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4779             matcher.locals[localIndex] = save;
4780             return ret;
4781         }
4782         boolean matchRef(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4783             int save = matcher.locals[localIndex];
4784             matcher.locals[localIndex] = ~i; // HACK
4785             boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4786             matcher.locals[localIndex] = save;
4787             return ret;
4788         }
4789     }
4791     /**

5345             int startIndex = (!matcher.transparentBounds) ?
5346                              matcher.from : 0;
5347             int from = Math.max(i - rmaxChars, startIndex);
5348             matcher.lookbehindTo = i;
5349             // Relax transparent region boundaries for lookbehind
5350             if (matcher.transparentBounds)
5351                 matcher.from = 0;
5352             for (int j = i - rminChars;
5353                  !conditionMatched && j >= from;
5354                  j -= j>from ? countChars(seq, j, -1) : 1) {
5355                 conditionMatched = cond.match(matcher, j, seq);
5356             }
5357             //Reinstate region boundaries
5358             matcher.from = savedFrom;
5359             matcher.lookbehindTo = savedLBT;
5360             return !conditionMatched && next.match(matcher, i, seq);
5361         }
5362     }
5364     /**
5365      * Returns the set union of two CharProperty nodes.
5366      */
5367     private static CharProperty union(final CharProperty lhs,
5368                                       final CharProperty rhs) {
5369         return new CharProperty() {
5370                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5371                     return lhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch) || rhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch);}};
5372     }
5374     /**
5375      * Returns the set intersection of two CharProperty nodes.
5376      */
5377     private static CharProperty intersection(final CharProperty lhs,
5378                                              final CharProperty rhs) {
5379         return new CharProperty() {
5380                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5381                     return lhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch) && rhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch);}};
5382     }
5384     /**
5385      * Returns the set difference of two CharProperty nodes.
5386      */
5387     private static CharProperty setDifference(final CharProperty lhs,
5388                                               final CharProperty rhs) {
5389         return new CharProperty() {
5390                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5391                     return ! rhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch) && lhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch);}};
5392     }
5394     /**
5395      * Handles word boundaries. Includes a field to allow this one class to
5396      * deal with the different types of word boundaries we can match. The word
5397      * characters include underscores, letters, and digits. Non spacing marks
5398      * can are also part of a word if they have a base character, otherwise
5399      * they are ignored for purposes of finding word boundaries.
5400      */
5401     static final class Bound extends Node {
5402         static int LEFT = 0x1;
5403         static int RIGHT= 0x2;
5404         static int BOTH = 0x3;
5405         static int NONE = 0x4;
5406         int type;
5407         boolean useUWORD;
5408         Bound(int n, boolean useUWORD) {
5409             type = n;
5410             this.useUWORD = useUWORD;
5411         }
5413         boolean isWord(int ch) {
5414             return useUWORD ?
5415                             : (ch == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch));
5416         }
5418         int check(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
5419             int ch;
5420             boolean left = false;
5421             int startIndex = matcher.from;
5422             int endIndex =;
5423             if (matcher.transparentBounds) {
5424                 startIndex = 0;
5425                 endIndex = matcher.getTextLength();
5426             }
5427             if (i > startIndex) {
5428                 ch = Character.codePointBefore(seq, i);
5429                 left = (isWord(ch) ||
5430                     ((Character.getType(ch) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
5431                      && hasBaseCharacter(matcher, i-1, seq)));
5432             }
5433             boolean right = false;
5434             if (i < endIndex) {

5640                         i += countChars(seq, i, n);
5641                         continue NEXT;
5642                     }
5643                 }
5644                 // Entire pattern matched starting at i
5645                 matcher.first = i;
5646                 boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i + lengthInChars, seq);
5647                 if (ret) {
5648                     matcher.first = i;
5649                     matcher.groups[0] = matcher.first;
5650                     matcher.groups[1] = matcher.last;
5651                     return true;
5652                 }
5653                 i += countChars(seq, i, 1);
5654             }
5655             matcher.hitEnd = true;
5656             return false;
5657         }
5658     }
5660 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5661 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

5663     /**
5664      *  This must be the very first initializer.
5665      */
5666     static Node accept = new Node();

5668     static Node lastAccept = new LastNode();

5670     private static class CharPropertyNames {

5672         static CharProperty charPropertyFor(String name) {
5673             CharPropertyFactory m = map.get(name);
5674             return m == null ? null : m.make();

5675         }
5677         private abstract static class CharPropertyFactory {
5678             abstract CharProperty make();

5679         }
5681         private static void defCategory(String name,
5682                                         final int typeMask) {
5683             map.put(name, new CharPropertyFactory() {
5684                     CharProperty make() { return new Category(typeMask);}});

5685         }
5687         private static void defRange(String name,
5688                                      final int lower, final int upper) {
5689             map.put(name, new CharPropertyFactory() {
5690                     CharProperty make() { return rangeFor(lower, upper);}});

5691         }
5693         private static void defCtype(String name,
5694                                      final int ctype) {
5695             map.put(name, new CharPropertyFactory() {
5696                     CharProperty make() { return new Ctype(ctype);}});
5697         }
5699         private abstract static class CloneableProperty
5700             extends CharProperty implements Cloneable
5701         {
5702             public CloneableProperty clone() {
5703                 try {
5704                     return (CloneableProperty) super.clone();
5705                 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
5706                     throw new AssertionError(e);
5707                 }
5708             }
5709         }
5711         private static void defClone(String name,
5712                                      final CloneableProperty p) {
5713             map.put(name, new CharPropertyFactory() {
5714                     CharProperty make() { return p.clone();}});
5715         }
5717         private static final HashMap<String, CharPropertyFactory> map
5718             = new HashMap<>();
5720         static {
5721             // Unicode character property aliases, defined in
5722             //
5723             defCategory("Cn", 1<<Character.UNASSIGNED);
5724             defCategory("Lu", 1<<Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER);
5725             defCategory("Ll", 1<<Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER);
5726             defCategory("Lt", 1<<Character.TITLECASE_LETTER);
5727             defCategory("Lm", 1<<Character.MODIFIER_LETTER);
5728             defCategory("Lo", 1<<Character.OTHER_LETTER);
5729             defCategory("Mn", 1<<Character.NON_SPACING_MARK);
5730             defCategory("Me", 1<<Character.ENCLOSING_MARK);
5731             defCategory("Mc", 1<<Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK);
5732             defCategory("Nd", 1<<Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER);
5733             defCategory("Nl", 1<<Character.LETTER_NUMBER);
5734             defCategory("No", 1<<Character.OTHER_NUMBER);
5735             defCategory("Zs", 1<<Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR);
5736             defCategory("Zl", 1<<Character.LINE_SEPARATOR);
5737             defCategory("Zp", 1<<Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR);
5738             defCategory("Cc", 1<<Character.CONTROL);
5739             defCategory("Cf", 1<<Character.FORMAT);
5740             defCategory("Co", 1<<Character.PRIVATE_USE);
5741             defCategory("Cs", 1<<Character.SURROGATE);
5742             defCategory("Pd", 1<<Character.DASH_PUNCTUATION);
5743             defCategory("Ps", 1<<Character.START_PUNCTUATION);
5744             defCategory("Pe", 1<<Character.END_PUNCTUATION);
5745             defCategory("Pc", 1<<Character.CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION);
5746             defCategory("Po", 1<<Character.OTHER_PUNCTUATION);
5747             defCategory("Sm", 1<<Character.MATH_SYMBOL);
5748             defCategory("Sc", 1<<Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
5749             defCategory("Sk", 1<<Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL);
5750             defCategory("So", 1<<Character.OTHER_SYMBOL);
5751             defCategory("Pi", 1<<Character.INITIAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION);
5752             defCategory("Pf", 1<<Character.FINAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION);
5753             defCategory("L", ((1<<Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER) |
5754                               (1<<Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER) |
5755                               (1<<Character.TITLECASE_LETTER) |
5756                               (1<<Character.MODIFIER_LETTER)  |
5757                               (1<<Character.OTHER_LETTER)));
5758             defCategory("M", ((1<<Character.NON_SPACING_MARK) |
5759                               (1<<Character.ENCLOSING_MARK)   |
5760                               (1<<Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK)));
5761             defCategory("N", ((1<<Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER) |
5762                               (1<<Character.LETTER_NUMBER)        |
5763                               (1<<Character.OTHER_NUMBER)));
5764             defCategory("Z", ((1<<Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR) |
5765                               (1<<Character.LINE_SEPARATOR)  |
5766                               (1<<Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR)));
5767             defCategory("C", ((1<<Character.CONTROL)     |
5768                               (1<<Character.FORMAT)      |
5769                               (1<<Character.PRIVATE_USE) |
5770                               (1<<Character.SURROGATE))); // Other
5771             defCategory("P", ((1<<Character.DASH_PUNCTUATION)      |
5772                               (1<<Character.START_PUNCTUATION)     |
5773                               (1<<Character.END_PUNCTUATION)       |
5774                               (1<<Character.CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION) |
5775                               (1<<Character.OTHER_PUNCTUATION)     |
5776                               (1<<Character.INITIAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION) |
5777                               (1<<Character.FINAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION)));
5778             defCategory("S", ((1<<Character.MATH_SYMBOL)     |
5779                               (1<<Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL) |
5780                               (1<<Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL) |
5781                               (1<<Character.OTHER_SYMBOL)));
5782             defCategory("LC", ((1<<Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER) |
5783                                (1<<Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER) |
5784                                (1<<Character.TITLECASE_LETTER)));
5785             defCategory("LD", ((1<<Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER) |
5786                                (1<<Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER) |
5787                                (1<<Character.TITLECASE_LETTER) |
5788                                (1<<Character.MODIFIER_LETTER)  |
5789                                (1<<Character.OTHER_LETTER)     |
5790                                (1<<Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER)));
5791             defRange("L1", 0x00, 0xFF); // Latin-1
5792             map.put("all", new CharPropertyFactory() {
5793                     CharProperty make() { return new All(); }});
5795             // Posix regular expression character classes, defined in
5796             //
5797             defRange("ASCII", 0x00, 0x7F);   // ASCII
5798             defCtype("Alnum", ASCII.ALNUM);  // Alphanumeric characters
5799             defCtype("Alpha", ASCII.ALPHA);  // Alphabetic characters
5800             defCtype("Blank", ASCII.BLANK);  // Space and tab characters
5801             defCtype("Cntrl", ASCII.CNTRL);  // Control characters
5802             defRange("Digit", '0', '9');     // Numeric characters
5803             defCtype("Graph", ASCII.GRAPH);  // printable and visible
5804             defRange("Lower", 'a', 'z');     // Lower-case alphabetic
5805             defRange("Print", 0x20, 0x7E);   // Printable characters
5806             defCtype("Punct", ASCII.PUNCT);  // Punctuation characters
5807             defCtype("Space", ASCII.SPACE);  // Space characters
5808             defRange("Upper", 'A', 'Z');     // Upper-case alphabetic
5809             defCtype("XDigit",ASCII.XDIGIT); // hexadecimal digits
5811             // Java character properties, defined by methods in
5812             defClone("javaLowerCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5813                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5814                     return Character.isLowerCase(ch);}});
5815             defClone("javaUpperCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5816                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5817                     return Character.isUpperCase(ch);}});
5818             defClone("javaAlphabetic", new CloneableProperty() {
5819                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5820                     return Character.isAlphabetic(ch);}});
5821             defClone("javaIdeographic", new CloneableProperty() {
5822                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5823                     return Character.isIdeographic(ch);}});
5824             defClone("javaTitleCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5825                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5826                     return Character.isTitleCase(ch);}});
5827             defClone("javaDigit", new CloneableProperty() {
5828                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5829                     return Character.isDigit(ch);}});
5830             defClone("javaDefined", new CloneableProperty() {
5831                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5832                     return Character.isDefined(ch);}});
5833             defClone("javaLetter", new CloneableProperty() {
5834                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5835                     return Character.isLetter(ch);}});
5836             defClone("javaLetterOrDigit", new CloneableProperty() {
5837                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5838                     return Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch);}});
5839             defClone("javaJavaIdentifierStart", new CloneableProperty() {
5840                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5841                     return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(ch);}});
5842             defClone("javaJavaIdentifierPart", new CloneableProperty() {
5843                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5844                     return Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch);}});
5845             defClone("javaUnicodeIdentifierStart", new CloneableProperty() {
5846                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5847                     return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch);}});
5848             defClone("javaUnicodeIdentifierPart", new CloneableProperty() {
5849                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5850                     return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(ch);}});
5851             defClone("javaIdentifierIgnorable", new CloneableProperty() {
5852                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5853                     return Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(ch);}});
5854             defClone("javaSpaceChar", new CloneableProperty() {
5855                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5856                     return Character.isSpaceChar(ch);}});
5857             defClone("javaWhitespace", new CloneableProperty() {
5858                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5859                     return Character.isWhitespace(ch);}});
5860             defClone("javaISOControl", new CloneableProperty() {
5861                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5862                     return Character.isISOControl(ch);}});
5863             defClone("javaMirrored", new CloneableProperty() {
5864                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5865                     return Character.isMirrored(ch);}});
5866         }

5867     }
5869     /**

5870      * Creates a predicate which can be used to match a string.
5871      *
5872      * @return  The predicate which can be used for matching on a string
5873      * @since   1.8
5874      */
5875     public Predicate<String> asPredicate() {
5876         return s -> matcher(s).find();
5877     }
5879     /**
5880      * Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of this
5881      * pattern.
5882      *
5883      * <p> The stream returned by this method contains each substring of the
5884      * input sequence that is terminated by another subsequence that matches
5885      * this pattern or is terminated by the end of the input sequence.  The
5886      * substrings in the stream are in the order in which they occur in the
5887      * input. Trailing empty strings will be discarded and not encountered in
5888      * the stream.
5889      *

 968     /**
 969      * The starting point of state machine for the find operation.  This allows
 970      * a match to start anywhere in the input.
 971      */
 972     transient Node root;
 974     /**
 975      * The root of object tree for a match operation.  The pattern is matched
 976      * at the beginning.  This may include a find that uses BnM or a First
 977      * node.
 978      */
 979     transient Node matchRoot;
 981     /**
 982      * Temporary storage used by parsing pattern slice.
 983      */
 984     transient int[] buffer;
 986     /**
 987      * A temporary storage used for predicate for double return.
 988      */
 989     transient CharPredicate predicate;
 991     /**
 992      * Map the "name" of the "named capturing group" to its group id
 993      * node.
 994      */
 995     transient volatile Map<String, Integer> namedGroups;
 997     /**
 998      * Temporary storage used while parsing group references.
 999      */
1000     transient GroupHead[] groupNodes;
1002     /**
1003      * Temporary null terminated code point array used by pattern compiling.
1004      */
1005     private transient int[] temp;
1007     /**
1008      * The number of capturing groups in this Pattern. Used by matchers to
1009      * allocate storage needed to perform a match.
1010      */
1011     transient int capturingGroupCount;

1014      * The local variable count used by parsing tree. Used by matchers to
1015      * allocate storage needed to perform a match.
1016      */
1017     transient int localCount;
1019     /**
1020      * Index into the pattern string that keeps track of how much has been
1021      * parsed.
1022      */
1023     private transient int cursor;
1025     /**
1026      * Holds the length of the pattern string.
1027      */
1028     private transient int patternLength;
1030     /**
1031      * If the Start node might possibly match supplementary characters.
1032      * It is set to true during compiling if
1033      * (1) There is supplementary char in pattern, or
1034      * (2) There is complement node of a "family" CharProperty
1035      */
1036     private transient boolean hasSupplementary;
1038     /**
1039      * Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern.
1040      *
1041      * @param  regex
1042      *         The expression to be compiled
1043      * @return the given regular expression compiled into a pattern
1044      * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
1045      *          If the expression's syntax is invalid
1046      */
1047     public static Pattern compile(String regex) {
1048         return new Pattern(regex, 0);
1049     }
1051     /**
1052      * Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern with the given
1053      * flags.
1054      *

1742             root = hasSupplementary ? new StartS(matchRoot) : new Start(matchRoot);
1743         }
1745         // Release temporary storage
1746         temp = null;
1747         buffer = null;
1748         groupNodes = null;
1749         patternLength = 0;
1750         compiled = true;
1751     }
1753     Map<String, Integer> namedGroups() {
1754         Map<String, Integer> groups = namedGroups;
1755         if (groups == null) {
1756             namedGroups = groups = new HashMap<>(2);
1757         }
1758         return groups;
1759     }
1761     /**

1762      * Used to accumulate information about a subtree of the object graph
1763      * so that optimizations can be applied to the subtree.
1764      */
1765     static final class TreeInfo {
1766         int minLength;
1767         int maxLength;
1768         boolean maxValid;
1769         boolean deterministic;
1771         TreeInfo() {
1772             reset();
1773         }
1774         void reset() {
1775             minLength = 0;
1776             maxLength = 0;
1777             maxValid = true;
1778             deterministic = true;
1779         }
1780     }

2033         Node node = null;
2034     LOOP:
2035         for (;;) {
2036             int ch = peek();
2037             switch (ch) {
2038             case '(':
2039                 // Because group handles its own closure,
2040                 // we need to treat it differently
2041                 node = group0();
2042                 // Check for comment or flag group
2043                 if (node == null)
2044                     continue;
2045                 if (head == null)
2046                     head = node;
2047                 else
2048            = node;
2049                 // Double return: Tail was returned in root
2050                 tail = root;
2051                 continue;
2052             case '[':
2053                 node = newCharProperty(clazz(true));
2054                 break;
2055             case '\\':
2056                 ch = nextEscaped();
2057                 if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') {
2058                     boolean oneLetter = true;
2059                     boolean comp = (ch == 'P');
2060                     ch = next(); // Consume { if present
2061                     if (ch != '{') {
2062                         unread();
2063                     } else {
2064                         oneLetter = false;
2065                     }
2066                     node = newCharProperty(family(oneLetter, comp));
2067                 } else {
2068                     unread();
2069                     node = atom();
2070                 }
2071                 break;
2072             case '^':
2073                 next();
2074                 if (has(MULTILINE)) {
2075                     if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2076                         node = new UnixCaret();
2077                     else
2078                         node = new Caret();
2079                 } else {
2080                     node = new Begin();
2081                 }
2082                 break;
2083             case '$':
2084                 next();
2085                 if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2086                     node = new UnixDollar(has(MULTILINE));
2087                 else
2088                     node = new Dollar(has(MULTILINE));
2089                 break;
2090             case '.':
2091                 next();
2092                 if (has(DOTALL)) {
2093                     node = new CharProperty(ALL);
2094                 } else {
2095                     if (has(UNIX_LINES)) {
2096                         node = new CharProperty(UNIXDOT);
2097                     } else {
2098                         node = new CharProperty(DOT);
2099                     }
2100                 }
2101                 break;
2102             case '|':
2103             case ')':
2104                 break LOOP;
2105             case ']': // Now interpreting dangling ] and } as literals
2106             case '}':
2107                 node = atom();
2108                 break;
2109             case '?':
2110             case '*':
2111             case '+':
2112                 next();
2113                 throw error("Dangling meta character '" + ((char)ch) + "'");
2114             case 0:
2115                 if (cursor >= patternLength) {
2116                     break LOOP;
2117                 }
2118                 // Fall through
2119             default:
2120                 node = atom();
2121                 break;
2122             }
2124             node = closure(node);

2125             if (head == null) {
2126                 head = tail = node;
2127             } else {
2128        = node;
2129                 tail = node;
2130             }
2131         }
2132         if (head == null) {
2133             return end;
2134         }
2135 = end;
2136         root = tail;      //double return
2137         return head;
2138     }
2140     @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
2141     /**
2142      * Parse and add a new Single or Slice.
2143      */
2144     private Node atom() {

2162             case '^':
2163             case '(':
2164             case '[':
2165             case '|':
2166             case ')':
2167                 break;
2168             case '\\':
2169                 ch = nextEscaped();
2170                 if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') { // Property
2171                     if (first > 0) { // Slice is waiting; handle it first
2172                         unread();
2173                         break;
2174                     } else { // No slice; just return the family node
2175                         boolean comp = (ch == 'P');
2176                         boolean oneLetter = true;
2177                         ch = next(); // Consume { if present
2178                         if (ch != '{')
2179                             unread();
2180                         else
2181                             oneLetter = false;
2182                         return newCharProperty(family(oneLetter, comp));
2183                     }
2184                 }
2185                 unread();
2186                 prev = cursor;
2187                 ch = escape(false, first == 0, false);
2188                 if (ch >= 0) {
2189                     append(ch, first);
2190                     first++;
2191                     if (isSupplementary(ch)) {
2192                         hasSupplementary = true;
2193                     }
2194                     ch = peek();
2195                     continue;
2196                 } else if (first == 0) {
2197                     return root;
2198                 }
2199                 // Unwind meta escape sequence
2200                 cursor = prev;
2201                 break;
2202             case 0:
2203                 if (cursor >= patternLength) {
2204                     break;
2205                 }
2206                 // Fall through
2207             default:
2208                 prev = cursor;
2209                 append(ch, first);
2210                 first++;
2211                 if (isSupplementary(ch)) {
2212                     hasSupplementary = true;
2213                 }
2214                 ch = next();
2215                 continue;
2216             }
2217             break;
2218         }
2219         if (first == 1) {
2220             return newCharProperty(single(buffer[0]));
2221         } else {
2222             return newSlice(buffer, first, hasSupplementary);
2223         }
2224     }
2226     private void append(int ch, int len) {
2227         if (len >= buffer.length) {
2228             int[] tmp = new int[len+len];
2229             System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, tmp, 0, len);
2230             buffer = tmp;
2231         }
2232         buffer[len] = ch;
2233     }
2235     /**
2236      * Parses a backref greedily, taking as many numbers as it
2237      * can. The first digit is always treated as a backref, but
2238      * multi digit numbers are only treated as a backref if at
2239      * least that many backrefs exist at this point in the regex.
2240      */

2295         case '6':
2296         case '7':
2297         case '8':
2298         case '9':
2299             if (inclass) break;
2300             if (create) {
2301                 root = ref((ch - '0'));
2302             }
2303             return -1;
2304         case 'A':
2305             if (inclass) break;
2306             if (create) root = new Begin();
2307             return -1;
2308         case 'B':
2309             if (inclass) break;
2310             if (create) root = new Bound(Bound.NONE, has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS));
2311             return -1;
2312         case 'C':
2313             break;
2314         case 'D':
2315             if (create) {
2316                 predicate = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) ?
2317                             CharPredicates.DIGIT : CharPredicates.ASCII_DIGIT;
2318                 predicate = predicate.negate();
2319                 if (!inclass)
2320                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2321             }
2322             return -1;
2323         case 'E':
2324         case 'F':
2325             break;
2326         case 'G':
2327             if (inclass) break;
2328             if (create) root = new LastMatch();
2329             return -1;
2330         case 'H':
2331             if (create) {
2332                 predicate = HorizWS.negate();
2333                 if (!inclass)
2334                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2335             }
2336             return -1;
2337         case 'I':
2338         case 'J':
2339         case 'K':
2340         case 'L':
2341         case 'M':
2342             break;
2343         case 'N':
2344             return N();
2345         case 'O':
2346         case 'P':
2347         case 'Q':
2348             break;
2349         case 'R':
2350             if (inclass) break;
2351             if (create) root = new LineEnding();
2352             return -1;
2353         case 'S':
2354             if (create) {
2355                 predicate = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) ?
2356                             CharPredicates.WHITE_SPACE : CharPredicates.ASCII_SPACE;
2357                 predicate = predicate.negate();
2358                 if (!inclass)
2359                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2360             }
2361             return -1;
2362         case 'T':
2363         case 'U':
2364             break;
2365         case 'V':
2366             if (create) {
2367                 predicate = VertWS.negate();
2368                 if (!inclass)
2369                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2370             }
2371             return -1;
2372         case 'W':
2373             if (create) {
2374                 predicate = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) ?
2375                             CharPredicates.WORD : CharPredicates.ASCII_WORD;
2376                 predicate = predicate.negate();
2377                 if (!inclass)
2378                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2379             }
2380             return -1;
2381         case 'X':
2382             if (inclass) break;
2383             if (create) {
2384                 root = new XGrapheme();
2385             }
2386             return -1;
2387         case 'Y':
2388             break;
2389         case 'Z':
2390             if (inclass) break;
2391             if (create) {
2392                 if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2393                     root = new UnixDollar(false);
2394                 else
2395                     root = new Dollar(false);
2396             }
2397             return -1;
2398         case 'a':
2399             return '\007';
2400         case 'b':
2401             if (inclass) break;
2402             if (create) {
2403                 if (peek() == '{') {
2404                     if (skip() == 'g') {
2405                         if (read() == '}') {
2406                             root = new GraphemeBound();
2407                             return -1;
2408                         }
2409                         break;  // error missing trailing }
2410                     }
2411                     unread(); unread();
2412                 }
2413                 root = new Bound(Bound.BOTH, has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS));
2414             }
2415             return -1;
2416         case 'c':
2417             return c();
2418         case 'd':
2419             if (create) {
2420                 predicate = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) ?
2421                             CharPredicates.DIGIT : CharPredicates.ASCII_DIGIT;
2422                 if (!inclass)
2423                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2424             }
2425             return -1;
2426         case 'e':
2427             return '\033';
2428         case 'f':
2429             return '\f';
2430         case 'g':
2431             break;
2432         case 'h':
2433             if (create) {
2434                 predicate = HorizWS;
2435                 if (!inclass)
2436                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2437             }
2438             return -1;
2439         case 'i':
2440         case 'j':
2441             break;
2442         case 'k':
2443             if (inclass)
2444                 break;
2445             if (read() != '<')
2446                 throw error("\\k is not followed by '<' for named capturing group");
2447             String name = groupname(read());
2448             if (!namedGroups().containsKey(name))
2449                 throw error("(named capturing group <"+ name+"> does not exit");
2450             if (create) {
2451                 if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE))
2452                     root = new CIBackRef(namedGroups().get(name), has(UNICODE_CASE));
2453                 else
2454                     root = new BackRef(namedGroups().get(name));
2455             }
2456             return -1;
2457         case 'l':
2458         case 'm':
2459             break;
2460         case 'n':
2461             return '\n';
2462         case 'o':
2463         case 'p':
2464         case 'q':
2465             break;
2466         case 'r':
2467             return '\r';
2468         case 's':
2469             if (create) {
2470                 predicate = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) ?
2471                             CharPredicates.WHITE_SPACE : CharPredicates.ASCII_SPACE;
2472                 if (!inclass)
2473                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2474             }
2475             return -1;
2476         case 't':
2477             return '\t';
2478         case 'u':
2479             return u();
2480         case 'v':
2481             // '\v' was implemented as VT/0x0B in releases < 1.8 (though
2482             // undocumented). In JDK8 '\v' is specified as a predefined
2483             // character class for all vertical whitespace characters.
2484             // So [-1, root=VertWS node] pair is returned (instead of a
2485             // single 0x0B). This breaks the range if '\v' is used as
2486             // the start or end value, such as [\v-...] or [...-\v], in
2487             // which a single definite value (0x0B) is expected. For
2488             // compatibility concern '\013'/0x0B is returned if isrange.
2489             if (isrange)
2490                 return '\013';
2491             if (create) {
2492                 predicate = VertWS;
2493                 if (!inclass)
2494                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2495             }
2496             return -1;
2497         case 'w':
2498             if (create) {
2499                 predicate = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) ?
2500                             CharPredicates.WORD : CharPredicates.ASCII_WORD;
2501                 if (!inclass)
2502                     root = newCharProperty(predicate);
2503             }
2504             return -1;
2505         case 'x':
2506             return x();
2507         case 'y':
2508             break;
2509         case 'z':
2510             if (inclass) break;
2511             if (create) root = new End();
2512             return -1;
2513         default:
2514             return ch;
2515         }
2516         throw error("Illegal/unsupported escape sequence");
2517     }
2519     /**
2520      * Parse a character class, and return the node that matches it.
2521      *
2522      * Consumes a ] on the way out if consume is true. Usually consume
2523      * is true except for the case of [abc&&def] where def is a separate
2524      * right hand node with "understood" brackets.
2525      */
2526     private CharPredicate clazz(boolean consume) {
2527         CharPredicate prev = null;
2528         CharPredicate curr = null;
2529         BitClass bits = new BitClass();
2530         BmpCharPredicate bitsP = ch -> ch < 256 && bits.bits[ch];
2532         boolean isNeg = false;
2533         boolean hasBits = false;
2534         int ch = next();

2536         // Negates if first char in a class, otherwise literal
2537         if (ch == '^' && temp[cursor-1] == '[') {

2538             ch = next();
2539             isNeg = true;

2540         }
2541         for (;;) {
2542             switch (ch) {
2543                 case '[':
2544                     curr = clazz(true);

2545                     if (prev == null)
2546                         prev = curr;
2547                     else
2548                         prev = prev.union(curr);
2549                     ch = peek();
2550                     continue;
2551                 case '&':

2552                     ch = next();
2553                     if (ch == '&') {
2554                         ch = next();
2555                         CharPredicate right = null;
2556                         while (ch != ']' && ch != '&') {
2557                             if (ch == '[') {
2558                                 if (right == null)
2559                                     right = clazz(true);
2560                                 else
2561                                     right = right.union(clazz(true));
2562                             } else { // abc&&def
2563                                 unread();
2564                                 right = clazz(false);
2565                             }
2566                             ch = peek();
2567                         }
2568                         if (hasBits) {
2569                             // bits used, union has high precedence
2570                             if (prev == null) {
2571                                 prev = curr = bitsP;
2572                             } else {
2573                                 prev = prev.union(bitsP);
2574                             }
2575                             hasBits = false;
2576                         }
2577                         if (right != null)
2578                             curr = right;
2579                         if (prev == null) {
2580                             if (right == null)
2581                                 throw error("Bad class syntax");
2582                             else
2583                                 prev = right;
2584                         } else {
2585                             prev = prev.and(curr);
2586                         }
2587                     } else {
2588                         // treat as a literal &
2589                         unread();
2590                         break;
2591                     }
2592                     continue;
2593                 case 0:

2594                     if (cursor >= patternLength)
2595                         throw error("Unclosed character class");
2596                     break;
2597                 case ']':
2598                     if (prev != null || hasBits) {

2599                         if (consume)
2600                             next();
2601                         if (prev == null)
2602                             prev = bitsP;
2603                         else if (hasBits)
2604                             prev = prev.union(bitsP);
2605                         if (isNeg)
2606                             return prev.negate();
2607                         return prev;
2608                     }
2609                     break;
2610                 default:

2611                     break;
2612             }
2613             curr = range(bits);
2614             if (curr == null) {    // the bits used
2615                 hasBits = true;

2616             } else {
2617                 if (prev == null)
2618                     prev = curr;
2619                 else if (prev != curr)
2620                     prev = prev.union(curr);
2621             }
2622             ch = peek();
2623         }
2624     }
2626     private CharPredicate bitsOrSingle(BitClass bits, int ch) {
2627         /* Bits can only handle codepoints in [u+0000-u+00ff] range.
2628            Use "single" node instead of bits when dealing with unicode
2629            case folding for codepoints listed below.
2630            (1)Uppercase out of range: u+00ff, u+00b5
2631               toUpperCase(u+00ff) -> u+0178
2632               toUpperCase(u+00b5) -> u+039c
2633            (2)LatinSmallLetterLongS u+17f
2634               toUpperCase(u+017f) -> u+0053
2635            (3)LatinSmallLetterDotlessI u+131
2636               toUpperCase(u+0131) -> u+0049
2637            (4)LatinCapitalLetterIWithDotAbove u+0130
2638               toLowerCase(u+0130) -> u+0069
2639            (5)KelvinSign u+212a
2640               toLowerCase(u+212a) ==> u+006B
2641            (6)AngstromSign u+212b
2642               toLowerCase(u+212b) ==> u+00e5
2643         */
2644         int d;
2645         if (ch < 256 &&
2646             !(has(CASE_INSENSITIVE) && has(UNICODE_CASE) &&
2647               (ch == 0xff || ch == 0xb5 ||
2648                ch == 0x49 || ch == 0x69 ||    //I and i
2649                ch == 0x53 || ch == 0x73 ||    //S and s
2650                ch == 0x4b || ch == 0x6b ||    //K and k
2651                ch == 0xc5 || ch == 0xe5))) {  //A+ring {
2652             bits.add(ch, flags());
2653             return null;
2654         }
2655         return single(ch);
2656     }
2658     /**
2659      *  Returns a suitably optimized, single character predicate
2660      */
2661     private CharPredicate single(final int ch) {
2662         if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE)) {
2663             int lower, upper;
2664             if (has(UNICODE_CASE)) {
2665                 upper = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
2666                 lower = Character.toLowerCase(upper);
2667                 // Unicode case insensitive matches
2668                 if (upper != lower)
2669                     return SingleU(lower);
2670             } else if (ASCII.isAscii(ch)) {
2671                 lower = ASCII.toLower(ch);
2672                 upper = ASCII.toUpper(ch);
2673                 // Case insensitive matches a given BMP character
2674                 if (lower != upper)
2675                     return SingleI(lower, upper);
2676             }
2677         }
2678         if (isSupplementary(ch))
2679             return SingleS(ch);
2680         return Single(ch);  // Match a given BMP character
2681     }
2683     /**
2684      * Parse a single character or a character range in a character class
2685      * and return its representative node.
2686      */
2687     private CharPredicate range(BitClass bits) {
2688         int ch = peek();
2689         if (ch == '\\') {
2690             ch = nextEscaped();
2691             if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') { // A property
2692                 boolean comp = (ch == 'P');
2693                 boolean oneLetter = true;
2694                 // Consume { if present
2695                 ch = next();
2696                 if (ch != '{')
2697                     unread();
2698                 else
2699                     oneLetter = false;
2700                 return family(oneLetter, comp);
2701             } else { // ordinary escape
2702                 boolean isrange = temp[cursor+1] == '-';
2703                 unread();
2704                 ch = escape(true, true, isrange);
2705                 if (ch == -1)
2706                     return predicate;
2707             }
2708         } else {
2709             next();
2710         }
2711         if (ch >= 0) {
2712             if (peek() == '-') {
2713                 int endRange = temp[cursor+1];
2714                 if (endRange == '[') {
2715                     return bitsOrSingle(bits, ch);
2716                 }
2717                 if (endRange != ']') {
2718                     next();
2719                     int m = peek();
2720                     if (m == '\\') {
2721                         m = escape(true, false, true);
2722                     } else {
2723                         next();
2724                     }
2725                     if (m < ch) {
2726                         throw error("Illegal character range");
2727                     }
2728                     if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE)) {
2729                         if (has(UNICODE_CASE))
2730                             return CIRangeU(ch, m);
2731                         return CIRange(ch, m);
2732                     } else {
2733                         return Range(ch, m);
2734                     }
2735                 }
2736             }
2737             return bitsOrSingle(bits, ch);
2738         }
2739         throw error("Unexpected character '"+((char)ch)+"'");
2740     }
2742     /**
2743      * Parses a Unicode character family and returns its representative node.
2744      */
2745     private CharPredicate family(boolean singleLetter,
2746                                      boolean isComplement)
2747     {
2748         next();
2749         String name;
2750         CharPredicate p = null;
2752         if (singleLetter) {
2753             int c = temp[cursor];
2754             if (!Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(c)) {
2755                 name = String.valueOf((char)c);
2756             } else {
2757                 name = new String(temp, cursor, 1);
2758             }
2759             read();
2760         } else {
2761             int i = cursor;
2762             mark('}');
2763             while(read() != '}') {
2764             }
2765             mark('\000');
2766             int j = cursor;
2767             if (j > patternLength)
2768                 throw error("Unclosed character family");
2769             if (i + 1 >= j)
2770                 throw error("Empty character family");
2771             name = new String(temp, i, j-i-1);
2772         }
2774         int i = name.indexOf('=');
2775         if (i != -1) {
2776             // property construct \p{name=value}
2777             String value = name.substring(i + 1);
2778             name = name.substring(0, i).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
2779             switch (name) {
2780                 case "sc":
2781                 case "script":
2782                     p = CharPredicates.forUnicodeScript(value);
2783                     break;
2784                 case "blk":
2785                 case "block":
2786                     p = CharPredicates.forUnicodeBlock(value);
2787                     break;
2788                 case "gc":
2789                 case "general_category":
2790                     p = CharPredicates.forProperty(value);
2791                     break;
2792                 default:
2793                     break;
2794             }
2795             if (p == null)
2796                 throw error("Unknown Unicode property {name=<" + name + ">, "
2797                              + "value=<" + value + ">}");
2799         } else {
2800             if (name.startsWith("In")) {
2801                 // \p{InBlockName}
2802                 p = CharPredicates.forUnicodeBlock(name.substring(2));
2803             } else if (name.startsWith("Is")) {
2804                 // \p{IsGeneralCategory} and \p{IsScriptName}
2805                 name = name.substring(2);
2806                 p = CharPredicates.forUnicodeProperty(name);
2807                 if (p == null)
2808                     p = CharPredicates.forProperty(name);
2809                 if (p == null)
2810                     p = CharPredicates.forUnicodeScript(name);

2811             } else {
2812                 if (has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)) {
2813                     p = CharPredicates.forPOSIXName(name);

2814                 }
2815                 if (p == null)
2816                     p = CharPredicates.forProperty(name);
2817             }
2818             if (p == null)
2819                 throw error("Unknown character property name {In/Is" + name + "}");
2820         }
2821         if (isComplement) {
2822             // it might be too expensive to detect if a complement of
2823             // CharProperty can match "certain" supplementary. So just
2824             // go with StartS.
2825             hasSupplementary = true;
2826             p = p.negate();
2827         }
2828         return p;

2829     }
2831     private CharProperty newCharProperty(CharPredicate p) {

2832         if (p == null)
2833             return null;
2834         if (p instanceof BmpCharPredicate)
2835             return new BmpCharProperty((BmpCharPredicate)p);
2836         else
2837             return new CharProperty(p);
2838     }
2840     /**
2841      * Parses and returns the name of a "named capturing group", the trailing
2842      * ">" is consumed after parsing.
2843      */
2844     private String groupname(int ch) {
2845         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2846         sb.append(Character.toChars(ch));
2847         while (ASCII.isLower(ch=read()) || ASCII.isUpper(ch) ||
2848                ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {
2849             sb.append(Character.toChars(ch));
2850         }
2851         if (sb.length() == 0)
2852             throw error("named capturing group has 0 length name");
2853         if (ch != '>')
2854             throw error("named capturing group is missing trailing '>'");
2855         return sb.toString();
2856     }

2873             case ':':   //  (?:xxx) pure group
2874                 head = createGroup(true);
2875                 tail = root;
2876        = expr(tail);
2877                 break;
2878             case '=':   // (?=xxx) and (?!xxx) lookahead
2879             case '!':
2880                 head = createGroup(true);
2881                 tail = root;
2882        = expr(tail);
2883                 if (ch == '=') {
2884                     head = tail = new Pos(head);
2885                 } else {
2886                     head = tail = new Neg(head);
2887                 }
2888                 break;
2889             case '>':   // (?>xxx)  independent group
2890                 head = createGroup(true);
2891                 tail = root;
2892        = expr(tail);
2893                 head = tail = new Ques(head, Qtype.INDEPENDENT);
2894                 break;
2895             case '<':   // (?<xxx)  look behind
2896                 ch = read();
2897                 if (ASCII.isLower(ch) || ASCII.isUpper(ch)) {
2898                     // named captured group
2899                     String name = groupname(ch);
2900                     if (namedGroups().containsKey(name))
2901                         throw error("Named capturing group <" + name
2902                                     + "> is already defined");
2903                     capturingGroup = true;
2904                     head = createGroup(false);
2905                     tail = root;
2906                     namedGroups().put(name, capturingGroupCount-1);
2907            = expr(tail);
2908                     break;
2909                 }
2910                 int start = cursor;
2911                 head = createGroup(true);
2912                 tail = root;
2913        = expr(tail);

2959             tail = root;
2960    = expr(tail);
2961         }
2963         accept(')', "Unclosed group");
2964         flags = save;
2966         // Check for quantifiers
2967         Node node = closure(head);
2968         if (node == head) { // No closure
2969             root = tail;
2970             return node;    // Dual return
2971         }
2972         if (head == tail) { // Zero length assertion
2973             root = node;
2974             return node;    // Dual return
2975         }
2977         if (node instanceof Ques) {
2978             Ques ques = (Ques) node;
2979             if (ques.type == Qtype.POSSESSIVE) {
2980                 root = node;
2981                 return node;
2982             }
2983    = new BranchConn();
2984             tail =;
2985             if (ques.type == Qtype.GREEDY) {
2986                 head = new Branch(head, null, tail);
2987             } else { // Reluctant quantifier
2988                 head = new Branch(null, head, tail);
2989             }
2990             root = tail;
2991             return head;
2992         } else if (node instanceof Curly) {
2993             Curly curly = (Curly) node;
2994             if (curly.type == Qtype.POSSESSIVE) {
2995                 root = node;
2996                 return node;
2997             }
2998             // Discover if the group is deterministic
2999             TreeInfo info = new TreeInfo();
3000             if ( { // Deterministic
3001                 GroupTail temp = (GroupTail) tail;
3002                 head = root = new GroupCurly(, curly.cmin,
3003                                    curly.cmax, curly.type,
3004                                    ((GroupTail)tail).localIndex,
3005                                    ((GroupTail)tail).groupIndex,
3006                                              capturingGroup);
3007                 return head;
3008             } else { // Non-deterministic
3009                 int temp = ((GroupHead) head).localIndex;
3010                 Loop loop;
3011                 if (curly.type == Qtype.GREEDY)
3012                     loop = new Loop(this.localCount, temp);
3013                 else  // Reluctant Curly
3014                     loop = new LazyLoop(this.localCount, temp);
3015                 Prolog prolog = new Prolog(loop);
3016                 this.localCount += 1;
3017                 loop.cmin = curly.cmin;
3018                 loop.cmax = curly.cmax;
3019                 loop.body = head;
3020        = loop;
3021                 root = loop;
3022                 return prolog; // Dual return
3023             }
3024         }
3025         throw error("Internal logic error");
3026     }
3028     /**
3029      * Create group head and tail nodes using double return. If the group is
3030      * created with anonymous true then it is a pure group and should not
3031      * affect group counting.
3032      */
3033     private Node createGroup(boolean anonymous) {
3034         int localIndex = localCount++;
3035         int groupIndex = 0;
3036         if (!anonymous)
3037             groupIndex = capturingGroupCount++;
3038         GroupHead head = new GroupHead(localIndex);
3039         root = new GroupTail(localIndex, groupIndex);
3041         // for debug/print only, head.match does NOT need the "tail" info
3042         head.tail = (GroupTail)root;
3044         if (!anonymous && groupIndex < 10)
3045             groupNodes[groupIndex] = head;
3046         return head;
3047     }
3049     @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
3050     /**
3051      * Parses inlined match flags and set them appropriately.
3052      */
3053     private void addFlag() {
3054         int ch = peek();
3055         for (;;) {
3056             switch (ch) {
3057             case 'i':
3058                 flags |= CASE_INSENSITIVE;
3059                 break;
3060             case 'm':
3061                 flags |= MULTILINE;
3062                 break;
3063             case 's':

3112             case 'u':
3113                 flags &= ~UNICODE_CASE;
3114                 break;
3115             case 'c':
3116                 flags &= ~CANON_EQ;
3117                 break;
3118             case 'x':
3119                 flags &= ~COMMENTS;
3120                 break;
3121             case 'U':
3122                 flags &= ~(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | UNICODE_CASE);
3123             default:
3124                 return;
3125             }
3126             ch = next();
3127         }
3128     }
3130     static final int MAX_REPS   = 0x7FFFFFFF;
3132     static enum Qtype {
3134     }

3136     private Node curly(Node prev, int cmin) {
3137         int ch = next();
3138         if (ch == '?') {
3139             next();
3140             return new Curly(prev, cmin, MAX_REPS, Qtype.LAZY);
3141         } else if (ch == '+') {
3142             next();
3143             return new Curly(prev, cmin, MAX_REPS, Qtype.POSSESSIVE);
3144         }
3145         if (prev instanceof BmpCharProperty) {
3146             return new BmpCharPropertyGreedy((BmpCharProperty)prev, cmin);
3147         } else if (prev instanceof CharProperty) {
3148             return new CharPropertyGreedy((CharProperty)prev, cmin);
3149         }
3150         return new Curly(prev, cmin, MAX_REPS, Qtype.GREEDY);
3151     }
3153     /**
3154      * Processes repetition. If the next character peeked is a quantifier
3155      * then new nodes must be appended to handle the repetition.
3156      * Prev could be a single or a group, so it could be a chain of nodes.
3157      */
3158     private Node closure(Node prev) {
3159         Node atom;
3160         int ch = peek();
3161         switch (ch) {
3162         case '?':
3163             ch = next();
3164             if (ch == '?') {
3165                 next();
3166                 return new Ques(prev, Qtype.LAZY);
3167             } else if (ch == '+') {
3168                 next();
3169                 return new Ques(prev, Qtype.POSSESSIVE);
3170             }
3171             return new Ques(prev, Qtype.GREEDY);
3172         case '*':
3173             return curly(prev, 0);

3174         case '+':
3175             return curly(prev, 1);

3176         case '{':
3177             ch = temp[cursor+1];
3178             if (ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {
3179                 skip();
3180                 int cmin = 0;
3181                 do {
3182                     cmin = cmin * 10 + (ch - '0');
3183                 } while (ASCII.isDigit(ch = read()));
3184                 int cmax = cmin;
3185                 if (ch == ',') {
3186                     ch = read();
3187                     cmax = MAX_REPS;
3188                     if (ch != '}') {
3189                         cmax = 0;
3190                         while (ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {
3191                             cmax = cmax * 10 + (ch - '0');
3192                             ch = read();
3193                         }
3194                     }
3195                 }
3196                 if (ch != '}')
3197                     throw error("Unclosed counted closure");
3198                 if (((cmin) | (cmax) | (cmax - cmin)) < 0)
3199                     throw error("Illegal repetition range");
3200                 Curly curly;
3201                 ch = peek();
3202                 if (ch == '?') {
3203                     next();
3204                     curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, Qtype.LAZY);
3205                 } else if (ch == '+') {
3206                     next();
3207                     curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, Qtype.POSSESSIVE);
3208                 } else {
3209                     curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, Qtype.GREEDY);
3210                 }
3211                 return curly;
3212             } else {
3213                 throw error("Illegal repetition");
3214             }
3215         default:
3216             return prev;
3217         }
3218     }
3220     /**
3221      *  Utility method for parsing control escape sequences.
3222      */
3223     private int c() {
3224         if (cursor < patternLength) {
3225             return read() ^ 64;
3226         }
3227         throw error("Illegal control escape sequence");
3228     }

3367     private static final int countCodePoints(CharSequence seq) {
3368         int length = seq.length();
3369         int n = 0;
3370         for (int i = 0; i < length; ) {
3371             n++;
3372             if (Character.isHighSurrogate(seq.charAt(i++))) {
3373                 if (i < length && Character.isLowSurrogate(seq.charAt(i))) {
3374                     i++;
3375                 }
3376             }
3377         }
3378         return n;
3379     }
3381     /**
3382      *  Creates a bit vector for matching Latin-1 values. A normal BitClass
3383      *  never matches values above Latin-1, and a complemented BitClass always
3384      *  matches values above Latin-1.
3385      */
3386     static final class BitClass extends BmpCharProperty {
3387         final boolean[] bits;
3388         BitClass() {
3389             this(new boolean[256]);
3390         }
3391         private BitClass(boolean[] bits) {
3392             super( ch -> ch < 256 && bits[ch]);
3393             this.bits = bits;
3394         }
3395         BitClass add(int c, int flags) {
3396             assert c >= 0 && c <= 255;
3397             if ((flags & CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) {
3398                 if (ASCII.isAscii(c)) {
3399                     bits[ASCII.toUpper(c)] = true;
3400                     bits[ASCII.toLower(c)] = true;
3401                 } else if ((flags & UNICODE_CASE) != 0) {
3402                     bits[Character.toLowerCase(c)] = true;
3403                     bits[Character.toUpperCase(c)] = true;
3404                 }
3405             }
3406             bits[c] = true;
3407             return this;
3408         }

3409     }
3411     /**
3412      *  Utility method for creating a string slice matcher.
3413      */
3414     private Node newSlice(int[] buf, int count, boolean hasSupplementary) {
3415         int[] tmp = new int[count];
3416         if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE)) {
3417             if (has(UNICODE_CASE)) {
3418                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3419                     tmp[i] = Character.toLowerCase(
3420                                  Character.toUpperCase(buf[i]));
3421                 }
3422                 return hasSupplementary? new SliceUS(tmp) : new SliceU(tmp);
3423             }
3424             for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3425                 tmp[i] = ASCII.toLower(buf[i]);
3426             }
3427             return hasSupplementary? new SliceIS(tmp) : new SliceI(tmp);
3428         }

3796                     if (i < && seq.charAt(i) == 0x0A)
3797                         i++;
3798                     return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
3799                 }
3800             } else {
3801                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
3802             }
3803             return false;
3804         }
3805         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
3806             info.minLength++;
3807             info.maxLength += 2;
3808             return;
3809         }
3810     }
3812     /**
3813      * Abstract node class to match one character satisfying some
3814      * boolean property.
3815      */
3816     static class CharProperty extends Node {
3817         CharPredicate predicate;
3819         CharProperty (CharPredicate predicate) {
3820             this.predicate = predicate;

3821         }
3822         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
3823             if (i < {
3824                 int ch = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
3825                 return &&
3826                        next.match(matcher, i + Character.charCount(ch), seq);
3827             } else {
3828                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
3829                 return false;
3830             }
3831         }
3832         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
3833             info.minLength++;
3834             info.maxLength++;
3835             return;
3836         }
3837     }
3839     /**
3840      * Optimized version of CharProperty that works only for
3841      * properties never satisfied by Supplementary characters.
3842      */
3843     private static class BmpCharProperty extends CharProperty {
3844         BmpCharProperty (BmpCharPredicate predicate) {
3845             super(predicate);
3846         }
3847         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
3848             if (i < {
3849                 return &&
3850                        next.match(matcher, i + 1, seq);
3851             } else {
3852                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
3853                 return false;
3854             }
3855         }
3856     }
3858     /**

3859      * Node class that matches an unicode extended grapheme cluster
3860      */
3861     static class XGrapheme extends Node {
3862         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
3863             if (i < {
3864                 int ch0 = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
3865                     i += Character.charCount(ch0);
3866                 while (i < {
3867                     int ch1 = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
3868                     if (Grapheme.isBoundary(ch0, ch1))
3869                         break;
3870                     ch0 = ch1;
3871                     i += Character.charCount(ch1);
3872                 }
3873                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
3874             }
3875             matcher.hitEnd = true;
3876             return false;
3877         }

4056                     return false;
4057                 }
4058             }
4059             return next.match(matcher, x, seq);
4060         }
4061     }
4063     /**
4064      * Node class for a case insensitive sequence of literal characters.
4065      * Uses unicode case folding.
4066      */
4067     static final class SliceUS extends SliceIS {
4068         SliceUS(int[] buf) {
4069             super(buf);
4070         }
4071         int toLower(int c) {
4072             return Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(c));
4073         }
4074     }

4076     /**
4077      * The 0 or 1 quantifier. This one class implements all three types.
4078      */
4079     static final class Ques extends Node {
4080         Node atom;
4081         Qtype type;
4082         Ques(Node node, Qtype type) {
4083             this.atom = node;
4084             this.type = type;
4085         }
4086         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4087             switch (type) {
4088             case GREEDY:
4089                 return (atom.match(matcher, i, seq) && next.match(matcher, matcher.last, seq))
4090                     || next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4091             case LAZY:
4092                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq)
4093                     || (atom.match(matcher, i, seq) && next.match(matcher, matcher.last, seq));
4094             case POSSESSIVE:
4095                 if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) i = matcher.last;
4096                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4097             default:
4098                 return atom.match(matcher, i, seq) && next.match(matcher, matcher.last, seq);
4099             }
4100         }
4101         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
4102             if (type != Qtype.INDEPENDENT) {
4103                 int minL = info.minLength;
4104       ;
4105                 info.minLength = minL;
4106                 info.deterministic = false;
4107                 return;
4108             } else {
4109       ;
4110                 return;
4111             }
4112         }
4113     }
4115     /**
4116      * Handles the greedy style repetition with the minimum either be
4117      * 0 or 1 and the maximum be MAX_REPS, for * and + quantifier.
4118      */
4119     static class CharPropertyGreedy extends Node {
4120         final CharPredicate predicate;
4121         final int cmin;
4123         CharPropertyGreedy(CharProperty cp, int cmin) {
4124             this.predicate = cp.predicate;
4125             this.cmin = cmin;
4126         }
4127         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i,  CharSequence seq) {
4128             int n = 0;
4129             int to =;
4130             // greedy, all the way down
4131             while (i < to) {
4132                 int ch = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
4133                 if (!
4134                    break;
4135                 i += Character.charCount(ch);
4136                 n++;
4137             }
4138             if (i >= to) {
4139                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
4140             }
4141             while (n >= cmin) {
4142                 if (next.match(matcher, i, seq))
4143                     return true;
4144                 if (n == cmin)
4145                     return false;
4146                  // backing off if match fails
4147                 int ch = Character.codePointBefore(seq, i);
4148                 i -= Character.charCount(ch);
4149                 n--;
4150             }
4151             return false; 
4152         }
4154         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
4155             info.minLength += cmin;
4156             if (info.maxValid) {
4157                 info.maxLength += MAX_REPS;
4158             }
4159             info.deterministic = false;
4160             return;
4161         }
4162     }
4164     static final class BmpCharPropertyGreedy extends CharPropertyGreedy {
4166         BmpCharPropertyGreedy(BmpCharProperty bcp, int cmin) {
4167             super(bcp, cmin);
4168         }
4170         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i,  CharSequence seq) {
4171             int n = 0;
4172             int to =;
4173             while (i < to && {
4174                 i++; n++;
4175             }
4176             if (i >= to) {
4177                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
4178             }
4179             while (n >= cmin) {
4180                 if (next.match(matcher, i, seq))
4181                     return true;
4182                 i--; n--;  // backing off if match fails
4183             }
4184             return false; 
4185         }
4186     }
4188     /**
4189      * Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and
4190      * maximum occurrences. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.
4191      * This class handles the three types.
4192      */
4193     static final class Curly extends Node {
4194         Node atom;
4195         Qtype type;
4196         int cmin;
4197         int cmax;
4199         Curly(Node node, int cmin, int cmax, Qtype type) {
4200             this.atom = node;
4201             this.type = type;
4202             this.cmin = cmin;
4203             this.cmax = cmax;
4204         }
4205         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4206             int j;
4207             for (j = 0; j < cmin; j++) {
4208                 if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4209                     i = matcher.last;
4210                     continue;
4211                 }
4212                 return false;
4213             }
4214             if (type == Qtype.GREEDY)
4215                 return match0(matcher, i, j, seq);
4216             else if (type == Qtype.LAZY)
4217                 return match1(matcher, i, j, seq);
4218             else
4219                 return match2(matcher, i, j, seq);
4220         }
4221         // Greedy match.
4222         // i is the index to start matching at
4223         // j is the number of atoms that have matched
4224         boolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {
4225             if (j >= cmax) {
4226                 // We have matched the maximum... continue with the rest of
4227                 // the regular expression
4228                 return next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4229             }
4230             int backLimit = j;
4231             while (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4232                 // k is the length of this match
4233                 int k = matcher.last - i;
4234                 if (k == 0) // Zero length match
4235                     break;
4236                 // Move up index and number matched

4318             }
4320             if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax)
4321                 info.deterministic = detm;
4322             else
4323                 info.deterministic = false;
4324             return;
4325         }
4326     }
4328     /**
4329      * Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and
4330      * maximum occurrences in deterministic cases. This is an iterative
4331      * optimization over the Prolog and Loop system which would handle this
4332      * in a recursive way. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.
4333      * If capture is true then this class saves group settings and ensures
4334      * that groups are unset when backing off of a group match.
4335      */
4336     static final class GroupCurly extends Node {
4337         Node atom;
4338         Qtype type;
4339         int cmin;
4340         int cmax;
4341         int localIndex;
4342         int groupIndex;
4343         boolean capture;
4345         GroupCurly(Node node, int cmin, int cmax, Qtype type, int local,
4346                    int group, boolean capture) {
4347             this.atom = node;
4348             this.type = type;
4349             this.cmin = cmin;
4350             this.cmax = cmax;
4351             this.localIndex = local;
4352             this.groupIndex = group;
4353             this.capture = capture;
4354         }
4355         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4356             int[] groups = matcher.groups;
4357             int[] locals = matcher.locals;
4358             int save0 = locals[localIndex];
4359             int save1 = 0;
4360             int save2 = 0;
4362             if (capture) {
4363                 save1 = groups[groupIndex];
4364                 save2 = groups[groupIndex+1];
4365             }
4367             // Notify GroupTail there is no need to setup group info
4368             // because it will be set here
4369             locals[localIndex] = -1;
4371             boolean ret = true;
4372             for (int j = 0; j < cmin; j++) {
4373                 if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {
4374                     if (capture) {
4375                         groups[groupIndex] = i;
4376                         groups[groupIndex+1] = matcher.last;
4377                     }
4378                     i = matcher.last;
4379                 } else {
4380                     ret = false;
4381                     break;
4382                 }
4383             }
4384             if (ret) {
4385                 if (type == Qtype.GREEDY) {
4386                     ret = match0(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4387                 } else if (type == Qtype.LAZY) {
4388                     ret = match1(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4389                 } else {
4390                     ret = match2(matcher, i, cmin, seq);
4391                 }
4392             }
4393             if (!ret) {
4394                 locals[localIndex] = save0;
4395                 if (capture) {
4396                     groups[groupIndex] = save1;
4397                     groups[groupIndex+1] = save2;
4398                 }
4399             }
4400             return ret;
4401         }
4402         // Aggressive group match
4403         boolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {
4404             // don't back off passing the starting "j"
4405             int min = j;
4406             int[] groups = matcher.groups;
4407             int save0 = 0;

4614             info.minLength += minL;
4615             info.maxLength += maxL;
4616             info.maxValid &= maxV;
4617             info.deterministic = false;
4618             return false;
4619         }
4620     }
4622     /**
4623      * The GroupHead saves the location where the group begins in the locals
4624      * and restores them when the match is done.
4625      *
4626      * The matchRef is used when a reference to this group is accessed later
4627      * in the expression. The locals will have a negative value in them to
4628      * indicate that we do not want to unset the group if the reference
4629      * doesn't match.
4630      */
4631     static final class GroupHead extends Node {
4632         int localIndex;
4633         GroupTail tail;    // for debug/print only, match does not need to know
4634         GroupHead(int localCount) {
4635             localIndex = localCount;
4636         }
4637         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4638             int save = matcher.locals[localIndex];
4639             matcher.locals[localIndex] = i;
4640             boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4641             matcher.locals[localIndex] = save;
4642             return ret;
4643         }
4644         boolean matchRef(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
4645             int save = matcher.locals[localIndex];
4646             matcher.locals[localIndex] = ~i; // HACK
4647             boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq);
4648             matcher.locals[localIndex] = save;
4649             return ret;
4650         }
4651     }
4653     /**

5207             int startIndex = (!matcher.transparentBounds) ?
5208                              matcher.from : 0;
5209             int from = Math.max(i - rmaxChars, startIndex);
5210             matcher.lookbehindTo = i;
5211             // Relax transparent region boundaries for lookbehind
5212             if (matcher.transparentBounds)
5213                 matcher.from = 0;
5214             for (int j = i - rminChars;
5215                  !conditionMatched && j >= from;
5216                  j -= j>from ? countChars(seq, j, -1) : 1) {
5217                 conditionMatched = cond.match(matcher, j, seq);
5218             }
5219             //Reinstate region boundaries
5220             matcher.from = savedFrom;
5221             matcher.lookbehindTo = savedLBT;
5222             return !conditionMatched && next.match(matcher, i, seq);
5223         }
5224     }
5226     /**

5227      * Handles word boundaries. Includes a field to allow this one class to
5228      * deal with the different types of word boundaries we can match. The word
5229      * characters include underscores, letters, and digits. Non spacing marks
5230      * can are also part of a word if they have a base character, otherwise
5231      * they are ignored for purposes of finding word boundaries.
5232      */
5233     static final class Bound extends Node {
5234         static int LEFT = 0x1;
5235         static int RIGHT= 0x2;
5236         static int BOTH = 0x3;
5237         static int NONE = 0x4;
5238         int type;
5239         boolean useUWORD;
5240         Bound(int n, boolean useUWORD) {
5241             type = n;
5242             this.useUWORD = useUWORD;
5243         }
5245         boolean isWord(int ch) {
5246             return useUWORD ?
5247                             : (ch == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch));
5248         }
5250         int check(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
5251             int ch;
5252             boolean left = false;
5253             int startIndex = matcher.from;
5254             int endIndex =;
5255             if (matcher.transparentBounds) {
5256                 startIndex = 0;
5257                 endIndex = matcher.getTextLength();
5258             }
5259             if (i > startIndex) {
5260                 ch = Character.codePointBefore(seq, i);
5261                 left = (isWord(ch) ||
5262                     ((Character.getType(ch) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
5263                      && hasBaseCharacter(matcher, i-1, seq)));
5264             }
5265             boolean right = false;
5266             if (i < endIndex) {

5472                         i += countChars(seq, i, n);
5473                         continue NEXT;
5474                     }
5475                 }
5476                 // Entire pattern matched starting at i
5477                 matcher.first = i;
5478                 boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i + lengthInChars, seq);
5479                 if (ret) {
5480                     matcher.first = i;
5481                     matcher.groups[0] = matcher.first;
5482                     matcher.groups[1] = matcher.last;
5483                     return true;
5484                 }
5485                 i += countChars(seq, i, 1);
5486             }
5487             matcher.hitEnd = true;
5488             return false;
5489         }
5490     }
5492     @FunctionalInterface
5493     static interface CharPredicate {
5494         boolean is(int ch);
5496         default CharPredicate and(CharPredicate p) {
5497             return ch -> is(ch) &&;
5498         }
5499         default CharPredicate union(CharPredicate p) {
5500             return ch -> is(ch) ||;
5501         }
5502         default CharPredicate union(CharPredicate p1,
5503                                     CharPredicate p2 ) {
5504             return ch -> is(ch) || ||;
5505         }
5506         default CharPredicate negate() {
5507             return ch -> !is(ch);
5508         }
5509     }
5511     static interface BmpCharPredicate extends CharPredicate {
5513         default CharPredicate and(CharPredicate p) {
5514             if(p instanceof BmpCharPredicate)
5515                 return (BmpCharPredicate)((ch) -> is(ch) &&;
5516             return ch -> is(ch) &&;
5517         }
5518         default CharPredicate union(CharPredicate p) {
5519             if (p instanceof BmpCharPredicate)
5520                 return (BmpCharPredicate)((ch) -> is(ch) ||;
5521             return ch -> is(ch) ||;
5522         }
5523         static CharPredicate union(CharPredicate... predicates) {
5524             CharPredicate cp = ch -> {
5525                 for (CharPredicate p : predicates) {
5526                     if (!
5527                         return false;
5528                 }
5529                 return true;
5530             };
5531             for (CharPredicate p : predicates) {
5532                 if (! (p instanceof BmpCharPredicate))
5533                     return cp;
5534             }
5535             return (BmpCharPredicate)cp;
5536         }
5537     }
5539     /**
5540      * matches a Perl vertical whitespace
5541      */
5542     static BmpCharPredicate VertWS = cp ->
5543         (cp >= 0x0A && cp <= 0x0D) || cp == 0x85 || cp == 0x2028 || cp == 0x2029;
5545     /**
5546      * matches a Perl horizontal whitespace
5547      */
5548     static BmpCharPredicate HorizWS = cp ->
5549         cp == 0x09 || cp == 0x20 || cp == 0xa0 || cp == 0x1680 ||
5550         cp == 0x180e || cp >= 0x2000 && cp <= 0x200a ||  cp == 0x202f ||
5551         cp == 0x205f || cp == 0x3000;
5553     /**
5554      *  for the Unicode category ALL and the dot metacharacter when
5555      *  in dotall mode.
5556      */
5557     static CharPredicate ALL = ch -> true;
5559     /**
5560      * for the dot metacharacter when dotall is not enabled.
5561      */
5562     static CharPredicate DOT = ch -> (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r'
5563                                           && (ch|1) != '\u2029'
5564                                           && ch != '\u0085');
5565     /**
5566      *  the dot metacharacter when dotall is not enabled but UNIX_LINES is enabled.
5567      */
5568     static CharPredicate UNIXDOT = ch ->  ch != '\n';
5570     /**
5571      * Indicate that matches a Supplementary Unicode character
5572      */
5573     static CharPredicate SingleS(int c) {
5574         return ch -> ch == c;
5575     }
5577     /**
5578      * A bmp/optimized predicate of single
5579      */
5580     static BmpCharPredicate Single(int c) {
5581         return ch -> ch == c;
5582     }
5584     /**
5585      * Case insensitive matches a given BMP character
5586      */
5587     static BmpCharPredicate SingleI(int lower, int upper) {
5588         return ch -> ch == lower || ch == upper;
5589     }
5591     /**
5592      * Unicode case insensitive matches a given Unicode character
5593      */
5594     static CharPredicate SingleU(int lower) {
5595         return ch -> lower == ch ||
5596                      lower == Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(ch));
5597     }
5599     private static boolean inRange(int lower, int ch, int upper) {
5600         return lower <= ch && ch <= upper;

5601     }
5603     /**
5604      * Charactrs within a explicit value range
5605      */
5606     static CharPredicate Range(int lower, int upper) {
5607         if (upper < Character.MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE ||
5608             lower > Character.MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE &&
5609             upper < Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT)
5610             return (BmpCharPredicate)(ch -> inRange(lower, ch, upper));
5611         return ch -> inRange(lower, ch, upper);
5612     }
5614    /**
5615     * Charactrs within a explicit value range in a case insensitive manner.
5616     */
5617     static CharPredicate CIRange(int lower, int upper) {
5618         return ch -> inRange(lower, ch, upper) ||
5619                      ASCII.isAscii(ch) &&
5620                      (inRange(lower, ASCII.toUpper(ch), upper) ||
5621                       inRange(lower, ASCII.toLower(ch), upper));

5622     }
5624     static CharPredicate CIRangeU(int lower, int upper) {
5625         return ch -> {
5626             if (inRange(lower, ch, upper))
5627                 return true;
5628             int up = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
5629             return inRange(lower, up, upper) ||
5630                    inRange(lower, Character.toLowerCase(up), upper);
5631         };
5632     }
5634     /**
5635      *  This must be the very first initializer.
5636      */
5637     static Node accept = new Node();
5639     static Node lastAccept = new LastNode();
5641     /**
5642      * Creates a predicate which can be used to match a string.
5643      *
5644      * @return  The predicate which can be used for matching on a string
5645      * @since   1.8
5646      */
5647     public Predicate<String> asPredicate() {
5648         return s -> matcher(s).find();
5649     }
5651     /**
5652      * Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of this
5653      * pattern.
5654      *
5655      * <p> The stream returned by this method contains each substring of the
5656      * input sequence that is terminated by another subsequence that matches
5657      * this pattern or is terminated by the end of the input sequence.  The
5658      * substrings in the stream are in the order in which they occur in the
5659      * input. Trailing empty strings will be discarded and not encountered in
5660      * the stream.
5661      *