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  45 <H1>Jemmy lookup principles</H1>
  46 <P>The document describes principles of Jemmy lookup API. Such
  47 principles are the same for any extension built on <CODE>JemmyCore</CODE>
  48 for any particular component library. The idea here is to provide
  49 searching capabilities so that 
  50 </P>
  51 <UL>
  52         <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Any possible criteria could be
  53         used 
  54         </P>
  55         <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Any number or criteria could be
  56         used consequently 
  57         </P>
  58         <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Access both to control instance
  59         and a wrapper instance is provided 
  60         </P>
  61         <LI><P>No costing needed 
  62         </P>
  63 </UL>
  64 <H2 CLASS="western">Search criteria</H2>
  65 <P>Search criteria specified by implementing <CODE>LookupCriteria</CODE>
  66 interface. There are several implementations of the criteria in
  67 <CODE>JemmyCore</CODE> which are abstract. 
  68 </P>
  69 <P><I>Example</I>: 
  70 </P>
  71 <PRE>        public class ByTextSearch&lt;T extends JTextComponent&gt; implements LookupCriteria&lt;T&gt; {
  72             String text;
  73             public ByTextSearch(String text) {
  74                 this.text = text;
  75             }
  76             public boolean check(T control) {
  77                 return control.getText().equals(text);
  78             }
  79         }
  80     </PRE><P>
  81 Naturally, any kind of custom search criteria could be specified my
  82 creating an implementation if the interface. 
  83 </P>
  84 <H2 CLASS="western">Search functionality</H2>
  85 <H3 CLASS="western">Parent</H3>
  86 <P><CODE>Parent</CODE> interface represents the start point for a component
  87 lookup. Parent could be a</P>
  88 <UL>
  89     <LI><P>root of control hierarchy (<CODE>Stage</CODE> or <CODE>Scene</CODE> in JavaFX)</P>
  90     <LI><P>A container in the middle (such as <CODE>Frame</CODE> in AWT)</P>
  91 </UL>
  92 <P>from the lookup perspective, parent only is able to get an access
  93 to a <CODE>Lookup</CODE> imstance.</P>
  94 <H3 CLASS="western">Lookup</H3>
  95 <P>The search capabilities are presented by <CODE>Lookup</CODE>
  96 interface. Most importantly the interface defines methods to narrow
  97 the search with another search criteria and optionally control type,
  98 which (the methods) return an instance on the same interface. That
  99 allows to implement any number of search criteria. 
 100 </P>
 101 <P><I>Example:</I> 
 102 </P>
 103 <PRE>        button = ... .wrap(0);
 104         frame.lookup(CoordinateLookup.leftOf(button)).
 105         lookup(JTextField.class, new Any&lt;JTextField&gt;()).
 106         ...;
 107     </PRE><P>
 108 Besides that, the interface defines methods to get the control, to
 109 wrap it, to get the number of controls found, etc. . 
 110 </P>
 111 <H3 CLASS="western">AbstractLookup</H3>
 112 <P>This is an internal yet very important class. It implements
 113 creating the sub-lookups. This particular implementation does it in a
 114 way that the actual component hierarchy is not requested up until the
 115 moment it has to be. It's only when there is a question on the actual
 116 control list is asked, the hierarchy is explored. 
 117 </P>
 118 <P><I>Example.</I> This does not query the AWT hierarchy: 
 119 </P>
 120 <PRE>        import org.jemmy.awt.FrameOperator;
 121         ...
 122         FrameOperator frame = ...
 123         Lookup&lt;JTextField&gt; lookup = frame.lookup(JTextField.class, new TrueLookup&lt;JTextField&gt;());
 124     </PRE><P>
 125 These do: 
 126 </P>
 127 <PRE>        lookup.get(0);
 128         lookup.wrap(0);
 129         lookup.size();
 130         lookup.wait(2);
 131     </PRE><P>
 132 <CODE>AbstractLookup</CODE> does not implement the functionality of
 133 getting the control list, which is implemented by next two classes: 
 134 </P>
 135 <H3 CLASS="western">HierarchyLookup and PlainLookup</H3>
 136 <P>As it is clear from the names, these classes provide logic to deal
 137 with hierarchical control structure and plain control list,
 138 correspondentelly. Doing so, the implementation rely on two other
 139 interfaces which specific to the component library: <CODE>ControlHierarchy</CODE>
 140 and <CODE>ControlLookup</CODE>. 
 141 </P>
 142 <H2 CLASS="western">Accessing/wrapping the controls</H2>
 143 <P>Two methods <CODE>get(int)</CODE> and <CODE>wrap(int)</CODE> return
 144 the control itself and the wrapper of it. The type of the returned
 145 control is the <CODE>CONTROL</CODE> type parameter of <CODE>Lookup&lt;CONTROL&gt;</CODE>
 146 interface. Wrap type is <CODE>Wrap&lt;CONTROL&gt;</CODE>, hence
 147 there is no need to cast the results to get the control itself. There
 148 is no need to cast the wrapper either, but this is described in a
 149 separate document: <A HREF="interfaces.html">Jemmy control interfaces</A>
 150 </P>
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 152 </HTML>