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rev 54069 : 8220528: [AIX] Fix basic Xinerama and Xrender functionality

 106 /* AWT and Xinerama
 107  *
 108  * As of fix 4356756, AWT is Xinerama-aware.  X11GraphicsDevices are created for
 109  * each screen of a Xinerama setup, though X11 itself still only sees a single
 110  * display.
 111  * In many places where we talk to X11, a xinawareScreen variable is used to
 112  * pass the correct Display value, depending on the circumstances (a single
 113  * X display, multiple X displays, or a single X display with multiple
 114  * Xinerama screens).
 115  *
 116  * Solaris and Linux differ in the functions used to access Xinerama-related
 117  * data.  This is in part because at this time, the X consortium has not
 118  * finalized the "official" Xinerama API.  Once this spec is available, and
 119  * both OSes are conformant, one code base should be sufficient for Xinerama
 120  * operation on both OSes.  Until then, some of the Xinerama-related code
 121  * is ifdef'd appropriately.  -bchristi, 7/12/01
 122  */
 124 #define MAXFRAMEBUFFERS 16
 125 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(MACOSX)

 126 typedef struct {
 127    int   screen_number;
 128    short x_org;
 129    short y_org;
 130    short width;
 131    short height;
 132 } XineramaScreenInfo;
 134 typedef XineramaScreenInfo* XineramaQueryScreensFunc(Display*, int*);
 136 #else /* SOLARIS */
 137 typedef Status XineramaGetInfoFunc(Display* display, int screen_number,
 138          XRectangle* framebuffer_rects, unsigned char* framebuffer_hints,
 139          int* num_framebuffers);
 140 #endif
 142 Bool usingXinerama = False;
 143 XRectangle fbrects[MAXFRAMEBUFFERS];
 146 Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsConfig_initIDs (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
 147 {
 148     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData = NULL;
 149     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel = NULL;
 151     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, cls, "aData", "J");
 152     CHECK_NULL(x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData);
 153     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, cls, "bitsPerPixel", "I");
 154     CHECK_NULL(x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel);
 156     if (x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData == NULL ||
 157             x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel == NULL) {
 159             JNU_ThrowNoSuchFieldError(env, "Can't find a field");

 408         AWT_UNLOCK();
 409         return;
 410     }
 412     if (screenDataPtr->defaultConfig == NULL) {
 413         /*
 414          * After a display change event, the default config field will have
 415          * been reset, so we need to recreate the default config here.
 416          */
 417         screenDataPtr->defaultConfig = makeDefaultConfig(env, screen);
 418     }
 420     defaultConfig = screenDataPtr->defaultConfig;
 421     graphicsConfigs[0] = defaultConfig;
 422     nConfig = 1; /* reserve index 0 for default config */
 424     // Only use the RENDER extension if it is available on the X server
 425     if (XQueryExtension(awt_display, "RENDER",
 426                         &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error))
 427     {

 428         xrenderLibHandle = dlopen("libXrender.so.1", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 430 #ifdef MACOSX
 431 #define XRENDER_LIB "/usr/X11/lib/libXrender.dylib"
 432 #else
 433 #define XRENDER_LIB "libXrender.so"
 434 #endif
 436         if (xrenderLibHandle == NULL) {
 437             xrenderLibHandle = dlopen(XRENDER_LIB,
 438                                       RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 439         }
 441 #ifndef __linux__ /* SOLARIS */
 442         if (xrenderLibHandle == NULL) {
 443             xrenderLibHandle = dlopen("/usr/lib/libXrender.so.1",
 444                                       RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 445         }
 446 #endif

 448         if (xrenderLibHandle != NULL) {

 449             xrenderFindVisualFormat =
 450                 (XRenderFindVisualFormatFunc*)dlsym(xrenderLibHandle,
 451                                                     "XRenderFindVisualFormat");

 452         }

 453     }
 455     for (i = 0; i < nTrue; i++) {
 456         if (XVisualIDFromVisual(pVITrue[i].visual) ==
 457             XVisualIDFromVisual(defaultConfig->awt_visInfo.visual) ||
 458             pVITrue[i].depth == 12) {
 459             /* Skip the non-supported 12-bit TrueColor visual */
 460             continue;
 461         } else {
 462             ind = nConfig++;
 463         }
 464         graphicsConfigs [ind] = ZALLOC (_AwtGraphicsConfigData);
 465         graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_depth = pVITrue [i].depth;
 466         memcpy (&graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_visInfo, &pVITrue [i],
 467                 sizeof (XVisualInfo));
 468        if (xrenderFindVisualFormat != NULL) {
 469             XRenderPictFormat *format = xrenderFindVisualFormat (awt_display,
 470                     pVITrue [i].visual);
 471             if (format &&
 472                 format->type == PictTypeDirect &&
 473                 format->direct.alphaMask)
 474             {

 475                 graphicsConfigs [ind]->isTranslucencySupported = 1;
 476                 memcpy(&graphicsConfigs [ind]->renderPictFormat, format,
 477                         sizeof(*format));

 478             }

 479         }
 480     }
 482     if (xrenderLibHandle != NULL) {
 483         dlclose(xrenderLibHandle);
 484         xrenderLibHandle = NULL;
 485     }
 487     for (i = 0; i < n8p; i++) {
 488         if (XVisualIDFromVisual(pVI8p[i].visual) ==
 489             XVisualIDFromVisual(defaultConfig->awt_visInfo.visual)) {
 490             continue;
 491         } else {
 492             ind = nConfig++;
 493         }
 494         graphicsConfigs [ind] = ZALLOC (_AwtGraphicsConfigData);
 495         graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_depth = pVI8p [i].depth;
 496         memcpy (&graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_visInfo, &pVI8p [i],
 497                 sizeof (XVisualInfo));
 498     }

 565     if (n8p != 0)
 566        XFree (pVI8p);
 567     if (n12p != 0)
 568        XFree (pVI12p);
 569     if (n8s != 0)
 570        XFree (pVI8s);
 571     if (n8gs != 0)
 572        XFree (pVI8gs);
 573     if (n8sg != 0)
 574        XFree (pVI8sg);
 575     if (n1sg != 0)
 576        XFree (pVI1sg);
 578     screenDataPtr->numConfigs = nConfig;
 579     screenDataPtr->configs = graphicsConfigs;
 581     AWT_UNLOCK ();
 582 }
 584 #ifndef HEADLESS
 585 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(MACOSX)
 586 static void xinerama_init_linux()
 587 {
 588     void* libHandle = NULL;
 589     int32_t locNumScr = 0;
 590     XineramaScreenInfo *xinInfo;
 591     char* XineramaQueryScreensName = "XineramaQueryScreens";
 592     XineramaQueryScreensFunc* XineramaQueryScreens = NULL;
 594     /* load library */
 595     libHandle = dlopen(VERSIONED_JNI_LIB_NAME("Xinerama", "1"),
 596                        RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 597     if (libHandle == NULL) {

 598         libHandle = dlopen(JNI_LIB_NAME("Xinerama"), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);

 599     }
 600     if (libHandle != NULL) {
 601         XineramaQueryScreens = (XineramaQueryScreensFunc*)
 602             dlsym(libHandle, XineramaQueryScreensName);
 604         if (XineramaQueryScreens != NULL) {
 605             DTRACE_PRINTLN("calling XineramaQueryScreens func on Linux");
 606             xinInfo = (*XineramaQueryScreens)(awt_display, &locNumScr);
 607             if (xinInfo != NULL && locNumScr > XScreenCount(awt_display)) {
 608                 int32_t idx;
 609                 DTRACE_PRINTLN("Enabling Xinerama support");
 610                 usingXinerama = True;
 611                 /* set global number of screens */
 612                 DTRACE_PRINTLN1(" num screens = %i\n", locNumScr);
 613                 awt_numScreens = locNumScr;
 615                 /* stuff values into fbrects */
 616                 for (idx = 0; idx < awt_numScreens; idx++) {
 617                     DASSERT(xinInfo[idx].screen_number == idx);
 619                     fbrects[idx].width = xinInfo[idx].width;
 620                     fbrects[idx].height = xinInfo[idx].height;
 621                     fbrects[idx].x = xinInfo[idx].x_org;
 622                     fbrects[idx].y = xinInfo[idx].y_org;
 623                 }
 624             } else {
 625                 DTRACE_PRINTLN("calling XineramaQueryScreens didn't work");

 626             }
 627         } else {
 628             DTRACE_PRINTLN("couldn't load XineramaQueryScreens symbol");
 629         }
 630         dlclose(libHandle);
 631     } else {
 632         DTRACE_PRINTLN1("\ncouldn't open shared library: %s\n", dlerror());
 633     }
 634 }
 635 #endif
 636 #if !defined(__linux__) && !defined(MACOSX) /* Solaris */
 637 static void xinerama_init_solaris()
 638 {
 639     void* libHandle = NULL;
 640     unsigned char fbhints[MAXFRAMEBUFFERS];
 641     int32_t locNumScr = 0;
 642     /* load and run XineramaGetInfo */
 643     char* XineramaGetInfoName = "XineramaGetInfo";
 644     XineramaGetInfoFunc* XineramaSolarisFunc = NULL;
 646     /* load library */
 647     libHandle = dlopen(JNI_LIB_NAME("Xext"), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 648     if (libHandle != NULL) {
 649         XineramaSolarisFunc = (XineramaGetInfoFunc*)dlsym(libHandle, XineramaGetInfoName);
 650         if (XineramaSolarisFunc != NULL) {
 651             DTRACE_PRINTLN("calling XineramaGetInfo func on Solaris");
 652             if ((*XineramaSolarisFunc)(awt_display, 0, &fbrects[0],
 653                                        &fbhints[0], &locNumScr) != 0 &&
 654                 locNumScr > XScreenCount(awt_display))
 655             {
 656                 DTRACE_PRINTLN("Enabling Xinerama support");

 672 #endif
 674 /*
 675  * Checks if Xinerama is running and perform Xinerama-related
 676  * platform dependent initialization.
 677  */
 678 static void xineramaInit(void) {
 679     char* XinExtName = "XINERAMA";
 680     int32_t major_opcode, first_event, first_error;
 681     Bool gotXinExt = False;
 683     gotXinExt = XQueryExtension(awt_display, XinExtName, &major_opcode,
 684                                 &first_event, &first_error);
 686     if (!gotXinExt) {
 687         DTRACE_PRINTLN("Xinerama extension is not available");
 688         return;
 689     }
 691     DTRACE_PRINTLN("Xinerama extension is available");
 692 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(MACOSX)
 693     xinerama_init_linux();
 694 #else /* Solaris */
 695     xinerama_init_solaris();
 696 #endif /* __linux__ || MACOSX */

 697 }
 698 #endif /* HEADLESS */
 700 Display *
 701 awt_init_Display(JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
 702 {
 703     jclass klass;
 704     Display *dpy;
 705     char errmsg[128];
 706     int i;
 707 #ifdef NETSCAPE
 708     sigset_t alarm_set, oldset;
 709 #endif
 711     if (awt_display) {
 712         return awt_display;
 713     }
 715 #ifdef NETSCAPE
 716     /* Disable interrupts during XtOpenDisplay to avoid bugs in unix os select

 106 /* AWT and Xinerama
 107  *
 108  * As of fix 4356756, AWT is Xinerama-aware.  X11GraphicsDevices are created for
 109  * each screen of a Xinerama setup, though X11 itself still only sees a single
 110  * display.
 111  * In many places where we talk to X11, a xinawareScreen variable is used to
 112  * pass the correct Display value, depending on the circumstances (a single
 113  * X display, multiple X displays, or a single X display with multiple
 114  * Xinerama screens).
 115  *
 116  * Solaris and Linux differ in the functions used to access Xinerama-related
 117  * data.  This is in part because at this time, the X consortium has not
 118  * finalized the "official" Xinerama API.  Once this spec is available, and
 119  * both OSes are conformant, one code base should be sufficient for Xinerama
 120  * operation on both OSes.  Until then, some of the Xinerama-related code
 121  * is ifdef'd appropriately.  -bchristi, 7/12/01
 122  */
 124 #define MAXFRAMEBUFFERS 16
 125 #if defined(__solaris__)
 126 typedef Status XineramaGetInfoFunc(Display* display, int screen_number,
 127          XRectangle* framebuffer_rects, unsigned char* framebuffer_hints,
 128          int* num_framebuffers);
 129 #else /* Linux, Mac, AIX */
 130 typedef struct {
 131    int   screen_number;
 132    short x_org;
 133    short y_org;
 134    short width;
 135    short height;
 136 } XineramaScreenInfo;
 138 typedef XineramaScreenInfo* XineramaQueryScreensFunc(Display*, int*);

 139 #endif
 141 Bool usingXinerama = False;
 142 XRectangle fbrects[MAXFRAMEBUFFERS];
 145 Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsConfig_initIDs (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
 146 {
 147     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData = NULL;
 148     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel = NULL;
 150     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, cls, "aData", "J");
 151     CHECK_NULL(x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData);
 152     x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, cls, "bitsPerPixel", "I");
 153     CHECK_NULL(x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel);
 155     if (x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData == NULL ||
 156             x11GraphicsConfigIDs.bitsPerPixel == NULL) {
 158             JNU_ThrowNoSuchFieldError(env, "Can't find a field");

 407         AWT_UNLOCK();
 408         return;
 409     }
 411     if (screenDataPtr->defaultConfig == NULL) {
 412         /*
 413          * After a display change event, the default config field will have
 414          * been reset, so we need to recreate the default config here.
 415          */
 416         screenDataPtr->defaultConfig = makeDefaultConfig(env, screen);
 417     }
 419     defaultConfig = screenDataPtr->defaultConfig;
 420     graphicsConfigs[0] = defaultConfig;
 421     nConfig = 1; /* reserve index 0 for default config */
 423     // Only use the RENDER extension if it is available on the X server
 424     if (XQueryExtension(awt_display, "RENDER",
 425                         &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error))
 426     {
 427         DTRACE_PRINTLN("RENDER extension available");
 428         xrenderLibHandle = dlopen("libXrender.so.1", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 430 #ifdef MACOSX
 431 #define XRENDER_LIB "/usr/X11/lib/libXrender.dylib"
 432 #else
 433 #define XRENDER_LIB "libXrender.so"
 434 #endif
 436         if (xrenderLibHandle == NULL) {
 437             xrenderLibHandle = dlopen(XRENDER_LIB,
 438                                       RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 439         }
 441 #ifdef __solaris__
 442         if (xrenderLibHandle == NULL) {
 443             xrenderLibHandle = dlopen("/usr/lib/libXrender.so.1",
 444                                       RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 445         }
 446 #endif
 447 #ifdef _AIX
 448         if (xrenderLibHandle == NULL) {
 449             xrenderLibHandle = dlopen("libXrender.a(libXrender.so.0)",
 450                                       RTLD_MEMBER | RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 451         }
 452 #endif
 453         if (xrenderLibHandle != NULL) {
 454             DTRACE_PRINTLN("Loaded libXrender");
 455             xrenderFindVisualFormat =
 456                 (XRenderFindVisualFormatFunc*)dlsym(xrenderLibHandle,
 457                                                     "XRenderFindVisualFormat");
 458         } else {
 459             DTRACE_PRINTLN1("Can't load libXrender (%s)", dlerror());
 460         }
 461     } else {
 462         DTRACE_PRINTLN("RENDER extension NOT available");
 463     }
 465     for (i = 0; i < nTrue; i++) {
 466         if (XVisualIDFromVisual(pVITrue[i].visual) ==
 467             XVisualIDFromVisual(defaultConfig->awt_visInfo.visual) ||
 468             pVITrue[i].depth == 12) {
 469             /* Skip the non-supported 12-bit TrueColor visual */
 470             continue;
 471         } else {
 472             ind = nConfig++;
 473         }
 474         graphicsConfigs [ind] = ZALLOC (_AwtGraphicsConfigData);
 475         graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_depth = pVITrue [i].depth;
 476         memcpy (&graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_visInfo, &pVITrue [i],
 477                 sizeof (XVisualInfo));
 478        if (xrenderFindVisualFormat != NULL) {
 479             XRenderPictFormat *format = xrenderFindVisualFormat (awt_display,
 480                     pVITrue [i].visual);
 481             if (format &&
 482                 format->type == PictTypeDirect &&
 483                 format->direct.alphaMask)
 484             {
 485                 DTRACE_PRINTLN1("GraphicsConfig[%d] supports Translucency", ind);
 486                 graphicsConfigs [ind]->isTranslucencySupported = 1;
 487                 memcpy(&graphicsConfigs [ind]->renderPictFormat, format,
 488                         sizeof(*format));
 489             } else {
 490                 DTRACE_PRINTLN1(format ?
 491                                 "GraphicsConfig[%d] has no Translucency support" :
 492                                 "Error calling 'XRenderFindVisualFormat'", ind);
 493             }
 494        } else {
 495            DTRACE_PRINTLN1("Can't find 'XRenderFindVisualFormat' in libXrender (%s)", dlerror());
 496        }
 497     }
 499     if (xrenderLibHandle != NULL) {
 500         dlclose(xrenderLibHandle);
 501         xrenderLibHandle = NULL;
 502     }
 504     for (i = 0; i < n8p; i++) {
 505         if (XVisualIDFromVisual(pVI8p[i].visual) ==
 506             XVisualIDFromVisual(defaultConfig->awt_visInfo.visual)) {
 507             continue;
 508         } else {
 509             ind = nConfig++;
 510         }
 511         graphicsConfigs [ind] = ZALLOC (_AwtGraphicsConfigData);
 512         graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_depth = pVI8p [i].depth;
 513         memcpy (&graphicsConfigs [ind]->awt_visInfo, &pVI8p [i],
 514                 sizeof (XVisualInfo));
 515     }

 582     if (n8p != 0)
 583        XFree (pVI8p);
 584     if (n12p != 0)
 585        XFree (pVI12p);
 586     if (n8s != 0)
 587        XFree (pVI8s);
 588     if (n8gs != 0)
 589        XFree (pVI8gs);
 590     if (n8sg != 0)
 591        XFree (pVI8sg);
 592     if (n1sg != 0)
 593        XFree (pVI1sg);
 595     screenDataPtr->numConfigs = nConfig;
 596     screenDataPtr->configs = graphicsConfigs;
 598     AWT_UNLOCK ();
 599 }
 601 #ifndef HEADLESS
 602 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(MACOSX) || defined(_AIX)
 603 static void xinerama_init_linux()
 604 {
 605     void* libHandle = NULL;
 606     int32_t locNumScr = 0;
 607     XineramaScreenInfo *xinInfo;
 608     char* XineramaQueryScreensName = "XineramaQueryScreens";
 609     XineramaQueryScreensFunc* XineramaQueryScreens = NULL;
 611     /* load library */
 612     libHandle = dlopen(VERSIONED_JNI_LIB_NAME("Xinerama", "1"),
 613                        RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 614     if (libHandle == NULL) {
 615 #if defined(_AIX)
 616         libHandle = dlopen("libXext.a(shr_64.o)", RTLD_MEMBER | RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 617 #else
 618         libHandle = dlopen(JNI_LIB_NAME("Xinerama"), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 619 #endif
 620     }
 621     if (libHandle != NULL) {
 622         XineramaQueryScreens = (XineramaQueryScreensFunc*)
 623             dlsym(libHandle, XineramaQueryScreensName);
 625         if (XineramaQueryScreens != NULL) {
 626             DTRACE_PRINTLN("calling XineramaQueryScreens func");
 627             xinInfo = (*XineramaQueryScreens)(awt_display, &locNumScr);
 628             if (xinInfo != NULL && locNumScr > XScreenCount(awt_display)) {
 629                 int32_t idx;
 630                 DTRACE_PRINTLN("Enabling Xinerama support");
 631                 usingXinerama = True;
 632                 /* set global number of screens */
 633                 DTRACE_PRINTLN1(" num screens = %i\n", locNumScr);
 634                 awt_numScreens = locNumScr;
 636                 /* stuff values into fbrects */
 637                 for (idx = 0; idx < awt_numScreens; idx++) {
 638                     DASSERT(xinInfo[idx].screen_number == idx);
 640                     fbrects[idx].width = xinInfo[idx].width;
 641                     fbrects[idx].height = xinInfo[idx].height;
 642                     fbrects[idx].x = xinInfo[idx].x_org;
 643                     fbrects[idx].y = xinInfo[idx].y_org;
 644                 }
 645             } else {
 646                 DTRACE_PRINTLN((xinInfo == NULL) ?
 647                                "calling XineramaQueryScreens didn't work" :
 648                                "XineramaQueryScreens <= XScreenCount"
 649                                );
 650             }
 651         } else {
 652             DTRACE_PRINTLN("couldn't load XineramaQueryScreens symbol");
 653         }
 654         dlclose(libHandle);
 655     } else {
 656         DTRACE_PRINTLN1("\ncouldn't open shared library: %s\n", dlerror());
 657     }
 658 }
 659 #endif
 660 #if defined(__solaris__)
 661 static void xinerama_init_solaris()
 662 {
 663     void* libHandle = NULL;
 664     unsigned char fbhints[MAXFRAMEBUFFERS];
 665     int32_t locNumScr = 0;
 666     /* load and run XineramaGetInfo */
 667     char* XineramaGetInfoName = "XineramaGetInfo";
 668     XineramaGetInfoFunc* XineramaSolarisFunc = NULL;
 670     /* load library */
 671     libHandle = dlopen(JNI_LIB_NAME("Xext"), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
 672     if (libHandle != NULL) {
 673         XineramaSolarisFunc = (XineramaGetInfoFunc*)dlsym(libHandle, XineramaGetInfoName);
 674         if (XineramaSolarisFunc != NULL) {
 675             DTRACE_PRINTLN("calling XineramaGetInfo func on Solaris");
 676             if ((*XineramaSolarisFunc)(awt_display, 0, &fbrects[0],
 677                                        &fbhints[0], &locNumScr) != 0 &&
 678                 locNumScr > XScreenCount(awt_display))
 679             {
 680                 DTRACE_PRINTLN("Enabling Xinerama support");

 696 #endif
 698 /*
 699  * Checks if Xinerama is running and perform Xinerama-related
 700  * platform dependent initialization.
 701  */
 702 static void xineramaInit(void) {
 703     char* XinExtName = "XINERAMA";
 704     int32_t major_opcode, first_event, first_error;
 705     Bool gotXinExt = False;
 707     gotXinExt = XQueryExtension(awt_display, XinExtName, &major_opcode,
 708                                 &first_event, &first_error);
 710     if (!gotXinExt) {
 711         DTRACE_PRINTLN("Xinerama extension is not available");
 712         return;
 713     }
 715     DTRACE_PRINTLN("Xinerama extension is available");
 716 #if defined(__solaris__)

 717     xinerama_init_solaris();
 718 #else /* Linux, Mac, AIX */
 719     xinerama_init_linux();
 720 #endif
 721 }
 722 #endif /* HEADLESS */
 724 Display *
 725 awt_init_Display(JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
 726 {
 727     jclass klass;
 728     Display *dpy;
 729     char errmsg[128];
 730     int i;
 731 #ifdef NETSCAPE
 732     sigset_t alarm_set, oldset;
 733 #endif
 735     if (awt_display) {
 736         return awt_display;
 737     }
 739 #ifdef NETSCAPE
 740     /* Disable interrupts during XtOpenDisplay to avoid bugs in unix os select

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