1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package sun.management.snmp.jvminstr;
  28 // java imports
  29 //
  30 import java.io.Serializable;
  31 import java.util.List;
  32 import java.util.Map;
  33 import java.util.TreeMap;
  35 // jmx imports
  36 //
  37 import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpOid;
  38 import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpStatusException;
  40 // jdmk imports
  41 //
  42 import com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMib;
  43 import com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpStandardObjectServer;
  45 import java.lang.management.MemoryManagerMXBean;
  46 import java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean;
  47 import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
  49 import sun.management.snmp.jvmmib.JvmMemGCTableMeta;
  50 import sun.management.snmp.util.SnmpCachedData;
  51 import sun.management.snmp.util.SnmpTableCache;
  52 import sun.management.snmp.util.SnmpTableHandler;
  53 import sun.management.snmp.util.MibLogger;
  54 import sun.management.snmp.util.JvmContextFactory;
  56 /**
  57  * The class is used for implementing the "JvmMemGCTable" table.
  58  */
  59 public class JvmMemGCTableMetaImpl extends  JvmMemGCTableMeta {
  61     static final long serialVersionUID = 8250461197108867607L;
  63     /**
  64      * This class acts as a filter over the SnmpTableHandler
  65      * used for the JvmMemoryManagerTable. It filters out
  66      * (skip) all MemoryManagerMXBean that are not instances of
  67      * GarbageCollectorMXBean so that only Garbage Collectors are
  68      * seen. This is a better solution than relying on
  69      * ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans() because it makes it
  70      * possible to guarantee the consistency betwen the MemoryManager table
  71      * and the GCTable since both will be sharing the same cache.
  72      **/
  73     protected static class GCTableFilter {
  75         /**
  76          * Returns the index that immediately follows the given
  77          * <var>index</var>. The returned index is strictly greater
  78          * than the given <var>index</var>, and is contained in the table.
  79          * <br>If the given <var>index</var> is null, returns the first
  80          * index in the table.
  81          * <br>If there are no index after the given <var>index</var>,
  82          * returns null.
  83          * This method is an optimization for the case where the
  84          * SnmpTableHandler is in fact an instance of SnmpCachedData.
  85          **/
  86         public SnmpOid getNext(SnmpCachedData datas, SnmpOid index) {
  88             final boolean dbg = log.isDebugOn();
  90             // We're going to loop until we find an instance of
  91             // GarbageCollectorMXBean. First we attempt to find
  92             // the next element whose OID follows the given index.
  93             // If `index' is null, the insertion point is -1
  94             // (the next is 0 = -insertion - 1)
  95             //
  96             final int insertion = (index==null)?-1:datas.find(index);
  97             if (dbg) log.debug("GCTableFilter","oid="+index+
  98                                " at insertion="+insertion);
 100             int next;
 101             if (insertion > -1) next = insertion+1;
 102             else next = -insertion -1;
 104             // Now `next' points to the element that imediately
 105             // follows the given `index'. We're going to loop
 106             // through the table, starting at `next' (included),
 107             // and return the first element which is an instance
 108             // of GarbageCollectorMXBean.
 109             //
 110             for (;next<datas.indexes.length;next++) {
 111                 if (dbg) log.debug("GCTableFilter","next="+next);
 112                 final Object value = datas.datas[next];
 113                 if (dbg) log.debug("GCTableFilter","value["+next+"]=" +
 114                       ((MemoryManagerMXBean)value).getName());
 115                 if (value instanceof GarbageCollectorMXBean) {
 116                     // That's the next: return it.
 117                     if (dbg) log.debug("GCTableFilter",
 118                           ((MemoryManagerMXBean)value).getName() +
 119                           " is a  GarbageCollectorMXBean.");
 120                     return datas.indexes[next];
 121                 }
 122                 if (dbg) log.debug("GCTableFilter",
 123                       ((MemoryManagerMXBean)value).getName() +
 124                       " is not a  GarbageCollectorMXBean: " +
 125                       value.getClass().getName());
 126                 // skip to next index...
 127             }
 128             return null;
 129         }
 131         /**
 132          * Returns the index that immediately follows the given
 133          * <var>index</var>. The returned index is strictly greater
 134          * than the given <var>index</var>, and is contained in the table.
 135          * <br>If the given <var>index</var> is null, returns the first
 136          * index in the table.
 137          * <br>If there are no index after the given <var>index</var>,
 138          * returns null.
 139          **/
 140         public SnmpOid getNext(SnmpTableHandler handler, SnmpOid index) {
 142             // try to call the optimized method
 143             if (handler instanceof SnmpCachedData)
 144                 return getNext((SnmpCachedData)handler, index);
 146             // too bad - revert to non-optimized generic algorithm
 147             SnmpOid next = index;
 148             do {
 149                 next = handler.getNext(next);
 150                 final Object value = handler.getData(next);
 151                 if (value instanceof GarbageCollectorMXBean)
 152                     // That's the next! return it
 153                     return next;
 154                 // skip to next index...
 155             } while (next != null);
 156             return null;
 157         }
 159         /**
 160          * Returns the data associated with the given index.
 161          * If the given index is not found, null is returned.
 162          * Note that returning null does not necessarily means that
 163          * the index was not found.
 164          **/
 165         public Object  getData(SnmpTableHandler handler, SnmpOid index) {
 166             final Object value = handler.getData(index);
 167             if (value instanceof GarbageCollectorMXBean) return value;
 168             // Behaves as if there was nothing at this index...
 169             //
 170             return null;
 171         }
 173         /**
 174          * Returns true if the given <var>index</var> is present.
 175          **/
 176         public boolean contains(SnmpTableHandler handler, SnmpOid index) {
 177             if (handler.getData(index) instanceof GarbageCollectorMXBean)
 178                 return true;
 179             // Behaves as if there was nothing at this index...
 180             //
 181             return false;
 182         }
 183     }
 186     private transient JvmMemManagerTableMetaImpl managers = null;
 187     private static GCTableFilter filter = new GCTableFilter();
 190     /**
 191      * Constructor for the table. Initialize metadata for "JvmMemGCTableMeta".
 192      */
 193     public JvmMemGCTableMetaImpl(SnmpMib myMib,
 194                                  SnmpStandardObjectServer objserv) {
 195         super(myMib,objserv);
 196     }
 198     // Returns a pointer to the JvmMemManager meta node - we're going
 199     // to reuse its SnmpTableHandler by filtering out all that is
 200     // not a GarbageCollectorMXBean.
 201     private final JvmMemManagerTableMetaImpl getManagers(SnmpMib mib) {
 202         if (managers == null) {
 203             managers = (JvmMemManagerTableMetaImpl)
 204                 mib.getRegisteredTableMeta("JvmMemManagerTable");
 205         }
 206         return managers;
 207     }
 209     /**
 210      * Returns the JvmMemManagerTable SnmpTableHandler
 211      **/
 212     protected SnmpTableHandler getHandler(Object userData) {
 213         JvmMemManagerTableMetaImpl managerTable= getManagers(theMib);
 214         return managerTable.getHandler(userData);
 215     }
 217     // See com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibTable
 218     protected SnmpOid getNextOid(Object userData)
 219         throws SnmpStatusException {
 220         // null means get the first OID.
 221         return getNextOid(null,userData);
 222     }
 224     // See com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibTable
 225     protected SnmpOid getNextOid(SnmpOid oid, Object userData)
 226         throws SnmpStatusException {
 227         final boolean dbg = log.isDebugOn();
 228         try {
 229             if (dbg) log.debug("getNextOid", "previous=" + oid);
 231             // Get the data handler.
 232             //
 233             SnmpTableHandler handler = getHandler(userData);
 234             if (handler == null) {
 235                 // This should never happen.
 236                 // If we get here it's a bug.
 237                 //
 238                 if (dbg) log.debug("getNextOid", "handler is null!");
 239                 throw new
 240                     SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);
 241             }
 244             // Get the next oid, using the GC filter.
 245             //
 246             final SnmpOid next = filter.getNext(handler,oid);
 247             if (dbg) log.debug("getNextOid", "next=" + next);
 249             // if next is null: we reached the end of the table.
 250             //
 251             if (next == null)
 252                 throw new
 253                     SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);
 255             return next;
 256         } catch (RuntimeException x) {
 257             // debug. This should never happen.
 258             //
 259             if (dbg) log.debug("getNextOid",x);
 260             throw x;
 261         }
 262     }
 265     // See com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibTable
 266     protected boolean contains(SnmpOid oid, Object userData) {
 267         // Get the handler.
 268         //
 269         SnmpTableHandler handler = getHandler(userData);
 271         // handler should never be null.
 272         //
 273         if (handler == null)
 274             return false;
 275         return filter.contains(handler,oid);
 276     }
 278     // See com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibTable
 279     public Object getEntry(SnmpOid oid)
 280         throws SnmpStatusException {
 282         if (oid == null)
 283             throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);
 285         // Get the request contextual cache (userData).
 286         //
 287         final Map<Object, Object> m = JvmContextFactory.getUserData();
 289         // First look in the request contextual cache: maybe we've already
 290         // created this entry...
 291         //
 293         // We know in the case of this table that the index is an integer,
 294         // it is thus the first OID arc of the index OID.
 295         //
 296         final long   index    = oid.getOidArc(0);
 298         // We're going to use this name to store/retrieve the entry in
 299         // the request contextual cache.
 300         //
 301         // Revisit: Probably better programming to put all these strings
 302         //          in some interface.
 303         //
 304         final String entryTag = ((m==null)?null:("JvmMemGCTable.entry." +
 305                                                  index));
 307         // If the entry is in the cache, simply return it.
 308         //
 309         if (m != null) {
 310             final Object entry = m.get(entryTag);
 311             if (entry != null) return entry;
 312         }
 314         // Entry was not in request cache. Make a new one.
 315         //
 316         // Get the data hanler.
 317         //
 318         SnmpTableHandler handler = getHandler(m);
 320         // handler should never be null.
 321         //
 322         if (handler == null)
 323             throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);
 325         // Use the filter to retrieve only GarabageCollectorMBean data.
 326         //
 327         final Object data = filter.getData(handler,oid);
 329         // data may be null if the OID we were given is not valid.
 330         // (e.g. it identifies a MemoryManager which is not a
 331         // GarbageCollector)
 332         //
 333         if (data == null)
 334             throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException.noSuchInstance);
 336         // Make a new entryy (transient object that will be kept only
 337         // for the duration of the request.
 338         //
 339         final Object entry =
 340             new JvmMemGCEntryImpl((GarbageCollectorMXBean)data,(int)index);
 342         // Put the entry in the request cache in case we need it later
 343         // in the processing of the request. Note that we could have
 344         // optimized this by making JvmMemGCEntryImpl extend
 345         // JvmMemManagerEntryImpl, and then make sure that
 346         // JvmMemManagerTableMetaImpl creates an instance of JvmMemGCEntryImpl
 347         // instead of JvmMemManagerEntryImpl when the associated data is
 348         // an instance of GarbageCollectorMXBean. This would have made it
 349         // possible to share the transient entry object.
 350         // As it is, we may have two transient objects that points to
 351         // the same underlying MemoryManagerMXBean (which is definitely
 352         // not a problem - but is only a small dysatisfaction)
 353         //
 354         if (m != null && entry != null) {
 355             m.put(entryTag,entry);
 356         }
 358         return entry;
 359     }
 361     static final MibLogger log = new MibLogger(JvmMemGCTableMetaImpl.class);
 362 }