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rev 7743 : 8069034: gc/g1/TestEagerReclaimHumongousRegionsClearMarkBits.java nightly failure
Summary: When checking for humongous objects to reclaim, we dirty cards that might belong to freed regions. Fixed by checking the region before dirtying.

*** 3523,3537 **** --- 3523,3542 ---- G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS* bs = g1h->g1_barrier_set(); HeapRegionRemSetIterator hrrs(r->rem_set()); size_t card_index; while (hrrs.has_next(card_index)) { jbyte* card_ptr = (jbyte*)bs->byte_for_index(card_index); + // The remembered set might contain references to already freed + // regions. Filter out such entries to avoid failing card table + // verification. + if (!g1h->heap_region_containing(bs->addr_for(card_ptr))->is_free()) { if (*card_ptr != CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val()) { *card_ptr = CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val(); _dcq.enqueue(card_ptr); } } + } r->rem_set()->clear_locked(); } assert(r->rem_set()->is_empty(), "At this point any humongous candidate remembered set must be empty."); g1h->register_humongous_region_with_in_cset_fast_test(region_idx); _candidate_humongous++;
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