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rev 15335 : Async Queues

  70  *        /\
  71  *        ||
  72  * "lowerRead" method puts buffers into channelInputQ. It is invoked from
  73  * OP_READ events from the selector.
  74  *
  75  * Whenever handshaking is required, the doHandshaking() method is called
  76  * which creates a thread to complete the handshake. It takes over the
  77  * channelInputQ from upperRead, and puts outgoing packets on channelOutputQ.
  78  * Selector events are delivered to lowerRead and lowerWrite as normal.
  79  *
  80  * Errors
  81  *
  82  * Any exception thrown by the engine or channel, causes all Queues to be closed
  83  * the channel to be closed, and the error is reported to the user's
  84  * Consumer<Throwable>
  85  */
  86 class AsyncSSLDelegate implements Closeable, AsyncConnection {
  88     // outgoing buffers put in this queue first and may remain here
  89     // while SSL handshaking happening.
  90     final Queue<ByteBuffer> appOutputQ;
  92     // queue of wrapped ByteBuffers waiting to be sent on socket channel
  93     //final Queue<ByteBuffer> channelOutputQ;
  95     // Bytes read into this queue before being unwrapped. Backup on this
  96     // Q should only happen when the engine is stalled due to delegated tasks
  97     final Queue<ByteBuffer> channelInputQ;
  99     // input occurs through the read() method which is expected to be called
 100     // when the selector signals some data is waiting to be read. All incoming
 101     // handshake data is handled in this method, which means some calls to
 102     // read() may return zero bytes of user data. This is not a sign of spinning,
 103     // just that the handshake mechanics are being executed.
 105     final SSLEngine engine;
 106     final SSLParameters sslParameters;
 107     //final SocketChannel chan;
 108     final HttpConnection lowerOutput;
 109     final HttpClientImpl client;
 110     final ExecutorService executor;
 111     final BufferHandler bufPool;
 112     Consumer<ByteBuffer> receiver;
 113     Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler;
 114     // Locks.
 115     final Object reader = new Object();
 116     final Object writer = new Object();
 117     // synchronizing handshake state
 118     final Object handshaker = new Object();
 119     // flag set when reader or writer is blocked waiting for handshake to finish
 120     boolean writerBlocked;
 121     boolean readerBlocked;
 123     // some thread is currently doing the handshake
 124     boolean handshaking;
 126     // alpn[] may be null. upcall is callback which receives incoming decoded bytes off socket
 128     AsyncSSLDelegate(HttpConnection lowerOutput, HttpClientImpl client, String[] alpn)
 129     {
 130         SSLContext context = client.sslContext();
 131         executor = client.executorService();
 132         bufPool = client;
 133         appOutputQ = new Queue<>();
 134         appOutputQ.registerPutCallback(this::upperWrite);
 135         //channelOutputQ = new Queue<>();
 136         //channelOutputQ.registerPutCallback(this::lowerWrite);
 137         engine = context.createSSLEngine();
 138         engine.setUseClientMode(true);
 139         SSLParameters sslp = client.sslParameters().orElse(null);
 140         if (sslp == null) {
 141             sslp = context.getSupportedSSLParameters();
 142             //sslp = context.getDefaultSSLParameters();
 143             //printParams(sslp);
 144         }
 145         sslParameters = Utils.copySSLParameters(sslp);
 146         if (alpn != null) {
 147             sslParameters.setApplicationProtocols(alpn);
 148         }
 149         logParams(sslParameters);
 150         engine.setSSLParameters(sslParameters);
 151         this.lowerOutput = lowerOutput;
 152         this.client = client;
 153         this.channelInputQ = new Queue<>();
 154         this.channelInputQ.registerPutCallback(this::upperRead);
 155     }
 157     /**
 158      * Put buffers to appOutputQ, and call upperWrite() if q was empty.
 159      *
 160      * @param src
 161      */
 162     public void write(ByteBuffer[] src) throws IOException {
 163         appOutputQ.putAll(src);

 164     }
 166     public void write(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
 167         ByteBuffer[] a = new ByteBuffer[1];
 168         a[0] = buf;
 169         write(a);

 170     }
 172     @Override
 173     public void close() {
 174         Utils.close(appOutputQ, channelInputQ, lowerOutput);
 175     }
 177     /**
 178      * Attempts to wrap buffers from appOutputQ and place them on the
 179      * channelOutputQ for writing. If handshaking is happening, then the
 180      * process stalls and last buffers taken off the appOutputQ are put back
 181      * into it until handshaking completes.
 182      *
 183      * This same method is called to try and resume output after a blocking
 184      * handshaking operation has completed.
 185      */
 186     private void upperWrite() {
 187         try {
 188             EngineResult r = null;
 189             ByteBuffer[] buffers = appOutputQ.pollAll(Utils.EMPTY_BB_ARRAY);
 190             int bytes = Utils.remaining(buffers);
 191             while (bytes > 0) {
 192                 synchronized (writer) {
 193                     r = wrapBuffers(buffers);
 194                     int bytesProduced = r.bytesProduced();
 195                     int bytesConsumed = r.bytesConsumed();
 196                     bytes -= bytesConsumed;
 197                     if (bytesProduced > 0) {
 198                         // pass destination buffer to channelOutputQ.
 199                         lowerOutput.write(r.destBuffer);
 200                     }
 201                     synchronized (handshaker) {
 202                         if (r.handshaking()) {
 203                             // handshaking is happening or is needed
 204                             // so we put the buffers back on Q to process again
 205                             // later. It's possible that some may have already
 206                             // been processed, which is ok.
 207                             appOutputQ.pushbackAll(buffers);
 208                             writerBlocked = true;
 209                             if (!handshaking()) {
 210                                 // execute the handshake in another thread.
 211                                 // This method will be called again to resume sending
 212                                 // later
 213                                 doHandshake(r);
 214                             }
 215                             return;
 216                         }
 217                     }
 218                 }
 219             }
 220             returnBuffers(buffers);
 221         } catch (Throwable t) {
 222             close();
 223             errorHandler.accept(t);
 224         }
 225     }
 227     private void doHandshake(EngineResult r) {

 228         handshaking = true;
 229         channelInputQ.registerPutCallback(null);
 230         executor.execute(() -> {
 231             try {
 232                 doHandshakeImpl(r);
 233                 channelInputQ.registerPutCallback(this::upperRead);

 234             } catch (Throwable t) {
 235                 close();
 236                 errorHandler.accept(t);
 237             }
 238         });
 239     }

 241     private void returnBuffers(ByteBuffer[] bufs) {
 242         for (ByteBuffer buf : bufs)
 243             client.returnBuffer(buf);
 244     }
 246     /**
 247      * Return true if some thread is currently doing the handshake
 248      *
 249      * @return
 250      */
 251     boolean handshaking() {
 252         synchronized(handshaker) {
 253             return handshaking;
 254         }
 255     }
 257     /**
 258      * Executes entire handshake in calling thread.
 259      * Returns after handshake is completed or error occurs
 260      * @param r
 261      * @throws IOException
 262      */
 263     private void doHandshakeImpl(EngineResult r) throws IOException {
 264         while (true) {
 265             SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus status = r.handshakeStatus();
 266             if (status == NEED_TASK) {
 267                 LinkedList<Runnable> tasks = obtainTasks();
 268                 for (Runnable task : tasks)
 269                     task.run();
 270                 r = handshakeWrapAndSend();
 271             } else if (status == NEED_WRAP) {
 272                 r = handshakeWrapAndSend();
 273             } else if (status == NEED_UNWRAP) {
 274                 r = handshakeReceiveAndUnWrap();
 275             }
 276             if (!r.handshaking())
 277                 break;
 278         }
 279         boolean dowrite = false;
 280         boolean doread = false;
 281         // Handshake is finished. Now resume reading and/or writing
 282         synchronized(handshaker) {
 283             handshaking = false;
 284             if (writerBlocked) {
 285                 writerBlocked = false;
 286                 dowrite = true;
 287             }
 288             if (readerBlocked) {
 289                 readerBlocked = false;
 290                 doread = true;
 291             }
 292         }
 293         if (dowrite)
 294             upperWrite();
 295         if (doread)
 296             upperRead();
 297     }
 299     // acknowledge a received CLOSE request from peer
 300     void doClosure() throws IOException {
 301         //while (!wrapAndSend(emptyArray))
 302             //;
 303     }
 305     LinkedList<Runnable> obtainTasks() {
 306         LinkedList<Runnable> l = new LinkedList<>();
 307         Runnable r;
 308         while ((r = engine.getDelegatedTask()) != null)
 309             l.add(r);
 310         return l;
 311     }
 313     @Override
 314     public synchronized void setAsyncCallbacks(Consumer<ByteBuffer> asyncReceiver, Consumer<Throwable> errorReceiver) {
 315         this.receiver = asyncReceiver;
 316         this.errorHandler = errorReceiver;
 317     }

 339         int bytesProduced() {
 340             return result.bytesProduced();
 341         }
 343         Throwable exception() {
 344             return t;
 345         }
 347         SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus() {
 348             return result.getHandshakeStatus();
 349         }
 351         SSLEngineResult.Status status() {
 352             return result.getStatus();
 353         }
 354     }
 356     EngineResult handshakeWrapAndSend() throws IOException {
 357         EngineResult r = wrapBuffer(Utils.EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER);
 358         if (r.bytesProduced() > 0) {
 359             lowerOutput.write(r.destBuffer);

 360         }
 361         return r;
 362     }
 364     // called during handshaking. It blocks until a complete packet
 365     // is available, unwraps it and returns.
 366     EngineResult handshakeReceiveAndUnWrap() throws IOException {
 367         ByteBuffer buf = channelInputQ.take();
 368         while (true) {
 369             // block waiting for input
 370             EngineResult r = unwrapBuffer(buf);
 371             SSLEngineResult.Status status = r.status();
 372             if (status == BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
 373                 // wait for another buffer to arrive
 374                 ByteBuffer buf1 = channelInputQ.take();
 375                 buf = combine (buf, buf1);
 376                 continue;
 377             }
 378             // OK
 379             // theoretically possible we could receive some user data

 440                     r.destBuffer = dst;
 441                     return r;
 442             }
 443         }
 444     }
 446     /**
 447      * Asynchronous read input. Call this when selector fires.
 448      * Unwrap done in upperRead because it also happens in
 449      * doHandshake() when handshake taking place
 450      */
 451     public void lowerRead(ByteBuffer buffer) {
 452         try {
 453             channelInputQ.put(buffer);
 454         } catch (Throwable t) {
 455             close();
 456             errorHandler.accept(t);
 457         }
 458     }
 460     public void upperRead() {
 461         EngineResult r;
 462         ByteBuffer srcbuf;
 463         synchronized (reader) {
 464             try {
 465                 srcbuf = channelInputQ.poll();
 466                 if (srcbuf == null) {
 467                     return;
 468                 }
 469                 while (true) {
 470                     r = unwrapBuffer(srcbuf);
 471                     switch (r.result.getStatus()) {
 472                         case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW:
 473                             // Buffer too small. Need to combine with next buf
 474                             ByteBuffer nextBuf = channelInputQ.poll();
 475                             if (nextBuf == null) {
 476                                 // no data available. push buffer back until more data available
 477                                 channelInputQ.pushback(srcbuf);
 478                                 return;
 479                             } else {
 480                                 srcbuf = combine(srcbuf, nextBuf);
 481                             }
 482                             break;
 483                         case OK:
 484                             // check for any handshaking work
 485                             synchronized (handshaker) {
 486                                 if (r.handshaking()) {
 487                                     // handshaking is happening or is needed
 488                                     // so we put the buffer back on Q to process again
 489                                     // later.
 490                                     channelInputQ.pushback(srcbuf);
 491                                     readerBlocked = true;
 492                                     if (!handshaking()) {
 493                                         // execute the handshake in another thread.
 494                                         // This method will be called again to resume sending
 495                                         // later
 496                                         doHandshake(r);
 497                                     }
 498                                     return;
 499                                 }
 500                             }
 501                             ByteBuffer dst = r.destBuffer;
 502                             if (dst.hasRemaining()) {
 503                                 receiver.accept(dst);
 504                             }
 505                     }
 506                     if (srcbuf.hasRemaining()) {
 507                         continue;
 508                     }
 509                     srcbuf = channelInputQ.poll();
 510                     if (srcbuf == null) {
 511                         return;
 512                     }
 513                 }
 514             } catch (Throwable t) {
 515                 close();
 516                 errorHandler.accept(t);
 517             }
 518         }
 519     }
 521     /**
 522      * Get a new buffer that is the right size for application buffers.
 523      *
 524      * @return
 525      */
 526     ByteBuffer getApplicationBuffer() {
 527         SSLSession session = engine.getSession();
 528         int appBufsize = session.getApplicationBufferSize();
 529         bufPool.setMinBufferSize(appBufsize);
 530         return bufPool.getBuffer(appBufsize);
 531     }
 533     ByteBuffer getPacketBuffer() {
 534         SSLSession session = engine.getSession();
 535         int packetBufSize = session.getPacketBufferSize();
 536         bufPool.setMinBufferSize(packetBufSize);
 537         return bufPool.getBuffer(packetBufSize);
 538     }

  70  *        /\
  71  *        ||
  72  * "lowerRead" method puts buffers into channelInputQ. It is invoked from
  73  * OP_READ events from the selector.
  74  *
  75  * Whenever handshaking is required, the doHandshaking() method is called
  76  * which creates a thread to complete the handshake. It takes over the
  77  * channelInputQ from upperRead, and puts outgoing packets on channelOutputQ.
  78  * Selector events are delivered to lowerRead and lowerWrite as normal.
  79  *
  80  * Errors
  81  *
  82  * Any exception thrown by the engine or channel, causes all Queues to be closed
  83  * the channel to be closed, and the error is reported to the user's
  84  * Consumer<Throwable>
  85  */
  86 class AsyncSSLDelegate implements Closeable, AsyncConnection {
  88     // outgoing buffers put in this queue first and may remain here
  89     // while SSL handshaking happening.
  90     final AsyncWriteQueue<ByteBuffer[]> appOutputQ;
  92     // queue of wrapped ByteBuffers waiting to be sent on socket channel
  93     //final Queue<ByteBuffer> channelOutputQ;
  95     // Bytes read into this queue before being unwrapped. Backup on this
  96     // Q should only happen when the engine is stalled due to delegated tasks
  97     final AsyncReadQueue<ByteBuffer> channelInputQ;
  99     // input occurs through the read() method which is expected to be called
 100     // when the selector signals some data is waiting to be read. All incoming
 101     // handshake data is handled in this method, which means some calls to
 102     // read() may return zero bytes of user data. This is not a sign of spinning,
 103     // just that the handshake mechanics are being executed.
 105     final SSLEngine engine;
 106     final SSLParameters sslParameters;
 107     //final SocketChannel chan;
 108     final AsyncConnection lowerOutput;
 109     final HttpClientImpl client;
 110     final ExecutorService executor;
 111     final BufferHandler bufPool;
 112     Consumer<ByteBuffer> receiver;
 113     Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler;

 114     // synchronizing handshake state
 115     final Object handshaker = new Object();

 117     // some thread is currently doing the handshake
 118     boolean handshaking;
 120     // alpn[] may be null. upcall is callback which receives incoming decoded bytes off socket
 122     AsyncSSLDelegate(HttpConnection lowerOutput, HttpClientImpl client, String[] alpn)
 123     {
 124         SSLContext context = client.sslContext();
 125         executor = client.executorService();
 126         bufPool = client;
 127         appOutputQ = new AsyncWriteQueue<>(this::upperWrite);

 128         //channelOutputQ = new Queue<>();
 129         //channelOutputQ.registerPutCallback(this::lowerWrite);
 130         engine = context.createSSLEngine();
 131         engine.setUseClientMode(true);
 132         SSLParameters sslp = client.sslParameters().orElse(null);
 133         if (sslp == null) {
 134             sslp = context.getSupportedSSLParameters();
 135             //sslp = context.getDefaultSSLParameters();
 136             //printParams(sslp);
 137         }
 138         sslParameters = Utils.copySSLParameters(sslp);
 139         if (alpn != null) {
 140             sslParameters.setApplicationProtocols(alpn);
 141         }
 142         logParams(sslParameters);
 143         engine.setSSLParameters(sslParameters);
 144         this.lowerOutput = (AsyncConnection)lowerOutput;
 145         this.client = client;
 146         this.channelInputQ = new AsyncReadQueue<>(this::upperRead,this::combine);

 147     }
 149     /**
 150      * Put buffers to appOutputQ, and call upperWrite() if q was empty.
 151      *
 152      * @param src
 153      */
 154     @Override
 155     public void writeAsync(ByteBuffer[] src) throws IOException {
 156         appOutputQ.put(src);
 157     }
 159     @Override
 160     public void writeAsyncUnordered(ByteBuffer[] buffers) throws IOException {
 161         appOutputQ.putFirst(buffers);
 162     }
 164     @Override
 165     public void flushAsync() {
 166         if(appOutputQ.flush()) {
 167             lowerOutput.flushAsync();
 168         }
 169     }
 171     @Override
 172     public void close() {
 173         Utils.close( channelInputQ, (HttpConnection)lowerOutput);
 174     }
 176     private void upperWrite(ByteBuffer[] buffers, Consumer<ByteBuffer[]> setDelayCallback) {

 177         try {

 178             int bytes = Utils.remaining(buffers);
 179             while (bytes > 0) {
 180                 EngineResult r = wrapBuffers(buffers);

 181                 int bytesProduced = r.bytesProduced();
 182                 int bytesConsumed = r.bytesConsumed();
 183                 bytes -= bytesConsumed;
 184                 if (bytesProduced > 0) {
 185                     lowerOutput.writeAsync(new ByteBuffer[]{r.destBuffer});

 186                 }

 187                 if (r.handshaking()) {
 188                     setDelayCallback.accept(buffers);

 189                     doHandshake(r);

 190                     return;
 191                 }
 192             }

 193             returnBuffers(buffers);
 194         } catch (Throwable t) {
 195             close();
 196             errorHandler.accept(t);
 197         }
 198     }
 200     private void doHandshake(EngineResult r) {
 201         synchronized (handshaker) {
 202             if (!handshaking()) {
 203                 // execute the handshake in another thread.
 204                 // This method will be called again to resume sending
 205                 // later
 206                 handshaking = true;
 207                 channelInputQ.setDelayed(null);
 208                 executor.execute(() -> {
 209                     try {
 210                         doHandshakeImpl(r);
 211                         appOutputQ.flushDelayed();
 212                         lowerOutput.flushAsync();
 213                         channelInputQ.setDirect();
 214                     } catch (Throwable t) {
 215                         close();
 216                         errorHandler.accept(t);
 217                     }
 218                 });
 219             }
 220         }
 221     }
 223     private void returnBuffers(ByteBuffer[] bufs) {
 224         for (ByteBuffer buf : bufs)
 225             client.returnBuffer(buf);
 226     }
 228     /**
 229      * Return true if some thread is currently doing the handshake
 230      *
 231      * @return
 232      */
 233     boolean handshaking() {
 234         synchronized(handshaker) {
 235             return handshaking;
 236         }
 237     }
 239     /**
 240      * Executes entire handshake in calling thread.
 241      * Returns after handshake is completed or error occurs
 242      * @param r
 243      * @throws IOException
 244      */
 245     private void doHandshakeImpl(EngineResult r) throws IOException {
 246         while (true) {
 247             SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus status = r.handshakeStatus();
 248             if (status == NEED_TASK) {
 249                 LinkedList<Runnable> tasks = obtainTasks();
 250                 for (Runnable task : tasks)
 251                     task.run();
 252                 r = handshakeWrapAndSend();
 253             } else if (status == NEED_WRAP) {
 254                 r = handshakeWrapAndSend();
 255             } else if (status == NEED_UNWRAP) {
 256                 r = handshakeReceiveAndUnWrap();
 257             }
 258             if (!r.handshaking())
 259                 break;
 260         }

 261         // Handshake is finished. Now resume reading and/or writing
 262         synchronized(handshaker) {
 263             handshaking = false;

 264         }
 265     }

 267     // acknowledge a received CLOSE request from peer
 268     void doClosure() throws IOException {
 269         //while (!wrapAndSend(emptyArray))
 270             //;
 271     }
 273     LinkedList<Runnable> obtainTasks() {
 274         LinkedList<Runnable> l = new LinkedList<>();
 275         Runnable r;
 276         while ((r = engine.getDelegatedTask()) != null)
 277             l.add(r);
 278         return l;
 279     }
 281     @Override
 282     public synchronized void setAsyncCallbacks(Consumer<ByteBuffer> asyncReceiver, Consumer<Throwable> errorReceiver) {
 283         this.receiver = asyncReceiver;
 284         this.errorHandler = errorReceiver;
 285     }

 307         int bytesProduced() {
 308             return result.bytesProduced();
 309         }
 311         Throwable exception() {
 312             return t;
 313         }
 315         SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus() {
 316             return result.getHandshakeStatus();
 317         }
 319         SSLEngineResult.Status status() {
 320             return result.getStatus();
 321         }
 322     }
 324     EngineResult handshakeWrapAndSend() throws IOException {
 325         EngineResult r = wrapBuffer(Utils.EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER);
 326         if (r.bytesProduced() > 0) {
 327             lowerOutput.writeAsync(new ByteBuffer[]{r.destBuffer});
 328             lowerOutput.flushAsync();
 329         }
 330         return r;
 331     }
 333     // called during handshaking. It blocks until a complete packet
 334     // is available, unwraps it and returns.
 335     EngineResult handshakeReceiveAndUnWrap() throws IOException {
 336         ByteBuffer buf = channelInputQ.take();
 337         while (true) {
 338             // block waiting for input
 339             EngineResult r = unwrapBuffer(buf);
 340             SSLEngineResult.Status status = r.status();
 341             if (status == BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
 342                 // wait for another buffer to arrive
 343                 ByteBuffer buf1 = channelInputQ.take();
 344                 buf = combine (buf, buf1);
 345                 continue;
 346             }
 347             // OK
 348             // theoretically possible we could receive some user data

 409                     r.destBuffer = dst;
 410                     return r;
 411             }
 412         }
 413     }
 415     /**
 416      * Asynchronous read input. Call this when selector fires.
 417      * Unwrap done in upperRead because it also happens in
 418      * doHandshake() when handshake taking place
 419      */
 420     public void lowerRead(ByteBuffer buffer) {
 421         try {
 422             channelInputQ.put(buffer);
 423         } catch (Throwable t) {
 424             close();
 425             errorHandler.accept(t);
 426         }
 427     }
 429     public void upperRead(ByteBuffer srcbuf, AsyncReadQueue<ByteBuffer> inputQ) {
 430         EngineResult r;

 432             try {
 433                 while (srcbuf.hasRemaining()) {

 434                     r = unwrapBuffer(srcbuf);
 435                     switch (r.result.getStatus()) {
 436                         case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW:
 437                             // Buffer too small. Need to combine with next buf
 438                               inputQ.pushback(srcbuf);

 439                               return;

 440                         case OK:
 441                             // check for any handshaking work

 442                             if (r.handshaking()) {
 443                                     // handshaking is happening or is needed
 444                                     // so we put the buffer back on Q to process again
 445                                     // later.
 446                                     inputQ.setDelayed(srcbuf);

 447                                     doHandshake(r);

 448                                     return;
 449                             }

 450                             ByteBuffer dst = r.destBuffer;
 451                             if (dst.hasRemaining()) {
 452                                 receiver.accept(dst);
 453                             }
 454                     }

 455                 }
 456             } catch (Throwable t) {
 457                 close();
 458                 errorHandler.accept(t);
 459             }

 460     }
 462     /**
 463      * Get a new buffer that is the right size for application buffers.
 464      *
 465      * @return
 466      */
 467     ByteBuffer getApplicationBuffer() {
 468         SSLSession session = engine.getSession();
 469         int appBufsize = session.getApplicationBufferSize();
 470         bufPool.setMinBufferSize(appBufsize);
 471         return bufPool.getBuffer(appBufsize);
 472     }
 474     ByteBuffer getPacketBuffer() {
 475         SSLSession session = engine.getSession();
 476         int packetBufSize = session.getPacketBufferSize();
 477         bufPool.setMinBufferSize(packetBufSize);
 478         return bufPool.getBuffer(packetBufSize);
 479     }

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